Esempio n. 1
 public function testPrePersistWithAutozoom()
     $this->map->setCenter(-1.1, -2.2);
     $this->map->setBound(1, 2, 3, 4);
     $this->assertSame(1, $this->map->getBound()->getSouthWest()->getLatitude());
     $this->assertSame(2, $this->map->getBound()->getSouthWest()->getLongitude());
     $this->assertSame(3, $this->map->getBound()->getNorthEast()->getLatitude());
     $this->assertSame(4, $this->map->getBound()->getNorthEast()->getLongitude());
Esempio n. 2
  * @expectedException \Ivory\GoogleMap\Exception\MapException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage The bound setter arguments is invalid.
  * The available prototypes are :
  * - function setBound(Ivory\GoogleMap\Base\Bound $bound)
  * - function setBount(Ivory\GoogleMap\Base\Coordinate $southWest, Ivory\GoogleMap\Base\Coordinate $northEast)
  * - function setBound(
  *     double $southWestLatitude,
  *     double $southWestLongitude,
  *     double $northEastLatitude,
  *     double $northEastLongitude,
  *     boolean southWestNoWrap = true,
  *     boolean $northEastNoWrap = true
  * )
 public function testBoundWithInvalidValue()
Esempio n. 3
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It is a breeze. Simply tell Lumen the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to call when that URI is requested.
use Ivory\GoogleMap\Map;
use Ivory\GoogleMap\MapTypeId;
$app->get('/', function () use($app) {
    return $app->version();
$app->get('map', function () use($app) {
    $map = new Map();
    $map->setCenter(0, 0, true);
    $map->setMapOption('zoom', 3);
    $map->setBound(-2.1, -3.9, 2.6, 1.4, true, true);
    $map->setMapOption('mapTypeId', MapTypeId::ROADMAP);
    $map->setMapOption('mapTypeId', 'roadmap');
    $map->setMapOption('disableDefaultUI', true);
    $map->setMapOption('disableDoubleClickZoom', true);
    $map->setMapOptions(array('disableDefaultUI' => true, 'disableDoubleClickZoom' => true));
    $map->setStylesheetOption('width', '300px');
    $map->setStylesheetOption('height', '300px');
    $map->setStylesheetOptions(array('width' => '300px', 'height' => '300px'));