Esempio n. 1
 private static function insert_log_row($consumer_key, $cache_internal_id, $user_internal_id, $logtype, $when, $formatted_comment, $text_html, $needs_maintenance2)
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
         $needs_maintenance_field_SQL = ', needs_maintenance';
         if ($needs_maintenance2 == 'true') {
             $needs_maintenance_SQL = ',2';
         } else {
             if ($needs_maintenance2 == 'false') {
                 $needs_maintenance_SQL = ',1';
             } else {
                 // 'null'
                 $needs_maintenance_SQL = ',0';
     } else {
         $needs_maintenance_field_SQL = '';
         $needs_maintenance_SQL = '';
     $log_uuid = Okapi::create_uuid();
     Db::execute("\n            insert into cache_logs (\n                uuid, cache_id, user_id, type, date, text, text_html,\n                last_modified, date_created, node" . $needs_maintenance_field_SQL . "\n            ) values (\n                '" . Db::escape_string($log_uuid) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($cache_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($user_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id($logtype)) . "',\n                from_unixtime('" . Db::escape_string($when) . "'),\n                '" . Db::escape_string($formatted_comment) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($text_html) . "',\n                now(),\n                now(),\n                '" . Db::escape_string(Settings::get('OC_NODE_ID')) . "'\n                " . $needs_maintenance_SQL . "\n            );\n        ");
     $log_internal_id = Db::last_insert_id();
     # Store additional information on consumer_key which has created this log entry.
     # (Maybe we'll want to display this somewhen later.)
     Db::execute("\n            insert into okapi_submitted_objects (object_type, object_id, consumer_key)\n            values (\n                " . Okapi::OBJECT_TYPE_CACHE_LOG . ",\n                '" . Db::escape_string($log_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($consumer_key) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     return $log_uuid;
Esempio n. 2
 private static function insert_log_row($consumer_key, $cache_internal_id, $user_internal_id, $logtype, $when, $formatted_comment, $text_html)
     $log_uuid = Okapi::create_uuid();
     Db::execute("\n            insert into cache_logs (uuid, cache_id, user_id, type, date, text, text_html, last_modified, date_created, node)\n            values (\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($log_uuid) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id($logtype)) . "',\n                from_unixtime('" . mysql_real_escape_string($when) . "'),\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($formatted_comment) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($text_html) . "',\n                now(),\n                now(),\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Settings::get('OC_NODE_ID')) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     $log_internal_id = Db::last_insert_id();
     # Store additional information on consumer_key which have created this log entry.
     # (Maybe we'll want to display this somewhere later.)
     Db::execute("\n            insert into okapi_cache_logs (log_id, consumer_key)\n            values (\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($log_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($consumer_key) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     return $log_uuid;
Esempio n. 3
  * Append a new image to a log entry and return the image uuid and position.
  * Throws CannotPublishException or BadRequest on errors.
 private static function _call(OkapiRequest $request)
     require_once '';
     # Developers! Please notice the fundamental difference between throwing
     # CannotPublishException and the "standard" BadRequest/InvalidParam
     # exceptions. You're reading the "_call" method now (see below for
     # "call").
     # validate the 'log_uuid' parameter
     $log_uuid = $request->get_parameter('log_uuid');
     if (!$log_uuid) {
         throw new ParamMissing('log_uuid');
     $rs = Db::query("\n            select id, node, user_id\n            from cache_logs\n            where uuid = '" . Db::escape_string($log_uuid) . "'");
     $row = Db::fetch_assoc($rs);
     if (!$row) {
         throw new InvalidParam('log_uuid', "There is no log entry with uuid '" . $log_uuid . "'.");
     if ($row['node'] != Settings::get('OC_NODE_ID')) {
         throw new Exception("This site's database contains the log entry '{$log_uuid}' which has been" . " imported from another OC node. OKAPI is not prepared for that.");
     if ($row['user_id'] != $request->token->user_id) {
         throw new InvalidParam('log_uuid', "The user of your access token is not the log entry's author.");
     $log_internal_id = $row['id'];
     # validate the 'caption', 'is_spoiler' and 'position' parameters
     $caption = $request->get_parameter('caption');
     if (!$caption) {
         throw new CannotPublishException(sprintf(_("Please enter an image caption."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name()));
     $is_spoiler = $request->get_parameter('is_spoiler');
     if ($is_spoiler === null) {
         $is_spoiler = 'false';
     if (!in_array($is_spoiler, array('true', 'false'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('is_spoiler');
     $position = LogImagesCommon::validate_position($request);
     # validate the 'image' parameter
     $base64_image = $request->get_parameter('image');
     if (!$base64_image) {
         throw new ParamMissing('image');
     $estimated_decoded_size = strlen($base64_image) / 4 * 3 - 2;
     if ($estimated_decoded_size > Settings::get('IMAGE_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE')) {
         $estimated_decoded_size_MB = round($estimated_decoded_size / 1024 / 1024, 1);
         $max_upload_size_MB = round(Settings::get('IMAGE_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE') / 1024 / 1024, 1);
         throw new CannotPublishException(sprintf(_("Your image file is too large (%s.%s MB); %s accepts a maximum image size of %s.%s MB."), floor($estimated_decoded_size_MB), $estimated_decoded_size_MB * 10 % 10, Okapi::get_normalized_site_name(), floor($max_upload_size_MB), $max_upload_size_MB * 10 % 10));
     $image = base64_decode($base64_image);
     if (!$image) {
         throw new InvalidParam('image', "bad base64 encoding");
     try {
         $image_properties = getimagesizefromstring($image);
         # can throw
         if (!$image_properties) {
             throw new Exception();
         list($width, $height, $image_type) = $image_properties;
         if (!in_array($image_type, array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_GIF))) {
             # This will happen e.g. for BMP and XBM images, which are supported by GD.
             throw new Exception();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         # Note: There may be *subtypes* which are not accepted by the GD library.
         # About 1 of 2000 JPEGs at is not readable by the PHP functions,
         # though they can be displayed by web browsers.
         throw new CannotPublishException(sprintf(_("The uploaded image file is broken, or the image type is not accepted by %s. Allowed types are JPEG, PNG and GIF."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name()));
     if ($width * $height > self::max_pixels($base64_image)) {
         # This large image may crash the image processing functions.
         throw new CannotPublishException(sprintf(_("The uploaded image is too large (%s megapixels), please downscale it."), round($width * $height / 1024 / 1024)));
     try {
         $image = imagecreatefromstring($image);
         # can throw
         if (!$image) {
             throw new Exception();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new CannotPublishException(_("The uploaded image file is broken."));
     # Now all supplied paramters are validated.
     # Do any postprocessing like scaling and rotating
     $image = self::postprocess_image($base64_image, $image, $image_type, $width, $height);
     # Save the image file. By saving it always from the $image object instead of
     # the original image data (even if not downscaled or rotated), we
     #   - strip JPEG EXIF information, which is intentional for privacy reasons,
     #   - eliminate any data flaws which have may been in the source files.
     $image_uuid = Okapi::create_uuid();
     $imagepath = Settings::get('IMAGES_DIR') . '/' . $image_uuid;
     switch ($image_type) {
         case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:
             $file_ext = '.jpg';
             $quality = Settings::get('JPEG_QUALITY');
             $result = imagejpeg($image, $imagepath . $file_ext, $quality);
         case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
             $file_ext = '.png';
             $result = imagepng($image, $imagepath . $file_ext);
         case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
             $file_ext = '.gif';
             $result = imagegif($image, $imagepath . $file_ext);
             $file_ext = '.???';
             $result = false;
     if (!$result) {
         throw new Exception("could not save image file '" . $imagepath . $file_ext . "'");
     # insert image into database
     try {
         $position = self::db_insert_image($request->consumer->key, $request->token->user_id, $log_internal_id, $image_uuid, $position, $caption, $is_spoiler, $file_ext);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         # TODO: Proper handling of nested exception if the unlink() fails
         # (which is very unlikely, and will just add a bit more of garbage
         # to that which is already present in the images directory).
         try {
             unlink($imagepath . $file_ext);
         } catch (Exception $e2) {
         throw $e;
     return array($image_uuid, $position);