コード例 #1
  * The profile importer tries to import raw profile fields using the
  * strategy mechanism, but most of the useful profile information is stored
  * in the person entry corresponding to the author.
  * The persondata entry is not actually imported using a strategy, because
  * we need to be able to import basic data from the <author> element if
  * it's not present too. So all the person importing is handled in import_author_data()
 public static function get_import_strategies_for_entry(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer)
     if (self::$personcontentblank === null) {
         self::$personcontentblank = true;
         if ($persondataid = $importer->get('persondataid')) {
             self::$personcontentblank = !(string) $importer->get_entry_by_id($persondataid)->content;
     $isentry = PluginImportLeap::is_rdf_type($entry, $importer, 'entry');
     if ($isentry && self::$personcontentblank && PluginImportLeap::is_correct_category_scheme($entry, $importer, 'common_item', 'Personalstatement')) {
         return array(array('strategy' => self::STRATEGY_IMPORT_AS_INTRODUCTION, 'score' => 100, 'other_required_entries' => array()));
     // If it's a raw entry with the right mahara:plugin and mahara:type
     // we should be able to import it
     $correctplugintype = count($entry->xpath('mahara:artefactplugin[@mahara:plugin="internal"]')) == 1;
     if ($isentry && $correctplugintype) {
         return array(array('strategy' => self::STRATEGY_IMPORT_AS_PROFILE_FIELD, 'score' => 100, 'other_required_entries' => array()));
     return array();
コード例 #2
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/mahara
  * The profile importer has two strategies it can use for certain entries.
  * The profile importer attempts to "reserve" the persondata entry 
  * representing the user being imported (if one exists).
  * The persondata entry is not actually imported using a strategy, because 
  * we need to be able to import basic data from the <author> element if 
  * it's not present too. So all the importing is handled in one custom hook 
  * - import_author_data()
  * The importer also tries to reserve raw entries with mahara:plugin="internal"
  * - these can be used to populate some of our profile fields that aren't 
  * explicitly mapped in LEAP2A.
 public static function get_import_strategies_for_entry(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImport $importer)
     $strategies = array();
     if (is_null(self::$persondataid)) {
         $author = $importer->get('xml')->xpath('//a:feed/a:author[1]');
         $author = $author[0];
         if (isset($author->uri) && $importer->get_entry_by_id((string) $author->uri)) {
             self::$persondataid = (string) $author->uri;
         } else {
             self::$persondataid = false;
     // TODO: also check other element has the right leaptype (person)
     //$correctrdftype = count($entry->xpath('rdf:type['
     //    . $importer->curie_xpath('@rdf:resource', PluginImportLeap::NS_LEAPTYPE, 'selection') . ']')) == 1;
     if ((string) $entry->id == self::$persondataid) {
         $strategies[] = array('strategy' => self::STRATEGY_DUMMY, 'score' => 100, 'other_required_entries' => array());
     } else {
         // If it's a raw entry with the right mahara:plugin and mahara:type
         // we should be able to import it
         $correctrdftype = count($entry->xpath('rdf:type[' . $importer->curie_xpath('@rdf:resource', PluginImportLeap::NS_LEAPTYPE, 'entry') . ']')) == 1;
         $correctplugintype = count($entry->xpath('mahara:artefactplugin[@mahara:plugin="internal"]')) == 1;
         if ($correctrdftype && $correctplugintype) {
             $strategies[] = array('strategy' => self::STRATEGY_IMPORT_AS_PROFILE_FIELD, 'score' => 100, 'other_required_entries' => array());
     return $strategies;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/mahara
  * Import entries using our load mapping. See:
  * http://wiki.mahara.org/Developer_Area/Import%2f%2fExport/Import%3a_Implementation_Plan#second_pass.3a_load_all_entries_into_mahara_as_per_load_mapping
 private function import_from_load_mapping()
     // TODO: do both usedlists as by key instead of by value for faster checks
     $usedlist = $loadedentries = array();
     uksort($this->loadmapping, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["score"] < $b["score"];'));
     foreach ($this->loadmapping as $entryid => $strategydata) {
         if (in_array($entryid, $usedlist)) {
             // TODO: what should we do in this case?
             $this->trace("WARNING: {$entryid} has already been imported as part of a previous entry");
         if (isset($strategydata['other_required_entries'])) {
             foreach ($strategydata['other_required_entries'] as $otherentryid) {
                 if (in_array($otherentryid, $usedlist)) {
                     $this->trace("WARNING: {$entryid} has already been imported as part of a previous entry");
                     continue 2;
         $this->trace("Importing {$entryid} using strategy {$strategydata['strategy']} of plugin {$strategydata['artefactplugin']}");
         safe_require('artefact', $strategydata['artefactplugin']);
         $entry = $this->get_entry_by_id($entryid);
         $classname = 'LeapImport' . ucfirst($strategydata['artefactplugin']);
         // TODO: this throws ImportException if it can't be imported, need
         // to decide if this exception can bubble up or whether it should
         // be caught here
         $artefactmapping = call_static_method($classname, 'import_using_strategy', $entry, $this, $strategydata['strategy'], $strategydata['other_required_entries']);
         if (!is_array($artefactmapping)) {
             throw new SystemException("import_from_load_mapping(): {$classname}::import_using_strategy has not return a list");
         $this->artefactids = array_merge($this->artefactids, $artefactmapping);
         $usedlist[] = $entryid;
         if (isset($strategydata['other_required_entries'])) {
             foreach ($strategydata['other_required_entries'] as $otherentryid) {
                 $usedlist[] = $otherentryid;
         $loadedentries[] = $entryid;
     // The internal artefact plugin needs to deal with the <author> tag
     // plus persondata for the author.
     // Note: I don't feel guilty doing this in this way because a) internal
     // artefact plugin is required and b) it's the only one that needs this
     // TODO: this should return an artefact mapping so things can create
     // links to profile fields, but nothing actually needs it yet
     // Now all artefacts are loaded, allow each plugin to load
     // relationships for them if they need to
     foreach ($loadedentries as $entryid) {
         $strategydata = $this->loadmapping[$entryid];
         $classname = 'LeapImport' . ucfirst($strategydata['artefactplugin']);
         $entry = $this->get_entry_by_id($entryid);
         call_static_method($classname, 'setup_relationships', $entry, $this, $strategydata['strategy'], $strategydata['other_required_entries']);