Esempio n. 1
  * Standard modular run function for ajax-tree hooks. Generates XML for a tree list, which is interpreted by Javascript and expanded on-demand (via new calls).
  * @param  ?ID_TEXT		The ID to do under (NULL: root)
  * @param  array			Options being passed through
  * @param  ?ID_TEXT		The ID to select by default (NULL: none)
  * @return string			XML in the special category,entry format
 function run($id, $options, $default = NULL)
     $must_accept_images = array_key_exists('must_accept_images', $options) ? $options['must_accept_images'] : false;
     $must_accept_videos = array_key_exists('must_accept_videos', $options) ? $options['must_accept_videos'] : false;
     $filter = array_key_exists('filter', $options) ? $options['filter'] : NULL;
     $purity = array_key_exists('purity', $options) ? $options['purity'] : false;
     $member_id = array_key_exists('member_id', $options) ? $options['member_id'] : NULL;
     $compound_list = array_key_exists('compound_list', $options) ? $options['compound_list'] : false;
     $addable_filter = array_key_exists('addable_filter', $options) ? $options['addable_filter'] : false;
     $stripped_id = $compound_list ? preg_replace('#,.*$#', '', $id) : $id;
     $tree = get_gallery_tree(is_null($id) ? 'root' : $stripped_id, '', NULL, true, $filter, false, false, $purity, $compound_list, is_null($id) ? 0 : 1, $member_id, $addable_filter);
     if (!has_actual_page_access(NULL, 'galleries')) {
         $tree = array();
     if ($compound_list) {
         list($tree, ) = $tree;
     $out = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($tree); $i++) {
         $t = $tree[$i];
         $_id = $compound_list ? $t['compound_list'] : $t['id'];
         if ($stripped_id === $t['id']) {
             // Possible when we look under as a root
             if (array_key_exists('children', $t)) {
                 $tree = $t['children'];
                 $i = 0;
         $title = $t['title'];
         if (is_object($title)) {
             $title = @html_entity_decode(strip_tags($title->evaluate()), ENT_QUOTES, get_charset());
         $has_children = $t['child_count'] != 0;
         $selectable = ($addable_filter !== true || $t['addable']) && ($t['accept_videos'] == 1 && $t['is_member_synched'] == 0 || !$must_accept_videos) && ($t['accept_images'] == 1 && $t['is_member_synched'] == 0 || !$must_accept_images);
         $tag = 'category';
         // category
         $out .= '<' . $tag . ' id="' . xmlentities($_id) . '" title="' . xmlentities($title) . '" has_children="' . ($has_children ? 'true' : 'false') . '" selectable="' . ($selectable ? 'true' : 'false') . '"></' . $tag . '>';
         // Mark parent cats for pre-expansion
         if (!is_null($default) && $default != '') {
             $cat = $default;
             while (!is_null($cat) && $cat != '') {
                 $out .= '<expand>' . $cat . '</expand>';
                 $cat = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('galleries', 'parent_id', array('name' => $cat));
     $tag = 'result';
     // result
     return '<' . $tag . '>' . $out . '</' . $tag . '>';
Esempio n. 2
  * Standard function to create the standardised category tree
  * @param  ID_TEXT		Notification code
  * @param  ?ID_TEXT		The ID of where we're looking under (NULL: N/A)
  * @return array 			Tree structure
 function create_category_tree($notification_code, $id)
     if (is_null($id)) {
         $total = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('galleries', 'COUNT(*)');
         if ($total > 300) {
             return parent::create_category_tree($notification_code, $id);
         // Too many, so just allow removing UI
     $pagelinks = get_gallery_tree($id, '', NULL, true, NULL, false, false, true, false, is_null($id) ? 0 : 1);
     $filtered = array();
     foreach ($pagelinks as $p) {
         if ($p['id'] !== $id) {
             $filtered[] = $p;
     return $filtered;
Esempio n. 3
  * Standard modular page-link finder function (does not return the main entry-points that are not inside the tree).
  * @param  ?integer  The number of tree levels to computer (NULL: no limit)
  * @param  boolean	Whether to not return stuff that does not support permissions (unless it is underneath something that does).
  * @param  ?string	Position to start at in the tree. Does not need to be respected. (NULL: from root)
  * @param  boolean	Whether to avoid returning categories.
  * @return ?array	 	A tuple: 1) full tree structure [made up of (pagelink, permission-module, permissions-id, title, children, ?entry point for the children, ?children permission module, ?whether there are children) OR a list of maps from a get_* function] 2) permissions-page 3) optional base entry-point for the tree 4) optional permission-module 5) optional permissions-id (NULL: disabled).
 function get_page_links($max_depth = NULL, $require_permission_support = false, $start_at = NULL, $dont_care_about_categories = false)
     $permission_page = 'cms_galleries';
     $category_data_count = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('galleries', 'COUNT(*)');
     if ($category_data_count > 2000) {
         $dont_care_about_categories = true;
     $category_id = NULL;
     if (!is_null($start_at)) {
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match('#[^:]*:galleries:type=misc:id=(.*)#', $start_at, $matches) != 0) {
             $category_id = $matches[1];
     $adjusted_max_depth = is_null($max_depth) ? NULL : (is_null($category_id) ? $max_depth - 1 : $max_depth);
     return array($dont_care_about_categories ? array() : get_gallery_tree($category_id, '', NULL, true, NULL, false, false, true, false, $adjusted_max_depth, NULL, false), $permission_page, '_SELF:_SELF:type=misc:id=!', 'galleries');
Esempio n. 4
 * Gets a gallery selection tree list, extending deeper from the given category_id, showing all sub(sub...)galleries.
 * @param  ?ID_TEXT		The gallery we are getting the tree starting from (NULL: root)
 * @param  string			The parent tree at this point of the recursion
 * @param  ?array			The database row for the $category_id gallery (NULL: get it from the DB)
 * @param  boolean		Whether to include video/image statistics in the returned tree
 * @param  ?string		A function name to filter galleries with (NULL: no filter)
 * @param  boolean		Whether displayed galleries must support images
 * @param  boolean		Whether displayed galleries must support videos
 * @param  boolean		Whether to NOT show member galleries that do not exist yet
 * @param  boolean		Whether to get a list of child galleries (not just direct ones, recursively), instead of just IDs
 * @param  ?integer		The number of recursive levels to search (NULL: all)
 * @param  ?MEMBER		Member we are filtering for (NULL: not needed)
 * @param  boolean		Whether to only show for what may be added to by the current member
 * @return array			The tree structure, or if $use_compound_list, the tree structure built with pairs containing the compound list in addition to the child branches
function get_gallery_tree($category_id = 'root', $tree = '', $gallery_info = NULL, $do_stats = true, $filter = NULL, $must_accept_images = false, $must_accept_videos = false, $purity = false, $use_compound_list = false, $levels = NULL, $member_id = NULL, $addable_filter = false)
    if ($levels == -1) {
        return $use_compound_list ? array(array(), '') : array();
    if (is_null($category_id)) {
        $category_id = 'root';
    if (!has_category_access(get_member(), 'galleries', $category_id)) {
        return $use_compound_list ? array(array(), '') : array();
    // Put our title onto our tree
    if (is_null($gallery_info)) {
        $_gallery_info = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('galleries', array('fullname', 'is_member_synched', 'accept_images', 'accept_videos'), array('name' => $category_id), '', 1);
        if (!array_key_exists(0, $_gallery_info)) {
            warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('_MISSING_RESOURCE', escape_html('gallery:' . $category_id)));
        $gallery_info = $_gallery_info[0];
    $title = array_key_exists('text_original', $gallery_info) ? $gallery_info['text_original'] : get_translated_text($gallery_info['fullname']);
    $is_member_synched = $gallery_info['is_member_synched'] == 1;
    $accept_images = $gallery_info['accept_images'] == 1;
    $accept_videos = $gallery_info['accept_videos'] == 1;
    $tree .= $title;
    $children = array();
    $sub = false;
    $query = 'FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'galleries g LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'translate t ON ' . db_string_equal_to('language', user_lang()) . ' AND WHERE ' . db_string_equal_to('parent_id', $category_id);
    if (current(current($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query))) >= 300) {
        $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT text_original,name,fullname,accept_images,accept_videos,is_member_synched,g.fullname ' . $query . ' ORDER BY add_date', 300);
    } else {
        $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT text_original,name,fullname,accept_images,accept_videos,is_member_synched,g.fullname ' . $query . ' ORDER BY text_original ASC');
    if ((is_null($filter) || call_user_func_array($filter, array($category_id, $member_id, count($rows)))) && (!$must_accept_images || $accept_images && !$is_member_synched) && (!$must_accept_videos || $accept_videos && !$is_member_synched)) {
        // We'll be putting all children in this entire tree into a single list
        $children[0]['id'] = $category_id;
        $children[0]['tree'] = $tree;
        $children[0]['title'] = $title;
        $children[0]['accept_images'] = $gallery_info['accept_images'];
        $children[0]['accept_videos'] = $gallery_info['accept_videos'];
        $children[0]['is_member_synched'] = $gallery_info['is_member_synched'];
        if ($addable_filter) {
            $children[0]['addable'] = has_submit_permission('mid', get_member(), get_ip_address(), 'cms_galleries', array('galleries', $category_id));
        if ($do_stats) {
            $good_row_count = 0;
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                if ((is_null($filter) || call_user_func_array($filter, array($row['name'], $member_id, 1))) && (!$must_accept_images || $row['accept_images'] && $row['is_member_synched'] == 0) && (!$must_accept_videos || $row['accept_videos'] && $row['is_member_synched'] == 0)) {
            $children[0]['child_count'] = $good_row_count;
            if ($good_row_count == 0 && !$purity && $gallery_info['is_member_synched']) {
                $children[0]['child_count'] = 1;
            // XHTMLXHTML
            $children[0]['video_count'] = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('videos', 'COUNT(*)', array('cat' => $category_id));
            $children[0]['image_count'] = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('images', 'COUNT(*)', array('cat' => $category_id));
        $sub = true;
    $can_submit = mixed();
    // Children of this category
    $tree .= ' > ';
    $found_own_gallery = false;
    $found_member_galleries = array($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id() => 1);
    $compound_list = $category_id . ',';
    foreach ($rows as $child) {
        if ($child['name'] == 'root') {
        $can_submit = can_submit_to_gallery($child['name']);
        if ($can_submit === false) {
            $can_submit = !$addable_filter;
        if ($can_submit !== false && $can_submit !== true) {
            $found_own_gallery = true;
            $found_member_galleries[$can_submit] = 1;
        if ($can_submit !== false && ($levels !== 0 || $use_compound_list)) {
            $child_id = $child['name'];
            //			$child_title=$child['text_original'];
            $child_tree = $tree;
            $child_children = get_gallery_tree($child_id, $child_tree, $child, $do_stats, $filter, $must_accept_images, $must_accept_videos, $purity, $use_compound_list, is_null($levels) ? NULL : $levels - 1, $member_id, $addable_filter);
            if ($use_compound_list) {
                list($child_children, $_compound_list) = $child_children;
                $compound_list .= $_compound_list;
            if ($levels !== 0) {
                $children = array_merge($children, $child_children);
    if ($sub && array_key_exists(0, $children)) {
        $children[0]['compound_list'] = $compound_list;
    $done_for_all = false;
    if ($is_member_synched && !$purity && $levels !== 0) {
        if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'can_submit_to_others_categories') && get_forum_type() == 'ocf') {
            $members = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_select('f_members', array('id', 'm_username', 'm_primary_group'), NULL, 'ORDER BY m_username', 100);
            if (count($members) != 100) {
                $done_for_all = true;
                $group_membership = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_select('f_group_members', array('gm_group_id', 'gm_member_id'), array('gm_validated' => 1));
                $group_permissions = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT group_id,the_page,the_value FROM ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'gsp WHERE ' . db_string_equal_to('specific_permission', 'have_personal_category') . ' AND (' . db_string_equal_to('the_page', '') . ' OR ' . db_string_equal_to('the_page', 'cms_galleries') . ')');
                $is_super_admin = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(get_member());
                foreach ($members as $_member) {
                    $member = $_member['id'];
                    $username = $_member['m_username'];
                    $this_category_id = 'member_' . strval($member) . '_' . $category_id;
                    if ($member == get_member()) {
                        $has_permission = true;
                    } else {
                        $a = in_array(array('group_id' => $member['m_primary_group'], 'the_page' => '', 'the_value' => 1), $group_permissions);
                        $b = in_array(array('group_id' => $member['m_primary_group'], 'the_page' => 'cms_galleries', 'the_value' => 0), $group_permissions);
                        $c = in_array(array('group_id' => $member['m_primary_group'], 'the_page' => 'cms_galleries', 'the_value' => 1), $group_permissions);
                        $has_permission = $is_super_admin;
                        if ($a && !$b || $c) {
                            $has_permission = true;
                        if (!$has_permission) {
                            foreach ($group_membership as $_g) {
                                if ($_g['gm_member_id'] == $member) {
                                    $a = in_array(array('group_id' => $_g['gm_group_id'], 'the_page' => '', 'the_value' => 1), $group_permissions);
                                    $b = in_array(array('group_id' => $_g['gm_group_id'], 'the_page' => 'cms_galleries', 'the_value' => 0), $group_permissions);
                                    $c = in_array(array('group_id' => $_g['gm_group_id'], 'the_page' => 'cms_galleries', 'the_value' => 1), $group_permissions);
                                    if ($a && !$b || $c) {
                                        $has_permission = true;
                    if ($has_permission && !array_key_exists($member, $found_member_galleries) && (is_null($filter) || call_user_func_array($filter, array($this_category_id, $member_id, 0)))) {
                        $own_gallery = array();
                        $own_gallery['id'] = $this_category_id;
                        $this_title = do_lang('NEW_PERSONAL_GALLERY_OF', $username, $title);
                        $own_gallery['tree'] = $tree . $this_title;
                        $own_gallery['video_count'] = 0;
                        $own_gallery['image_count'] = 0;
                        $own_gallery['child_count'] = 0;
                        $own_gallery['title'] = $this_title;
                        $own_gallery['accept_images'] = $gallery_info['accept_images'];
                        $own_gallery['accept_videos'] = $gallery_info['accept_videos'];
                        $own_gallery['is_member_synched'] = 0;
                        $own_gallery['compound_list'] = $compound_list;
                        $own_gallery['addable'] = true;
                        $children[] = $own_gallery;
                        if ($member == get_member()) {
                            $found_own_gallery = true;
        if ((!$done_for_all || !$found_own_gallery) && !array_key_exists(get_member(), $found_member_galleries) && !is_guest() && !$purity && has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'have_personal_category')) {
            $this_category_id = 'member_' . strval(get_member()) . '_' . $category_id;
            if (is_null($filter) || call_user_func_array($filter, array($this_category_id, $member_id, 0))) {
                $own_gallery = array();
                $own_gallery['id'] = $this_category_id;
                $this_title = do_lang('NEW_PERSONAL_GALLERY_OF', $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member()), $title);
                $own_gallery['tree'] = $tree . $this_title;
                $own_gallery['video_count'] = 0;
                $own_gallery['image_count'] = 0;
                $own_gallery['child_count'] = 0;
                $own_gallery['title'] = $this_title;
                $own_gallery['accept_images'] = $gallery_info['accept_images'];
                $own_gallery['accept_videos'] = $gallery_info['accept_videos'];
                $own_gallery['is_member_synched'] = 0;
                $own_gallery['addable'] = true;
                $own_gallery['compound_list'] = $compound_list;
                $children[] = $own_gallery;
    return $use_compound_list ? array($children, $compound_list) : $children;