  * Fetch the topic participants
  * @access	public
  * @param	int			Topic ID
  * @param	boolean		Load and parse member data (TRUE for yes, FALSE for no)
  * @return	array 		Array of member data indexed by member ID
 public function fetchTopicParticipants($topicID, $parseThem = FALSE)
     // INIT
     $memberData = array();
     $remapData = array();
     // Grab 'em
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'message_topic_user_map', 'where' => 'map_topic_id=' . intval($topicID)));
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $remapData[$row['map_user_id']] = $row;
     if (!count($remapData)) {
         return array();
     /* Parse 'em? */
     if ($parseThem === TRUE) {
         /* Grab member data */
         $memberData = IPSMember::load(array_keys($remapData), 'all');
         foreach ($memberData as $id => $data) {
             $data['_canBeBlocked'] = IPSMember::isIgnorable($data['member_group_id'], $data['mgroup_others']);
             $memberData[$id] = IPSMember::buildDisplayData($data, array('__all__' => 1));
             $memberData[$id] = array_merge($memberData[$id], $remapData[$id]);
         $remapData = $memberData;
     return $remapData;
  * Build the in-memory information tiers
  * @access 	protected
  * @return	@e void
 protected function _buildTiers()
     if (!count($this->_itemCache)) {
         // See if there is a specialized function
         // for this first
         if (method_exists($this, $this->_customBuildMethod)) {
             $method = $this->_customBuildMethod;
         // Get pages from db
         $this->_sqlOrder = $this->_sqlOrder ? $this->_sqlOrder : $this->_sqlTitle;
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => $this->_sqlSelect, 'where' => $this->_sqlWhere, 'from' => $this->_sqlTable, 'order' => $this->_sqlOrder));
         while ($item = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             if ($item[$this->_sqlParentID] < 1) {
                 $item[$this->_sqlParentID] = 'root';
             $this->_itemCache[$item[$this->_sqlParentID]][$item[$this->_sqlPrimaryID]] = $item;
             $this->_itemByID[$item[$this->_sqlPrimaryID]] = $item[$this->_sqlParentID];
  * This function grabs the actual results for display
  * @param  array  $ids
  * @return query result
 public function getResultsForSphinx($ids)
     if (ipsRegistry::$request['content_title_only'] == 1) {
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => "t.*", 'from' => array('topics' => 't'), 'where' => 't.tid IN( ' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', 'order' => 't.last_post DESC', 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 'p.*', 'from' => array('posts' => 'p'), 'where' => 'p.pid=t.topic_firstpost', 'type' => 'left'), array('from' => array('forums' => 'f'), 'where' => 'f.id=t.forum_id', 'type' => 'left'), array('select' => 'm.member_id, m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=p.author_id', 'type' => 'left'))));
     } else {
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => "p.*", 'from' => array('posts' => 'p'), 'where' => 'p.pid IN( ' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', 'order' => 'p.post_date DESC', 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 't.*', 'from' => array('topics' => 't'), 'where' => 't.tid=p.topic_id', 'type' => 'left'), array('from' => array('forums' => 'f'), 'where' => 'f.id=t.forum_id', 'type' => 'left'), array('select' => 'm.member_id, m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=p.author_id', 'type' => 'left'))));
     return $this->DB->execute();
Esempio n. 4
  * Builds query based on the current query elements established
  * @param   string  $type  The type of query to build
  * @return  string
  * @since   2.0.0
 private function buildQuery($type = 'select')
     $pieces = array();
     // Loop through query elements
     foreach ($this->{$type} as $piece) {
         // If we have one of these elements, get its string value
         if ($element = $this->syntax->build($piece)) {
             $pieces[] = $element;
     return implode("\n", $pieces);
  * Returns the total number of results the search will return
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$search_term		Search term
  * @param	string	$group_by			Column to group by
  * @param	bool	$content_title_only	Only search title records
  * @return	integer
 public function getSearchCount($search_term, $group_by = '', $content_title_only = false)
     /* Query the count */
     $this->DB->build($this->_buildSearchQueryArray($search_term, array(), '', $group_by, true, $content_title_only));
     /* Return the count */
     if ($group_by) {
         return $this->DB->getTotalRows();
     } else {
         $r = $this->DB->fetch();
         return $r['total_results'];
  * Process links data
  * Array will be $key => array( log_data_app =>,  log_data_type =>,  log_data_primary_id =>, )
  * MUST be returned:
  * $key => array( 'title'     => 'My Great Topic',
  *				   'url'   	   => URL, SEO where appropriate,
  *				   'published' => unix time stamp,
  *				   'icon'      => icon relative to /style_images/master (16x16 icon)
  * @param	array
  * @return array
 public function processData($array)
     $topics = array();
     $final = array();
     $return = array();
     /* Ensure forums class is loaded */
     if (!$this->registry->isClassLoaded('class_forums')) {
         try {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . "/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php", 'class_forums', 'forums');
             $this->registry->setClass('class_forums', new $classToLoad($this->registry));
             $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->strip_invisible = 1;
         } catch (Exception $error) {
     /* Here we go again */
     if (is_array($array) and count($array)) {
         foreach ($array as $key => $data) {
             if ($data['log_data_type'] == 'topic') {
                 $topics[] = intval($data['log_data_primary_id']);
         if (count($topics)) {
             $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'tid, title, title_seo, start_date, forum_id', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => 'tid IN (' . implode(',', $topics) . ')'));
             while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
                 /* Quick permission check */
                 if (!$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsCheckAccess($row['forum_id'], 0, 'forum', $row, true)) {
                     $url = $this->registry->output->buildUrl('showtopic=' . $row['tid'], 'publicNoSession');
                     $title = 'Protected Topic';
                 } else {
                     $url = $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('showtopic=' . $row['tid'], 'publicNoSession', $row['title_seo'], 'showtopic');
                     $title = $row['title'];
                 $final[$row['tid']] = array('title' => $title, 'url' => $url, 'published' => $row['start_date'], 'icon' => 'page_topic.png');
         /* Sigh */
         if (is_array($final)) {
             foreach ($array as $key => $data) {
                 $return[$key] = isset($final[$data['log_data_primary_id']]) ? $final[$data['log_data_primary_id']] : array();
             return $return;
         return array();
     return array();
  * Recaches member's friends
  * @access	public
  * @param	array	$member	Member array to recache
  * @return	boolean
 public function recacheFriends($member)
     /* INIT */
     $friends = array();
     /* Check the member id */
     if (!$member['member_id']) {
         return FALSE;
     /* Get our friends */
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'profile_friends', 'where' => 'friends_member_id=' . $member['member_id']));
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $friends[$row['friends_friend_id']] = $row['friends_approved'];
     /* Update the cache */
     IPSMember::packMemberCache($member['member_id'], array('friends' => $friends));
     return TRUE;
  * Build the in-memory information tiers
  * @access 	private
  * @return	void
 private function _buildTiers()
     if (!count($this->_itemCache)) {
         // Get pages from db
         $this->_sqlOrder = $this->_sqlOrder ? $this->_sqlOrder : $this->_sqlTitle;
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'where' => $this->_sqlWhere, 'from' => $this->_sqlTable, 'order' => $this->_sqlOrder));
         while ($item = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             if ($item[$this->_sqlParentID] < 1) {
                 $item[$this->_sqlParentID] = 'root';
             $this->_itemCache[$item[$this->_sqlParentID]][$item[$this->_sqlPrimaryID]] = $item;
             $this->_itemByID[$item[$this->_sqlPrimaryID]] = $item[$this->_sqlParentID];
  * Add a widget to the dashboard.
  * If a widget with the same $widgetIdent already exists, it will be overridden.
  * @param  string                $widgetIdent The widget identifier.
  * @param  UiItemInterface|array $widget      The widget object or structure.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the widget is invalid.
  * @return DashboardInterface Chainable
 public function addWidget($widgetIdent, $widget)
     if (!is_string($widgetIdent)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Widget identifier needs to be a string');
     if ($widget instanceof UiItemInterface) {
         $this->widgets[$widgetIdent] = $widget;
     } elseif (is_array($widget)) {
         if (!isset($widget['ident'])) {
             $widget['ident'] = $widgetIdent;
         $w = $this->widgetBuilder->build($widget);
         $this->widgets[$widgetIdent] = $w;
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Can not add widget: Invalid Widget.');
     return $this;
  * Builds comments
  * @access	public
  * @param	array 		Member information
  * @param	boolean		Use a new id
  * @param	string		Message to display
  * @return	string		Comment HTML
  * @since	IPB
 public function buildComments($member, $new_id = 0, $return_msg = '')
     // INIT
     $comments = array();
     $member_id = intval($member['member_id']);
     $comment_perpage = 15;
     //intval( $member['pp_setting_count_comments'] );
     $comment_html = 0;
     $comment_start = intval($this->request['st']);
     $comment_approved = ($this->memberData['member_id'] == $member['member_id'] or $this->memberData['g_is_supmod']) ? '' : ' AND ( pc.comment_approved=1 OR ( pc.comment_approved=0 AND pc.comment_by_member_id=' . $member_id . ') )';
     // Not showing comments?
     if ($comment_perpage < 1) {
         return '';
     // Regenerate comments...
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'pc.*', 'from' => array('profile_comments' => 'pc'), 'where' => 'pc.comment_for_member_id=' . $member_id . $comment_approved, 'order' => 'pc.comment_date DESC', 'limit' => array($comment_start, $comment_perpage), 'calcRows' => TRUE, 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 'm.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name, m.posts, m.last_activity, m.member_group_id, m.member_id, m.last_visit, m.warn_level', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=pc.comment_by_member_id', 'type' => 'left'), array('select' => 'pp.*', 'from' => array('profile_portal' => 'pp'), 'where' => 'pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id', 'type' => 'left'))));
     $o = $this->DB->execute();
     $max = $this->DB->fetchCalculatedRows();
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch($o)) {
         $row['_comment_date'] = ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->getDate($row['comment_date'], 'TINY');
         $row = IPSMember::buildDisplayData($row);
         if (!$row['members_display_name_short']) {
             $row = array_merge($row, IPSMember::setUpGuest());
         $comments[] = $row;
     // Pagination
     $links = $this->registry->output->generatePagination(array('totalItems' => $max, 'itemsPerPage' => $comment_perpage, 'currentStartValue' => $comment_start, 'baseUrl' => "showuser={$member_id}", 'seoTitle' => $member['members_seo_name']));
     $comment_html = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('profile')->showComments($member, $comments, $new_id, $return_msg, $links);
     // Return it...
     return $comment_html;
Esempio n. 11
  * Initializes cache, loads kernel class, and formats data for kernel class
  * @param	string	$type	Set to view for displaying the field normally or edit for displaying in a form
  * @param	bool	$mlist	Whether this is the memberlist or not
  * @return	@e void
 public function initData($type = 'view', $mlist = 0, $attributes = array())
     /* Store Type */
     $this->type = $type;
     /* Get Member */
     if (!count($this->member_data) and $this->mem_data_id && !$mlist) {
         $this->member_data = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'pfields_content', 'where' => 'member_id=' . intval($this->mem_data_id)));
     if (count($this->member_data)) {
         $this->mem_data_id = isset($this->member_data['member_id']) ? $this->member_data['member_id'] : 0;
     if (!$this->init) {
         /* Cache data... */
         if (!is_array($this->cache_data)) {
             $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'pfields_data', 'order' => 'pf_group_id,pf_position'));
             while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
                 $this->cache_data[$r['pf_id']] = $r;
     /* Get names... */
     if (is_array($this->cache_data) and count($this->cache_data)) {
         foreach ($this->cache_data as $id => $data) {
             /* Field names and descriptions */
             $this->field_names[$id] = $data['pf_title'];
             $this->field_desc[$id] = $data['pf_desc'];
             /* In Fields */
             foreach ($this->cache_data as $id => $data) {
                 $data['pf_key'] = !empty($data['pf_key']) ? $data['pf_key'] : '_key_' . $data['pf_id'];
                 $data['pf_group_key'] = $data['pf_group_key'] ? $data['pf_group_key'] : '_other';
                 if ($mlist) {
                     $this->in_fields[$id] = '';
                     if (!empty(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id])) {
                         if (is_string(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id])) {
                             $this->in_fields[$id] = urldecode(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id]);
                         } else {
                             if (is_array(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id])) {
                                 foreach (ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id] as $k => $v) {
                                     $this->in_fields[$id][$k] = urldecode($v);
                 } else {
                     $_val = '';
                     if (is_string(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id])) {
                         $_val = urldecode(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id]);
                     } else {
                         if (is_array(ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id])) {
                             foreach (ipsRegistry::$request['field_' . $id] as $k => $v) {
                                 $_val[$k] = urldecode($v);
                     $this->in_fields[$id] = isset($this->member_data['field_' . $id]) ? $this->member_data['field_' . $id] : $_val;
     /* Clean up on aisle #4 */
     $this->out_fields = array();
     $this->out_chosen = array();
     /* Format data for kernel class */
     foreach ($this->cache_data as $k => $v) {
         /* Add any option to dropdown */
         if ($v['pf_type'] == 'drop' && $mlist) {
             $v['pf_content'] = '0=|' . $v['pf_content'];
         /* Field Info */
         $this->cache_data[$k]['id'] = $v['pf_id'];
         $this->cache_data[$k]['type'] = $v['pf_type'];
         $this->cache_data[$k]['data'] = $v['pf_content'];
         $this->cache_data[$k]['value'] = $this->in_fields[$k];
         /* Field Restrictions */
         $this->cache_data[$k]['restrictions'] = array('max_size' => isset($v['pf_max_input']) ? $v['pf_max_input'] : '', 'min_size' => isset($v['pf_min_input']) ? $v['pf_min_input'] : '', 'not_null' => isset($v['pf_not_null']) ? $v['pf_not_null'] : '', 'format' => isset($v['pf_input_format']) ? $v['pf_input_format'] : '', 'urlfilter' => isset($v['pf_filtering']) ? $v['pf_filtering'] : '');
         if (!empty($attributes)) {
             if (!isset($this->cache_data[$k]['attributes'])) {
                 $this->cache_data[$k]['attributes'] = $attributes;
             } else {
                 $this->cache_data[$k]['attributes'] = array_merge($this->cache_data[$k]['attributes'], $attributes);
     /* Kernel profile field class */
     $_NOW = IPSDebug::getMemoryDebugFlag();
     $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classCustomFields.php', 'classCustomFields');
     IPSDebug::setMemoryDebugFlag("Get CustomFields Kernel Class", $_NOW);
     $this->cfields_obj = new $classToLoad($this->cache_data, $type, $attributes);
     $this->cfields = $this->cfields_obj->cfields;
     $this->init = 1;
Esempio n. 12
  * Build the children
  * @param array $sDates array containing Calendar objects to select (optional)
  * @return boolean
  * @access public
  * @abstract
 function build($sDates = array())
Esempio n. 13
  * Processes the source code tokens
  * Gets all the source code tokens. Determines the source code EOL.
  * Determines the file PHP version. Initializes the Page-level tags.
  * Parses the file tokens and creates their DocBlocks.
  * Re-assembles all the tokens with their DocBlocks.
  * @param  string  $data  the source code
  * @param  array   $param the tags/parameters values
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
  * @access public
 public function process($data, $param)
     // get all the tokens
     if ($result = $this->getAll($data)) {
         // determines the source code EOL
         // extracts all the tokens
         $allTokens = $this->slice();
         // initializes the Page-level tags
         $this->hasBlock = 0;
         $this->id = array();
         $this->inClass = null;
         $inFunct = null;
         $openTagID = null;
         $isPageBlock = false;
         foreach ($this->tokens as $id => $token) {
             $value = $token['value'];
             switch ($type = $token['type']) {
                 case '{':
                     // class or function opening curly brace
                     // note: none matching open and close curly braces will cause issues
                 // class or function opening curly brace
                 // note: none matching open and close curly braces will cause issues
                 case T_CURLY_OPEN:
                 case T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES:
                     // ${
                     // counting braces within the function, and the class
                     is_null($inFunct) or $inFunct++;
                     is_null($this->inClass) or $this->inClass++;
                 case '}':
                     // class or function closing curly brace
                     // reached end of the function or class
                     is_null($inFunct) or --$inFunct or $inFunct = null;
                     is_null($this->inClass) or --$this->inClass or $this->inClass = null;
                 case T_CLASS:
                     // class classes and objects
                     $this->inClass = 0;
                 case T_CONST:
                     // const
                     // sets the const DocBlock
                     is_null($this->inClass) or $this->block->setConst($id);
                 case T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING:
                     // "foo" or 'bar' string syntax
                     // sets the include DocBlock
                     isset($this->id[T_INCLUDE]) and $this->block->build($this->id[T_INCLUDE]);
                 case T_DOC_COMMENT:
                     // /**     */ PHPDoc style comments (PHP 5 only)
                     // spots the page block, realigns the DocBlock tags
                     $this->hasBlock = true;
                     $isPageBlock or $isPageBlock = strpos($value, '@package') !== false;
                     $this->block->realign($id, $value);
                 case T_FUNCTION:
                     // function or cfunction functions
                     $inFunct = 0;
                     // sets function DocBlock
                 case T_INCLUDE:
                     // include() include()
                 // include() include()
                 case T_INCLUDE_ONCE:
                     // include_once() include_once()
                 // include_once() include_once()
                 case T_REQUIRE:
                     // require() require()
                 // require() require()
                 case T_REQUIRE_ONCE:
                     // require_once() require_once()
                     $type = T_INCLUDE;
                 case T_GLOBAL:
                     // global variable scope
                     // only capturing includes and globals outside of classes and functions
                     is_null($this->inClass) and is_null($inFunct) and $this->id[$type] = $id;
                 case T_OPEN_TAG:
                     // <?php, <? or <%
                     $openTagID = $id;
                 case T_PRIVATE:
                     // private classes and objects. PHP 5 only.
                 // private classes and objects. PHP 5 only.
                 case T_PROTECTED:
                     // protected classes and objects. PHP 5 only.
                 // protected classes and objects. PHP 5 only.
                 case T_PUBLIC:
                     // public classes and objects. PHP 5 only.
                     // captures the class visibilty
                     is_null($this->inClass) or $this->id['access'] = array($id, $value);
                 case T_STATIC:
                     // static variable scope
                     if (!is_null($this->inClass) and is_null($inFunct)) {
                         // captures the static property within a class and outside of a function
                         // defaults the access to public
                         isset($this->id['access']) or $this->id['access'] = array($id, 'public');
                         // captures the static property inside a class and outside of a function
                         $this->id[$type] = $id;
                 case T_VAR:
                     // var classes and objects
                     // captures the class property
                     is_null($this->inClass) or $this->id[$type] = $id;
                 case T_STRING:
                     // sets define DocBlock
                     $value == 'define' and $this->block->setDefine($id);
                 case T_VARIABLE:
                     // $foo variables
                     if (isset($this->id[T_INCLUDE])) {
                         // including a variable instead of a string, sets the include DocBlock
                     } else {
                         if (isset($this->id[T_GLOBAL])) {
                             // a global variable,  sets the global DocBlock, e.g. global $var
                             $this->block->setGlobal($this->id[T_GLOBAL], $token, $allTokens);
                         } else {
                             if (is_null($this->inClass) and is_null($inFunct) and $value == '$GLOBALS') {
                                 // a GLOBALS variable outside of a class and function
                                 // sets the global variable DocBlock, e.g. $GLOBALS['foo']
                                 $this->block->setGLOBALS($id, $allTokens);
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($this->id['access']) or isset($this->id[T_VAR])) {
                                     // a class property, sets the class variable
         if (!$isPageBlock) {
             // no Page-level DocBlock, determines the PHP version, sets the Page-level DocBlock
             $info = $this->info->parseString($data);
             list($this->phpVersion) = explode('.', $info['version']);
         // re-assembles all the tokens
         $result = $this->putAll();
     return $result;
  * Kill sessions
  * @access	protected
  * @param	string		Any extra WHERE stuff
  * @return	void
 protected function _destroySessions($where = '')
     $where .= $where ? ' OR ' : '';
     $where .= 'running_time < ' . (IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW - $this->settings['session_expiration']);
     // Grab session data to delete on destruct
     if ($this->_deleteNow) {
         $this->DB->delete('sessions', $where);
     } else {
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'sessions', 'where' => $where));
         while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             $this->_sessionsToKill[$row['id']] = $row;
         IPSDebug::addLogMessage("_destroySessions: {$where}", 'sessions-' . $this->_memberData['member_id']);
  * This function grabs the actual results for display
  * @param  array  $ids
  * @return query result
 public function getResultsForSphinx($ids)
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => "*", 'from' => 'ccs_pages', 'where' => 'page_id IN(' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', 'order' => "page_last_edited DESC"));
     return $this->DB->execute();
  * This function grabs the actual results for display
  * @param  array  $ids
  * @return query result
 public function getResultsForSphinx($ids)
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => "h.*", 'from' => array('faq' => 'h'), 'where' => 'h.id IN( ' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 'i.*', 'from' => array('permission_index' => 'i'), 'where' => "i.perm_type='help' AND i.perm_type_id=1", 'type' => 'left'))));
     return $this->DB->execute();
Esempio n. 17
  * 数据查询操作
  * @param  object $query 查询query对象
  * @return array        数据数组
 public function findAll($query)
     $this->url = ApiCloudDb::API_CLOUD_URL . '/mcm/api/' . $query->getForm();
     $filter = $query->build();
     if ($filter) {
         $this->url .= '?filter=' . json_encode($filter);
     $this->method = 'GET';
     $res = $this->execute();
     if ($res && ($data = json_decode($res, true))) {
         return $data;
     return null;
  * Initialize class
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public function init()
     // INIT
     require_once IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/login_core.php';
     require_once IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/login_interface.php';
     $classes = array();
     $configs = array();
     $methods = array();
     // Do we have cache?
     $cache = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('login_methods');
     if (is_array($cache) and count($cache)) {
         foreach ($cache as $login_method) {
             if ($login_method['login_enabled']) {
                 if (file_exists(IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $login_method['login_folder_name'] . '/auth.php')) {
                     $classes[$login_method['login_order']] = IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $login_method['login_folder_name'] . '/auth.php';
                     $configs[$login_method['login_order']] = IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $login_method['login_folder_name'] . '/conf.php';
                     $this->login_methods[$login_method['login_order']] = $login_method;
                     $this->login_confs[$login_method['login_order']] = array();
                     if (file_exists($configs[$login_method['login_order']])) {
                         $LOGIN_CONF = array();
                         require $configs[$login_method['login_order']];
                         $this->login_confs[$login_method['login_order']] = $LOGIN_CONF;
                     $classname = "login_" . $login_method['login_folder_name'];
                     require_once $classes[$login_method['login_order']];
                     $this->modules[$login_method['login_order']] = new $classname($this->registry, $login_method, $this->login_confs[$login_method['login_order']]);
     } else {
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'login_methods', 'where' => 'login_enabled=1'));
         while ($login_method = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             if (file_exists(IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $login_method['login_folder_name'] . '/auth.php')) {
                 $classes[$login_method['login_order']] = IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $login_method['login_folder_name'] . '/auth.php';
                 $configs[$login_method['login_order']] = IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/' . $login_method['login_folder_name'] . '/conf.php';
                 $this->login_methods[$login_method['login_order']] = $login_method;
                 if (file_exists($configs[$login_method['login_order']])) {
                     $LOGIN_CONF = array();
                     require $configs[$login_method['login_order']];
                     $this->login_confs[$login_method['login_order']] = $LOGIN_CONF;
                 $classname = "login_" . $login_method['login_folder_name'];
                 require_once $classes[$login_method['login_order']];
                 $this->modules[$login_method['login_order']] = new $classname($this->registry, $login_method, $this->login_confs[$login_method['login_order']]);
     // Got nothing?
     if (!count($classes)) {
         $login_method = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'login_methods', 'where' => "login_folder_name='internal'"));
         if ($login_method['login_id']) {
             $classes[0] = IPS_PATH_CUSTOM_LOGIN . '/internal/auth.php';
             $this->login_methods[0] = $login_method;
             $this->login_confs[0] = array();
             $classname = "login_internal";
             require_once $classes[0];
             $this->modules[0] = new $classname($this->registry, $login_method, array());
     // If we're here, there is no enabled login
     // handler and internal was deleted
     if (!count($this->modules)) {
         $this->registry->output->showError($this->lang->words['no_login_methods'], 4000);
     // Pass of some data
     foreach ($this->modules as $k => $obj_reference) {
         $obj_reference->is_admin_auth = $this->is_admin_auth;
         $obj_reference->login_method = $this->login_methods[$k];
         $obj_reference->login_conf = $this->login_confs[$k];
Esempio n. 19
  * Build a RSS import query
  * @access	public
  * @param	mixed	False on error/no entries, or an array of imported entries
 public function build($data)
     /* Reset stuff */
     $this->_imported = array();
     $this->__usedGuids = array();
     $this->__pointer = 0;
     $this->__map = array();
     $this->errors = array();
     /* Prep vars */
     $final_guids = array();
     $final_items = array();
     if (isset($data['title'])) {
         $this->_titleMatch = $data['title'];
     if (isset($data['content'])) {
         $this->_contentMatch = $data['content'];
     if (isset($data['limit'])) {
         $this->_limit = intval($data['limit']);
     /* Ensure we got stuff */
     if (!$this->_limit) {
         $this->_limit = 50;
     /* Loop through the channels */
     foreach ($this->_rssClass->rss_channels as $channel_id => $channel_data) {
         if (is_array($this->_rssClass->rss_items[$channel_id]) and count($this->_rssClass->rss_items[$channel_id])) {
             /* Loop through the items in this channel */
             foreach ($this->_rssClass->rss_items[$channel_id] as $item_data) {
                 /* Item Data */
                 $item_data['content'] = $item_data['content'] ? $item_data['content'] : $item_data['description'];
                 $item_data['guid'] = md5($this->_key . ($item_data['guid'] ? $item_data['guid'] : preg_replace("#\\s|\r|\n#is", "", $item_data['title'] . $item_data['link'] . $item_data['description'])));
                 $item_data['unixdate'] = intval($item_data['unixdate']) ? intval($item_data['unixdate']) : time();
                 /*  Convert char set? */
                 if ($this->_rssClass->orig_doc_type != $this->_rssClass->doc_type) {
                     $item_data['title'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['title'], "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                     $item_data['content'] = IPSText::convertCharsets($item_data['content'], "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
                 /* Dates */
                 if ($item_data['unixdate'] < 1 or $item_data['unixdate'] > time()) {
                     $item_data['unixdate'] = time();
                 /* Error check */
                 if (!$item_data['title'] or !$item_data['content']) {
                     $this->errors[] = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->words['_rssimportnotoc'];
                 /* Content check? */
                 if ($this->_contentMatch) {
                     if (!stristr($item_data['content'], $this->_contentMatch)) {
                 /* Title check? */
                 if ($this->_titleMatch) {
                     if (!stristr($item_data['title'], $this->_titleMatch)) {
                 /* Add to array */
                 $items[$item_data['guid']] = $item_data;
                 $check_guids[] = $item_data['guid'];
     /* Check GUIDs */
     if (!count($check_guids)) {
         $rss_error[] = $this->lang->words['im_noitems'];
         return false;
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'rss_guid', 'from' => 'core_rss_imported', 'where' => "rss_foreign_key='" . $this->_key . "' AND rss_guid IN ('" . implode("','", $check_guids) . "')"));
     $i = $this->DB->execute();
     while ($guid = $this->DB->fetch($i)) {
         $final_guids[$guid['rss_guid']] = $guid['rss_guid'];
     /* Compare GUIDs */
     $item_count = 0;
     foreach ($items as $guid => $data) {
         if (in_array($guid, $final_guids)) {
         } else {
             /* Make sure each item has a unique date */
             $final_items[$data['unixdate'] . '.' . $item_count] = $data;
     /* Sort Array */
     /* Pick off last X */
     $count = 1;
     $tmp_final_items = $final_items;
     $final_items = array();
     foreach ($tmp_final_items as $date => $data) {
         $this->_imported[$date] = $data;
         if ($count >= $this->_limit) {
     /* now sort it oldest first */
     /* add in map */
     foreach ($this->_imported as $date => $data) {
         $this->__map[$count - 1] = $date;
  * Does search
  * @access	private
  * @param	string	$search_term
  * @param	array	$limit_clause	The erray should be array( begin, end )
  * @param	string	$sort_by		Either relevance or date
  * @param	string	[$group_by]		Field to group on
  * @param	bool	[$count_only]	Set to true for a count(*) query
  * @param	bool	[$content_title_only]	Only search titles
  * @return	array
 private function _searchQuery($search_term, $limit_clause, $sort_by, $group_by = '', $count_only = false, $content_title_only = false)
     /* Do we only need to count results? */
     if (!$count_only) {
         if ($limit_clause[1]) {
             /* Limit Results */
             $this->sphinxClient->SetLimits(intval($limit_clause[0]), intval($limit_clause[1]));
         } else {
             if ($limit_clause[0]) {
                 $this->sphinxClient->SetLimits(0, intval($limit_clause[0]));
         /* Sort By */
         if (isset($sort_by) && in_array($sort_by, array('date', 'relevance'))) {
             if ($sort_by == 'date') {
                 if ($this->request['search_sort_order'] == 0) {
                     $this->sphinxClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, $this->appSearchPlugin->getDateField());
                 } else {
                     $this->sphinxClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, $this->appSearchPlugin->getDateField());
             } else {
         } else {
     /* Exclude Apps */
     if (count($this->exclude_apps)) {
         $app_id_exclude = array();
         foreach ($this->exclude_apps as $app_dir) {
             $app_id_exclude[] = ipsRegistry::$applications[$app_dir]['app_id'];
         $this->sphinxClient->SetFilter('app', $app_id_exclude, TRUE);
     /* Permissions */
     $perm_array = $this->member->perm_id_array;
     $perm_array[] = 0;
     /* Need to remove empty values... */
     $final_perms = array();
     foreach ($perm_array as $perm_id) {
         if (is_numeric($perm_id)) {
             $final_perms[] = $perm_id;
     $this->sphinxClient->SetFilter('perm_view', $final_perms);
     /* Exclude some items */
     if (!$this->memberData['g_is_supmod']) {
         /* Owner only */
         $this->sphinxClient->SetFilter('owner_only', array(0, $this->memberData['member_id']));
         /* Friend only */
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'friends_member_id', 'from' => 'profile_friends', 'where' => "friends_friend_id={$this->memberData['member_id']}"));
         $friends_ids = array(0);
         while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             $friends_ids[] = $r['friends_member_id'];
         $this->sphinxClient->SetFilter('friend_only', $friends_ids);
         /* Authorized users only */
         $this->sphinxClient->SetFilter('authorized_users', array(0, $this->memberData['member_id']));
     /* Loop through all the search plugins and let them modify the search query */
     foreach (ipsRegistry::$applications as $app) {
         if (IPSSearchIndex::appisSearchable($app['app_directory'])) {
             if (!isset($this->display_plugins[$app['app_directory']]) || !$this->display_plugins[$app['app_directory']]) {
                 require_once IPSLib::getAppDir($app['app_directory']) . '/extensions/searchDisplay.php';
                 $_class = $app['app_directory'] . 'SearchDisplay';
                 $this->display_plugins[$app['app_directory']] = new $_class();
             $this->display_plugins[$app['app_directory']]->search_plugin = $this->appSearchPlugin;
             if (method_exists($this->display_plugins[$app['app_directory']], 'modifySearchQuery')) {
                 /* Get the modified query */
                 $this->display_plugins[$app['app_directory']]->modifySearchQuery($this->sphinxClient, $count_only);
     $groupby = $this->request['show_as_titles'] ? true : false;
     /* Perform the search */
     if (method_exists($this->display_plugins[$this->request['search_app']], 'runSearchQuery')) {
         $result = $this->display_plugins[$this->request['search_app']]->runSearchQuery($this->sphinxClient, $search_term, $groupby);
     } else {
         if ($groupby) {
             $this->sphinxClient->SetGroupBy('search_id', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@group DESC');
         $result = $this->sphinxClient->Query($search_term, $this->request['search_app'] . '_search_main,' . $this->request['search_app'] . '_search_delta');
     /* Return the total number of results */
     if ($count_only) {
         return $result['total'];
     } else {
         $search_ids = array();
         if (is_array($result['matches']) && count($result['matches'])) {
             foreach ($result['matches'] as $res) {
                 $search_ids[] = $res['attrs']['search_id'];
         return $search_ids;
  * This function grabs the actual results for display
  * @param  array  $ids
  * @return query result
 public function getResultsForSphinx($ids)
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => "c.*", 'from' => array('cal_events' => 'c'), 'where' => 'c.event_id IN( ' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', 'order' => 'c.event_unix_from DESC', 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 'mem.members_display_name, mem.member_group_id, mem.mgroup_others', 'from' => array('members' => 'mem'), 'where' => "mem.member_id=c.event_member_id", 'type' => 'left'))));
     return $this->DB->execute();
  * This function grabs the actual results for display
  * @param  array  $ids
  * @return query result
 public function getResultsForSphinx($ids)
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => "m.*", 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => 'm.member_id IN( ' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', 'order' => 'm.member_id DESC', 'add_join' => array(array('select' => 'p.*', 'from' => array('profile_portal' => 'p'), 'where' => "p.pp_member_id=m.member_id", 'type' => 'left'))));
     return $this->DB->execute();