imap_errors(); //print_r($autoreply_queue); module_cache::clear('ticket'); foreach ($autoreply_queue as $ticket_id) { ob_start(); handle_hook('ticket_sidebar', $ticket_id); // to get envato hook working quicker ob_end_clean(); // we have to send the email to admin notifying them about this ticket too. // if this latest email came from an admin user (ie: the user is replying to a customer via email) // then we don't send_admin_alert or autoreply, we just send reply back to customer. $ticket_data = module_ticket::get_ticket($ticket_id); $last_ticket_message = module_ticket::get_ticket_message($ticket_data['last_ticket_message_id']); $admins_rel = module_ticket::get_ticket_staff_rel(); // if the last email was from admin, send customer alert. if (isset($admins_rel[$last_ticket_message['from_user_id']])) { // echo "sending a customer alert "; // print_r($last_ticket_message); module_ticket::send_customer_alert($ticket_id); } else { // last email must have been from a customer // alert the admin to it, and send an auto reply if the message is the first. module_ticket::send_admin_alert($ticket_id); //echo "Sent an alert to admin... sending autoreply..."; //print_r($ticket_data); //echo "<br><br>"; if (module_config::c('ticket_autoreply_every_message', 0) || $ticket_data['message_count'] <= 1) { module_ticket::send_autoreply($ticket_id); } } }
/** * Used only when admin/user replies via web interface * Or when a new ticket/reply is submitted via public interface * Or when an autoreply is sent * */ public static function send_reply($ticket_id, $message, $from_user_id, $to_user_id, $reply_type = 'admin', $internal_from = '', $other_options = array()) { // we also check if this message contains anything, or anything above the "reply line" // this is a hack to stop the autoreply loop that seems to happen when sending an email as yourself from your envato profile. // stip out the text before our "--reply above this line-- bit. // copied code from ticket_admin_edit.php /*$reply__ine_default = '----- (Please reply above this line) -----'; // incase they change it $reply__ine = module_config::s('ticket_reply_line',$reply__ine_default); $text = preg_replace("#<br[^>]*>#",'',$message); // convert to single text. $text = preg_replace('#\s+#imsU',' ',$text); if( preg_match('#^\s*'.preg_quote($reply__ine,'#').'.*#ims',$text) || preg_match('#^\s*'.preg_quote($reply__ine_default,'#').'.*#ims',$text) ){ // no content. don't send email //mail('*****@*****.**','ticket reply '.$ticket_id,'sending reply for text:\''.$text."' \n\n\n Original:\n".$message); return false; }*/ // $message is in text format, need to nl2br it before printing. $ticket_number = self::ticket_number($ticket_id); $ticket_details = self::get_ticket($ticket_id); $to_user_a = module_user::get_user($to_user_id, false); $from_user_a = module_user::get_user($from_user_id, false); // we have to replace some special text within these messages. this is just a hack to support text in my autoreply. $replace = array('name' => $to_user_a['name'], 'ticket_url' => module_ticket::link_public($ticket_id), 'ticket_url_cancel' => module_ticket::link_public_status($ticket_id, 7), 'ticket_url_resolved' => module_ticket::link_public_status($ticket_id, _TICKET_STATUS_RESOLVED_ID), 'ticket_url_inprogress' => module_ticket::link_public_status($ticket_id, 5), 'faq_product_id' => $ticket_details['faq_product_id']); foreach ($replace as $key => $val) { $message = str_replace('{' . strtoupper($key) . '}', $val, $message); } // the from details need to match the ticket account details. if ($ticket_details['ticket_account_id']) { $ticket_account = self::get_ticket_account($ticket_details['ticket_account_id']); } else { $ticket_account = false; } if ($ticket_account && $ticket_account['email']) { // want the user to reply to our ticketing system. $reply_to_address = $ticket_account['email']; $reply_to_name = $ticket_account['name']; } else { // reply to creator of the email. $reply_to_address = $from_user_a['email']; $reply_to_name = $from_user_a['name']; } $htmlmessage = ''; if (self::is_text_html($message)) { $htmlmessage = $message; $message = strip_tags($message); } $ticket_message_data = array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'content' => $message, 'htmlcontent' => $htmlmessage, 'message_time' => time(), 'from_user_id' => $from_user_id, 'to_user_id' => $to_user_id, 'message_type_id' => $reply_type == 'admin' ? _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN : _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CREATOR, 'private_message' => isset($other_options['private_message']) && $other_options['private_message'] ? $other_options['private_message'] : 0); if ($internal_from == 'autoreply') { $ticket_message_data['message_type_id'] = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_AUTOREPLY; } if (self::can_edit_tickets()) { // we look for the extra cc/bcc headers. if (module_config::c('ticket_allow_cc_bcc', 1)) { $headers = array(); // look for cc staff options here. if (isset($_POST['ticket_cc_staff']) && is_array($_POST['ticket_cc_staff'])) { $admins_rel = self::get_ticket_staff_rel(); foreach ($admins_rel as $staff_id => $staff_name) { if (isset($_POST['ticket_cc_staff'][$staff_id])) { $staff_user = module_user::get_user($staff_id); if ($staff_user && isset($staff_user['email']) && strlen($staff_user['email'])) { // found a staff member to cc! if (!isset($headers['cc_emails'])) { $headers['cc_emails'] = array(); } $headers['cc_emails'][] = array('address' => $staff_user['email']); } } } } if (isset($_POST['ticket_cc']) && strlen($_POST['ticket_cc'])) { $bits = explode(',', $_POST['ticket_cc']); foreach ($bits as $b) { $b = trim($b); if (strlen($b)) { if (!isset($headers['cc_emails'])) { $headers['cc_emails'] = array(); } $headers['cc_emails'][] = array('address' => $b); } } } if (isset($_POST['ticket_bcc']) && strlen($_POST['ticket_bcc'])) { $bits = explode(',', $_POST['ticket_bcc']); foreach ($bits as $b) { $b = trim($b); if (strlen($b)) { if (!isset($headers['bcc_emails'])) { $headers['bcc_emails'] = array(); } $headers['bcc_emails'][] = array('address' => $b); } } } if (count($headers)) { $ticket_message_data['cache'] = serialize($headers); } } } $ticket_message_id = update_insert('ticket_message_id', 'new', 'ticket_message', $ticket_message_data); if (!$ticket_message_id) { return false; } // handle any attachemnts. // are there any attachments? if ($ticket_message_id && isset($_FILES['attachment']) && isset($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']) && is_array($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $key => $val) { if (is_uploaded_file($val)) { // save attachments against ticket! $mime = dtbaker_mime_type($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$key], $val); $attachment_id = update_insert('ticket_message_attachment_id', 'new', 'ticket_message_attachment', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'ticket_message_id' => $ticket_message_id, 'file_name' => $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$key], 'content_type' => $mime)); //echo getcwd();exit; //ini_set('display_errors',true); if (!move_uploaded_file($val, 'includes/plugin_ticket/attachments/' . $attachment_id . '')) { //echo 'error uploading file';exit; } } } } if ($internal_from != 'autoreply') { // stops them all having the same timestamp on a big import. update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('last_message_timestamp' => time())); /*}else{ // we are sending an auto reply, flag this in the special cache field. // hacky! update_insert('ticket_message_id',$ticket_message_id,'ticket_message',array( 'cache'=>'autoreply', ));*/ } //$reply_line = module_config::s('ticket_reply_line','----- (Please reply above this line) -----'); $s = self::get_statuses(); if (isset($other_options['private_message']) && $other_options['private_message']) { // private message, dont send an email to the customer. if (!self::is_text_html($message)) { $message = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($message)); // because message is in text format, before we send admin notification do this. } module_ticket::send_admin_alert($ticket_id, strlen($htmlmessage) ? $htmlmessage : $message, true); } else { if ($to_user_id == $ticket_details['user_id']) { // WE ARE emailing the "User" from support. // so the support is emailing a response back to the customer. module_ticket::send_customer_alert($ticket_id, strlen($htmlmessage) ? $htmlmessage : $message, $ticket_message_id); } else { if (!self::is_text_html($message)) { $message = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($message)); // because message is in text format, before we send admin notification do this. } module_ticket::send_admin_alert($ticket_id, strlen($htmlmessage) ? $htmlmessage : $message); } if ($reply_type == 'end_user' && (!$ticket_details['message_count'] || module_config::c('ticket_autoreply_every_message', 0))) { // this is the first message! // send an email back to the user confirming this submissions via the web interface. self::send_autoreply($ticket_id, $message); } } return $ticket_message_id; }