Esempio n. 1
                } else {
                    if (time() < strtotime($r['effective_on'])) {
                        $status = $l10n->__('pending');
                        $tick = "open";
                    } else {
                        $status = $l10n->__('undefined') . "&nbsp;";
                        $tick = "closed";
        //Are we dealing with template or course specific accommodations
        if ($r['source'] === "template") {
            $type = '<a href="accommodations.php?student_num=' . $_GET['student_num'] . '">' . $l10n->__('colBodyTypeTemplate') . '</a>';
        } else {
            $type = '<a href="accommodations.php?student_num=' . $_GET['student_num'] . '&mode=' . $r['course_code'] . '-' . ($r['course_section'] === "" ? 'null' : $r['course_section']) . '-' . $r['session'] . '">' . $r['course_code'] . ($r['course_section'] === "" ? null : ' ' . $r['course_section']) . '<br>' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($r['session'], $l10n) . "<br><strong>" . mb_convert_case($l10n->__($r['exception_type']), MB_CASE_UPPER, 'UTF-8') . "</strong></a>";
        echo '<tr data-source="' . $r['source'] . '" data-student-accommodation-id="' . $r['student_accommodation_id'] . '" data-effective-date="' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($r['effective_on'])) . '" data-expiry-date="' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($r['expires_on'])) . '">
                                      <td>' . $r['first_name'] . ' ' . $r['last_name'] . '</td>
                                      <td>' . $r['acc_name'] . '</td>
                                      <td>' . $l10nDate->format($r['effective_on'], 'date_time') . '</td>
                                      <td>' . $l10nDate->format($r['expires_on'], 'date_time') . '</td>
                                      <td>' . $type . '</td>
                                      <td style="text-align: right">' . (time() < strtotime($r['expires_on']) ? '<button class="btn-arrow-right btn-icon btn-maroon edit-acc-dates" type="button">' . $l10n->__('editBtn') . '<span></span></button>' : null) . '<span class="ticket acc ' . $tick . '">' . $status . '</span>' . '</td>
Esempio n. 2
$examFiles = new \Ventus\Exams\ExamFiles($dbo);
if (\Ventus\Utilities\I18n\Translate::isAllowedLanguage($SESSION->corr_lang)) {
$l10n->addResource(FS_L10N . '/header-external.json');
// Load the page requested by the user
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['rid'])) {
        $request_details = $model->fetchExamRequestDetails($_POST['rid']);
        //Fetch all the students in this course and then remove the ones that have opted out
        $students_in_course = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchDataStudents(array("Exam"), $request_details[0]['course_code'], $request_details[0]['course_section'], $request_details[0]['session']);
        $request_details[0]['session_code'] = $request_details[0]['session'];
        $request_details[0]['session'] = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($request_details[0]['session'], $l10n);
        $existing_files = $examFiles->fetchFiles($_POST['rid']);
        foreach ($existing_files as $key => $ef) {
            $students_for_file = $examFiles->fetchStudentsForFile($ef['id']);
            $existing_files[$key]['student_list'] = implode(',', $students_for_file);
        //If the time this page is being loaded is less than 2 business days before the exam then the details cannot be edited
        $request_editable = $examFiles->isFilesEditable($request_details[0]['exam_date']);
        $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/header.json');
        $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/request-documents.json');
        require_once FS_PHP . '/header-external.php';
        require_once 'views/request-documents.php';
        require_once FS_PHP . '/footer-external.php';
    } else {
        header('Location: list-courses.php');
Esempio n. 3
foreach ($notices as $c) {
    if (time() > strtotime($c['date'])) {
        $data_editable = "no";
    } else {
        $data_editable = "yes";
    echo '<tr class="noe-main-row" data-request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" data-exam-alternate="' . $c['exam_alternate_special'] . '" data-exam-alternate-student="' . $c['exam_alternate_special_student'] . '">
                            <td>', '<span rel="tooltip" title="' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($c['session'], $l10n) . '">' . $c['course_code'], ' ', strtoupper($c['course_section']), ' ', strtoupper($c['teach_method']) . '</span>', '<br>', $c['professor_name'] === " " ? '<span style="font-size: 11px; font-style: italic;">' . $l10n->__('noProfDetails') . '</span>' : '<a href="mailto:' . $c['professor_email'] . '" style="font-size: 11px;">' . $c['professor_name'] . '</a>', '</td>
                            <td>', ucfirst($l10n->__($c['exam_type'])), '</td>
                            <td>', $l10nDate->format($c['date'], 'date_time'), '</td>
                            <td><span class="exam-duration-field" request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" ' . ' default-val="' . $c['exam_duration'] . '" ' . '>', $c['exam_duration'], '</span> ', $l10n->__('minutesLabel'), '</td>
                            <td>', $c['exam_alternate_special'] === 'none' ? 'N/A' : ucfirst($l10n->__($c['exam_alternate_special'])) . ' (' . $c['exam_alternate_special_student'] . ')', '</td>
                            <td><span rel="tooltip" title="', $c['contact_number'], '"><a href="mailto:', $c['requestor_email'], '">', $c['contact_name'], '</a></span></td> 
                            <td style="text-align: center;">' . ($c['control_sheet'] === null ? '<button type="button" class="btn-unset view-edit-control-sheet" rel="tooltip" request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" data-is-complete="0" title="' . $l10n->__('ctrlSheetIncompleteTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-editable="' . $data_editable . '"><span data-ventus-icon="&#x111;" style="color: red;"></span></button>' : '<button type="button" class="btn-unset view-edit-control-sheet" rel="tooltip" request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" data-is-complete="1" title="' . $l10n->__('ctrlSheetTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-editable="' . $data_editable . '"><span data-ventus-icon="&#x110;" style="color: green;"></span></button>') . '</td>
                            <td style="text-align: center;">' . ($c['file'] === null ? '<button type="button" class="btn-unset view-edit-files" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('noFilesTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-course-code="' . $c['course_code'] . '" data-course-session="' . $c['session'] . '" data-course-section="' . $c['course_section'] . '" request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" data-editable="' . $data_editable . '" ><span data-ventus-icon="&#x111;" style="color: red;"></span></button>' : '<button type="button" class="btn-unset view-edit-files" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('filesTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-course-session="' . $c['session'] . '" data-course-code="' . $c['course_code'] . '" data-course-section="' . $c['course_section'] . '" request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" data-editable="' . $data_editable . '"><span data-ventus-icon="&#x110;" style="color: green;"></span></button>') . '</td>
                            <td>', $l10nDate->format($c['inserted_on'], 'date_time'), '</td>
                            <td>' . '<button request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" exam-duration="' . $c['exam_duration'] . '" exam-date="' . $c['date'] . '" class="edit-notice-of-exam btn-arrow-right btn-icon btn-maroon">' . $l10n->__('editDeleteBtn') . '<span></span></button>' . '<button data-request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" class="view-noe-students btn-icon btn-maroon btn-arrow-down" style="margin-right: 10px;" data-noe-course="' . $c['course_code'] . '" data-noe-section="' . $c['course_section'] . '" data-noe-semester="' . $c['session'] . '" data-request-id="' . $c['exam_request_id'] . '" data-noe-exam-date="' . $c['date'] . '">' . $l10n->__('studentsBtn') . '<span></span></button>' . '</td>
Esempio n. 4
if (\Ventus\Utilities\I18n\Translate::isAllowedLanguage($SESSION->corr_lang)) {
$l10n->addResource(FS_L10N . '/header-external.json');
// Load the page requested by the user
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['cid']) && $_POST['cid'] !== "") {
        //Security step: double check that the user has permission for this course
        $has_permission = $model->checkCourseAllowed($SESSION->user_id, $_POST['cid']);
        if ($has_permission) {
            $course_details = $model->fetchCourseDetails($_POST['cid']);
            $prof_details = $model->fetchProfessorDetails($course_details[0]['code'], $course_details[0]['section'], $course_details[0]['session'], $course_details[0]['teaching_method']);
            $semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($course_details[0]['session'], $l10n);
            $num_students = $model->fetchCountStudents(array("Exam"), $course_details[0]['code'], $course_details[0]['section'], $course_details[0]['session']);
            $num_requests = $model->fetchCountProfessorRequests($course_details[0]['code'], $course_details[0]['section'], $course_details[0]['session'], $course_details[0]['teaching_method']);
            $data_students = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchDataStudents(array("Exam"), $course_details[0]['code'], $course_details[0]['section'], $course_details[0]['session']);
            $data_requests = $model->fetchDataProfessorRequests($course_details[0]['code'], $course_details[0]['section'], $course_details[0]['session'], $course_details[0]['teaching_method']);
            $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/header.json');
            $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/list-students-exams.json');
            require_once FS_PHP . '/header-external.php';
            require_once 'views/list-students-exams.php';
            require_once FS_PHP . '/footer-external.php';
        } else {
            $loggers['audit']->warning("Unauthorized attempt to access page (class ID: {$_POST['cid']})");
            header('location: https://' . URL_PHP . '/error-external.php?eid=F094');
    } else {
        header('Location: list-courses.php');
Esempio n. 5
            <th scope='col' style="width: 25%;"><?php 
            <th scope='col'><?php 
            <th scope='col'></th>
if (empty($all_student_letters)) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;">' . $l10n->__('noLettersIssued') . '…' . '</td></tr>';
foreach ($all_student_letters as $asl) {
    echo '<tr><td>' . $asl['first_name'] . ' ' . $asl['last_name'] . '</td>
                    <td>' . $l10nDate->format($asl['inserted_on'], 'date_time') . '</td>
                    <td>' . $asl['name'] . '</td>
                    <td>' . (empty($asl['course_code']) ? 'N/A' : $asl['course_code'] . ' ' . $asc['course_section'] . '(' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($asl['session'], $l10n) . ')') . '</td>
                    <td style="text-align: right;">' . '<a class="btn-maroon btn-icon btn-arrow-right view-letter" href="letters-issued-fetch-as-pdf.php?format=html&amp;serial=' . $asl['letter_serial'] . '">' . $l10n->__('viewBtn') . ' (HTML) <span></span></a> <a class="btn-maroon btn-icon btn-arrow-right view-letter" href="letters-issued-fetch-as-pdf.php?format=pdf&amp;serial=' . $asl['letter_serial'] . '">' . $l10n->__('viewBtn') . ' (PDF) <span></span></a>' . '</td></tr>';

Esempio n. 6
if (empty($sentEmails)) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="table-placeholder">' . $l10n->__('emailsEmpty') . '</td></tr>';
foreach ($sentEmails as $s) {
    echo '<tr data-email-letter-id="' . $s['id'] . '"><td>' . $s['name'] . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $s['first_name'] . ' ' . $s['last_name'] . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $l10nDate->format($s['inserted_on'], 'day_date_time') . '</td>
                                    <td>' . (!empty($s['course_code']) ? $s['course_code'] . ' ' . $s['course_section'] . ' (' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($s['session'], $l10n) . ')' : 'N/A') . '</td>
                                    <td>' . '<span class="buttonset">
                                                <input class="switch-hidden-status" value="0" type="radio" name="email_visibility_' . $s['id'] . '" id="email_visibility_yes_' . $s['id'] . '" ' . ($s['hidden'] === "0" ? 'checked' : null) . '><label for="email_visibility_yes_' . $s['id'] . '">' . $l10n->__('activeYes') . '</label>
                                                <input class="switch-hidden-status" value="1" type="radio" name="email_visibility_' . $s['id'] . '" id="email_visibility_no_' . $s['id'] . '" ' . ($s['hidden'] === "1" ? 'checked' : null) . '><label for="email_visibility_no_' . $s['id'] . '">' . $l10n->__('activeNo') . '</label>
                                             </span>' . '
                                    <td><button name="' . $s['id'] . '" template-name="' . $s['name'] . '" for="email" class="btn-maroon btn-icon btn-arrow-right view-email">' . $l10n->__('viewEmailBtn') . '<span></span></button></td></tr>';
            <div class='ui-helper-hidden' id="sendTemplate">
                <img class="loader" src="../includes/img/search-loader-light.gif" alt="<?php 
Esempio n. 7
                        <th scope='col'><?php 
if (empty($past_courses)) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4" class="table-placeholder">', $l10n->__('hasNoCourses'), '</td></tr>';
} else {
    foreach ($past_courses as $p) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . '<a href="mailto:' . $p['professor_email'] . '" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('professor') . (empty($p['professor_first_name']) ? 'n/a' : $p['professor_first_name'] . ' ' . $p['professor_last_name']) . '">' . $p['name'] . '</a>' . '</td>
                                <td>' . $p['code'] . (empty($p['section']) ? null : ' ' . $p['section']) . '</td>
                                <td>' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($p['session'], $l10n) . '</td>
        if ($p['opted_out']) {
            echo "<span class='exception-label exception-yes'><span aria-hidden='true' data-ventus-icon='&#x113;'></span>{$l10n->__('hadOptOut')}</span>";
        } elseif ($p['csa_active']) {
            echo "<span class='exception-label exception-no'><span aria-hidden='true' data-ventus-icon='&#x112;'></span>{$l10n->__('hadCSAAccs')}</span>";
        } elseif ($p['template_active']) {
            echo "<span class='exception-label exception-no'><span aria-hidden='true' data-ventus-icon='&#x112;'></span>{$l10n->__('hadTemplateAccs')}</span>";
        } else {
            echo "<span class='exception-label exception-yes'><span aria-hidden='true' data-ventus-icon='&#x113;'></span>{$l10n->__('hadNoAccs')}</span>";
        echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 8
                            <th style="width: 35%;"></th>
if (!empty($requests)) {
    foreach ($requests as $a) {
        if (time() > strtotime($a['exam_date'])) {
            $action_column = "<span style='font-style: italic;'>" . $l10n->__('notModifiable') . "</span>";
        } else {
            $action_column = "<a href='unconfirmed-requests.php?page=initiate-confirmation&student_id={$a['student_id']}&amp;exam_request_id={$a['exam_request_id']}&amp;exam_date={$a['exam_date']}&amp;exam_duration={$a['exam_duration']}' class='btn-maroon btn-icon btn-check' style='margin-right: 10px;'>" . $l10n->__('writeAtASBtn') . "<span></span></a>";
            $action_column .= "<a href='unconfirmed-requests.php?page=write-in-class&student_num={$a['student_id']}&professor_exam_request_id={$a['exam_request_id']}&exam_date=" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($a['exam_date'])) . "' class='btn-maroon btn-icon btn-minus will-write-in-class'>" . $l10n->__('writeInClassBtn') . "<span></span></a>";
        echo '<tr data-request-id="' . $a['exam_request_id'] . $a['student_id'] . '"><td>' . '<a style="text-decoration: none; color: #263849;" href="mailto:' . $a['email'] . '">' . $a['first_name'] . ' ' . $a['last_name'] . ' (' . $a['student_id'] . ')</a></td>
                                    <td>' . '<span rel="tooltip" title="' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($a['session'], $l10n) . $l10n->_f('professorTooltip', $a['professor_name']) . '">' . '<a href="mailto:' . $a['professor_email'] . '">' . $a['course_code'] . ' ' . $a['course_section'] . ' ' . $a['teach_method'] . '</a></span>' . '</td>
                                    <td>' . ucfirst($l10n->__($a['exam_type'])) . ($a['exam_alternate_special'] === "none" ? '' : ' (' . ucfirst($l10n->__($a['exam_alternate_special'])) . ')') . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $l10nDate->format($a['exam_date'], 'date_time') . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $l10n->_f('minutes', $a['exam_duration']) . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $action_column . '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 9
                <th scope='col' style="width: 20%;"><?php 
$i = 0;
foreach ($all_student_accommodations as $asa) {
    if (time() > strtotime($asa['expires_on'])) {
        $color = "#ffdde2;";
    } else {
        $color = "#edfaee;";
    echo '<tr><td style="background-color: ' . $color . '">' . $asa['first_name'] . ' ' . $asa['last_name'] . '</td>
                <td style="background-color: ' . $color . '">', $asa['name'], '</td>
                <td style="background-color: ' . $color . '">' . $l10nDate->format($asa['effective_on'], 'date') . '</td>
                <td style="background-color: ' . $color . '">' . $l10nDate->format($asa['expires_on'], 'date') . '</td>
                <td style="background-color: ' . $color . '">' . (strtotime($asa['expires_on']) < time() ? $l10n->__('accommodationExpired') : $l10n->__($asa['exception_type'])) . '</td>
                <td style="background-color: ' . $color . '">' . (empty($asa['course_code']) ? $l10n->__('allCourses') : $asa['course_code'] . $asa['course_section'] . ' (' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($asa['session'], $l10n) . ')') . '</td></tr>';

Esempio n. 10
    if ($printedFileCount === 0) {
        $bgColor = "rgb(255, 182, 193)";
    } else {
        if ($printedFileCount > 0 && $printedFileCount < $numFiles) {
            $bgColor = "rgb(244, 249, 108)";
        } else {
            $bgColor = "#77B32F";
    if ($a['documents_received'] === '1') {
        $bgColor = "#77B32F";
    $noeStartTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat(DATETIME_MYSQL, $a['exam_date']);
    $noeEndTime = clone $noeStartTime;
    $noeEndTime->add(new DateInterval("PT{$a['exam_duration']}M"));
    echo "<tr data-request-id='{$a['request_id']}' data-student-num='{$a['student_num']}'\n                                         data-exam-request-id='{$a['exam_request_id']}'\n                                         data-doc-rec='{$a['documents_received']}'>" . '<td>' . '<a href="mailto:' . strtolower($a['email']) . '">' . $a['first_name'] . ' ' . $a['last_name'] . ' (' . $a['student_num'] . ')</a>' . '</td>' . '<td>' . ($a['noe_deleted'] === "1" || is_null($a['noe_deleted']) ? '<span class="missing-noe" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('missingNoeTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-ventus-icon="&#x011D;" aria-hidden="true"></span>' : '') . '<span rel="tooltip" title="' . \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::convertCodeToString($a['session'], $l10n) . ($a['professor_name'] === " " ? $l10n->__('noProfDetails') : $l10n->_f('professorTooltip', $a['professor_name'])) . '">' . '<a href="mailto:' . $a['professor_email'] . '">' . $a['course_code'] . ' ' . $a['course_section'] . ' ' . $a['teach_method'] . '</a></span>' . '</td>' . '<td>' . ($a['noe_deleted'] === "1" || is_null($a['noe_deleted']) ? '<span class="missing-noe" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('missingNoeTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-ventus-icon="&#x011D;" aria-hidden="true"></span>' : '') . ucfirst($l10n->__($a['exam_type'])) . ($a['exam_alternate_special'] === "none" ? '' : ' (' . ucfirst($l10n->__($a['exam_alternate_special'])) . ')') . '</td>' . '<td>' . ($a['noe_deleted'] === "1" || is_null($a['noe_deleted']) ? '<span class="missing-noe" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('missingNoeTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-ventus-icon="&#x011D;" aria-hidden="true"></span>' : '') . $l10nDate->format($noeStartTime, 'date_time') . ' - ' . $l10nDate->format($noeEndTime, 'time') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $l10nDate->format($a['official_evaluation_starttime'], 'date_time') . ' - ' . $l10nDate->format($a['official_evaluation_endtime'], 'time') . '</td>' . '<td>' . (empty($a['actual_evaluation_starttime']) ? 'N/A' : $l10nDate->format($a['actual_evaluation_starttime'], 'date_time')) . ' - ' . (empty($a['actual_evaluation_endtime']) ? 'N/A' : $l10nDate->format($a['actual_evaluation_endtime'], 'time')) . '</td>' . '<td>' . (empty($a['extra_time_minutes']) ? 'N/A' : $l10n->_f('minutes', $a['extra_time_minutes']) . ' (' . $l10n->__($a['extra_time_choice']) . ')') . '</td>' . '<td>' . (!isset($a['number']) ? 'N/A' : $l10n->_f('assignedSeat', array($a['building_code'], $a['room_number'], $a['number']))) . '</td>' . '<td>
                                            <button type="button" class="btn-unset file file-status" style="background-color:' . $bgColor . '">';
    if ($numFiles > 0) {
        $l10n->_ef('examFiles', $numFiles);
    } else {
        if ($a['documents_received'] === '1') {
        } else {
    echo '</button>
                                         </td>' . '<td>' . (!empty($a['accommodations']) ? '<span style="color:#358;width:5%" rel="tooltip" title="' . $a['accommodations'] . '" aria-hidden="true">' . $l10n->_f('viewAccommodations', count(explode(',', $a['accommodations']))) . '</span>' : '<span>N/A</span>') . '<span class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible">' . $a['accommodations'] . '</span>' . '</td>' . '<td rel="tooltip" title="' . (isset($a['emp_id']) ? $l10n->_f('acceptedTooltipEmployee', array($a['emp_first_name'], $a['emp_last_name']), $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) : $l10n->__('acceptedTooltipStudent', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR)) . '">' . $l10nDate->format($a['inserted_on'], 'date_time') . '</td>' . '<td style="text-align: center;">' . "<input type='checkbox' id='request-{$a['request_id']}-cancelled' " . ($a['is_cancelled'] === '1' ? 'checked' : '') . "><label for='request-{$a['request_id']}-cancelled'>" . $l10n->__('cancelBtn') . "</label>" . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<div class="ticket ' . $a['proctor_status']->ticket . '">' . $l10n->__('status-' . $a['proctor_status']->status) . '</div>' . ($a['dropped'] || is_null($a['dropped']) ? '<span class="missing-noe" rel="tooltip" title="' . $l10n->__('studentDroppedTooltip', $antiXSS::HTML_ATTR) . '" data-ventus-icon="&#x011D;" aria-hidden="true"></span>' : '') . '<span rel="tooltip" title="' . $a['is_cancelled_reason'] . '" class="cancelled-requests" data-request-id="' . $a['request_id'] . '" style="font-weight:bold;' . ($a['is_cancelled'] == 0 ? 'display: none;' : '') . '">' . $l10n->__('cancelledStatus') . '</span>' . '<button data-request-id=' . $a['request_id'] . ' data-exam-date="' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($a['official_evaluation_starttime'])) . '" data-student-id=' . $a['student_num'] . ' class="btn-maroon btn-icon btn-arrow-right view-edit" style="' . ($a['is_cancelled'] == 1 ? 'display: none;' : '') . '"><span></span>' . $l10n->__('editBtn') . '</button>' . '</td>' . '</tr>';