Esempio n. 1
  * Determines the last day of the term
  * @param int $next Whether to get the day for the next term. Defaults to FALSE
  * @return \DateTime
 public function determineEndOfTerm($next = false)
     $term = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
     // Taking the start date of the term following and subtracting one day
     $key = $next ? 'next1_short' : 'next_short';
     return \DateTime::createFromFormat('Yn-d H:i:s', "{$term[$key]}-01 23:59:59")->modify('-1 day');
Esempio n. 2
  * Verify that the client isn't trying to breach the system by injecting items that apply to past semester and years
  * @param array $data containing student number, course code, session and possibly course section
  * @return boolean
 public function verifyRequestIsValid(array $data)
     //Because client side checking isn't enough- if the semester is < current semester, reject the request
     $current_semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
     $current_semester = $current_semester['now_short'];
     $current_session = (int) substr($current_semester, -1);
     $current_year = (int) substr($current_semester, 0, 4);
     $course_session = (int) substr($data['session'], -1);
     $course_year = (int) substr($data['session'], 0, 4);
     //Reject anything that applies to < this year OR applies to this year but < the current session
     if ($course_year < $current_year || $course_year === $current_year && $course_session < $current_session) {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
  * For a given semester, indicate whether it belongs in the past(-1), present(0) or future(1)
  * @param string $session The semester
  * @return int
 public function fetchSessionStatus($session)
     if (!ctype_digit($session)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Session specified is not numeric…");
     $year = substr($session, 0, 4);
     $semester = substr($session, -1);
     $current_session = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
     $current_session = $current_session['now_short'];
     $current_year = substr($current_session, 0, 4);
     $current_semester = substr($current_session, -1);
     //If the sessions match, things are easy
     if ($session === $current_session) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         if ($year > $current_year) {
             return 1;
         } else {
             if ($year < $current_year) {
                 return -1;
             } else {
                 //If the current semester is the first one of the year, everything else in the same year will be in the future
                 if ($current_semester === "1") {
                     return 1;
                 //If the current semester is the middle one of the year, the current course could be in the past or the future
                 if ($current_semester === "5") {
                     if ($semester === "1") {
                         return -1;
                     } else {
                         if ($semester === "9") {
                             return 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($current_semester === "9") {
                         return -1;
Esempio n. 4
$bursary = new Bursaries($dbo);
$follow = new FollowUps($dbo);
$courses = new Courses($dbo);
if (isset($_GET['student_num']) && ctype_digit($_GET['student_num'])) {
    $studentProfile = $profile->getProfile($_GET['student_num']);
// Load the content
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    $render = true;
    if (!empty($studentProfile)) {
        $thisPage = 'fund';
        $followupcount = $follow->fetchFollowUpsCountStudent($_GET['student_num']);
        $poccount = $profile->countUnlockedPOC($_GET['student_num']);
        $semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
        $current_courses = $courses->fetchAllStudentCoursesForSemester($_GET['student_num'], $semester['now_short']);
        $osap = $bursary->listOsapBursaries($_GET['student_num']);
        $other = $bursary->listOtherBursaries($_GET['student_num']);
        $bswd = $bursary->listBswdBursaries($_GET['student_num']);
        $quebec = $bursary->listQuebecBursaries($_GET['student_num']);
        $uo = $bursary->listUOBursaries($_GET['student_num']);
        $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/bursaries.json');
        $viewFile = 'views/bursaries.php';
} elseif ($_GET['page'] === "add") {
    $last_added = $bursary->addBursary($_POST);
    $loggers['audit']->info("Bursary added");
    echo $last_added;
} elseif ($_GET['page'] === "getosap") {
    $osapdata = $bursary->getOsapBursary($_POST['id']);
Esempio n. 5
  * search student by Hash Code
  * @param string $date The datetime survey email sent on
  * @return bool
 public function checkSessionExpire($date)
     $semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
     $survey_end = \DateTime::createFromFormat(DATETIME_MYSQL, $semester['session_start'])->modify('+' . SURVEY_EXPIRY_DAYS . 'day');
     return $survey_end < new \DateTime();
Esempio n. 6
  * Activative students who have valid disability, active accommodation, and enroll in at least one class during the current fiscal year
 public final function activateAccessStudent()
     // get current fiscal year
     $fiscal = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::calcFiscalYearDate();
     $fiscal_start = $fiscal[0]['start_date']->format(DATETIME_MYSQL);
     $fiscal_end = $fiscal[0]['end_date']->format(DATETIME_MYSQL);
     // get semesters based on the begining of the fiscal year
     $semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester($fiscal_start);
     /** The following query get a list of access students under the following conditions:
             1. Must have a disability 
             2. Must have an accommodation active during the current fiscal year
             3. Must register in a course during the current fiscal year OR it may have an exam at Access service during the current fiscal year
             4. Registered course must not be opted-out
             5. Access student must create an active student portal account
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vs.student_num, vs.access_profile_status\n                  FROM ventus_students vs\n                  JOIN ventus_student_disabilities vsd\n                    ON vs.student_num = vsd.student_num\n                  JOIN ventus_student_accommodations vsa\n                    ON vs.student_num = vsa.student_num\n             LEFT JOIN ventus_student_accommodations_exceptions vsae\n                    ON vs.student_num = vsae.student_num\n             LEFT JOIN ventus_exam_requests ver\n                    ON vs.student_num = ver.student_num\n             LEFT JOIN ventus_professor_exam_requests vper\n                    ON ver.professor_exam_request_id = vper.exam_request_id\n                  JOIN org_student_course_classes oscc\n                    ON vs.student_num = oscc.student_id\n                  JOIN org_course_classes occ\n                    ON oscc.class_id = occ.class_id\n                  JOIN org_courses oc\n                    ON occ.course_id = oc.course_id\n                   AND (oc.session IN (:summer, :fall, :winter)\n                    OR (oc.session = vper.session \n                   AND oc.section = vper.course_section \n                   AND oc.code = vper.course_code \n                   AND ver.official_evaluation_starttime BETWEEN date(:fiscal_start6) AND date(:fiscal_end6)))\n             LEFT JOIN ventus_students_courses_no_accommodations vscna\n                    ON vs.student_num = vscna.student_num\n                   AND vscna.course_code = oc.code\n                   AND vscna.course_section = oc.section\n                   AND vscna.session = oc.session\n                 WHERE vs.access_profile_activated_by_student = 1\n                   AND vscna.opt_out_id IS NULL\n                   AND ((date(vsa.effective_on) BETWEEN date(:fiscal_start) AND date(:fiscal_end) OR date(vsa.expires_on) BETWEEN date(:fiscal_start1) AND date(:fiscal_end1))\n                    OR (date(vsae.effective_on) BETWEEN date(:fiscal_start2) AND date(:fiscal_end2) OR date(vsae.expires_on) BETWEEN date(:fiscal_start3) AND date(:fiscal_end3))\n                    OR (date(vsa.effective_on) < date(:fiscal_start4) AND date(vsa.expires_on) > NOW())\n                    OR (date(vsae.effective_on) < date(:fiscal_start5) AND date(vsae.expires_on) > NOW()));";
     $this->deactivateAccessStudent($fiscal, $semester, $sql);
     // re/activate access students that have disability/accommodations/registered in a course
     $students = $this->db->query($sql, array('summer' => $semester['now_short'], 'fall' => $semester['next_short'], 'winter' => $semester['next1_short'], 'fiscal_start' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_end' => $fiscal_end, 'fiscal_start1' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_end1' => $fiscal_end, 'fiscal_start2' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_end2' => $fiscal_end, 'fiscal_start3' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_end3' => $fiscal_end, 'fiscal_start4' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_start5' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_start6' => $fiscal_start, 'fiscal_end6' => $fiscal_end))->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     $activateSql = "UPDATE ventus_students\n                           SET access_profile_status = 'active', updated_on = NOW()\n                         WHERE student_num IN (" . implode(',', array_fill(0, sizeof($students), '?')) . ");";
     $this->db->query($activateSql, $students);
Esempio n. 7
// Model and Header and L10N Includes, Authentication
$model = new Questionnaire($dbo);
require FS_INCLUDES . '/l10n/header-external.php';
// Load the content
if (!isset($_GET['user']) || !$model->checkUserExists($_GET['user'])) {
    $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/error.json');
    require_once FS_PHP . '/header-external.php';
    require_once 'views/error.php';
    require_once FS_PHP . '/footer-external.php';
} else {
    $user = $_GET['user'];
    $student = $model->fetchStudentByHashCode($user);
    $session = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester($student['0']['survey_sent_on']);
    if ($model->checkSessionExpire($student['0']['survey_sent_on'])) {
        if ($model->checkOtherSurvey($_GET['user'])) {
            $newQues = $model->fetchOtherSurvey($_GET['user']);
        $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/questionnaire_expire.json');
        $l10n->localizeArray($session, 'transcription_session');
        $l10n->localizeArray($student[0], 'transcription_service');
        $l10n->localizeArray($newQues[0], 'transcription_service');
        require_once FS_PHP . '/header-external.php';
        require_once 'views/questionnaire_expire.php';
        require_once FS_PHP . '/footer-external.php';
    } else {
        $general = $model->listGeneralQuestionnaire();
        $particular = $model->listParticularQuestionnaire($student['0']['survey_sent_on_service_id']);
        if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
Esempio n. 8
  * add single student into student-list
  * @param int $number the student number
  * @param string $date the day student went to SASS
  * @param int $id the service id
  * @return int
 private function addSingleStudentToList($number, $date, $id)
     $term = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester($date);
     $data = array('student_number' => $number, 'cron_logged' => 0, 'survey_sent_on' => $date, 'email_link' => $this->generateHashCode($number . $term['session_code'] . $id), 'survey_sent_on_service_id' => $id, 'completed' => 0, 'completed_on' => NULL, 'updated_on' => NULL);
     $this->db->insert('ventus_survey_student_list', $data);
     return $this->db->lastInsertId();
Esempio n. 9
  * Fetch students whose professor need to receive CAM
  * @return array
 public function fetchStudentsWhoseProfessorsNeedCam()
     $semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT s.student_num,, o.year_of_study\n                  FROM ventus_students s\n                  JOIN org_students o\n                    ON o.student_id = s.student_num\n                  JOIN ventus_student_accommodations va\n                    ON s.student_num = va.student_num\n                 WHERE ((s.access_email_permission = 1 AND o.year_of_study NOT IN (1,2,3,4,''))\n                    OR (s.access_email_permission = 1 OR s.access_email_permission = 0  AND o.year_of_study IN (1,2,3,4,'')))\n                   AND (s.access_profile_activated_by_student = 1 OR s.access_profile_status = 'active')\n                   AND (access_cam_letter_sent_on IS NULL OR access_cam_letter_sent_on < :last_cam_sent)\n                   AND (va.effective_on BETWEEN :session_start AND :session_end\n                    OR va.expires_on > :session_start2);";
     return $this->db->query($sql, array('last_cam_sent' => PROFESSOR_SEND_CAM_TO_THOSE_LAST_RECEIVED_BEFORE, 'session_start' => $semester['session_start'], 'session_end' => $semester['session_end'], 'session_start2' => $semester['session_start']))->fetchAll();