public function onActivate(Level $level, Player $player, Block $block, Block $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz) { $blockTemp = $level->getBlock($block->add(0, -1, 0)); //if($blockTemp->getId() != self::RAIL and $blockTemp->getId() != self::POWERED_RAIL) return; $minecart = new MinecartEntity($player->getLevel()->getChunk($block->getX() >> 4, $block->getZ() >> 4), new CompoundTag("", ["Pos" => new EnumTag("Pos", [new DoubleTag("", $block->getX()), new DoubleTag("", $block->getY() + 1), new DoubleTag("", $block->getZ())]), "Motion" => new EnumTag("Motion", [new DoubleTag("", 0), new DoubleTag("", 0), new DoubleTag("", 0)]), "Rotation" => new EnumTag("Rotation", [new FloatTag("", 0), new FloatTag("", 0)])])); $minecart->spawnToAll(); if ($player->isSurvival()) { $item = $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand(); $count = $item->getCount(); if (--$count <= 0) { $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand(Item::get(Item::AIR)); return; } $item->setCount($count); $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand($item); } return true; }
public function onActivate(Level $level, Player $player, Block $block, Block $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz) { $blockTemp = $level->getBlock($block->add(0, -1, 0)); //if(!$block instanceof RailBlock || !$block instanceof Rail) return false; in previuos version IM //if($blockTemp->getId() != self::RAIL and $blockTemp->getId() != self::POWERED_RAIL) return; in previuos version Genisys $minecart = new MinecartEntity($player->getLevel()->getChunk($block->getX() >> 4, $block->getZ() >> 4), new Compound("", array("Pos" => new Enum("Pos", array(new Double("", $block->getX()), new Double("", $block->getY() + 1), new Double("", $block->getZ()))), "Motion" => new Enum("Motion", array(new Double("", 0), new Double("", 0), new Double("", 0))), "Rotation" => new Enum("Rotation", array(new Float("", 0), new Float("", 0)))))); $minecart->spawnToAll(); if ($player->isSurvival()) { $item = $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand(); $count = $item->getCount(); if (--$count <= 0) { $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand(Item::get(Item::AIR)); return; } $item->setCount($count); $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand($item); } return true; }
public function __construct(Level $level, Vector3 $pos) { if (!($pos instanceof Vector3 && $level instanceof Level)) { echo "this is not Floor!\n"; } $this->vector = $pos; $this->x = $pos->getX(); $this->y = $pos->getY(); $this->z = $pos->getZ(); $this->level = $level; $this->block = $level->getBlock($pos); $this->id = $this->block->getId(); $this->data = $this->block->getDamage(); $this->height = 128; //$this->level->getHeightMap($this->x, $this->z); echo "max height: {$this->height}\n"; if (!($this->isElevatorBlock($this->block) || $this->isExtensionFloorBlock($this->block))) { echo "THIS IS NOT FLOOR!\n"; } }
public function whatBlock(Level $level, $v3) { //boybook的y轴判断法 核心 什么方块? $block = $level->getBlock($v3); $id = $block->getID(); $damage = $block->getDamage(); switch ($id) { case 0: case 6: case 27: case 30: case 31: case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: case 50: case 51: case 63: case 66: case 68: case 78: case 111: case 141: case 142: case 171: case 175: case 244: case 323: //无碰撞体积的板 //无碰撞体积的板 case 78: case 70: case 72: case 147: case 148: //透明方块 return "air"; break; case 8: case 9: //水 return "water"; break; case 10: case 11: //岩浆 return "lava"; break; case 44: case 158: //半砖 if ($damage >= 8) { return "block"; } else { return "half"; } break; case 64: //门 //var_dump($damage." "); //TODO 不知如何判断门是否开启,因为以下条件永远满足 if ($block->isOpened()) { return "air"; } else { return "block"; } break; case 85: case 107: case 139: //1.5格高的无法跳跃物 return "high"; break; case 65: case 106: //可攀爬物 return "climb"; break; default: //普通方块 return "block"; break; } }
public function __construct(Level $level, Vector3 $start, Vector3 $direction, $yOffset = 0, $maxDistance = 0) { $this->level = $level; $this->maxDistance = (int) $maxDistance; $this->blockQueue = new \SplFixedArray(3); $startClone = new Vector3($start->x, $start->y, $start->z); $startClone->y += $yOffset; $this->currentDistance = 0; $mainDirection = 0; $secondDirection = 0; $thirdDirection = 0; $mainPosition = 0; $secondPosition = 0; $thirdPosition = 0; $pos = new Vector3($startClone->x, $startClone->y, $startClone->z); $startBlock = $this->level->getBlock(new Vector3(floor($pos->x), floor($pos->y), floor($pos->z))); if ($this->getXLength($direction) > $mainDirection) { $this->mainFace = $this->getXFace($direction); $mainDirection = $this->getXLength($direction); $mainPosition = $this->getXPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); $this->secondFace = $this->getYFace($direction); $secondDirection = $this->getYLength($direction); $secondPosition = $this->getYPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); $this->thirdFace = $this->getZFace($direction); $thirdDirection = $this->getZLength($direction); $thirdPosition = $this->getZPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); } if ($this->getYLength($direction) > $mainDirection) { $this->mainFace = $this->getYFace($direction); $mainDirection = $this->getYLength($direction); $mainPosition = $this->getYPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); $this->secondFace = $this->getZFace($direction); $secondDirection = $this->getZLength($direction); $secondPosition = $this->getZPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); $this->thirdFace = $this->getXFace($direction); $thirdDirection = $this->getXLength($direction); $thirdPosition = $this->getXPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); } if ($this->getZLength($direction) > $mainDirection) { $this->mainFace = $this->getZFace($direction); $mainDirection = $this->getZLength($direction); $mainPosition = $this->getZPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); $this->secondFace = $this->getXFace($direction); $secondDirection = $this->getXLength($direction); $secondPosition = $this->getXPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); $this->thirdFace = $this->getYFace($direction); $thirdDirection = $this->getYLength($direction); $thirdPosition = $this->getYPosition($direction, $startClone, $startBlock); } $d = $mainPosition / $mainDirection; $secondd = $secondPosition - $secondDirection * $d; $thirdd = $thirdPosition - $thirdDirection * $d; $this->secondError = floor($secondd * self::$gridSize); $this->secondStep = round($secondDirection / $mainDirection * self::$gridSize); $this->thirdError = floor($thirdd * self::$gridSize); $this->thirdStep = round($thirdDirection / $mainDirection * self::$gridSize); if ($this->secondError + $this->secondStep <= 0) { $this->secondError = -$this->secondStep + 1; } if ($this->thirdError + $this->thirdStep <= 0) { $this->thirdError = -$this->thirdStep + 1; } $lastBlock = $startBlock->getSide(Vector3::getOppositeSide($this->mainFace)); if ($this->secondError < 0) { $this->secondError += self::$gridSize; $lastBlock = $lastBlock->getSide(Vector3::getOppositeSide($this->secondFace)); } if ($this->thirdError < 0) { $this->thirdError += self::$gridSize; $lastBlock = $lastBlock->getSide(Vector3::getOppositeSide($this->thirdFace)); } $this->secondError -= self::$gridSize; $this->thirdError -= self::$gridSize; $this->blockQueue[0] = $lastBlock; $this->currentBlock = -1; $this->scan(); $startBlockFound = false; for ($cnt = $this->currentBlock; $cnt >= 0; --$cnt) { if ($this->blockEquals($this->blockQueue[$cnt], $startBlock)) { $this->currentBlock = $cnt; $startBlockFound = true; break; } } if (!$startBlockFound) { throw new \InvalidStateException("Start block missed in BlockIterator"); } $this->maxDistanceInt = round($maxDistance / (sqrt($mainDirection ** 2 + $secondDirection ** 2 + $thirdDirection ** 2) / $mainDirection)); }
public function updateBlock2(Block $block, Level $level, $blockType) { $players = $level->getPlayers(); foreach ($players as $p) { $pk = new UpdateBlockPacket(); $pk->x = $block->getX(); $pk->y = $block->getY(); $pk->z = $block->getZ(); $pk->block = $blockType; $pk->meta = 0; $p->dataPacket($pk); $level->setBlockIdAt($block->getX(), $block->getY(), $block->getZ(), $blockType); $pos = new Position($block->x, $block->y, $block->z); $block = $level->getBlock($pos, true); $direct = true; $update = true; $level->setBlock($pos, $block, $direct, $update); } }
/** * Validate Blue Team Captured Flag * * @param Player $player * @param Level $level * @param unknown $rb */ public function checkBlueTeamCapturedEnermyFlag(Player $player, Level $level, $rb) { $blueTeamEnemyFlagPos = $this->getSetup()->getFlagPos(CTFSetup::CTF_FLAG_BLUE_TEAM_ENEMY); if (round($rb->x) == round($blueTeamEnemyFlagPos->x) && round($rb->y) == round($blueTeamEnemyFlagPos->y) && round($rb->z) == round($blueTeamEnemyFlagPos->z)) { // check if enermy flag is destroyed $blueTeamFlagPos = $this->getSetup()->getFlagPos(CTFSetup::CTF_FLAG_RED_TEAM); $redflag = $level->getBlock($blueTeamFlagPos); if ($redflag->getId() != 0) { $player->sendMessage($this->getMsg("ctf.error.redteam-flag-exist")); // erase placed block $this->getBuilder()->resetBlock($rb, $level, 0); return; } // blue team has enermy flag, announce blue team winning $output = ""; $output .= TextFormat::GRAY . "------------------------------\n"; $output .= TextFormat::GREEN . $this->getMsg("ctf.conglatulations") . "\n"; $output .= TextFormat::BLUE . $this->getMsg("") . "\n"; $output .= TextFormat::GRAY . "------------------------------\n"; // update blue team winning score $this->getPlugIn()->blueTeamWins++; $output .= TextFormat::LIGHT_PURPLE . $this->getMsg("") . $this->getPlugIn()->blueTeamWins . "\n"; $output .= TextFormat::LIGHT_PURPLE . $this->getMsg("") . $this->getPlugIn()->redTeamWins . "\n"; $output .= TextFormat::GRAY . "------------------------------\n"; //$level->getServer ()->broadcastMessage ( $output ); $level->getServer()->broadcastMessage($output, $this->plugin->blueTeamPLayers); $level->getServer()->broadcastMessage($output, $this->plugin->redTeamPlayers); $this->getPlugIn()->gameMode = 0; $this->moveTeamBackToSpawnpointOnCapturedEnermyFlag(); // send scheduled task $this->handleNextRoundOfGame($level); } }
public function onActivate(Level $level, Player $player, Block $block, Block $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz) { if (($player->gamemode & 0x1) === 0 and $this->useOn($block) and $this->getDamage() >= $this->getMaxDurability()) { $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand(new Item(Item::AIR, 0, 0)); } if ($target->getId() === 49 and $player->getServer()->netherEnabled) { //黑曜石 4*5最小 23*23最大 $level->setBlock($block, new Fire(), true); $tx = $target->getX(); $ty = $target->getY(); $tz = $target->getZ(); //x方向 $x_max = $tx; //x最大值 $x_min = $tx; //x最小值 $count_x = 0; //x方向方块 for ($x = $tx + 1; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($x, $ty, $tz))->getId() == 49; $x++) { $x_max++; } for ($x = $tx - 1; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($x, $ty, $tz))->getId() == 49; $x--) { $x_min--; } $count_x = $x_max - $x_min + 1; if ($count_x >= 4 and $count_x <= 23) { //4 23 $x_max_y = $ty; //x最大值时的y最大值 $x_min_y = $ty; //x最小值时的y最大值 for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($x_max, $y, $tz))->getId() == 49; $y++) { $x_max_y++; } for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($x_min, $y, $tz))->getId() == 49; $y++) { $x_min_y++; } $y_max = min($x_max_y, $x_min_y) - 1; //y最大值 $count_y = $y_max - $ty + 2; //方向方块 //Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("$y_max $x_max_y $x_min_y $x_max $x_min"); if ($count_y >= 5 and $count_y <= 23) { //5 23 $count_up = 0; //上面 for ($ux = $x_min; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($ux, $y_max, $tz))->getId() == 49 and $ux <= $x_max; $ux++) { $count_up++; } //Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("$count_up $count_x"); if ($count_up == $count_x) { for ($px = $x_min + 1; $px < $x_max; $px++) { for ($py = $ty + 1; $py < $y_max; $py++) { $level->setBlock(new Vector3($px, $py, $tz), new Block(90, 0)); } } } } } //z方向 $z_max = $tz; //z最大值 $z_min = $tz; //z最小值 $count_z = 0; //z方向方块 for ($z = $tz + 1; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($tx, $ty, $z))->getId() == 49; $z++) { $z_max++; } for ($z = $tz - 1; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($tx, $ty, $z))->getId() == 49; $z--) { $z_min--; } $count_z = $z_max - $z_min + 1; if ($count_z >= 4 and $count_z <= 23) { //4 23 $z_max_y = $ty; //z最大值时的y最大值 $z_min_y = $ty; //z最小值时的y最大值 for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($tx, $y, $z_max))->getId() == 49; $y++) { $z_max_y++; } for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($tx, $y, $z_min))->getId() == 49; $y++) { $z_min_y++; } $y_max = min($z_max_y, $z_min_y) - 1; //y最大值 $count_y = $y_max - $ty + 2; //方向方块 if ($count_y >= 5 and $count_y <= 23) { //5 23 $count_up = 0; //上面 for ($uz = $z_min; $level->getBlock(new Vector3($tx, $y_max, $uz))->getId() == 49 and $uz <= $z_max; $uz++) { $count_up++; } //Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("$count_up $count_z"); if ($count_up == $count_z) { for ($pz = $z_min + 1; $pz < $z_max; $pz++) { for ($py = $ty + 1; $py < $y_max; $py++) { $level->setBlock(new Vector3($tx, $py, $pz), new Block(90, 0)); } } } } } return true; } if ($block->getId() === self::AIR and $target instanceof Solid) { $level->setBlock($block, new Fire(), true); return true; } return false; }
public function tiankengy(Level $level, $x, $y, $z, $l, $id, $bd) { if ($level->getBlock(new Vector3($x, $y, $z))->getId() == 0) { $level->setBlock(new Vector3($x, $y, $z), Item::get($id, $bd)->getBlock()); } if ($l >= 0) { $random = mt_rand(0, 99999) / 100000; $mz = $this->ranz(4); foreach ($mz as $sss) { switch ($mz[$sss]) { case 0: if ($level->getBlock(new Vector3($x, $y, $z - 1))->getId() == 0) { $this->tiankengy($level, $x, $y, $z - 1, $l - $random, $id, $bd); } break; case 1: if ($level->getBlock(new Vector3($x, $y, $z + 1))->getId() == 0) { $this->tiankengy($level, $x, $y, $z + 1, $l - $random, $id, $bd); } break; case 2: if ($level->getBlock(new Vector3($x + 1, $y, $z))->getId() == 0) { $this->tiankengy($level, $x + 1, $y, $z, $l - $random, $id, $bd); } break; case 3: if ($level->getBlock(new Vector3($x - 1, $y, $z))->getId() == 0) { $this->tiankengy($level, $x - 1, $y, $z, $l - $random, $id, $bd); } break; } } } }
public function onActivate(Level $level, Player $player, Block $block, Block $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz) { if ($target->getId() === Block::OBSIDIAN and $player->getServer()->netherEnabled) { //黑曜石 4*5最小 23*23最大 //$level->setBlock($block, new Fire(), true); $tx = $target->getX(); $ty = $target->getY(); $tz = $target->getZ(); //x方向 $x_max = $tx; //x最大值 $x_min = $tx; //x最小值 for ($x = $tx + 1; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($x, $ty, $tz))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $x++) { $x_max++; } for ($x = $tx - 1; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($x, $ty, $tz))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $x--) { $x_min--; } $count_x = $x_max - $x_min + 1; //x方向方块 if ($count_x >= 4 and $count_x <= 23) { //4 23 $x_max_y = $ty; //x最大值时的y最大值 $x_min_y = $ty; //x最小值时的y最大值 for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($x_max, $y, $tz))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $y++) { $x_max_y++; } for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($x_min, $y, $tz))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $y++) { $x_min_y++; } $y_max = min($x_max_y, $x_min_y) - 1; //y最大值 $count_y = $y_max - $ty + 2; //方向方块 //Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("$y_max $x_max_y $x_min_y $x_max $x_min"); if ($count_y >= 5 and $count_y <= 23) { //5 23 $count_up = 0; //上面 for ($ux = $x_min; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($ux, $y_max, $tz))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN and $ux <= $x_max; $ux++) { $count_up++; } //Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("$count_up $count_x"); if ($count_up == $count_x) { for ($px = $x_min + 1; $px < $x_max; $px++) { for ($py = $ty + 1; $py < $y_max; $py++) { $level->setBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($px, $py, $tz), new Portal()); } } if ($player->isSurvival()) { $this->useOn($block, 2); $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand($this); } return true; } } } //z方向 $z_max = $tz; //z最大值 $z_min = $tz; //z最小值 $count_z = 0; //z方向方块 for ($z = $tz + 1; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($tx, $ty, $z))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $z++) { $z_max++; } for ($z = $tz - 1; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($tx, $ty, $z))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $z--) { $z_min--; } $count_z = $z_max - $z_min + 1; if ($count_z >= 4 and $count_z <= 23) { //4 23 $z_max_y = $ty; //z最大值时的y最大值 $z_min_y = $ty; //z最小值时的y最大值 for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($tx, $y, $z_max))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $y++) { $z_max_y++; } for ($y = $ty; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($tx, $y, $z_min))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN; $y++) { $z_min_y++; } $y_max = min($z_max_y, $z_min_y) - 1; //y最大值 $count_y = $y_max - $ty + 2; //方向方块 if ($count_y >= 5 and $count_y <= 23) { //5 23 $count_up = 0; //上面 for ($uz = $z_min; $level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($tx, $y_max, $uz))->getId() == Block::OBSIDIAN and $uz <= $z_max; $uz++) { $count_up++; } //Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("$count_up $count_z"); if ($count_up == $count_z) { for ($pz = $z_min + 1; $pz < $z_max; $pz++) { for ($py = $ty + 1; $py < $y_max; $py++) { $level->setBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($tx, $py, $pz), new Portal()); } } if ($player->isSurvival()) { $this->useOn($block, 2); $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand($this); } return true; } } } //return true; } if ($block->getId() === self::AIR and $target instanceof Solid) { $level->setBlock($block, new Fire(), true); /** @var Fire $block */ $block = $level->getBlock($block); if ($block->getSide(Vector3::SIDE_DOWN)->isTopFacingSurfaceSolid() or $block->canNeighborBurn()) { $level->scheduleUpdate($block, $block->getTickRate() + mt_rand(0, 10)); // return true; } if ($player->isSurvival()) { $this->useOn($block, 2); //耐久跟报废分别写在 tool 跟 level 了 $player->getInventory()->setItemInHand($this); } return true; } return false; }