<?php /* * A Testing File for you can try testing & debugging phpFastCache; * Just run on your webserver http://localhost/webserver/testing/index.php * Any question please skype: khoaofgod or email khoaofgod@yahoo.com * More information at http://www.phpfastcache.com */ include "php_fast_cache.php"; $caching = array("auto", "files", "pdo", "mpdo", "xcache", "apc", "memcache", "memcached", "wincache"); $tmp = new phpFastCache(); // data use for caching ^ testing $data = array(1, "abc hello world", "", null, 0, array(1, 2, 3, 4, "string", null, "", "GOT IT", "KEY" => "VALUE", "N" => null, "E" => "", "X" => -1)); // $data = array(null,null,"",null); echo "Try get Server information ... Take 10 - 15 seconds to detect ...<br>"; phpFastCache::debug(phpFastCache::systemInfo()); echo "<b>Data will be testing - Included NULL and Emptry String</b>"; phpFastCache::debug($data); $c = array("red", "blue", "green", "orange", "black", "red", "blue", "green", "orange", "black"); $xx = 0; foreach ($caching as $st) { $dem = 0; $color = $c[$xx]; $xx++; phpFastCache::$storage = $st; echo "<font color={$color} >\n ------------------------------------------------- <br>\n Caching = {$st} <br>"; if (isset(phpFastCache::$sys['drivers'][$st]) && phpFastCache::$sys['drivers'][$st] == true || $st == "auto") { foreach ($data as $string) { $dem++; echo "SET {$dem} --> "; phpFastCache::set("A" . $dem, $string);
<?php include "phpfastcache.php"; $cache = new phpFastCache(); $info = $cache->systemInfo(); echo "<pre>"; print_r($info); echo "</pre>"; phpinfo();