Esempio n. 1
  * Adds to the TCPDF instance, the data related to a row in the GIS dataset.
  * @param string $spatial    GIS LINESTRING object
  * @param string $label      Label for the GIS LINESTRING object
  * @param string $line_color Color for the GIS LINESTRING object
  * @param array  $scale_data Array containing data related to scaling
  * @param object $pdf        TCPDF instance
  * @return object the modified TCPDF instance
  * @access public
 public function prepareRowAsPdf($spatial, $label, $line_color, $scale_data, $pdf)
     // allocate colors
     $red = hexdec(substr($line_color, 1, 2));
     $green = hexdec(substr($line_color, 3, 2));
     $blue = hexdec(substr($line_color, 4, 2));
     $line = array('width' => 1.5, 'color' => array($red, $green, $blue));
     // Trim to remove leading 'LINESTRING(' and trailing ')'
     $linesrting = substr($spatial, 11, strlen($spatial) - 12);
     $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($linesrting, $scale_data);
     foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
         if (!isset($temp_point)) {
             $temp_point = $point;
         } else {
             // draw line section
             $pdf->Line($temp_point[0], $temp_point[1], $point[0], $point[1], $line);
             $temp_point = $point;
     // print label
     if (isset($label) && trim($label) != '') {
         $pdf->SetXY($points_arr[1][0], $points_arr[1][1]);
         $pdf->Cell(0, 0, trim($label));
     return $pdf;
  * Adds to the TCPDF instance, the data related to a row in the GIS dataset.
  * @param string $spatial    GIS POLYGON object
  * @param string $label      Label for the GIS POLYGON object
  * @param string $fill_color Color for the GIS POLYGON object
  * @param array  $scale_data Array containing data related to scaling
  * @param object $pdf        TCPDF instance
  * @return object the modified TCPDF instance
  * @access public
 public function prepareRowAsPdf($spatial, $label, $fill_color, $scale_data, $pdf)
     // allocate colors
     $red = hexdec(substr($fill_color, 1, 2));
     $green = hexdec(substr($fill_color, 3, 2));
     $blue = hexdec(substr($fill_color, 4, 2));
     $color = array($red, $green, $blue);
     // Trim to remove leading 'POLYGON((' and trailing '))'
     $polygon = substr($spatial, 9, strlen($spatial) - 11);
     // If the polygon doesnt have an inner polygon
     if (strpos($polygon, "),(") === false) {
         $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($polygon, $scale_data, true);
     } else {
         // Seperate outer and inner polygons
         $parts = explode("),(", $polygon);
         $outer = $parts[0];
         $inner = array_slice($parts, 1);
         $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($outer, $scale_data, true);
         foreach ($inner as $inner_poly) {
             $points_arr = array_merge($points_arr, $this->extractPoints($inner_poly, $scale_data, true));
     // draw polygon
     $pdf->Polygon($points_arr, 'F*', array(), $color, true);
     // print label if applicable
     if (isset($label) && trim($label) != '') {
         $pdf->SetXY($points_arr[2], $points_arr[3]);
         $pdf->Cell(0, 0, trim($label));
     return $pdf;
  * Adds to the TCPDF instance, the data related to a row in the GIS dataset.
  * @param string $spatial     GIS MULTIPOINT object
  * @param string $label       Label for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
  * @param string $point_color Color for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
  * @param array  $scale_data  Array containing data related to scaling
  * @param object $pdf         TCPDF instance
  * @return object the modified TCPDF instance
  * @access public
 public function prepareRowAsPdf($spatial, $label, $point_color, $scale_data, $pdf)
     // allocate colors
     $red = hexdec(substr($point_color, 1, 2));
     $green = hexdec(substr($point_color, 3, 2));
     $blue = hexdec(substr($point_color, 4, 2));
     $line = array('width' => 1.25, 'color' => array($red, $green, $blue));
     // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
     $multipoint = substr($spatial, 11, strlen($spatial) - 12);
     $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($multipoint, $scale_data);
     foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
         // draw a small circle to mark the point
         if ($point[0] != '' && $point[1] != '') {
             $pdf->Circle($point[0], $point[1], 2, 0, 360, 'D', $line);
     // print label for each point
     if (isset($label) && trim($label) != '' && ($points_arr[0][0] != '' && $points_arr[0][1] != '')) {
         $pdf->SetXY($points_arr[0][0], $points_arr[0][1]);
         $pdf->Cell(0, 0, trim($label));
     return $pdf;
  * Adds to the TCPDF instance, the data related to a row in the GIS dataset.
  * @param string $spatial    GIS MULTILINESTRING object
  * @param string $label      Label for the GIS MULTILINESTRING object
  * @param string $line_color Color for the GIS MULTILINESTRING object
  * @param array  $scale_data Array containing data related to scaling
  * @param object $pdf        TCPDF instance
  * @return object the modified TCPDF instance
  * @access public
 public function prepareRowAsPdf($spatial, $label, $line_color, $scale_data, $pdf)
     // allocate colors
     $red = hexdec(substr($line_color, 1, 2));
     $green = hexdec(substr($line_color, 3, 2));
     $blue = hexdec(substr($line_color, 4, 2));
     $line = array('width' => 1.5, 'color' => array($red, $green, $blue));
     // Trim to remove leading 'MULTILINESTRING((' and trailing '))'
     $multilinestirng = substr($spatial, 17, strlen($spatial) - 19);
     // Seperate each linestring
     $linestirngs = explode("),(", $multilinestirng);
     $first_line = true;
     foreach ($linestirngs as $linestring) {
         $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($linestring, $scale_data);
         foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
             if (!isset($temp_point)) {
                 $temp_point = $point;
             } else {
                 // draw line section
                 $pdf->Line($temp_point[0], $temp_point[1], $point[0], $point[1], $line);
                 $temp_point = $point;
         // print label
         if (isset($label) && trim($label) != '' && $first_line) {
             $pdf->SetXY($points_arr[1][0], $points_arr[1][1]);
             $pdf->Cell(0, 0, trim($label));
         $first_line = false;
     return $pdf;
     * Add relevant header info to the pdf output
     * @param  object  $newpdf  The report pdf we are creating
    public function print_pdf_header($newpdf) {
        global $CFG;

        //obtain margins
        $margins = $newpdf->getMargins();

        //initial y position
        $initial_y = $newpdf->getY() + 0.08; // ELIS-3167: + 0.08 bottom-of-line

        //determine page with, not including margins
        $effective_page_width = $newpdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['left'] - $margins['right'];

        //store the original font size
        $old_font_size = $newpdf->getFontSizePt();
        //use a large font size for the header info

        //used to track vertical positioning
        $i = 0;

        //render any appropriate text for each header
        if ($header_info = $this->get_gas_gauge_header_info()) {
            foreach ($header_info as $header_entry) {
                //render across
                $newpdf->Cell($effective_page_width, 0, $header_entry, 0, 0, 'C');

                //draw a line below the text
                $line_top = $initial_y + 0.2 * $i + 0.1;
                $newpdf->Line($margins['left'], $line_top, $margins['left'] + $effective_page_width, $line_top);

                //add necessary spacing

        //if the max value is not zero, render the gas gauge
        if ($this->gas_gauge_max_value != 0) {
            //retrieve the color palette as defined by the report
            $palette = $this->get_gas_gauge_color_palette();

            //approximate pixels using points
            $actual_radius = PHP_REPORT_GAS_GAUGE_MAXIMUM_WIDTH / 2 / 72;

            //set up the variables needed by the gas-gauge-generating script

            //current value on the gas gauge
            $passthru_value = $this->gas_gauge_value;

            //maximum value on the gauge
            $passthru_total = $this->gas_gauge_max_value;

            //radius of the gas gauge
            $passthru_radius = PHP_REPORT_GAS_GAUGE_MAXIMUM_WIDTH;

            //colour palette to use (also specifies number of sections)
            $passthru_palette = $palette;

            //indicate that we are persisting the image
            $passthru_persist = 1;

            //filename to save the image to
            $passthru_filename = tempnam($CFG->dataroot . '/temp', 'gas_gauge_');

            //generate the necessary image file
            $gas_gauge_url = $CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisreports/gas_gauge_output.php';

            //leftmost position of the gas gauge
            $left_position = $newpdf->getPageWidth() / 2 - $actual_radius;

            //vertical offset, based on number of headers
            $top_position = $initial_y + 0.2 * count($header_info) + 0.1;

            //draw the gas gauge and add appropriate vertical space
            $newpdf->Image($passthru_filename, $left_position, $top_position, 2 * $actual_radius, $actual_radius, 'png');
            $newpdf->Ln($actual_radius + 0.2);

            //delete the temporary image file

        //revert the font size to its initial value
Esempio n. 6
  * Displays the items in the $items array as a bulleted or ordered list
  * @param array $items
  * @param array $options
  * @param bool $ordered
 public static function alist(array $items, $options = array(), $ordered = false)
     //Save x
     $bak_x = $pdf->x;
     if ($ordered) {
         $bullet = '•';
     } else {
         $bullet = 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
         //Get bullet width including margin
         $blt_width = self::$pdf->GetStringWidth($bullet . $options['margin']) + self::$pdf->cMargin * 2;
         // SetX
         //Output indent
         if ($options['indent'] > 0) {
         //Output bullet
         self::$pdf->Cell($blt_width, $h, $bullet . $options['margin'], 0, '', $fill);
         $items[$i] = self::decode_utf8($items[$i]);
         //Output text
         self::$pdf->MultiCell($w - $blt_width, $h, $items[$i], $border, $align, $fill);
         //Insert a spacer between items if not the last item
         if ($i != count($items) - 1) {
         //Increment bullet if it's a number
         if (is_numeric($bullet)) {
     //Restore x
     self::$pdf->x = $bak_x;
     return $pdf;