Esempio n. 1
  * Prints a string to STDOUT.
  * @param string $string the string to print
  * @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error
 public static function stdout($string)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $string = parent::ansiFormat($string, $args) . "\n";
     return parent::stdout($string);
Esempio n. 2
  * Prints a string to STDOUT.
  * @param string $string the string to print
  * @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error
 public function stdout($string)
     if ($this->isColorEnabled()) {
         $args = func_get_args();
         $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args) . "\n";
     return Console::stdout($string);
 public function stdout($string)
     if (Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(STDOUT)) {
         $args = func_get_args();
         $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
     return Console::stdout($string);
  * message
  * @param string $string
  * @access private
  * @return integer|null
 private function message($string)
     if (!empty($string) && !$this->quiet) {
         $args = func_get_args();
         $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
         return Console::stdout($string);
Esempio n. 5
  * Logs a message to console and then to yii\log\Logger.
 public function log($message, $level, $category = 'application')
     if ($level <= $this->getSpamLevel()) {
         $style = self::$styles[$level];
         if ($style) {
             $message = Console::ansiFormat($message, $style);
         Console::stdout($message . "\n");
     parent::log($message, $level, $category);
  * @param string $string
  * @return string
 public function output($string)
     if ($this->isColorEnabled()) {
         $args = func_get_args();
         $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
     $b = Console::stdout($string);
     echo PHP_EOL;
     return $b;
Esempio n. 7
 public static function write($path, $content)
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $old = file_get_contents($path);
         if ($old === $content) {
     file_put_contents($path, $content);
     Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat("written file: {$path}\n", [Console::FG_YELLOW]));
Esempio n. 8
  * @inheritdoc
 public function export()
     foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
         $string = $this->formatMessage($message) . "\n";
         $level = $message[1];
         if ($this->stderrIsNotStdout && in_array($level, $this->stderrLevels)) {
             if ($this->stderrSupportsColors) {
                 Console::stderr(Console::ansiFormat($string, $this->colorMap[$level]));
             } else {
         if ($this->stdoutSupportsColors) {
             Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat($string, $this->colorMap[$level]));
         } else {
Esempio n. 9
  * Exports log [[messages]] to a specific destination.
  * Child classes must implement this method.
 public function export()
     foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
         list($text, $level, $category, $timestamp) = $message;
         if (!is_string($text)) {
             // exceptions may not be serializable if in the call stack somewhere is a Closure
             if ($text instanceof \Throwable || $text instanceof \Exception) {
                 $text = (string) $text;
             } else {
                 $text = VarDumper::export($text);
         $string = "[{$level}][{$category}] {$text}";
         if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_ERROR) {
         } else {
 public function callback(AMQPMessage $msg)
     $routingKey = $msg->delivery_info['routing_key'];
     $method = 'read' . Inflector::camelize($routingKey);
     if (!isset($this->interpreters[$this->queue])) {
         $interpreter = $this;
     } elseif (class_exists($this->interpreters[$this->queue])) {
         $interpreter = new $this->interpreters[$this->queue]();
         if (!$interpreter instanceof AmqpInterpreter) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("Class '%s' is not correct interpreter class.", $this->interpreters[$this->queue]));
     } else {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("Interpreter class '%s' was not found.", $this->interpreters[$this->queue]));
     if (method_exists($interpreter, $method)) {
         $info = ['exchange' => $msg->get('exchange'), 'queue' => $this->queue, 'routing_key' => $msg->get('routing_key'), 'reply_to' => $msg->has('reply_to') ? $msg->get('reply_to') : null];
         try {
             $interpreter->{$method}(Json::decode($msg->body, true), $info);
         } catch (\Exception $exc) {
             $error_info = "consumer fail:" . $exc->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . "info:" . print_r($info, true) . PHP_EOL . "body:" . PHP_EOL . print_r($msg->body, true) . PHP_EOL . $exc->getTraceAsString();
             \Yii::warning($error_info, __METHOD__);
             $format = [Console::FG_RED];
             Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat($error_info . PHP_EOL, $format));
             Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat($exc->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL, $format));
     } else {
         if (!isset($this->interpreters[$this->queue])) {
             $interpreter = new AmqpInterpreter();
         $error_info = "Unknown routing key '{$routingKey}' for exchange '{$this->queue}'.";
         $error_info .= PHP_EOL . $msg->body;
         \Yii::warning($error_info, __METHOD__);
         $interpreter->log(sprintf("Unknown routing key '%s' for exchange '%s'.", $routingKey, $this->queue), $interpreter::MESSAGE_ERROR);
         // debug the message
         $interpreter->log(print_r(Json::decode($msg->body, true), true), $interpreter::MESSAGE_INFO);
Esempio n. 11
 public function export()
     foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
         $string = $this->formatMessage($message) . "\n";
         $level = $message[1];
         if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_INFO) {
             if (strncmp('BEGIN ', $message[0], 6) == 0) {
                 $ansiColor = $this->_levelAnsiColorMap[Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN];
             } elseif (strncmp('END ', $message[0], 4) == 0) {
                 $ansiColor = $this->_levelAnsiColorMap[Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_END];
             } else {
                 $ansiColor = $this->_levelAnsiColorMap[Logger::LEVEL_INFO];
         } elseif (array_key_exists($level, $this->_levelAnsiColorMap)) {
             $ansiColor = $this->_levelAnsiColorMap[$level];
         } else {
             $ansiColor = $this->defaultAnsiColor;
         if ($this->_stdoutIsTerminal) {
             if ($this->_stdoutSupportsAnsiColors && $ansiColor) {
                 Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat($string, $ansiColor));
             } else {
         } else {
             if ($this->_stderrIsTerminal && ($level == Logger::LEVEL_ERROR || $level == Logger::LEVEL_WARNING)) {
                 if ($this->_stderrSupportsAnsiColors && $ansiColor) {
                     Console::stderr(Console::ansiFormat($string, $ansiColor));
                 } else {
Esempio n. 12
  * Prints a string to STDOUT
  * @param string $string
 public function stdout($string)
     if (Yii::$app->request->isConsoleRequest) {
         if (Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(STDOUT)) {
             $args = func_get_args();
             $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
         Console::stdout($string . "\n");
Esempio n. 13
  * Logs info and error messages.
  * @param $message
  * @param $type
 public static function log($message, $type = self::MESSAGE_INFO)
     $format = [$type == self::MESSAGE_ERROR ? Console::FG_RED : Console::FG_BLUE];
     Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat($message . PHP_EOL, $format));
Esempio n. 14
  * Prints a string to STDOUT
  * You may optionally format the string with ANSI codes by
  * passing additional parameters using the constants defined in [[\yii\helpers\Console]].
  * Example:
  * ~~~
  * $this->stdout('This will be red and underlined.', Console::FG_RED, Console::UNDERLINE);
  * ~~~
  * @param string $string the string to print
  * @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error
 public function stdout($string)
     if (Yii::$app->id != 'app-console') {
         return false;
     if ($this->isColorEnabled()) {
         $args = func_get_args();
         $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
     return Console::stdout($string);
Esempio n. 15
  * @param string $mode
  * @param string $path
  * @param bool   $recursive
  * @return bool
 public function chmod($mode, $path, $recursive = false)
     switch ($this->_connType) {
         case SftpHelper::TYPE_SFTP:
             $res = $this->_connection->chmod($mode, $path, $recursive);
         case SftpHelper::TYPE_FTP:
             if ($recursive) {
                 Log::throwException('Recursive not supported for chmod in ftp mode');
             $res = @ftp_chmod($this->_connection, $mode, $path);
     return $res;
Esempio n. 16
  * Fix the code formatting throughout Cascade and its related libraries.
 public function actionFixProject()
     $dirs = [Yii::getAlias('@cascade'), Yii::getAlias('@canis'), Yii::getAlias('@cascade/modules/core'), Yii::getAlias('@psesd/cascade'), Yii::getAlias('@canis/deferred'), Yii::getAlias('@canis/notification')];
     $customStart = microtime(true);
     Console::stdout("Running custom fixes..." . PHP_EOL);
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         $dirStart = microtime(true);
         $changed = 0;
         Console::stdout("\t" . $dir . "...");
         $files = FileHelper::findFiles($dir, ['only' => ['*.php'], 'recursive' => true]);
         Console::stdout("found " . count($files) . " files...");
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($this->fixFile($file)) {
         Console::stdout("changed {$changed} files in " . round(microtime(true) - $dirStart, 1) . "s!" . PHP_EOL);
     Console::stdout("done in " . round(microtime(true) - $customStart, 1) . "s!" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
     $phpcsStart = microtime(true);
     Console::stdout("Running style fixes..." . PHP_EOL);
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         $dirStart = microtime(true);
         $changed = 0;
         Console::stdout("\t" . $dir . "...");
         $configFiles = [];
         $configFiles[] = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.php_cs';
         $configFiles[] = dirname($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.php_cs';
         $configFiles[] = dirname(dirname($dir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.php_cs';
         $foundConfig = false;
         foreach ($configFiles as $configFile) {
             if (file_exists($configFile)) {
                 $foundConfig = $configFile;
         if (!$foundConfig) {
             Console::stdout("skipped!" . PHP_EOL);
         $phpcsBinary = Yii::getAlias('@vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer');
         if (!file_exists($phpcsBinary)) {
             Console::stdout("no php-cs-fixer binary!" . PHP_EOL);
         $command = [];
         $command[] = PHP_BINARY;
         $command[] = $phpcsBinary;
         $command[] = '--no-interaction';
         $command[] = '--config-file=' . $foundConfig;
         // $command[] = '--quiet';
         $command[] = 'fix';
         exec(implode(' ', $command), $output, $exitCode);
         Console::stdout("done in " . round(microtime(true) - $dirStart, 1) . "s!" . PHP_EOL);
     Console::stdout("done in " . round(microtime(true) - $phpcsStart, 1) . "s!" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
Esempio n. 17
  * Adding or deleting children if needed
 protected function manageRelations()
     foreach ($this->_children as $p => $kids) {
         $parent = $this->_items[$p];
         foreach ($kids as $k) {
             $kid = $this->_items[$k];
             if (!$this->_auth->hasChild($parent, $kid)) {
                 Console::stdout($kid->name . ' added as a child of ' . $parent->name . "\n");
                 $this->_auth->addChild($parent, $kid);
         foreach ($this->_auth->getChildren($p) as $current_kid) {
             if (!in_array($current_kid->name, $kids)) {
                 Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat('Relation between  ' . $current_kid->name . ' and ' . $parent->name . " was removed!\n", [Console::FG_RED]));
                 $this->_auth->removeChild($parent, $current_kid);
  * Ends a cron job
  * @return boolean Success
 public function finish()
     $this->running = 0;
     $this->success = 1;
     $this->last_execution_time = self::execution_time();
     if ($this->save()) {
         Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat("*** finished " . $this->controller . "/" . $this->action . " (time: " . sprintf("%.3f", $this->last_execution_time) . "s)\n\n", [Console::FG_GREEN]));
         return true;
     } else {
         Console::stdout(Console::ansiFormat("*** failed to finish " . $this->controller . "/" . $this->action . " (time: " . sprintf("%.3f", $this->last_execution_time) . "s)\n\n", [Console::FG_RED]));
         return false;
Esempio n. 19
  * For each version that is newer of the current DeploYii home version and that requires
  * changes, tells the user which changes need to be performed manually and if possible
  * updates it automatically.
  * To update a file it is possible to amend it manually or to remove it; if the file is missing
  * it will be replaced with the original one from the home-dist folder.
  * If some manual changes are required, it is possible to simply delete the VERSION file once
  * the changes have been applied.
  * @param string $homeVersion The DeploYii home version
  * @throws \yii\console\Exception if the home folder requires to be updated manually
 public static function checkHomeVersion($homeVersion)
     $changeLog = '';
     $requiredActions = '';
     $home = Shell::getHomeDir();
     $homeDist = __DIR__ . '/../home-dist';
     $changes = array_reverse(self::$_homeChangeList);
     foreach ($changes as $version => $list) {
         if (version_compare($version, $homeVersion, '>')) {
             // files to be manually updated by the user:
             if (isset($list['mod'])) {
                 foreach ($list['mod'] as $relFilePath => $logMessage) {
                     // If the destination file does not exists, add it from the dist folder
                     // instead of requesting the user to manually update it:
                     $destFile = $home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relFilePath;
                     if (!file_exists($destFile)) {
                         $list['add'][$relFilePath] = $logMessage;
                     } else {
                         $requiredActions .= " - [{$version}] {$relFilePath}: {$logMessage}\n";
             // files/directories to be added: (if no manual actions are required)
             if (empty($requiredActions) && isset($list['add'])) {
                 foreach ($list['add'] as $relPath => $logMessage) {
                     $srcPath = $homeDist . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relPath;
                     $destPath = $home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relPath;
                     if (!is_dir($srcPath) && !file_exists($destPath) && file_exists($srcPath)) {
                         $changeLog .= " - [{$version}] Adding {$relPath} ({$logMessage})\n";
                         copy($srcPath, $destPath);
                     } elseif (is_dir($srcPath) && !is_dir($destPath)) {
                         $changeLog .= " - [{$version}] Adding directory: {$relPath} ({$logMessage})\n";
                         FileHelper::copyDirectory($srcPath, $destPath);
                     } elseif (is_dir($srcPath) && is_dir($destPath)) {
                         $requiredActions .= " - [{$version}] {$relPath}: {$logMessage}\n";
             // files/directories to be removed: (if no manual actions are required)
             if (empty($requiredActions) && isset($list['rem'])) {
                 foreach ($list['rem'] as $relPath => $logMessage) {
                     $destPath = $home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relPath;
                     if (!is_dir($destPath) && file_exists($destPath)) {
                         $changeLog .= " - [{$version}] Removing {$relPath} ({$logMessage})\n";
                     } elseif (is_dir($destPath)) {
                         $requiredActions .= " - [{$version}] {$relPath}: {$logMessage}\n";
     if (!empty($requiredActions)) {
         Log::throwException("Your DeploYii home folder needs to be manually updated to " . DEPLOYII_VERSION . ":\n" . $requiredActions . "When done delete the VERSION file and run DeploYii again.\n");
     } elseif (!empty($changeLog)) {
         $message = "Your DeploYii home folder has been updated to: " . DEPLOYII_VERSION . ":\n" . $changeLog;
         Console::stdout("---------------------------------------------------------------\n" . $message . "---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
Esempio n. 20
  * Prints a string to STDOUT
  * You may optionally format the string with ANSI codes by
  * passing additional parameters using the constants defined in [[\yii\helpers\Console]].
  * Example:
  * ~~~
  * $this->stdout('This will be red and underlined.', Console::FG_RED, Console::UNDERLINE);
  * ~~~
  * @param string $string the string to print
  * @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error
 public function stdout($string)
     if ($this->_silentMode) {
         Yii::info($string, $this->getProcessName() . ' stdout');
         return strlen($string);
     } else {
         Yii::info($string, $this->getProcessName() . ' say');
         if ($this->_isColorEnabled()) {
             $args = func_get_args();
             $string = Console::ansiFormat($string . "\n", $args);
         return Console::stdout($string);
 private function begin($action)
     Console::stdout("    > {$action} ...");
     $this->beginTime = microtime(true);