private static function writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag $tag) : string { if (self::$cachedParser === null) { self::$cachedParser = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); } self::$cachedParser->setData($tag); return self::$cachedParser->write(); }
public function generateChunk($x, $z) { $nbt = new Compound("Level", []); $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->getX() * 32 + $x); $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->getZ() * 32 + $z); $nbt->LastUpdate = new Long("LastUpdate", 0); $nbt->LightPopulated = new Byte("LightPopulated", 0); $nbt->TerrainPopulated = new Byte("TerrainPopulated", 0); $nbt->V = new Byte("V", self::VERSION); $nbt->InhabitedTime = new Long("InhabitedTime", 0); $biomes = str_repeat(Binary::writeByte(-1), 256); $nbt->Biomes = new ByteArray("Biomes", $biomes); $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", array_fill(0, 156, Binary::readInt("…²J"))); $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", array_fill(0, 256, 127)); $nbt->Sections = new Enum("Sections", []); $nbt->Sections->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", []); $nbt->Entities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", []); $nbt->TileEntities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $nbt->TileTicks = new Enum("TileTicks", []); $nbt->TileTicks->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setName("Level"); $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt])); $chunkData = $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, RegionLoader::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL); $this->saveChunk($x, $z, $chunkData); }
public function saveMacro($name, Macro $macro) { $tag = new tag\Compound(); $tag["author"] = new tag\String("author", $macro->getAuthor()); $tag["description"] = new tag\String("description", $macro->getDescription()); $tag["ops"] = new tag\Enum("ops"); foreach ($macro->getOperations() as $i => $log) { $tag["ops"][$i] = $log->toTag(); } $nbt = new NBT(); $nbt->setData($tag); $file = $this->getFile($name); $stream = fopen($file, "wb"); if (!is_resource($stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to open stream. Maybe the macro name is not a valid filename?"); } $compression = $this->getMain()->getConfig()->getAll()["data providers"]["macro"]["mcr"]["compression"]; if ($compression === 0) { $data = $nbt->write(); } else { $data = $nbt->writeCompressed($compression); } fwrite($stream, chr($compression) . $data); fclose($stream); }
public function requestChunkTask($x, $z) { $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, false); if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk sent"); } $tiles = ""; if (count($chunk->getTiles()) > 0) { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $list = []; foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $list[] = $tile->getSpawnCompound(); } } $nbt->setData($list); $tiles = $nbt->write(true); } $extraData = new BinaryStream(); $extraData->putLInt(count($chunk->getBlockExtraDataArray())); foreach ($chunk->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) { $extraData->putLInt($key); $extraData->putLShort($value); } $ordered = $chunk->getBlockIdArray() . $chunk->getBlockDataArray() . $chunk->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $chunk->getBlockLightArray() . pack("C*", ...$chunk->getHeightMapArray()) . pack("N*", ...$chunk->getBiomeColorArray()) . $extraData->getBuffer() . $tiles; $this->getLevel()->chunkRequestCallback($x, $z, $ordered, FullChunkDataPacket::ORDER_LAYERED); return null; }
public function spawnTo(Player $player) { if ($this->closed) { return \false; } $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($this->getSpawnCompound()); $pk = new TileEntityDataPacket(); $pk->x = $this->x; $pk->y = $this->y; $pk->z = $this->z; $pk->namedtag = $nbt->write(); $player->dataPacket($pk->setChannel(Network::CHANNEL_WORLD_EVENTS)); return \true; }
public function spawnTo(Player $player) { if ($this->closed) { return false; } $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($this->getSpawnCompound()); $pk = new TileEntityDataPacket(); $pk->x = $this->x; $pk->y = $this->y; $pk->z = $this->z; $pk->namedtag = $nbt->write(); $player->dataPacket($pk); return true; }
public function __construct(Level $level, Chunk $chunk) { $this->levelId = $level->getId(); $this->chunk = $chunk->toFastBinary(); $this->chunkX = $chunk->getX(); $this->chunkZ = $chunk->getZ(); $tiles = ""; $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $nbt->setData($tile->getSpawnCompound()); $tiles .= $nbt->write(); } } $this->tiles = $tiles; }
public function __construct(Anvil $level, $levelId, $chunkX, $chunkZ) { $this->levelId = $levelId; $this->chunkX = $chunkX; $this->chunkZ = $chunkZ; $chunk = $level->getChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ, false); if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk sent"); } $this->biomeIds = $chunk->getBiomeIdArray(); $this->biomeColors = $chunk->getBiomeColorArray(); $this->sections = $chunk->getSections(); $tiles = ""; $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $nbt->setData($tile->getSpawnCompound()); $tiles .= $nbt->write(); } } $this->tiles = $tiles; $this->compressionLevel = Level::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL; }
public function onRun($currentTicks) { $this->getOwner()->updateVars(); foreach ($this->getOwner()->getServer()->getLevels() as $lv) { if (count($lv->getPlayers()) == 0) { continue; } foreach ($lv->getTiles() as $tile) { if (!$tile instanceof Sign) { continue; } $sign = $tile->getText(); $text = $this->getOwner()->getLiveSign($sign); if ($text == null) { continue; } $pk = new TileEntityDataPacket(); $data = $tile->getSpawnCompound(); $data->Text1 = new String("Text1", $text[0]); $data->Text2 = new String("Text2", $text[1]); $data->Text3 = new String("Text3", $text[2]); $data->Text4 = new String("Text4", $text[3]); $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($data); $pk->x = $tile->getX(); $pk->y = $tile->getY(); $pk->z = $tile->getZ(); $pk->namedtag = $nbt->write(); foreach ($lv->getPlayers() as $pl) { $pl->dataPacket($pk); } //foreach Players } //foreach Tiles } // foreach Levels }
public function toBinary($saveExtra = false) { $chunkIndex = LevelDB::chunkIndex($this->getX(), $this->getZ()); $provider = $this->getProvider(); if ($saveExtra and $provider instanceof LevelDB) { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $entities = []; foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) { if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) { $entity->saveNBT(); $nbt->setData($entity->namedtag); $entities[] = $nbt->write(); } } if (count($entities) > 0) { $provider->getDatabase()->put($chunkIndex . "2", implode($entities)); } else { $provider->getDatabase()->delete($chunkIndex . "2"); } $tiles = []; foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) { if (!$tile->closed) { $tile->saveNBT(); $nbt->setData($tile->namedtag); $tiles[] = $nbt->write(); } } if (count($tiles) > 0) { $provider->getDatabase()->put($chunkIndex . "1", implode($tiles)); } else { $provider->getDatabase()->delete($chunkIndex . "1"); } } $biomeColors = pack("N*", ...$this->getBiomeColorArray()); return $chunkIndex . $this->getBlockIdArray() . $this->getBlockDataArray() . $this->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $this->getBlockLightArray() . $this->getBiomeIdArray() . $biomeColors . chr(($this->isPopulated() ? 0x2 : 0) | ($this->isGenerated() ? 0x1 : 0)); }
private function updateTile($tile) { $sign = $tile->getText(); $sn = $this->texts[$sign[0]]; $upd = [$sign[0], $sign[1], $sign[2], $sign[3]]; switch ($sn) { case "stats": $lv = $tile->getLevel(); foreach ($lv->getPlayers() as $pl) { $score = $this->dbm->getScore($pl->getName()); if ($score == null) { continue; } $money = $this->getMoney($pl->getName()); $data = $tile->getSpawnCompound(); $data->Text1 = new String("Text1", $sign[0]); $data->Text2 = new String("Text2", "Level: " . $score["level"]); $data->Text3 = new String("Text3", "Kills: " . $score["kills"]); $data->Text4 = new String("Text4", "Points: " . $money); $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($data); $pk = new EntityDataPacket(); $pk->x = $tile->getX(); $pk->y = $tile->getY(); $pk->z = $tile->getZ(); $pk->namedtag = $nbt->write(); $pl->dataPacket($pk); } break; case "rankings": case "onlineranks": $res = $this->getRankings(3, $sn == "onlineranks"); if ($res == null) { $upd[1] = "Not Available"; $upd[2] = "insufficient"; $upd[3] = "players on-line"; break; } $upd[1] = ""; $upd[2] = ""; $upd[3] = ""; $i = 1; foreach ($res as $r) { $upd[$i] = implode(" ", [$r["player"], $r["kills"]]); ++$i; } break; default: return; } if ($upd[0] == $sign[0] && $upd[2] == $sign[2] && $upd[1] == $sign[1] && $upd[3] == $sign[3]) { return; } $tile->setText($upd[0], $upd[1], $upd[2], $upd[3]); }
public function saveLevelData() { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData(new Compound("", ["Data" => $this->levelData])); $buffer = $nbt->writeCompressed(); file_put_contents($this->getPath() . "level.dat", $buffer); }
private function updateSign($pl, $tile, $text) { $pk = new TileEntityDataPacket(); $data = $tile->getSpawnCompound(); $data->Text1 = new String("Text1", $text[0]); $data->Text2 = new String("Text2", $text[1]); $data->Text3 = new String("Text3", $text[2]); $data->Text4 = new String("Text4", $text[3]); $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($data); $pk->x = $tile->getX(); $pk->y = $tile->getY(); $pk->z = $tile->getZ(); $pk->namedtag = $nbt->write(); $pl->dataPacket($pk); }
public function generateChunk($x, $z) { $nbt = new Compound("Level", []); $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->getX() * 32 + $x); $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->getZ() * 32 + $z); $nbt->LastUpdate = new Long("LastUpdate", 0); $nbt->LightPopulated = new Byte("LightPopulated", 0); $nbt->TerrainPopulated = new Byte("TerrainPopulated", 0); $nbt->V = new Byte("V", self::VERSION); $nbt->InhabitedTime = new Long("InhabitedTime", 0); $nbt->Biomes = new ByteArray("Biomes", \str_repeat(\chr(-1), 256)); $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", \array_fill(0, 256, 127)); $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", \array_fill(0, 256, \PHP_INT_SIZE === 8 ? \unpack("N", "…²J")[1] << 32 >> 32 : \unpack("N", "…²J")[1])); $nbt->Blocks = new ByteArray("Blocks", \str_repeat("", 32768)); $nbt->Data = new ByteArray("Data", $half = \str_repeat("", 16384)); $nbt->SkyLight = new ByteArray("SkyLight", $half); $nbt->BlockLight = new ByteArray("BlockLight", $half); $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", []); $nbt->Entities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", []); $nbt->TileEntities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $nbt->TileTicks = new Enum("TileTicks", []); $nbt->TileTicks->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setName("Level"); $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt])); $chunkData = $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, self::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL); if ($chunkData !== \false) { $this->saveChunk($x, $z, $chunkData); } }
/** * Called when the user logs out * * @param PlayerQuitEvent $event */ public function onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent $event) { if (isset($this->standbyAuth[strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName())])) { unset($this->standbyAuth[strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName())]); return; } if (isset($this->needAuth[strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName())])) { unset($this->needAuth[strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName())]); return; } if ($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("servermode", null) != "slave") { return; } $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); try { $nbt->setData($event->getPlayer()->namedtag); $nbtFile = mb_convert_encoding($nbt->writeCompressed(), "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1"); // itemSyncro // slave->master = [passcode, itemSyncro, username, itemData] $data = [$this->plugin->getConfig()->get("passcode"), "itemSyncro", $event->getPlayer()->getName(), $nbtFile]; CPAPI::sendPacket(new DataPacket($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterip"), $this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterport"), json_encode($data))); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->plugin->getLogger()->critical($this->plugin->getServer()->getLanguage()->translateString("", [$event->getPlayer()->getName(), $e->getMessage()])); if (\pocketmine\DEBUG > 1 and $this->plugin->getServer()->getLogger() instanceof MainLogger) { $this->plugin->getServer()->getLogger()->logException($e); } } // logoutRequest // slave->master = [passcode, logoutRequest, username, IP, isUserGenerate] $data = [$this->plugin->getConfig()->get("passcode"), "logoutRequest", $event->getPlayer()->getName(), $event->getPlayer()->getAddress(), false]; CPAPI::sendPacket(new DataPacket($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterip"), $this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterport"), json_encode($data))); }
public function requestChunkTask($x, $z) { $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, \false); if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk sent"); } $tiles = ""; $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $nbt->setData($tile->getSpawnCompound()); $tiles .= $nbt->write(); } } $heightmap = \pack("C*", ...$chunk->getHeightMapArray()); $biomeColors = \pack("N*", ...$chunk->getBiomeColorArray()); $extraData = new BinaryStream(); $extraData->putLInt(\count($chunk->getBlockExtraDataArray())); foreach ($chunk->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) { $extraData->putLInt($key); $extraData->putLShort($value); } $ordered = $chunk->getBlockIdArray() . $chunk->getBlockDataArray() . $chunk->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $chunk->getBlockLightArray() . $heightmap . $biomeColors . $extraData->getBuffer() . $tiles; $this->getLevel()->chunkRequestCallback($x, $z, $ordered); return \null; }
public function toBinary() { $data = new Compound($this->name); // we will have trouble updating these NBT tags to PHP 7 :( // But hopefully it will be as simple as search & replace with regex: // /(String|Int|Byte|blah)/ -> $1Tag // depends if shoghicp does even more destruction :P $data->Name = new String("Name", $this->name); // unique name of the WorldEditSession $data->Owner = new String("Owner", $this->owner); // OK, I know that this will no longer work after 2038 January, but who will use this plugin until 2038? $data->Creation = new Int("Creation", $this->creationTime); $entries = new Enum("Entries", array_map(function (Block $block) { $compound = new Compound(); $compound->X = new Int("X", $block->x); $compound->Y = new Int("Y", $block->y); $compound->Z = new Int("Z", $block->z); $compound->Id = new Byte("Id", $block->getId()); $compound->Damage = new Byte("Damage", $block->getDamage()); return $compound; }, $this->entries)); $data->Entries = $entries; $nbt = new NBT(); $nbt->setData($data); return $nbt->writeCompressed(); }
/** * @param string $name * @param Compound $nbtTag */ public function saveOfflinePlayerData($name, Compound $nbtTag) { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($nbtTag); file_put_contents($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed()); }
public function requestChunkTask($x, $z) { $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, \false); if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk sent"); } $tiles = ""; $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $nbt->setData($tile->getSpawnCompound()); $tiles .= $nbt->write(); } } $biomeColors = \pack("N*", ...$chunk->getBiomeColorArray()); $ordered = \zlib_encode(\pack("V", $x) . \pack("V", $z) . $chunk->getBlockIdArray() . $chunk->getBlockDataArray() . $chunk->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $chunk->getBlockLightArray() . $chunk->getBiomeIdArray() . $biomeColors . $tiles, ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, Level::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL); $this->getLevel()->chunkRequestCallback($x, $z, $ordered); return \null; }
public function saveChunk($X, $Z, $force = false) { $X = (int) $X; $Z = (int) $Z; if (!$this->isChunkLoaded($X, $Z)) { return false; } $index = self::getIndex($X, $Z); if ($force !== true and (!isset($this->chunkChange[$index]) or $this->chunkChange[$index][-1] === false)) { //No changes in chunk return true; } $path = $this->getChunkPath($X, $Z); if (!file_exists(dirname($path))) { @mkdir(dirname($path), 0755); } $bitmap = 0; $this->cleanChunk($X, $Z); for ($Y = 0; $Y < 8; ++$Y) { if ($this->chunks[$index][$Y] !== false and (isset($this->chunkChange[$index][$Y]) and $this->chunkChange[$index][$Y] === 0 or !$this->isMiniChunkEmpty($X, $Z, $Y))) { $bitmap |= 1 << $Y; } else { $this->chunks[$index][$Y] = false; } $this->chunkChange[$index][$Y] = 0; } $this->chunkInfo[$index][0] = $bitmap; $this->chunkChange[$index][-1] = false; $chunk = ""; $chunk .= chr($bitmap); $chunk .= Binary::writeInt($this->chunkInfo[$index][1]); $namedtag = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $namedtag->setData($this->chunkInfo[$index][2]); $namedtag = $namedtag->write(); $chunk .= Binary::writeInt(strlen($namedtag)) . $namedtag; $chunk .= $this->chunkInfo[$index][3]; //biomes for ($Y = 0; $Y < 8; ++$Y) { $t = 1 << $Y; if (($bitmap & $t) === $t) { $chunk .= $this->chunks[$index][$Y]; } } file_put_contents($path, zlib_encode($chunk, self::ZLIB_ENCODING, self::ZLIB_LEVEL)); return true; }
/** * @param string $name * @param Compound $nbtTag * @param bool $async */ public function saveOfflinePlayerData($name, Compound $nbtTag, $async = false) { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); try { $nbt->setData($nbtTag); if ($async) { $this->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask(new FileWriteTask($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed())); } else { file_put_contents($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed()); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->critical($this->getLanguage()->translateString("", [$name, $e->getMessage()])); if (\pocketmine\DEBUG > 1 and $this->logger instanceof MainLogger) { $this->logger->logException($e); } } }
public function toBinary() { $nbt = clone $this->getNBT(); $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->x); $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->z); $nbt->Sections = new Enum("Sections", []); $nbt->Sections->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); foreach ($this->getSections() as $section) { if ($section instanceof EmptyChunkSection) { continue; } $nbt->Sections[$section->getY()] = new Compound(\null, ["Y" => new Byte("Y", $section->getY()), "Blocks" => new ByteArray("Blocks", $section->getIdArray()), "Data" => new ByteArray("Data", $section->getDataArray()), "BlockLight" => new ByteArray("BlockLight", $section->getLightArray()), "SkyLight" => new ByteArray("SkyLight", $section->getSkyLightArray())]); } $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", $this->getBiomeColorArray()); $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", $this->getHeightMapArray()); $entities = []; foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) { if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) { $entity->saveNBT(); $entities[] = $entity->namedtag; } } $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", $entities); $nbt->Entities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $tiles = []; foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) { $tile->saveNBT(); $tiles[] = $tile->namedtag; } $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", $tiles); $nbt->TileEntities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $extraData = new BinaryStream(); $extraData->putInt(\count($this->getBlockExtraDataArray())); foreach ($this->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) { $extraData->putInt($key); $extraData->putShort($value); } $nbt->ExtraData = new ByteArray("ExtraData", $extraData->getBuffer()); $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setName("Level"); $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt])); return $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, RegionLoader::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL); }
public function toBinary($saveExtra = \false) { $chunkIndex = LevelDB::chunkIndex($this->getX(), $this->getZ()); $provider = $this->getProvider(); if ($saveExtra and $provider instanceof LevelDB) { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $entities = []; foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) { if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) { $entity->saveNBT(); $entities[] = $entity->namedtag; } } if (\count($entities) > 0) { $nbt->setData($entities); $provider->getDatabase()->put($chunkIndex . LevelDB::ENTRY_ENTITIES, $nbt->write()); } else { $provider->getDatabase()->delete($chunkIndex . LevelDB::ENTRY_ENTITIES); } $tiles = []; foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) { if (!$tile->closed) { $tile->saveNBT(); $tiles[] = $tile->namedtag; } } if (\count($tiles) > 0) { $nbt->setData($tiles); $provider->getDatabase()->put($chunkIndex . LevelDB::ENTRY_TILES, $nbt->write()); } else { $provider->getDatabase()->delete($chunkIndex . LevelDB::ENTRY_TILES); } if (\count($this->getBlockExtraDataArray()) > 0) { $extraData = new BinaryStream(); $extraData->putInt(\count($this->getBlockExtraDataArray())); foreach ($this->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) { $extraData->putInt($key); $extraData->putShort($value); } $provider->getDatabase()->put($chunkIndex . LevelDB::ENTRY_EXTRA_DATA, $extraData->getBuffer()); } else { $provider->getDatabase()->delete($chunkIndex . LevelDB::ENTRY_EXTRA_DATA); } } $heightmap = \pack("C*", ...$this->getHeightMapArray()); $biomeColors = \pack("N*", ...$this->getBiomeColorArray()); return $chunkIndex . $this->getBlockIdArray() . $this->getBlockDataArray() . $this->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $this->getBlockLightArray() . $heightmap . $biomeColors . \chr(($this->isLightPopulated() ? 0x4 : 0) | ($this->isPopulated() ? 0x2 : 0) | ($this->isGenerated() ? 0x1 : 0)); }
private function updateSign($pl, $tile, $text) { switch ($this->api) { case 10: $pk = new EntityDataPacket(); break; case 12: $pk = new TileEntityDataPacket(); break; default: return; } $data = $tile->getSpawnCompound(); $data->Text1 = new String("Text1", $text[0]); $data->Text2 = new String("Text2", $text[1]); $data->Text3 = new String("Text3", $text[2]); $data->Text4 = new String("Text4", $text[3]); $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); $nbt->setData($data); $pk->x = $tile->getX(); $pk->y = $tile->getY(); $pk->z = $tile->getZ(); $pk->namedtag = $nbt->write(); $pl->dataPacket($pk); }
public function requestChunkTask($x, $z) { $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, false); if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk sent"); } $tiles = ""; $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $nbt->setData($tile->getSpawnCompound()); $tiles .= $nbt->write(); } } $biomeColors = pack("N*", ...$chunk->getBiomeColorArray()); $ordered = $chunk->getBlockIdArray() . $chunk->getBlockDataArray() . $chunk->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $chunk->getBlockLightArray() . $chunk->getBiomeIdArray() . $biomeColors . $tiles; $this->getLevel()->chunkRequestCallback($x, $z, $ordered); return null; }
public function toBinary() { $nbt = clone $this->getNBT(); $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->x); $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->z); if ($this->isGenerated()) { $nbt->Blocks = new ByteArray("Blocks", $this->getBlockIdArray()); $nbt->Data = new ByteArray("Data", $this->getBlockDataArray()); $nbt->SkyLight = new ByteArray("SkyLight", $this->getBlockSkyLightArray()); $nbt->BlockLight = new ByteArray("BlockLight", $this->getBlockLightArray()); $nbt->Biomes = new ByteArray("Biomes", $this->getBiomeIdArray()); $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", $this->getBiomeColorArray()); $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", $this->getHeightMapArray()); } $entities = []; foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) { if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) { $entity->saveNBT(); $entities[] = $entity->namedtag; } } $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", $entities); $nbt->Entities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $tiles = []; foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) { $tile->saveNBT(); $tiles[] = $tile->namedtag; } $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", $tiles); $nbt->TileEntities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setName("Level"); $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt])); return $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, RegionLoader::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL); }
public function requestChunkTask($x, $z) { $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, false); if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk sent"); } $tiles = ""; $nbt = new NBT(NBT::LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach ($chunk->getTiles() as $tile) { if ($tile instanceof Spawnable) { $nbt->setData($tile->getSpawnCompound()); $tiles .= $nbt->write(); } } $extraData = new BinaryStream(); $extraData->putLInt(count($chunk->getBlockExtraDataArray())); foreach ($chunk->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) { $extraData->putLInt($key); $extraData->putLShort($value); } $ordered = $chunk->getBlockIdArray() . $chunk->getBlockDataArray() . $chunk->getBlockSkyLightArray() . $chunk->getBlockLightArray() . pack("C*", ...$chunk->getHeightMapArray()) . pack("N*", ...$chunk->getBiomeColorArray()) . $extraData->getBuffer() . $tiles; $pk = new FullChunkDataPacket(); $pk->chunkX = $x; $pk->chunkZ = $z; $pk->order = FullChunkDataPacket::ORDER_COLUMNS; $pk->data = $ordered; $pk->encode(); $str = ""; $str .= Binary::writeInt(strlen($pk->buffer)) . $pk->buffer; $this->getLevel()->chunkRequestCallback($x, $z, zlib_encode($str, ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, 7)); return null; }
/** * @param string $name * @param Compound $nbtTag */ public function saveOfflinePlayerData($name, Compound $nbtTag) { $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); try { $nbt->setData($nbtTag); file_put_contents($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->critical("Could not save player " . $name . ": " . $e->getMessage()); if (\pocketmine\DEBUG > 1 and $this->logger instanceof MainLogger) { $this->logger->logException($e); } } }
/** * @param Compound $nbt * @return NBT */ protected function prepareChunkBinaryWriter(Compound $nbt) { $entities = []; foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) { if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) { $entity->saveNBT(); $entities[] = $entity->namedtag; } } $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", $entities); $nbt->Entities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $tiles = []; foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) { $tile->saveNBT(); $tiles[] = $tile->namedtag; } $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", $tiles); $nbt->TileEntities->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $extraData = new BinaryStream(); $extraData->putInt(count($this->getBlockExtraDataArray())); foreach ($this->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) { $extraData->putInt($key); $extraData->putShort($value); } $nbt->ExtraData = new ByteArray("ExtraData", $extraData->getBuffer()); $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN); $nbt->setName("Level"); $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt])); return $writer; }