Esempio n. 1
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     if (!Auth::user()->isGlobalAdmin()) {
         // Only Global Admins can access this
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors("Unauthorized");
     $crew = Crew::find($id);
     $crew_name = $crew->name;
     // Release all Aircrafts from this crew (null the crew_id field in the aircrafts table)
     if ($crew->is_an_aircraft_crew()) {
         $aircrafts = $crew->aircrafts;
         foreach ($aircrafts as $aircraft) {
     // Delete all Users belonging to this crew
     foreach ($crew->users as $user) {
     return redirect()->route('crews_index')->with('alert', array('message' => "'" . $crew_name . "' was deleted.", 'type' => 'success'));
Esempio n. 2
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     // Accept a form post from either the Aircraft Status Form (route: 'new_status_for_aircraft')
     // or the Crew Status Form (route: 'new_status_for_crew')
     // Determine whether this is a status update for an Aircraft or a Crew
     // then store the ID of the Crew that owns this object.
     $classname = $request->get('statusable_type');
     $obj = $classname::find($request->get('statusable_id'));
     if (!$obj) {
         // The 'statusable_type' from the form is not one of the polymorphic 'statusable' classes.
         // Add the 'morphMany()' function to the desired class to make it statusable.
         return redirect()->back()->with('alert', array('message' => 'Status update failed! This status update is not linked to a statusable entity', 'type' => 'danger'));
     $crew_id = $obj->get_crew_id();
     $crew = Crew::find($crew_id);
     // Make sure current user is authorized
     if (Auth::user()->cannot('actAsAdminForCrew', $crew_id)) {
         // The current user does not have permission to perform admin functions for this crew
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors("You're not authorized to update that crew!");
     // This User is authorized - continue...
     $this->validate($request, ['latitude_deg' => 'required', 'latitude_min' => 'required', 'longitude_deg' => 'required', 'longitude_min' => 'required']);
     $latitude_dd = $this->decMinToDecDeg($request->get('latitude_deg'), $request->get('latitude_min'));
     $longitude_dd = $this->decMinToDecDeg($request->get('longitude_deg'), $request->get('longitude_min')) * -1.0;
     // Convert to 'Easting' (Western hemisphere is negative)
     // Form is valid, continue...
     $status = new Status(Input::all());
     // Add a period to the LabelText field - this is a a workaround for the ArcGIS server to be able to render a buffer around the shorthaulhelicopter features
     $status->LabelText = ".";
     // Insert the identity of the User who created this Status update (the CURRENT user):
     $status->created_by_name = Auth::user()->fullname();
     $status->created_by_id = Auth::user()->id;
     // Insert the name of the Crew that owns this Status update (if this Status refers to a Crew, then 'crew_name' will be the same as 'statusable_name')
     $status->crew_name = Crew::find($crew_id)->name;
     // Insert the lat and lon in decimal-degree format
     $status->latitude = $latitude_dd;
     $status->longitude = $longitude_dd;
     // Change the 'statusable_type' variable to a fully-namespaced class name (the html form only submits the class name, but not the namespace)
     // i.e. Change 'Shorthaulhelicopter' to 'App\Shorthaulhelicopter'. This is required for the Status class to be able to retrieve the correct Aircraft (or Crew).
     //$status->statusable_type = "App\\".ucwords($status->statusable_type);
     $status->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:m:s');
     // Temporarily set the timestamp so that it can be included in the popup (timestamp will be reset when $status is saved)
     // Build the HTML popup that will be displayed when this feature is clicked
     $status->popupinfo = $this->generatePopup($status, $crew);
     // Attempt to save
     if ($status->save()) {
         // Changes have been saved to the local database, now initiate an update on the ArcGIS Server...
         // Render a different popup view to be sent to the EGP, but don't save it locally
         $status->popupinfo = $this->generatePopup($status, $crew, "egp");
         $objectids = ArcServer::findFeature($status);
         if ($objectids === false) {
             // An error occurred in findFeature() - check 'laravel.log' for details
             return redirect()->back()->with('alert', array('message' => 'Status update was saved locally, but could not be sent to the EGP (findFeature error).', 'type' => 'danger'));
         } elseif (!isset($objectids[0]) || $objectids[0] == '') {
             // The server responded, but the request feature was not found - add it.
             $result = ArcServer::addFeature($status);
         } else {
             // The Feature being updated was found on the ArcGIS server - now update it.
             $objectid = $objectids[0];
             $result = ArcServer::updateFeature($objectid, $status);
         // Check the ArcGIS server response to determine if the operation was successful or not.
         if (empty($result->error)) {
             return redirect()->back()->with('alert', array('message' => 'Status update saved!', 'type' => 'success'));
         } else {
             return redirect()->back()->with('alert', array('message' => 'Status update was saved locally, but could not be sent to the EGP: ' . $result->error, 'type' => 'danger'));
     return redirect()->back()->with('alert', array('message' => 'Status update failed!', 'type' => 'danger'));
Esempio n. 3
  * Remove crew member from movie
  * @return Response
 public function removeCrewMember()
     if ($this->isAdmin) {
         if (Request::ajax()) {
             $data = Request::all();
             $movie_id = $data['movie'];
             $crew_id = $data['row'];
             $movie = Movies::findorfail($movie_id);
             return (string) view('movies.crew', compact('movie'));
     return "error";