protected function setCache(Container $di, $cacheConfig, $basePath) { foreach ($cacheConfig as $key => $value) { \phpFastCache::setup($key, $value); } \phpFastCache::setup("path", $basePath . "/var/cache"); $di->set("cache", $di->lazyNew('phpFastCache')); }
/** * is existing? */ public static function is($keyword, $nousercache = 0) { if ($nousercache == 0) { return self::$cache->isExisting($keyword . SessionAccountHandler::getId()); } else { return self::$cache->isExisting($keyword); } }
public function _initCache() { //$servers = array(); $cacheCfg = $this->_config->memcached->config; $servers = $cacheCfg->toArray(); if (!empty($servers)) { phpFastCache::$storage = "auto"; $cache = __c($cacheCfg->type); $server = array(array($cacheCfg->host, $cacheCfg->port, $cacheCfg->timeout)); $cache->option("server", $server); Registry::set("cache", $cache); } }
/** * Constructor */ function __construct($prefix = 'index.php?') { global $base_dir, $_SERVER; phpFastCache::setup('storage', 'files'); phpFastCache::setup('path', $base_dir); phpFastCache::setup('securityKey', 'cache'); $this->cache = phpFastCache(); $this->id = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($this->id == '') { $this->id = 'mod=home'; } $this->id = $this->prefix . $this->id; }
public function SSLForwardJS() { $ip = $this->getRealIP(); if (!class_exists("phpFastCache")) { die("Please required phpFastCache Class"); } // you should change this to cURL() $data = phpFastCache::get("codehelper_ip_ssl" . md5($ip)); // caching 1 week if ($data == null) { $url = "" . $ip; $data = file_get_contents($url); phpFastCache::set("codehelper_ip_ssl" . md5($ip), $data, 3600 * 24 * 7); } return $data; }
public function testAction() { phpFastCache::$storage = "auto"; $cache = __c("memcache"); $server = array(array("", 11211, 100)); $cache->option("server", $server); $cache->keyword = array("something here++++++++++++++++_________", 600); // var_dump($cache->get("31lh9kj9cs3627fauu90njuj26")); var_dump($cache->keyword); $excel = new CreateExcel(); // $excel->setHeader('高子航' . date('Y年m月d日 H:i:s', time())); // $excel->setTitle(array( '高子航')); // $excel->setData(array()); // $excel->echoExcel('show_' . date('Y_m_d_H_i_s', time())); die; }
public function result() { if ($this->on_cache == true) { require $this->path . '/phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php'; phpFastCache::setup("storage", "auto"); phpFastCache::setup('path', $this->path . '/phpfastcache/cache/'); $cache = phpFastCache(); $this->data = $cache->get($this->key_cache); if ($this->data == null) { $this->data = $this->get_direct(); $cache->set($this->key_cache, $this->data, 86400); } } else { $this->data = $this->get_direct(); } return $this->data; }
function phpFastCache($storage = "auto", $config = array()) { $storage = strtolower($storage); if (empty($config)) { $config = phpFastCache::$config; } if ($storage == "" || $storage == "auto") { $storage = phpFastCache::getAutoClass($config); } $instance = md5(json_encode($config) . $storage); if (!isset(phpFastCache_instances::$instances[$instance])) { $class = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; phpFastCache::required($storage); phpFastCache_instances::$instances[$instance] = new $class($config); } return phpFastCache_instances::$instances[$instance]; }
public function SSLForwardJS() { $ip = $this->getRealIP(); if (!class_exists("phpFastCache")) { die("<div style='border: 2px solid #09f; font-size: .8em; font-family: Arial;background: #FCF0F0;border: 2px solid #F07272;padding: 10px;'>Please enable plugin <b>Cache</b> to run plugin <b>Statistic</b>!</div>"); } // you should change this to cURL() $data = phpFastCache::get("codehelper_ip_ssl" . md5($ip)); // caching 1 week if ($data == null) { $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 0.5))); $url = "" . $ip; $json = file_get_html($url); phpFastCache::set("codehelper_ip_ssl" . md5($ip), $data, 3600 * 24 * 7); } return $data; }
public function __construct() { $system = CoreLoader::$system; date_default_timezone_set($system['default_timezone']); $this->registerErrorHandle(); $this->router = CoreInput::$router; $this->input = new CoreInput(); $this->model = new CoreModelLoader(); $this->lib = new CoreLibLoader(); $this->rule = new CoreRule(); $this->cache = phpFastCache::getInstance($system['cache_config']['storage'], $system['cache_config']); if ($system['autoload_db']) { $this->database(); } if (!empty($system['language'])) { self::$locale = new CoreLocale($system['language']); } Fn::stripslashes_all(); }
public function getLocation($ip = "") { if ($ip == "") { $ip = $this->getRealIP(); } if (!class_exists("phpFastCache")) { die("Please required phpFastCache Class"); } // you should change this to cURL() $data = phpFastCache::get("codehelper_ip_" . md5($ip)); // caching 1 week if ($data == null) { $url = "" . $ip; $json = file_get_contents($url); $data = json_decode($json, true); phpFastCache::set("codehelper_ip_" . md5($ip), $data, 3600 * 24 * 7); } return $data; }
<?php include 'config.php'; require "vendor/autoload.php"; use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth; phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache'); // Path For Files //User Whitelist Check if (!in_array($username, $user_whitelist)) { echo "Clever girl... But you're not on the list. <a href=''>Request Access</a>"; exit; } // Set Caching $cache = phpFastCache(); // Try to get $content from Caching First // product_page is "identity keyword"; $link = $cache->get($username); if ($link == null) { $connection = new TwitterOAuth(TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET); $content = $connection->get(API_KIND, array("screen_name" => $username, "count" => intval(POSTS_COUNT))); if (empty($content->errors)) { //All is dandy foreach ($content as $tweet_object) { $urls = $tweet_object->entities->urls; //Get URLS foreach ($urls as $url) { //$debug = $url->expanded_url; if (strpos($url->display_url, '') !== false) { //Find periscope link $link = $url->expanded_url; }
function updatecaching() { global $ts; $conn = 1; $errorCode = 0; $memcacheAuth = 0; include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cometchat_cache.php"; if ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'memcachier') { $memcacheAuth = 1; $conn = 0; $memcache = new MemcacheSASL(); $memcache->addServer($_POST['MC_SERVER'], $_POST['MC_PORT']); if ($memcachierAuth = $memcache->setSaslAuthData($_POST['MC_USERNAME'], $_POST['MC_PASSWORD'])) { $memcache->set('auth', 'ok'); if (!($conn = $memcache->get('auth'))) { $errorCode = 3; } $memcache->delete('auth'); } else { $errorCode = 3; } } elseif ($_POST['MC_NAME'] != '') { $conn = 0; $memcacheAuth = 1; phpFastCache::setup("storage", $_POST['MC_NAME']); $memcache = new phpFastCache(); $driverPresent = isset($memcache->driver->option['availability']) ? 0 : 1; if ($driverPresent) { if ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'memcache') { $server = array(array($_POST['MC_SERVER'], $_POST['MC_PORT'], 1)); $memcache->option('server', $server); } $memcache->set('auth', 'ok', 30); if (!($conn = $memcache->get('auth'))) { $errorCode = 1; } $memcache->delete('auth'); } } if ($conn && !$errorCode) { $data = 'define(\'MEMCACHE\',\'' . $memcacheAuth . '\');' . "\r\n"; $data .= 'define(\'MC_SERVER\',\'' . $_POST['MC_SERVER'] . '\');' . "\t// Set name of your memcache server\r\n"; $data .= 'define(\'MC_PORT\',\'' . $_POST['MC_PORT'] . '\');' . "\t\t\t// Set port of your memcache server\r\n"; $data .= 'define(\'MC_USERNAME\',\'' . $_POST['MC_USERNAME'] . '\');' . "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Set username of memcachier server\r\n"; $data .= 'define(\'MC_PASSWORD\',\'' . $_POST['MC_PASSWORD'] . '\');' . "\t\t\t// Set password your memcachier server\r\n"; $data .= 'define(\'MC_NAME\',\'' . $_POST['MC_NAME'] . '\');' . "\t\t\t// Set name of caching method if 0 : '', 1 : memcache, 2 : files, 3 : memcachier, 4 : apc, 5 : wincache, 6 : sqlite & 7 : memcached"; configeditor('MEMCACHE', $data, 0); $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Caching details updated successfully.'; } else { if ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'memcachier') { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Failed to update caching details. Please check your Memchachier server details'; } elseif ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'files') { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Please check file permission of your cache directory. Please try 755/777/644'; } elseif ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'apc') { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Failed to update caching details. Please check your APC configuration.'; } elseif ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'wincache') { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Failed to update caching details. Please check your Wincache configuration.'; } elseif ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'sqlite') { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Failed to update caching details. Please check your SQLite configuration.'; } elseif ($_POST['MC_NAME'] == 'memcached') { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Failed to update caching details. Please check your Memcached configuration.'; } else { $_SESSION['cometchat']['error'] = 'Failed to update caching details. Please check your Memcache server configuration.'; } } header("Location:?module=settings&action=caching&ts={$ts}"); }
function cometchatMemcacheConnect() { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cometchat_cache.php"; global $memcache; if (MEMCACHE != 0 && MC_NAME == 'memcachier') { $memcache = new MemcacheSASL(); $memcache->addServer(MC_SERVER, MC_PORT); $memcache->setSaslAuthData(MC_USERNAME, MC_PASSWORD); } elseif (MEMCACHE != 0) { phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache'); phpFastCache::setup("storage", MC_NAME); $memcache = phpFastCache(); } }
<?php // phpFastCache Library require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpfastcache/2.4.2/base.php"; // OK, setup your cache phpFastCache::$storage = "files"; //memcache phpFastCache::$config = array("storage" => phpFastCache::$storage, "fallback" => "files", "securityKey" => "auto", "htaccess" => true, "path" => "", "memcached" => array(array("", 11211, 1)), "memcache" => array(array("", 11211, 1)), "server" => array(array("", 11211, 1)), "redis" => array("host" => "", "port" => "", "password" => "", "database" => "", "timeout" => ""), "extensions" => array()); phpFastCache::setup(phpFastCache::$config); // temporary disabled phpFastCache phpFastCache::$disabled = false; // default chmod | only change if you know what you are doing phpFastCache::$default_chmod = ""; // keep it blank, it will use 666 for module and 644 for cgi
$NameBD = $cmd->parametro->get("NameBD"); } $bool = mysql_select_db($NameBD, $connect); $q = mysql_query('select * from bsw_bi.bi_server where dbName="' . $NameBD . '"'); if (mysql_num_rows($q) == 1) { $_SESSION['id_server'] = mysql_result($q, 0); } else { die($LANG_ERROR_BI); } } catch (Exception $e) { print $LANG_ERROR_CONNECT . " {$database}"; } include_once "fast/phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php"; phpFastCache::setup("storage", "auto"); if (php_uname("s") == "Darwin") { phpFastCache::setup("path", '/private/var/tmp'); } // Path For Files includes/work must be in 777 function readDashboardSections() { $q = 'select distinct dashboard from bi_dashboard,bm_items_groups where bi_dashboard.id_item=bm_items_groups.id_item and bm_items_groups.groupid=' . $_SESSION['groupid'] . ' order by displayorder'; $q1 = mysql_query($q); while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $data[] = array('dashboard' => $r['dashboard']); } return $data; }
echo '<br><b>Error File:</b> ' . $errfile; echo '<br><b>Error Line:</b> ' . $errline; } else { throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline); } }); // grab the settings require ROOT . 'settings.php'; // grab status definitions require SCRIPTROOT . 'statusdefs.php'; // set timezone date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // setup cache require SCRIPTROOT . 'phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php'; phpFastCache::setup('storage', 'files'); phpFastCache::setup('path', ROOT . 'cache'); $cache = phpFastCache(); // setup routing require SCRIPTROOT . 'AltoRouter/AltoRouter.php'; $routes = new AltoRouter(); // load the actual routes require ROOT . 'routes.php'; // handle the route request $route = $routes->match(); // error page handling function ErrorPage($Error) { ob_get_clean(); http_response_code($Error); $error = $Error; require VIEWROOT . 'error.php';
<?php //if(!defined('IN_TRACKER')) // die('Hacking attempt!'); require_once "cache/phpfastcache.php"; phpFastCache::setup("bonho", "auto"); $Cache = phpFastCache(); function get_global_sp_state() { global $Cache; static $global_promotion_state; if (!$global_promotion_state) { if (!($global_promotion_state = $Cache->get_value('global_promotion_state'))) { $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM torrents_state"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $global_promotion_state = $row["global_sp_state"]; $Cache->cache_value('global_promotion_state', $global_promotion_state, 57226); } } return $global_promotion_state; } // IP Validation function validip($ip) { if (!ip2long($ip)) { //IPv6 return true; } if (!empty($ip) && $ip == long2ip(ip2long($ip))) { // reserved IANA IPv4 addresses //
protected function __setChmodAuto() { return phpFastCache::__setChmodAuto($this->config); }
public static function setup($name, $value = "") { if (is_array($name)) { self::$config = $name; } else { self::$config[$name] = $value; } }
public function cache($folder = 'design') { require_once ROOT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'phpfastcache.php'; phpFastCache::setup("storage", "files"); phpFastCache::setup("path", ROOT . DS . 'cache'); phpFastCache::setup("securityKey", $folder); $cache = phpFastCache(); return $cache; }
function __construct($storage = "", $option = array()) { if (isset(self::$config['fallback'][$storage])) { $storage = self::$config['fallback'][$storage]; } if ($storage == "") { $storage = self::$storage; self::option("storage", $storage); } else { self::$storage = $storage; } $this->tmp['storage'] = $storage; $this->option = array_merge($this->option, self::$config, $option); if ($storage != "auto" && $storage != "" && $this->isExistingDriver($storage)) { $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; } else { $storage = $this->autoDriver(); self::$storage = $storage; $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; } $this->option("storage", $storage); if ($this->option['securityKey'] == "auto" || $this->option['securityKey'] == "") { $this->option['securityKey'] = "" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } $this->driver = new $driver($this->option); $this->driver->is_driver = true; }
<?php // phpFastCache Library require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpfastcache/3.0.0/phpfastcache.php"; // OK, setup your cache phpFastCache::$config = array("storage" => "auto", "default_chmod" => 0777, "htaccess" => true, "path" => "", "securityKey" => "auto", "memcache" => array(array("", 11211, 1)), "redis" => array("host" => "", "port" => "", "password" => "", "database" => "", "timeout" => ""), "extensions" => array(), "fallback" => "files"); // temporary disabled phpFastCache phpFastCache::$disabled = false;
/** * Prohibit creating an object from outside */ public function __construct() { phpFastCache::setup("storage", "files"); self::$cache = new phpFastCache(); }
function getColorVars() { global $client; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cometchat_cache.php"; global $settingscache; global $colors; phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'writable' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache'); phpFastCache::setup("storage", 'files'); $settingscache = phpFastCache(); if ($conf = getCachedSettings($client . "cometchat_color", 3600)) { $colors = unserialize($conf); } else { cometchatDBConnect(); $colors = array(); $sql = "select `color_key`,`color_value`,`color` from `cometchat_colors`"; $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); while ($color = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { if (empty($colors[$color['color']])) { $colors[$color['color']] = array(); } $colors[$color['color']][$color['color_key']] = $color['color_value']; } setCachedSettings($client . "cometchat_color", serialize($colors), 3600); } }
public static function loadDataArray($keys) { if (!self::$enabled) { return null; } if (self::$cache === null) { phpFastCache::setup(phpFastCache::$config); self::$cache = phpFastCache(); } ///Logger::Log('load: '.implode(':',$keys), LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../calls.log'); return self::$cache->getMulti($keys); }
function __construct($storage = "", $option = array()) { if (isset(self::$config['fallback'][$storage])) { $storage = self::$config['fallback'][$storage]; } if ($storage == "") { $storage = self::$storage; self::option("storage", $storage); } else { self::$storage = $storage; } $this->tmp['storage'] = $storage; $this->option = array_merge($this->option, self::$config, $option); if ($storage != "auto" && $storage != "" && $this->isExistingDriver($storage)) { $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; } else { $storage = $this->autoDriver(); self::$storage = $storage; $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/drivers/" . $storage . ".php"; $this->option("storage", $storage); if ($this->option['securityKey'] == "auto" || $this->option['securityKey'] == "") { $suffix = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : get_current_user(); $this->option['securityKey'] = "" . $suffix; } $this->driver = new $driver($this->option); $this->driver->is_driver = true; }
public static function init() { $fastCacheConfig = array("storage" => "files", "path" => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../db/cache", "securityKey" => "auto", "default_chmod" => 0777, "htaccess" => TRUE); \phpFastCache::setup($fastCacheConfig); self::$cache = new \phpFastCache(); }
<?php /* * This script bootstraps all loading * * It will handle all the includes, page construction and output */ session_start(); $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $menuPath = str_replace("/pages/", "", $script); $baseDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/'; $includesDir = $baseDir . "includes/"; //load up the cache engine include $includesDir . 'phpfastcache.php'; phpFastCache::setup("storage", "files"); phpFastCache::setup("path", $baseDir . 'cache/'); // Path For Files $cache = phpFastCache(); // detect if this is an ajax page call if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { $ajax = true; } else { $ajax = false; } //detect if this is a post (which could also be an ajax call if ($_POST) { $post = true; } else { $post = false; } include 'mangoConfig.php';
function __construct($storage = "", $option = array()) { if ($storage == "") { $storage = self::$storage; self::option("storage", $storage); } else { self::$storage = $storage; } $this->tmp['storage'] = $storage; $this->option = array_merge($this->option, self::$config, $option); if ($storage != "auto" && $storage != "" && $this->isExistingDriver($storage)) { $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; } else { $storage = $this->autoDriver(); self::$storage = $storage; $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $storage; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/drivers/" . $storage . ".php"; $this->option("storage", $storage); if ($this->option['securityKey'] == "auto" || $this->option['securityKey'] == "") { $suffix = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? str_replace("www.", "", strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) : get_current_user(); $this->option['securityKey'] = "" . $suffix; } $this->driver = new $driver($this->option); $this->fallback = !$this->driver->checkdriver(); // do fallback if (method_exists($this->driver, "connectServer")) { $this->driver->connectServer(); } if ($this->driver->fallback === true) { // echo 'Fall Back'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/drivers/" . $this->option['fallback'] . ".php"; $driver = "phpfastcache_" . $this->option['fallback']; $this->option("storage", $this->option['fallback']); $this->driver = new $driver($this->option); $this->driver->is_driver = true; $this->fallback = true; } else { $this->driver->is_driver = true; $this->fallback = false; } }