public function actionInit() { $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; $auth->removeAll(); $user = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_USER); $auth->add($user); // own model rule $ownModelRule = new OwnModelRule(); $auth->add($ownModelRule); $manager = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_MANAGER); $auth->add($manager); $auth->addChild($manager, $user); $loginToBackend = $auth->createPermission('loginToBackend'); $auth->add($loginToBackend); $auth->addChild($manager, $loginToBackend); $publisher = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_PUBLISHER); $auth->add($publisher); $auth->addChild($publisher, $loginToBackend); $advertiser = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_ADVERTISER); $auth->add($advertiser); $auth->addChild($advertiser, $loginToBackend); $admin = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR); $auth->add($admin); $auth->addChild($admin, $manager); $auth->assign($admin, 1); $auth->assign($manager, 2); $auth->assign($user, 3); $auth->assign($publisher, 4); $auth->assign($advertiser, 5); Console::output('Success! RBAC roles has been added.'); }
public function actionInit() { $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; $auth->removeAll(); $user = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_USER); $auth->add($user); // own model rule $ownModelRule = new OwnModelRule(); $auth->add($ownModelRule); $submissionRule = new SubmissionRule(); $auth->add($submissionRule); $updateOwnResearch = $auth->createPermission('updateOwnResearch'); $updateOwnResearch->description = 'update research by status'; $updateOwnResearch->ruleName = $submissionRule->name; $auth->add($updateOwnResearch); $auth->addChild($user, $updateOwnResearch); $manager = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_MANAGER); $auth->add($manager); $auth->addChild($manager, $user); $loginToBackend = $auth->createPermission('loginToBackend'); $auth->add($loginToBackend); $auth->addChild($manager, $loginToBackend); $admin = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR); $auth->add($admin); $auth->addChild($admin, $manager); $auth->assign($admin, 1); $auth->assign($manager, 2); $auth->assign($user, 3); Console::output('Success! RBAC roles has been added.'); }
protected function stderr($string) { if (Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(\STDOUT)) { $string = Console::ansiFormat(" Error: " . $string, [Console::FG_RED]); } return fwrite(\STDERR, $string); }
/** * Show errors * @param array $errors array of errors string * @throws yii\base\ExitException */ protected function showErrors($errors) { foreach ((array) $errors as $err) { Console::error(Console::ansiFormat(Yii::t('activeuser_backend', "Error") . ": ", [Console::FG_RED]) . $err[0]); } yii::$app->end(); }
/** * 初始默认角色数据 */ public function initRbac() { Console::output('初始化RBAC数据 ....'); $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; /* ================= 权限 ================= */ $visitAdmin = $auth->createPermission('visitAdmin'); $visitAdmin->description = '访问后台管理界面权限'; $auth->add($visitAdmin); /* ================= 身份 ================= */ $guest = $auth->createRole('guest'); // 匿名用户 $guest->description = '匿名用户'; $auth->add($guest); $user = $auth->createRole('user'); //普通用户 $user->description = '普通用户'; $auth->add($user, $guest); //普通用户 > 匿名用户 $admin = $auth->createRole('admin'); // 管理员 $admin->description = '管理员'; $auth->add($admin); $auth->addChild($admin, $user); // 管理员 > 普通用户 $auth->addChild($admin, $visitAdmin); // 管理员可以访问后台 $founder = $auth->createRole('founder'); // 创始人 $founder->description = '创始人'; $auth->add($founder); $auth->addChild($founder, $admin); // 创始人 > 管理员 Console::output('初始化RBAC数据完成 ....'); }
public function actionInit() { $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; $user = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_USER); $auth->add($user); Console::output('Success! RBAC roles has been added.'); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ protected function saveMessagesToPHP($messages, $dirName, $overwrite, $removeUnused, $sort, $markUnused) { $dirNameBase = $dirName; foreach ($messages as $category => $msgs) { /** * Fix Directory */ $module = $this->getModuleByCategory($category); if ($module !== null) { // Use Module Directory $dirName = str_replace(Yii::getAlias("@humhub/messages"), $module->getBasePath() . '/messages', $dirNameBase); preg_match('/.*?Module\\.(.*)/', $category, $result); $category = $result[1]; } else { // Use Standard HumHub Directory $dirName = $dirNameBase; } $file = str_replace("\\", '/', "{$dirName}/{$category}.php"); $path = dirname($file); FileHelper::createDirectory($path); $msgs = array_values(array_unique($msgs)); $coloredFileName = Console::ansiFormat($file, [Console::FG_CYAN]); $this->stdout("Saving messages to {$coloredFileName}...\n"); $this->saveMessagesCategoryToPHP($msgs, $file, $overwrite, $removeUnused, $sort, $category, $markUnused); } }
/** * Снимаем онлайн у тех, у кого за последнее время активность == 0 */ public function actionRefreshOnline() { $oldTime = time() - \Yii::$app->params['onlineLength']; $userUpdated = User::updateAll(['<=', 'updated', $oldTime]); $this->stdout(Console::wrapText("- {$userUpdated} отправлено в оффлайн", 10), Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n"); }
/** * Processes update e-mails for all users */ public static function processCron($controller) { // Detect the mailing interval we're in $interval = 0; if (Yii::$app->controller->action->id == 'hourly') { $interval = self::INTERVAL_HOURY; } elseif (Yii::$app->controller->action->id == 'daily') { $interval = self::INTERVAL_DAILY; } else { throw new \yii\console\Exception('Invalid mail update interval!'); } // Get users $users = User::find()->distinct()->joinWith(['httpSessions', 'profile'])->where(['user.status' => User::STATUS_ENABLED]); $totalUsers = $users->count(); $processed = 0; Console::startProgress($processed, $totalUsers, 'Sending update e-mails to users... ', false); $mailsSent = 0; foreach ($users->each() as $user) { $mailSender = new self(); $mailSender->user = $user; $mailSender->interval = $interval; if ($mailSender->send()) { $mailsSent++; } Console::updateProgress(++$processed, $totalUsers); } Console::endProgress(true); $controller->stdout('done - ' . $mailsSent . ' email(s) sent.' . PHP_EOL, Console::FG_GREEN); // Switch back to system language self::switchLanguage(); }
/** * Create a new frontend/admin module. * * @return number */ public function actionCreate() { Console::clearScreenBeforeCursor(); $moduleName = $this->prompt("Enter the name of the module you like to generate:"); $newName = preg_replace("/[^a-z]/", "", strtolower($moduleName)); if ($newName !== $moduleName) { if (!$this->confirm("We have changed the name to '{$newName}'. Do you want to proceed with this name?")) { return $this->outputError('Abort by user.'); } else { $moduleName = $newName; } } $appModulesFolder = Yii::$app->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules'; $moduleFolder = $appModulesFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $moduleName; if (file_exists($moduleFolder)) { return $this->outputError("The folder " . $moduleFolder . " exists already."); } $folders = ['basePath' => $moduleFolder, 'adminPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin', 'adminPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aws', 'frontendPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend', 'blocksPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blocks', 'blocksPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers', 'blocksPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views', 'modelsPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models']; $ns = 'app\\modules\\' . $moduleName; foreach ($folders as $folder) { FileHelper::createDirectory($folder); } $contents = [$moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '' => $this->renderReadme($folders, $moduleName, $ns), $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin/Module.php' => $this->renderAdmin($folders, $moduleName, $ns), $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend/Module.php' => $this->renderFrontend($folders, $moduleName, $ns)]; foreach ($contents as $fileName => $content) { FileHelper::writeFile($fileName, $content); } return $this->outputSuccess("Module files has been created successfull. Check the README file to understand how to added the module to your config."); }
public function actionIndex() { $this->stdout('Description goes here.' . PHP_EOL); $helpCommand = Console::ansiFormat("yii help dota2api/economy", [Console::FG_CYAN]); $this->stdout("Use {$helpCommand} to get usage info." . PHP_EOL); return self::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL; }
public function actionInit() { $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; $auth->removeAll(); Console::output('Removing All! RBAC.....'); $manageUser = $auth->createRole('ManageUser'); $manageUser->description = 'สำหรับจัดการข้อมูลผู้ใช้งาน'; $auth->add($manageUser); $author = $auth->createRole('Author'); $author->description = 'สำหรับการเขียนบทความ'; $auth->add($author); $management = $auth->createRole('Management'); $management->description = 'สำหรับจัดการข้อมูลผู้ใช้งานและบทความ'; $auth->add($management); $admin = $auth->createRole('Admin'); $admin->description = 'สำหรับการดูแลระบบ'; $auth->add($admin); $auth->addChild($management, $manageUser); $auth->addChild($management, $author); $auth->addChild($admin, $management); $auth->assign($admin, 1); $auth->assign($management, 2); $auth->assign($author, 3); Console::output('Success! RBAC roles has been added.'); }
public function startHead($controller, $headType, $headId, $restarting) { if (!$restarting) { // Console::output(Console::ansiFormat('Starting ' . $headId, [Console::FG_CYAN])); } else { // Console::output(Console::ansiFormat('Restarting ' . $headId, [Console::FG_CYAN])); } $_this = $this; $process = new \React\ChildProcess\Process($this->getSubCommand($controller, [$headType, $headId])); $process->on('exit', function ($exitCode, $termSignal) use(&$_this, &$controller, $headType, $headId) { if ($exitCode !== 0) { Console::stderr(Console::ansiFormat("Broadcast head {$headType}:{$headId} exited with error code {$exitCode}", [Console::FG_RED])); sleep(10); } if (static::isPaused()) { Yii::$app->end(0); } $_this->_heads[$headId] = $_this->startHead($controller, $headType, $headId, true); }); $this->loop->addTimer(0.0001, function ($timer) use($process, &$_this) { $process->start($timer->getLoop()); $process->stdout->on('data', function ($output) use($_this) { $stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w+'); fwrite($stdout, $output); }); $process->stderr->on('data', function ($output) use($_this) { $stderr = fopen('php://stderr', 'w+'); fwrite($stderr, $output); }); }); sleep(5); return $process; }
/** * Prints a string to STDERR. * * @param string $string the string to print * @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error */ public static function stderr($string) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $string = parent::ansiFormat($string, $args) . "\n"; return parent::stderr($string); }
/** * @inheritDoc */ public function render($files, $targetDir) { // $types = array_merge($this->apiContext->classes, $this->apiContext->interfaces, $this->apiContext->traits); // // $extTypes = []; // foreach ($this->extensions as $k => $ext) { // $extType = $this->filterTypes($types, $ext); // if (empty($extType)) { // unset($this->extensions[$k]); // continue; // } // $extTypes[$ext] = $extType; // } $fileCount = count($files) + 1; if ($this->controller !== null) { Console::startProgress(0, $fileCount, 'Rendering markdown files: ', false); } $done = 0; $fileData = []; $chapters = $this->loadGuideStructure($files); foreach ($files as $file) { $fileData[basename($file)] = file_get_contents($file); // if (preg_match("/^(.*)\n=+/", $fileData[$file], $matches)) { // $headlines[$file] = $matches[1]; // } else { // $headlines[$file] = basename($file); // } } $md = new ApiMarkdownLaTeX(); $output = ''; foreach ($chapters as $chapter) { if (isset($chapter['headline'])) { $output .= '\\chapter{' . $chapter['headline'] . "}\n"; } foreach ($chapter['content'] as $content) { if (isset($fileData[$content['file']])) { $md->labelPrefix = $content['file'] . '#'; $output .= '\\label{' . $content['file'] . '}'; $output .= $md->parse($fileData[$content['file']]) . "\n\n"; } else { $output .= '\\newpage'; $output .= '\\label{' . $content['file'] . '}'; $output .= '\\textbf{Error: not existing file: ' . $content['file'] . '}\\newpage' . "\n"; } if ($this->controller !== null) { Console::updateProgress(++$done, $fileCount); } } } file_put_contents($targetDir . '/guide.tex', $output); copy(__DIR__ . '/main.tex', $targetDir . '/main.tex'); copy(__DIR__ . '/title.tex', $targetDir . '/title.tex'); copy(__DIR__ . '/Makefile', $targetDir . '/Makefile'); if ($this->controller !== null) { Console::updateProgress(++$done, $fileCount); Console::endProgress(true); $this->controller->stdout('done.' . PHP_EOL, Console::FG_GREEN); } echo "\nnow run `make` in {$targetDir} (you need pdflatex to compile pdf file)\n\n"; }
public function actionInit() { $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; $auth->removeAll(); $user = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_USER); $user->description = 'User'; $auth->add($user); // own model rule $ownModelRule = new OwnModelRule(); $auth->add($ownModelRule); $manager = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_MANAGER); $manager->description = 'Manager'; $auth->add($manager); $auth->addChild($manager, $user); $loginToBackend = $auth->createPermission('loginToBackend'); $loginToBackend->description = 'Login to backend'; $auth->add($loginToBackend); $auth->addChild($manager, $loginToBackend); $admin = $auth->createRole(User::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR); $admin->description = 'Administrator'; $auth->add($admin); $auth->addChild($admin, $manager); $auth->assign($admin, 1); Console::output('Success! RBAC roles has been added.'); }
public function setExecutable($paths) { foreach ($paths as $executable) { $executable = Yii::getAlias($executable); Console::output("Setting executable: {$executable}"); @chmod($executable, 0755); } }
public function dropTableIfExist($table) { if ($this->tableExist($table)) { return $this->dropTable($table); } else { Console::output('Table "' . $table . '" not found'); } }
protected function getStdIn($message) { do { $this->stdout($message, Console::FG_YELLOW); $data = Console::stdin(); } while (!$data); return $data; }
public function testStripAnsiFormat() { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorForward(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorDown(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorUp(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorBackward(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorNextLine(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorPrevLine(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorTo(1); echo 'a'; Console::moveCursorTo(1, 2); echo 'a'; Console::clearLine(); echo 'a'; Console::clearLineAfterCursor(); echo 'a'; Console::clearLineBeforeCursor(); echo 'a'; Console::clearScreen(); echo 'a'; Console::clearScreenAfterCursor(); echo 'a'; Console::clearScreenBeforeCursor(); echo 'a'; Console::scrollDown(); echo 'a'; Console::scrollUp(); echo 'a'; Console::hideCursor(); echo 'a'; Console::showCursor(); echo 'a'; Console::saveCursorPosition(); echo 'a'; Console::restoreCursorPosition(); echo 'a'; Console::beginAnsiFormat([Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BG_BLUE, Console::UNDERLINE]); echo 'a'; Console::endAnsiFormat(); echo 'a'; Console::beginAnsiFormat([Console::xtermBgColor(128), Console::xtermFgColor(55)]); echo 'a'; Console::endAnsiFormat(); echo 'a'; $ouput = Console::stripAnsiFormat(ob_get_clean()); ob_implicit_flush(true); // $output = str_replace("\033", 'X003', $ouput );// uncomment for debugging $this->assertEquals(str_repeat('a', 25), $ouput); }
public function stdout($string) { if (Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(STDOUT)) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args); } return Console::stdout($string); }
public function actionCron() { $time = new \DateTime('now'); foreach ($this->getScheduler()->all() as $task) { if ($this->getScheduler()->handle($task, $time)) { Console::output("Executed " . $task->getKey()); } } }
/** * Prints a string to STDERR. * * @param string $string the string to print * @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error */ public function stderr($string) { if ($this->isColorEnabled(\STDERR)) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args) . "\n"; } return Console::stderr($string); }
/** * Colorizes a message for console output. * @param string $message the message to colorize. * @param array $format the message format. * @return string the colorized message. * @see Console::ansiFormat() for details on how to specify the message format. */ protected function formatMessage($message, $format = [Console::FG_RED, Console::BOLD]) { $stream = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? \STDERR : \STDOUT; // try controller first to allow check for --color switch if (Yii::$app->controller instanceof \yii\console\Controller && Yii::$app->controller->isColorEnabled($stream) || Yii::$app instanceof \yii\console\Application && Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors($stream)) { $message = Console::ansiFormat($message, $format); } return $message; }
/** * message * * @param string $string * @access private * @return integer|null */ private function message($string) { if (!empty($string) && !$this->quiet) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args); return Console::stdout($string); } }
/** * Helper method for writting console application output, include before and after wrappers. * * @param string $message The message which is displayed * @param string $color A color from \yii\helpers\Console::FG_GREEN; * @param return void */ protected function output($message, $color = null) { $format = []; if (!$this->isMuted()) { if ($color !== null) { $format[] = $color; } echo Console::ansiFormat("\r" . $message . "\n", $format); } }
/** * Initializing $_languageElements array. * @param array $languageSourceIds */ private function _initLanguageElements($languageSourceIds) { $languageSources = LanguageSource::findAll(['id' => $languageSourceIds]); foreach ($languageSources as $languageSource) { $this->_languageElements[$languageSource->category][$languageSource->message] = $languageSource->id; $category = Console::ansiFormat($languageSource->category, [Console::FG_RED]); $message = Console::ansiFormat($languageSource->message, [Console::FG_RED]); $this->_scanner->stdout('category: ' . $category . ', message: ' . $message); } }
/** * @param string $command serialized command object * @return string */ public function actionHandle($command) { try { $command = unserialize(base64_decode($command)); $command->setRunningInBackground(true); $this->commandBus->handle($command); } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::error($e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Drop all tables in existing DB * Use it before Migration * @access public */ public function actionDropAllTables() { if ($this->interactive) { if (!Console::confirm('Sure that all tables will be dropped?', false)) { $this->stdout("# Canceled. Nothing happened\n", Console::FG_YELLOW); return 1; } } $this->_dropTables(); }
public function actionList() { Console::output("Currently waiting exports:"); /** @var ActiveQuery $exportRequests */ $requestsQuery = ExportRequest::find()->where(['is_exported' => 0])->orderBy(['created_at' => SORT_ASC]); foreach ($requestsQuery->each() as $exportRequest) { /** @var ExportRequest $exportRequest */ Console::output("[#" . $exportRequest->id . ": " . $exportRequest->created_at . "] - " . $exportRequest->data_raw); } }