public static function call(OkapiRequest $request) { $cache_codes = $request->get_parameter('cache_codes'); if ($cache_codes === null) { throw new ParamMissing('cache_codes'); } if ($cache_codes === "") { # Issue 106 requires us to allow empty list of cache codes to be passed into this method. # All of the queries below have to be ready for $cache_codes to be empty! $cache_codes = array(); } else { $cache_codes = explode("|", $cache_codes); } if (count($cache_codes) > 500 && !$request->skip_limits) { throw new InvalidParam('cache_codes', "Maximum allowed number of referenced " . "caches is 500. You provided " . count($cache_codes) . " cache codes."); } if (count($cache_codes) != count(array_unique($cache_codes))) { throw new InvalidParam('cache_codes', "Duplicate codes detected (make sure each cache is referenced only once)."); } $langpref = $request->get_parameter('langpref'); if (!$langpref) { $langpref = "en"; } $langpref .= "|" . Settings::get('SITELANG'); $langpref = explode("|", $langpref); $fields = $request->get_parameter('fields'); if (!$fields) { $fields = "code|name|location|type|status"; } $fields = explode("|", $fields); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!in_array($field, self::$valid_field_names)) { throw new InvalidParam('fields', "'{$field}' is not a valid field code."); } } # Some fields need to be temporarily included whenever the "description" # or "attribution_note" field are included. That's a little ugly, but # helps performance and conforms to the DRY rule. $fields_to_remove_later = array(); if (in_array('description', $fields) || in_array('descriptions', $fields) || in_array('short_description', $fields) || in_array('short_descriptions', $fields) || in_array('hint', $fields) || in_array('hints', $fields) || in_array('hint2', $fields) || in_array('hints2', $fields) || in_array('attribution_note', $fields)) { if (!in_array('owner', $fields)) { $fields[] = "owner"; $fields_to_remove_later[] = "owner"; } if (!in_array('internal_id', $fields)) { $fields[] = "internal_id"; $fields_to_remove_later[] = "internal_id"; } } $attribution_append = $request->get_parameter('attribution_append'); if (!$attribution_append) { $attribution_append = 'full'; } if (!in_array($attribution_append, array('none', 'static', 'full'))) { throw new InvalidParam('attribution_append'); } $log_fields = $request->get_parameter('log_fields'); if (!$log_fields) { $log_fields = "uuid|date|user|type|comment"; } // validation is done on call $user_uuid = $request->get_parameter('user_uuid'); if ($user_uuid != null) { $user_id = Db::select_value("select user_id from user where uuid='" . mysql_real_escape_string($user_uuid) . "'"); if ($user_id == null) { throw new InvalidParam('user_uuid', "User not found."); } if ($request->token != null && $request->token->user_id != $user_id) { throw new InvalidParam('user_uuid', "User does not match the Access Token used."); } } elseif ($user_uuid == null && $request->token != null) { $user_id = $request->token->user_id; } else { $user_id = null; } $lpc = $request->get_parameter('lpc'); if ($lpc === null) { $lpc = 10; } if ($lpc == 'all') { $lpc = null; } else { if (!is_numeric($lpc)) { throw new InvalidParam('lpc', "Invalid number: '{$lpc}'"); } $lpc = intval($lpc); if ($lpc < 0) { throw new InvalidParam('lpc', "Must be a positive value."); } } if (in_array('distance', $fields) || in_array('bearing', $fields) || in_array('bearing2', $fields) || in_array('bearing3', $fields)) { $tmp = $request->get_parameter('my_location'); if (!$tmp) { throw new BadRequest("When using 'distance' or 'bearing' fields, you have to supply 'my_location' parameter."); } $parts = explode('|', $tmp); if (count($parts) != 2) { throw new InvalidParam('my_location', "Expecting 2 pipe-separated parts, got " . count($parts) . "."); } foreach ($parts as &$part_ref) { if (!preg_match("/^-?[0-9]+(\\.?[0-9]*)\$/", $part_ref)) { throw new InvalidParam('my_location', "'{$part_ref}' is not a valid float number."); } $part_ref = floatval($part_ref); } list($center_lat, $center_lon) = $parts; if ($center_lat > 90 || $center_lat < -90) { throw new InvalidParam('current_position', "Latitudes have to be within -90..90 range."); } if ($center_lon > 180 || $center_lon < -180) { throw new InvalidParam('current_position', "Longitudes have to be within -180..180 range."); } } if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { # DE branch: # - Caches do not have ratings. # - Total numbers of founds and notfounds are kept in the "stat_caches" table. # - search_time and way_length are both round trip values and cannot be null; # 0 = not specified # - will-attend-count is stored in separate field $rs = Db::query("\n select\n c.cache_id,, c.longitude, c.latitude, c.listing_last_modified as last_modified,\n c.date_created, c.type, c.status, c.date_hidden, c.size, c.difficulty,\n c.terrain, c.wp_oc, c.wp_gc, c.logpw, c.user_id,\n if(c.search_time=0, null, c.search_time) as trip_time,\n if(c.way_length=0, null, c.way_length) as trip_distance,\n\n ifnull(sc.toprating, 0) as topratings,\n ifnull(sc.found, 0) as founds,\n ifnull(sc.notfound, 0) as notfounds,\n ifnull(sc.will_attend, 0) as willattends,\n sc.last_found,\n 0 as votes, 0 as score\n -- SEE ALSO OC.PL BRANCH BELOW\n from\n caches c\n left join stat_caches as sc on c.cache_id = sc.cache_id\n where\n wp_oc in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n and status in (1,2,3)\n "); } elseif (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { # PL branch: # - Caches have ratings. # - Total numbers of found and notfounds are kept in the "caches" table. # - search_time is round trip and way_length one way or both ways (this is different on OCDE!); # both can be null; 0 or null = not specified # - will-attend-count is stored in caches.notfounds $rs = Db::query("\n select\n c.cache_id,, c.longitude, c.latitude, c.last_modified,\n c.date_created, c.type, c.status, c.date_hidden, c.size, c.difficulty,\n c.terrain, c.wp_oc, c.wp_gc, c.logpw, c.user_id,\n if(c.search_time=0, null, c.search_time) as trip_time,\n if(c.way_length=0, null, c.way_length) as trip_distance,\n\n c.topratings,\n c.founds,\n c.notfounds,\n c.notfounds as willattends,\n c.last_found,\n c.votes, c.score\n -- SEE ALSO OC.DE BRANCH ABOVE\n from\n caches c\n where\n wp_oc in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n and c.status in (1,2,3)\n "); } $results = new ArrayObject(); $cacheid2wptcode = array(); $owner_ids = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $entry = array(); $cacheid2wptcode[$row['cache_id']] = $row['wp_oc']; foreach ($fields as $field) { switch ($field) { case 'code': $entry['code'] = $row['wp_oc']; break; case 'gc_code': // OC software allows entering anything here, and that's what users do. // We do a formal verification so that only a valid GC code is returned: if (preg_match('/^\\s*[Gg][Cc][A-Za-z0-9]+\\s*$/', $row['wp_gc'])) { $entry['gc_code'] = strtoupper(trim($row['wp_gc'])); } else { $entry['gc_code'] = null; } break; case 'name': $entry['name'] = $row['name']; break; case 'names': $entry['names'] = array(Settings::get('SITELANG') => $row['name']); break; // for the future // for the future case 'location': $entry['location'] = round($row['latitude'], 6) . "|" . round($row['longitude'], 6); break; case 'type': $entry['type'] = Okapi::cache_type_id2name($row['type']); break; case 'status': $entry['status'] = Okapi::cache_status_id2name($row['status']); break; case 'url': $entry['url'] = Settings::get('SITE_URL') . "viewcache.php?wp=" . $row['wp_oc']; break; case 'owner': $owner_ids[$row['wp_oc']] = $row['user_id']; /* continued later */ break; case 'distance': $entry['distance'] = (int) Okapi::get_distance($center_lat, $center_lon, $row['latitude'], $row['longitude']); break; case 'bearing': $tmp = Okapi::get_bearing($center_lat, $center_lon, $row['latitude'], $row['longitude']); $entry['bearing'] = $tmp !== null ? (int) (10 * $tmp) / 10.0 : null; break; case 'bearing2': $tmp = Okapi::get_bearing($center_lat, $center_lon, $row['latitude'], $row['longitude']); $entry['bearing2'] = Okapi::bearing_as_two_letters($tmp); break; case 'bearing3': $tmp = Okapi::get_bearing($center_lat, $center_lon, $row['latitude'], $row['longitude']); $entry['bearing3'] = Okapi::bearing_as_three_letters($tmp); break; case 'is_found': /* handled separately */ break; case 'is_not_found': /* handled separately */ break; case 'is_watched': /* handled separately */ break; case 'is_ignored': /* handled separately */ break; case 'founds': $entry['founds'] = $row['founds'] + 0; break; case 'notfounds': if ($row['type'] != 6) { # non-event $entry['notfounds'] = $row['notfounds'] + 0; } else { # event $entry['notfounds'] = 0; } break; case 'willattends': if ($row['type'] == 6) { # event $entry['willattends'] = $row['willattends'] + 0; } else { # non-event $entry['willattends'] = 0; } break; case 'size': # Deprecated. Leave it for backward-compatibility. See issue 155. switch (Okapi::cache_sizeid_to_size2($row['size'])) { case 'none': $entry['size'] = null; break; case 'nano': $entry['size'] = 1.0; break; # same as micro # same as micro case 'micro': $entry['size'] = 1.0; break; case 'small': $entry['size'] = 2.0; break; case 'regular': $entry['size'] = 3.0; break; case 'large': $entry['size'] = 4.0; break; case 'xlarge': $entry['size'] = 5.0; break; case 'other': $entry['size'] = null; break; # same as none # same as none default: throw new Exception(); } break; case 'size2': $entry['size2'] = Okapi::cache_sizeid_to_size2($row['size']); break; case 'oxsize': $entry['oxsize'] = Okapi::cache_size2_to_oxsize(Okapi::cache_sizeid_to_size2($row['size'])); break; case 'difficulty': $entry['difficulty'] = round($row['difficulty'] / 2.0, 1); break; case 'terrain': $entry['terrain'] = round($row['terrain'] / 2.0, 1); break; case 'trip_time': # search time is entered in hours:minutes and converted to decimal hours, # which can produce lots of unneeded decimal places; 2 of them are sufficient here $entry['trip_time'] = $row['trip_time'] === null ? null : round($row['trip_time'], 2); break; break; case 'trip_distance': # way length is entered in km as decimal fraction, but number conversions can # create fake digits which should be stripped; meter precision is sufficient here $entry['trip_distance'] = $row['trip_distance'] === null ? null : round($row['trip_distance'], 3); break; break; case 'rating': if ($row['votes'] < 3) { $entry['rating'] = null; } elseif ($row['score'] >= 2.2) { $entry['rating'] = 5.0; } elseif ($row['score'] >= 1.4) { $entry['rating'] = 4.0; } elseif ($row['score'] >= 0.1) { $entry['rating'] = 3.0; } elseif ($row['score'] >= -1.0) { $entry['rating'] = 2.0; } else { $entry['rating'] = 1.0; } break; case 'rating_votes': $entry['rating_votes'] = $row['votes'] + 0; break; case 'recommendations': $entry['recommendations'] = $row['topratings'] + 0; break; case 'req_passwd': $entry['req_passwd'] = $row['logpw'] ? true : false; break; case 'short_description': /* handled separately */ break; case 'short_descriptions': /* handled separately */ break; case 'description': /* handled separately */ break; case 'descriptions': /* handled separately */ break; case 'hint': /* handled separately */ break; case 'hints': /* handled separately */ break; case 'hint2': /* handled separately */ break; case 'hints2': /* handled separately */ break; case 'images': /* handled separately */ break; case 'preview_image': /* handled separately */ break; case 'attr_acodes': /* handled separately */ break; case 'attrnames': /* handled separately */ break; case 'latest_logs': /* handled separately */ break; case 'my_notes': /* handles separately */ break; case 'trackables_count': /* handled separately */ break; case 'trackables': /* handled separately */ break; case 'alt_wpts': /* handled separately */ break; case 'country': /* handled separately */ break; case 'state': /* handled separately */ break; case 'last_found': $entry['last_found'] = $row['last_found'] > '1980' ? date('c', strtotime($row['last_found'])) : null; break; case 'last_modified': $entry['last_modified'] = date('c', strtotime($row['last_modified'])); break; case 'date_created': $entry['date_created'] = date('c', strtotime($row['date_created'])); break; case 'date_hidden': $entry['date_hidden'] = date('c', strtotime($row['date_hidden'])); break; case 'internal_id': $entry['internal_id'] = $row['cache_id']; break; case 'attribution_note': /* handled separately */ break; case 'protection_areas': /* handled separately */ break; default: throw new Exception("Missing field case: " . $field); } } $results[$row['wp_oc']] = $entry; } mysql_free_result($rs); # owner if (in_array('owner', $fields) && count($results) > 0) { $rs = Db::query("\n select user_id, uuid, username\n from user\n where user_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_values($owner_ids))) . "')\n "); $tmp = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $tmp[$row['user_id']] = $row; } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $row = $tmp[$owner_ids[$cache_code]]; $result_ref['owner'] = array('uuid' => $row['uuid'], 'username' => $row['username'], 'profile_url' => Settings::get('SITE_URL') . "viewprofile.php?userid=" . $row['user_id']); } } # is_found if (in_array('is_found', $fields)) { if ($user_id == null) { throw new BadRequest("Either 'user_uuid' parameter OR Level 3 Authentication is required to access 'is_found' field."); } $tmp = Db::select_column("\n select c.wp_oc\n from\n caches c,\n cache_logs cl\n where\n c.cache_id = cl.cache_id\n and cl.type in (\n '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id("Found it")) . "',\n '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id("Attended")) . "'\n )\n and cl.user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user_id) . "'\n " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '' ? "and cl.deleted = 0" : "") . "\n "); $tmp2 = array(); foreach ($tmp as $cache_code) { $tmp2[$cache_code] = true; } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['is_found'] = isset($tmp2[$cache_code]); } } # is_not_found if (in_array('is_not_found', $fields)) { if ($user_id == null) { throw new BadRequest("Either 'user_uuid' parameter OR Level 3 Authentication is required to access 'is_not_found' field."); } $tmp = Db::select_column("\n select c.wp_oc\n from\n caches c,\n cache_logs cl\n where\n c.cache_id = cl.cache_id\n and cl.type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id("Didn't find it")) . "'\n and cl.user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user_id) . "'\n " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '' ? "and cl.deleted = 0" : "") . "\n "); $tmp2 = array(); foreach ($tmp as $cache_code) { $tmp2[$cache_code] = true; } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['is_not_found'] = isset($tmp2[$cache_code]); } } # is_watched if (in_array('is_watched', $fields)) { if ($request->token == null) { throw new BadRequest("Level 3 Authentication is required to access 'is_watched' field."); } $tmp = Db::select_column("\n select c.wp_oc\n from\n caches c,\n cache_watches cw\n where\n c.cache_id = cw.cache_id\n and cw.user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n "); $tmp2 = array(); foreach ($tmp as $cache_code) { $tmp2[$cache_code] = true; } # OCDE caches can also be indirectly watched by watching cache lists: if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { $tmp = Db::select_column("\n select c.wp_oc\n from\n caches c,\n cache_list_items cli,\n cache_list_watches clw\n where\n cli.cache_id = c.cache_id\n and clw.cache_list_id = cli.cache_list_id\n and clw.user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n "); foreach ($tmp as $cache_code) { $tmp2[$cache_code] = true; } } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['is_watched'] = isset($tmp2[$cache_code]); } } # is_ignored if (in_array('is_ignored', $fields)) { if ($request->token == null) { throw new BadRequest("Level 3 Authentication is required to access 'is_ignored' field."); } $tmp = Db::select_column("\n select c.wp_oc\n from\n caches c,\n cache_ignore ci\n where\n c.cache_id = ci.cache_id\n and ci.user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n "); $tmp2 = array(); foreach ($tmp as $cache_code) { $tmp2[$cache_code] = true; } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['is_ignored'] = isset($tmp2[$cache_code]); } } # Descriptions and hints. if (in_array('description', $fields) || in_array('descriptions', $fields) || in_array('short_description', $fields) || in_array('short_descriptions', $fields) || in_array('hint', $fields) || in_array('hints', $fields) || in_array('hint2', $fields) || in_array('hints2', $fields)) { # At first, we will fill all those fields, even if user requested just one # of them. We will chop off the unwanted ones at the end. foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['short_descriptions'] = new ArrayObject(); $result_ref['descriptions'] = new ArrayObject(); $result_ref['hints'] = new ArrayObject(); $result_ref['hints2'] = new ArrayObject(); } # Get cache descriptions and hints. $rs = Db::query("\n select cache_id, language, `desc`, short_desc, hint\n from cache_desc\n where cache_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "')\n "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $cache_code = $cacheid2wptcode[$row['cache_id']]; // strtolower - ISO 639-1 codes are lowercase if ($row['desc']) { /* Note, that the "owner" and "internal_id" fields are automatically included, * whenever the cache description is included. */ $tmp = Okapi::fix_oc_html($row['desc']); if ($attribution_append != 'none') { $tmp .= "\n<p><em>" . self::get_cache_attribution_note($row['cache_id'], strtolower($row['language']), $langpref, $results[$cache_code]['owner'], $attribution_append) . "</em></p>"; } $results[$cache_code]['descriptions'][strtolower($row['language'])] = $tmp; } if ($row['short_desc']) { $results[$cache_code]['short_descriptions'][strtolower($row['language'])] = $row['short_desc']; } if ($row['hint']) { $results[$cache_code]['hints'][strtolower($row['language'])] = $row['hint']; $results[$cache_code]['hints2'][strtolower($row['language'])] = htmlspecialchars_decode(mb_ereg_replace("<br />", "", $row['hint']), ENT_COMPAT); } } foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['short_description'] = Okapi::pick_best_language($result_ref['short_descriptions'], $langpref); $result_ref['description'] = Okapi::pick_best_language($result_ref['descriptions'], $langpref); $result_ref['hint'] = Okapi::pick_best_language($result_ref['hints'], $langpref); $result_ref['hint2'] = Okapi::pick_best_language($result_ref['hints2'], $langpref); } # Remove unwanted fields. foreach (array('short_description', 'short_descriptions', 'description', 'descriptions', 'hint', 'hints', 'hint2', 'hints2') as $field) { if (!in_array($field, $fields)) { foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { unset($result_ref[$field]); } } } } # Images. if (in_array('images', $fields) || in_array('preview_image', $fields)) { if (in_array('images', $fields)) { foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['images'] = array(); } } if (in_array('preview_image', $fields)) { foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['preview_image'] = null; } } if (Db::field_exists('pictures', 'mappreview')) { $preview_field = "mappreview"; } else { $preview_field = "0"; } $sql = "\n select object_id, uuid, url, title, spoiler, " . $preview_field . " as preview\n from pictures\n where\n object_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "')\n and display = 1\n and object_type = 2\n and unknown_format = 0\n "; if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { // installation allows arbitrary order of the geocache's images $sql .= "order by object_id, seq, date_created"; } else { $sql .= "order by object_id, date_created"; } $rs = Db::query($sql); unset($sql); $prev_cache_code = null; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $cache_code = $cacheid2wptcode[$row['object_id']]; if ($cache_code != $prev_cache_code) { # Group images together. Images must have unique captions within one cache. self::reset_unique_captions(); $prev_cache_code = $cache_code; } if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { $object_type_param = 'type=2&'; } else { $object_type_param = ''; } $image = array('uuid' => $row['uuid'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'thumb_url' => Settings::get('SITE_URL') . 'thumbs.php?' . $object_type_param . 'uuid=' . $row['uuid'], 'caption' => $row['title'], 'unique_caption' => self::get_unique_caption($row['title']), 'is_spoiler' => $row['spoiler'] ? true : false); if (in_array('images', $fields)) { $results[$cache_code]['images'][] = $image; } if ($row['preview'] != 0 && in_array('preview_image', $fields)) { $results[$cache_code]['preview_image'] = $image; } } } # A-codes and attrnames if (in_array('attr_acodes', $fields) || in_array('attrnames', $fields)) { # Either case, we'll need acodes. If the user didn't want them, # remember to remove them later. if (!in_array('attr_acodes', $fields)) { $fields_to_remove_later[] = 'attr_acodes'; } foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['attr_acodes'] = array(); } # Load internal_attr_id => acode mapping. require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . 'okapi/services/attrs/'; $internal2acode = AttrHelper::get_internal_id_to_acode_mapping(); $rs = Db::query("\n select cache_id, attrib_id\n from caches_attributes\n where cache_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "')\n "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $cache_code = $cacheid2wptcode[$row['cache_id']]; $attr_internal_id = $row['attrib_id']; if (!isset($internal2acode[$attr_internal_id])) { # Unknown attribute. Ignore. continue; } $results[$cache_code]['attr_acodes'][] = $internal2acode[$attr_internal_id]; } # Now, each cache object has a list of its acodes. We can get # the attrnames now. if (in_array('attrnames', $fields)) { $acode2bestname = AttrHelper::get_acode_to_name_mapping($langpref); foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['attrnames'] = array(); foreach ($result_ref['attr_acodes'] as $acode) { $result_ref['attrnames'][] = $acode2bestname[$acode]; } } } } # Latest log entries. if (in_array('latest_logs', $fields)) { foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['latest_logs'] = array(); } # Get all log IDs with dates. Sort in groups. Filter out latest ones. This is the fastest # technique I could think of... $rs = Db::query("\n select cache_id, uuid, date\n from cache_logs\n where\n cache_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "')\n and " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '' ? "deleted = 0" : "true") . "\n order by cache_id, date desc, date_created desc\n "); $loguuids = array(); $log2cache_map = array(); if ($lpc !== null) { # User wants some of the latest logs. $tmp = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $tmp[$row['cache_id']][] = $row; } foreach ($tmp as $cache_key => &$rowslist_ref) { usort($rowslist_ref, function ($rowa, $rowb) { # (reverse order by date) return $rowa['date'] < $rowb['date'] ? 1 : ($rowa['date'] == $rowb['date'] ? 0 : -1); }); for ($i = 0; $i < min(count($rowslist_ref), $lpc); $i++) { $loguuids[] = $rowslist_ref[$i]['uuid']; $log2cache_map[$rowslist_ref[$i]['uuid']] = $cacheid2wptcode[$rowslist_ref[$i]['cache_id']]; } } } else { # User wants ALL logs. while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $loguuids[] = $row['uuid']; $log2cache_map[$row['uuid']] = $cacheid2wptcode[$row['cache_id']]; } } # We need to retrieve logs/entry for each of the $logids. We do this in groups # (there is a limit for log uuids passed to logs/entries method). try { foreach (Okapi::make_groups($loguuids, 500) as $subset) { $entries = OkapiServiceRunner::call("services/logs/entries", new OkapiInternalRequest($request->consumer, $request->token, array('log_uuids' => implode("|", $subset), 'fields' => $log_fields))); foreach ($subset as $log_uuid) { if ($entries[$log_uuid]) { $results[$log2cache_map[$log_uuid]]['latest_logs'][] = $entries[$log_uuid]; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof InvalidParam && $e->paramName == 'fields') { throw new InvalidParam('log_fields', $e->whats_wrong_about_it); } else { /* Something is wrong with OUR code. */ throw new Exception($e); } } } # My notes if (in_array('my_notes', $fields)) { if ($request->token == null) { throw new BadRequest("Level 3 Authentication is required to access 'my_notes' field."); } foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['my_notes'] = null; } if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { # OCPL uses cache_notes table to store notes. $rs = Db::query("\n select cache_id, max(date) as date, group_concat(`desc`) as `desc`\n from cache_notes\n where\n cache_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "')\n and user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n group by cache_id\n "); } else { # OCDE uses coordinates table (with type == 2) to store notes (this is somewhat weird). $rs = Db::query("\n select cache_id, null as date, group_concat(description) as `desc`\n from coordinates\n where\n type = 2 -- personal note\n and cache_id in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "')\n and user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n group by cache_id\n "); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { # This one is plain-text. We may add my_notes_html for those who want it in HTML. $results[$cacheid2wptcode[$row['cache_id']]]['my_notes'] = strip_tags($row['desc']); } } if (in_array('trackables', $fields)) { # Currently we support Geokrety only. But this interface should remain # compatible. In future, other trackables might be returned the same way. $rs = Db::query("\n select\n gkiw.wp as cache_code,\n as gk_id,\n\n from\n gk_item_waypoint gkiw,\n gk_item gki\n where\n =\n and gkiw.wp in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n "); $trs = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $trs[$row['cache_code']][] = $row; } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['trackables'] = array(); if (!isset($trs[$cache_code])) { continue; } foreach ($trs[$cache_code] as $t) { $result_ref['trackables'][] = array('code' => 'GK' . str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($t['gk_id'])), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), 'name' => $t['name'], 'url' => '' . $t['gk_id']); } } unset($trs); } if (in_array('trackables_count', $fields)) { if (in_array('trackables', $fields)) { # We already got all trackables data, no need to query database again. foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['trackables_count'] = count($result_ref['trackables']); } } else { $rs = Db::query("\n select wp as cache_code, count(*) as count\n from gk_item_waypoint\n where wp in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n group by wp\n "); $tr_counts = new ArrayObject(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $tr_counts[$row['cache_code']] = $row['count']; } foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { if (isset($tr_counts[$cache_code])) { $result_ref['trackables_count'] = $tr_counts[$cache_code] + 0; } else { $result_ref['trackables_count'] = 0; } } unset($tr_counts); } } # Alternate/Additional waypoints. if (in_array('alt_wpts', $fields)) { $internal_wpt_type_id2names = array(); if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { $rs = Db::query("\n select\n,\n LOWER(stt.lang) as language,\n stt.`text`\n from\n coordinates_type ct\n left join sys_trans_text stt on stt.trans_id = ct.trans_id\n "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $internal_wpt_type_id2names[$row['id']][$row['language']] = $row['text']; } mysql_free_result($rs); } else { $rs = Db::query("\n select id, pl, en\n from waypoint_type\n where id > 0\n "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $internal_wpt_type_id2names[$row['id']]['pl'] = $row['pl']; $internal_wpt_type_id2names[$row['id']]['en'] = $row['en']; } } foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['alt_wpts'] = array(); } $cache_codes_escaped_and_imploded = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "'"; if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { # OCPL uses 'waypoints' table to store additional waypoints and defines # waypoint types in 'waypoint_type' table. # OCPL also have a special 'status' field to denote a hidden waypoint # (i.e. final location of a multicache). Such hidden waypoints are not # exposed by OKAPI. $cacheid2waypoints = Db::select_group_by("cache_id", "\n select\n cache_id, stage, latitude, longitude, `desc`,\n type as internal_type_id,\n case type\n when 3 then 'Flag, Red'\n when 4 then 'Circle with X'\n when 5 then 'Parking Area'\n else 'Flag, Green'\n end as sym,\n case type\n when 1 then 'physical-stage'\n when 2 then 'virtual-stage'\n when 3 then 'final'\n when 4 then 'poi'\n when 5 then 'parking'\n else 'other'\n end as okapi_type\n from waypoints\n where\n cache_id in (" . $cache_codes_escaped_and_imploded . ")\n and status = 1\n order by cache_id, stage, `desc`\n "); } else { # OCDE uses 'coordinates' table (with type=1) to store additional waypoints # and defines waypoint types in 'coordinates_type' table. # All additional waypoints are public. $cacheid2waypoints = Db::select_group_by("cache_id", "\n select\n cache_id,\n false as stage,\n latitude, longitude,\n description as `desc`,\n subtype as internal_type_id,\n case subtype\n when 1 then 'Parking Area'\n when 3 then 'Flag, Blue'\n when 4 then 'Circle with X'\n when 5 then 'Diamond, Green'\n else 'Flag, Green'\n end as sym,\n case subtype\n when 1 then 'parking'\n when 2 then 'stage'\n when 3 then 'path'\n when 4 then 'final'\n when 5 then 'poi'\n else 'other'\n end as okapi_type\n from coordinates\n where\n type = 1\n and cache_id in (" . $cache_codes_escaped_and_imploded . ")\n order by cache_id, id\n "); } foreach ($cacheid2waypoints as $cache_id => $waypoints) { $cache_code = $cacheid2wptcode[$cache_id]; $wpt_format = $cache_code . "-%0" . strlen(count($waypoints)) . "d"; $index = 0; foreach ($waypoints as $row) { if (!isset($internal_wpt_type_id2names[$row['internal_type_id']])) { # Sanity check. Waypoints of undefined type won't be accessible via OKAPI. # See issue 219. continue; } $index++; $results[$cache_code]['alt_wpts'][] = array('name' => sprintf($wpt_format, $index), 'location' => round($row['latitude'], 6) . "|" . round($row['longitude'], 6), 'type' => $row['okapi_type'], 'type_name' => Okapi::pick_best_language($internal_wpt_type_id2names[$row['internal_type_id']], $langpref), 'sym' => $row['sym'], 'description' => ($row['stage'] ? _("Stage") . " " . $row['stage'] . ": " : "") . $row['desc']); } } # Issue #298 - User coordinates implemented in # Issue #305 - User coordinates implemented in if ($request->token != null) { # Query DB for user provided coordinates if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { $cacheid2user_coords = Db::select_group_by('cache_id', "\n select\n cache_id, longitude, latitude\n from cache_mod_cords\n where\n cache_id in ({$cache_codes_escaped_and_imploded})\n and user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n "); } else { # $cacheid2user_coords = Db::select_group_by('cache_id', "\n select\n cache_id, longitude, latitude\n from coordinates\n where\n cache_id in ({$cache_codes_escaped_and_imploded})\n and user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n and type = 2\n and longitude != 0\n and latitude != 0\n "); } foreach ($cacheid2user_coords as $cache_id => $waypoints) { $cache_code = $cacheid2wptcode[$cache_id]; foreach ($waypoints as $row) { # there should be only one user waypoint per cache... $results[$cache_code]['alt_wpts'][] = array('name' => $cache_code . '-USER-COORDS', 'location' => round($row['latitude'], 6) . "|" . round($row['longitude'], 6), 'type' => 'user-coords', 'type_name' => _("User location"), 'sym' => 'Block, Green', 'description' => sprintf(_("Your own custom coordinates for the %s geocache"), $cache_code)); } } } } # Country and/or state. if (in_array('country', $fields) || in_array('state', $fields)) { $countries = array(); $states = array(); if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { # OCDE: # - cache_location entries are created by a cronjob *after* listing the # caches and may not yet exist. # - The state is in adm2 field. # - overrides cache_location.code1/adm1. If both differ, # cache_location.adm2 to adm4 is invalid and the state unknown. # - OCDE databases may contain caches with invalid country code. # Such errors must be handled gracefully. # - adm1 should always be ignored. Instead, code1 should be translated # into a country name, depending on langpref. # build country code translation table $rs = Db::query("\n select distinct\n,\n lower(stt.lang) as language,\n stt.`text`\n from\n caches c\n inner join countries on\n inner join sys_trans_text stt on stt.trans_id = countries.trans_id\n where\n c.wp_oc in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n "); $country_codes2names = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $country_codes2names[$row['country']][$row['language']] = $row['text']; } mysql_free_result($rs); # get geocache countries and states $rs = Db::query("\n select\n c.wp_oc as cache_code,\n as country_code,\n ifnull(if(<>cl.code1,'',cl.adm2),'') as state\n from\n caches c\n left join cache_location cl on c.cache_id = cl.cache_id\n where\n c.wp_oc in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if (!isset($country_codes2names[$row['country_code']])) { $countries[$row['cache_code']] = ''; } else { $countries[$row['cache_code']] = Okapi::pick_best_language($country_codes2names[$row['country_code']], $langpref); } $states[$row['cache_code']] = $row['state']; } mysql_free_result($rs); } else { # OCPL: # - cache_location data is entered by the user. # - The state is in adm3 field. # get geocache countries and states $rs = Db::query("\n select\n c.wp_oc as cache_code,\n cl.adm1 as country,\n cl.adm3 as state\n from\n caches c,\n cache_location cl\n where\n c.wp_oc in ('" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $cache_codes)) . "')\n and c.cache_id = cl.cache_id\n "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $countries[$row['cache_code']] = $row['country']; $states[$row['cache_code']] = $row['state']; } mysql_free_result($rs); } if (in_array('country', $fields)) { foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$row_ref) { $row_ref['country'] = isset($countries[$cache_code]) ? $countries[$cache_code] : null; } } if (in_array('state', $fields)) { foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$row_ref) { $row_ref['state'] = isset($states[$cache_code]) ? $states[$cache_code] : null; } } unset($countries); unset($states); } # Attribution note if (in_array('attribution_note', $fields)) { /* Note, that the "owner" and "internal_id" fields are automatically included, * whenever the attribution_note is included. */ foreach ($results as $cache_code => &$result_ref) { $result_ref['attribution_note'] = self::get_cache_attribution_note($result_ref['internal_id'], $langpref[0], $langpref, $results[$cache_code]['owner'], 'full'); } } # Protection areas if (in_array('protection_areas', $fields)) { $cache_ids_escaped_and_imploded = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_keys($cacheid2wptcode))) . "'"; if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') { $rs = Db::query("\n select\n c.wp_oc as cache_code,\n as type,\n as name\n from\n caches c\n inner join cache_npa_areas on cache_npa_areas.cache_id=c.cache_id\n inner join npa_areas on cache_npa_areas.npa_id =\n inner join npa_types on npa_areas.type_id =\n where\n c.cache_id in (" . $cache_ids_escaped_and_imploded . ")\n group by npa_areas.type_id,\n order by npa_types.ordinal\n "); } else { if (Settings::get('ORIGIN_URL') == '' || Settings::get('ORIGIN_URL') == '') { # Current OCPL table definitions use collation 'latin1' for parkipl # and 'utf8' for np_areas. Union needs identical collations. # To be sure, we convert both to utf8. # # TODO: use DB_CHARSET setting instead of literal 'utf8' $rs = Db::query("\n select\n c.wp_oc as cache_code,\n '" . _('National Park / Landscape') . "' as type,\n CONVERT( USING utf8) as name\n from\n caches c\n inner join cache_npa_areas on cache_npa_areas.cache_id=c.cache_id\n inner join parkipl on\n where\n c.cache_id in (" . $cache_ids_escaped_and_imploded . ")\n and cache_npa_areas.parki_id != 0\n union\n select\n c.wp_oc as cache_code,\n 'Natura 2000' as type,\n CONVERT(npa_areas.sitename USING utf8) as name\n from\n caches c\n inner join cache_npa_areas on cache_npa_areas.cache_id=c.cache_id\n inner join npa_areas on\n where\n c.cache_id in (" . $cache_ids_escaped_and_imploded . ")\n and cache_npa_areas.npa_id != 0\n "); } else { # OC.US and .UK do not have a 'parkipl' table. # OC.US has a 'us_parks' table instead. # Natura 2000 is Europe-only. $rs = null; } } foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { $result_ref['protection_areas'] = array(); } if ($rs) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $results[$row['cache_code']]['protection_areas'][] = array('type' => $row['type'], 'name' => $row['name']); } mysql_free_result($rs); } } # Check which cache codes were not found and mark them with null. foreach ($cache_codes as $cache_code) { if (!isset($results[$cache_code])) { $results[$cache_code] = null; } } if (count($fields_to_remove_later) > 0) { # Some of the fields in $results were added only temporarily # (the Consumer did not ask for them). We will remove these fields now. foreach ($results as &$result_ref) { foreach ($fields_to_remove_later as $field) { unset($result_ref[$field]); } } } # Order the results in the same order as the input codes were given. # This might come in handy for languages which support ordered dictionaries # (especially with conjunction with the search_and_retrieve method). # See issue#97. PHP dictionaries (assoc arrays) are ordered structures, # so we just have to rewrite it (sequentially). $ordered_results = new ArrayObject(); foreach ($cache_codes as $cache_code) { $ordered_results[$cache_code] = $results[$cache_code]; } /* Handle OCPL's "access logs" feature. */ if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '' && Settings::get('OCPL_ENABLE_GEOCACHE_ACCESS_LOGS')) { $cache_ids = array_keys($cacheid2wptcode); /* Log this event only if some specific fields were accessed. */ if (in_array('location', $fields) && count(array_intersect(array('hint', 'hints', 'hint2', 'hints2', 'description', 'descriptions'), $fields)) > 0) { require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . 'okapi/lib/ocpl_access_logs.php'; \okapi\OCPLAccessLogs::log_geocache_access($request, $cache_ids); } } return Okapi::formatted_response($request, $ordered_results); }