<br /> <div class="cspLeftCol withCspOptTip"> <?php langCsp::_e('Color Scheme'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::selectbox('opt_values[soc_facebook_follow_color_scheme]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_facebook_follow_color_scheme'), 'options' => array('light' => 'light', 'dark' => 'dark'))); ?> <br /> <?php langCsp::_e('Width'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[soc_facebook_follow_width]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_facebook_follow_width'))); ?> </div> <div class="cspRightCol withCspOptTip"> <?php langCsp::_e('Font'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::selectbox('opt_values[soc_facebook_follow_font]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_facebook_follow_font'), 'options' => array('arial' => 'arial', 'lucida grande' => 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui' => 'segoe ui', 'tahoma' => 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms' => 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana' => 'verdana'))); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
<table width="100%"> <tr class="cspBodyCells"> <td> <div class="cspLeftCol"> <?php langCsp::_e('Enter site title here'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[meta_title]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('meta_title'))); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
<h2>Where did you find us?</h2> <?php foreach ($this->askOptions as $askId => $askOpt) { ?> <label><?php echo htmlCsp::radiobutton('where_find_us', array('value' => $askId)); ?> <?php echo $askOpt['label']; ?> </label> <?php if ($askId == 4) { ?> <label id="toeFindUsUrlShell" style="display: none;">Please, post url: <?php echo htmlCsp::text('find_on_web_url'); ?> </label> <?php } elseif ($askId == 5) { ?> <label style="display: none;" id="toeOtherWayTextShell"><?php echo htmlCsp::textarea('other_way_desc'); ?> </label> <?php } ?> <?php } ?>
<?php echo htmlCsp::checkboxHiddenVal('opt_values[soc_im_enable_link]', array('checked' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_im_enable_link'))); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'opt_valuessoc_im_enable_link_check'; ?> " class="button button-large"><?php langCsp::_e('Enable Link to Account'); ?> </label> <table width="100%"> <tr class="cspBodyCells"> <td> <div class="cspLeftCol"> <?php langCsp::_e('Username'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[soc_im_account]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_im_account'))); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
/** * Function to get field params * * @param object $params */ public static function getFieldAttributes($params) { $output = ''; if (!empty($params->attr)) { foreach ($params->attr as $key => $value) { $output .= langCsp::_($key) . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlCsp::text('params[attr][' . $key . ']', array('value' => $value)) . '<br />'; } } else { $output .= langCsp::_('class') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlCsp::text('params[attr][class]', array('value' => '')) . '<br />'; $output .= langCsp::_('id') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlCsp::text('params[attr][id]', array('value' => '')) . '<br />'; } return $output; }
</label>:</td><td><?php echo htmlCsp::text('email', array('attrs' => 'placeholder="' . langCsp::_('*****@*****.**') . '"')); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td valign="top"><label for="website"><?php langCsp::_e('Website'); ?> </label>:</td><td><?php echo htmlCsp::text('website', array('attrs' => 'placeholder="' . langCsp::_('http://yoursite.com') . '"')); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td valign="top"><label for="subject"><?php langCsp::_e('Subject'); ?> </label>:</td><td><?php echo htmlCsp::text('subject', array('attrs' => 'placeholder="' . langCsp::_('Subject') . '"')); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td valign="top"><label for="category"><?php langCsp::_e('Category'); ?> </label>:</td><td><?php echo htmlCsp::selectbox('category', array('optionsCsp' => $this->devQuestions)); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td valign="top"><label for="message"><?php langCsp::_e('Message'); ?> </label>:</td><td><?php echo htmlCsp::textarea('message', array('attrs' => 'placeholder="' . langCsp::_('Type your meassage here. If you have any troubles, please describe it accurately. If it`s possibe send us: (text of the errors, print screen of errors, link to the webpages where you try to insert products, and any other information)') . '"')); ?>
<div id="toeModActivationPopupShellCsp" style="display: none;"> <center> <form id="toeModActivationPopupFormCsp"> <label> <?php langCsp::_e('Enter your activation key here'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('activation_key'); ?> </label> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'options')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'activatePlugin')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('plugName'); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('goto'); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::submit('activate', array('value' => langCsp::_('Activate'))); ?> <br />
echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[sub_admin_email]', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubAdminEmailOpt"', 'value' => $this->optModel->get('sub_admin_email'))); ?> <label for="cspSubAdminEnterEmailMsgOpt"><?php langCsp::_e('"Enter Email" message'); ?> </label>: <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[sub_enter_email_msg]', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubAdminEnterEmailMsgOpt"', 'value' => $this->optModel->get('sub_enter_email_msg'))); ?> <label for="cspSubAdminSuccessMsgOpt"><?php langCsp::_e('Subscribe success message'); ?> </label>: <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[sub_success_msg]', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubAdminSuccessMsgOpt"', 'value' => $this->optModel->get('sub_success_msg'))); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'opt_valuessub_checked_notify_check'; ?> " class=""><?php langCsp::_e('Subscribe Notification is checked by default'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::checkboxHiddenVal('opt_values[sub_checked_notify]', array('checked' => $this->optModel->get('sub_checked_notify'))); ?> <br /> <i><?php langCsp::_e('Note: this checkbox is used to set default notification checkbox state on pages with new posts or pages creation.');
<table width="100%"> <tr class="cspBodyCells"> <td> <div class="cspLeftCol"> <?php langCsp::_e('Enter site keywords here'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[meta_keywords]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('meta_keywords'))); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
?> :</td> <td> <?php echo htmlCsp::selectlist('selectlistCspIp', array('attrs' => 'style="width:340px;"', 'options' => $this->arrIp)); ?> <div align="left" class="accessDelElement"><a id="delIpCsp" href="javascript: void(0)"><?php langCsp::_e('remove IP Address'); ?> </a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><?php echo htmlCsp::text('ipAddressCsp', array('value' => '')); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'access')); ?> <!--page = для адинки | mod = для сайт--> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveIp'));
<form actiom="" method="post" id="cspSubscribeForm"> <label for=""><?php echo $this->enterEmailMsg; ?> </label>: <?php if ($this->sub_name_enable == 1) { echo htmlCsp::text('name', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubscribeName" placeholder="Your Name" ')); } ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::text('email'); ?> <br /> <div> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'subscribe')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'create')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::submit('create', array('value' => langCsp::_('Subscribe'))); ?> </div> <div id="cspSubscribeCreateMsg"></div> </form>
<form action="" method="post" id="cspSubscribeForm"> <div class="cspFormHint"><?php echo $this->enterEmailMsg; ?> <span class="cspFormHintCorner"></span></div> <?php if ($this->sub_name_enable == 1) { echo htmlCsp::text('name', array('attrs' => 'id="cspSubscribeName" placeholder="Your Name" ')); } ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::text('email', array('attrs' => 'id="subscribe_email" placeholder="Your Email"')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'subscribe')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'create')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::submit('create', array('value' => langCsp::_('Subscribe'), 'attrs' => 'id="cspSubscribeButton"')); ?> <div id="cspSubscribeCreateMsg"></div> </form>
echo 'opt_valuessoc_gp_enable_like_check'; ?> " class="button button-large"><?php langCsp::_e('Enable +1 Button'); ?> </label> <table width="100%"> <tr class="cspBodyCells"> <td> <div class="cspLeftCol withCspOptTip"> <?php langCsp::_e('Width'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[soc_gp_like_width]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_gp_like_width'))); ?> </div> <div class="cspRightCol withCspOptTip"> <?php langCsp::_e('Size'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::selectbox('opt_values[soc_gp_like_size]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('soc_gp_like_size'), 'options' => array('small' => 'Small (15px)', 'medium' => 'Medium (20px)', 'standard' => 'Standard (40px)', 'tall' => 'Tall (60px)'))); ?> <div class="clearfix"></div> <br /> <br /> <?php langCsp::_e('Annotation');
public static function textFieldsDynamicTable($name, $params = array('value' => '', 'attrs' => '', 'options' => array())) { $res = ''; if (empty($params['options'])) { $params['options'] = array(0 => array('label' => '')); } if (!empty($params['options'])) { $pattern = array(); foreach ($params['options'] as $key => $p) { $pattern[$key] = htmlCsp::text($name . '[][' . $key . ']'); } $countOptions = count($params['options']); $remove = '<a href="#" onclick="toeRemoveTextFieldsDynamicTable(this); return false;">remove</a>'; $add = '<a href="#" onclick="toeAddTextFieldsDynamicTable(this, ' . $countOptions . '); return false;">add</a>'; $res = '<div class="toeTextFieldsDynamicTable">'; if (empty($params['value'])) { $params['value'] = array(); } elseif (!is_array($params['value'])) { $params['value'] = utilsCsp::jsonDecode($params['value']); //$params['value'] = $params['value'][0]; } $i = 0; do { $res .= '<div class="toeTextFieldDynamicRow">'; foreach ($params['options'] as $key => $p) { switch ($countOptions) { case 1: if (isset($params['value'][$i])) { $value = is_array($params['value'][$i]) ? $params['value'][$i][$key] : $params['value'][$i]; } else { $value = ''; } break; case 2: default: $value = isset($params['value'][$i][$key]) ? $params['value'][$i][$key] : ''; break; } $paramsForText = array('value' => $value); $res .= langCsp::_($p['label']) . htmlCsp::text($name . '[' . $i . '][' . $key . ']', $paramsForText); } $res .= $remove . '</div>'; $i++; } while ($i < count($params['value'])); $res .= $add; $res .= '</div>'; } return $res; }
/** * Function to process field params */ public function processParams($tag, $id) { return ''; if ($this->name == "params") { if (is_array($this->value) || is_object($this->value)) { $params = $this->value; } else { $params = json_decode($this->value); } $add_option = ''; switch ($tag) { case 5: $add_option = langCsp::_('Add Checkbox'); $options_tag = ''; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 9: $add_option = langCsp::_('Add Item'); $options_tag = ''; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 12: $add_option = langCsp::_('Add Item'); $options_tag = ''; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 10: $options_tag = ''; $add_option = langCsp::_('Add Radio Button'); $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 8: $image_tag = ''; $options_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; default: $options_tag = ' style="display:none"'; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; } if ($tag > 0 || $id == 0) { $output .= '<div class="options options_tag"' . $options_tag . '>'; $output .= '<span class="add_option">' . $add_option . '</span>'; $output .= fieldAdapterCsp::_($id, 'getExtraFieldOptions', fieldAdapterCsp::STR); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="options image_tag"' . $image_tag . '>' . langCsp::_('Dimensions') . ':<br />'; $params->width ? $width = $params->width : ''; $params->height ? $height = $params->height : ''; $output .= langCsp::_('width') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlCsp::text('params[width]', array('value' => $width)) . '<br />'; $output .= langCsp::_('height') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlCsp::text('params[height]', array('value' => $height)) . '<br />'; $output .= '</div>'; } if ($this->adapt['htmlParams']) { $output .= fieldAdapterCsp::_($this, $this->adapt['htmlParams'], fieldAdapterCsp::STR); } else { $output .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="set_properties">' . langCsp::_('Click to set field "id" and "class"') . '</a>'; $output .= '<div class="attributes" style="display:none;">' . langCsp::_('Attributes') . ':<br />'; $output .= fieldAdapterCsp::_($params, 'getFieldAttributes', fieldAdapterCsp::STR); $output .= '</div>'; } return $output; } }
<table width="100%"> <tr class="cspBodyCells"> <td> <div class="cspLeftCol"> <?php langCsp::_e('Enter site description here'); ?> : <?php echo htmlCsp::text('opt_values[meta_description]', array('value' => $this->optsModel->get('meta_description'))); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
?> "><?php langCsp::_e('Twitter Title'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('title'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('title') . '"', 'value' => $this->data['title'])); ?> <br /> <label for="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('username'); ?> "><?php langCsp::_e('Twitter Username'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('username'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('username') . '"', 'value' => $this->data['username'])); ?> <br /> <label for="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('count'); ?> "><?php langCsp::_e('Tweets Count'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('count'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('count') . '"', 'value' => $this->data['count'])); ?> <br />
<table> <tr> <td><?php langCsp::_e('Subject'); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo htmlCsp::text('email_tpl[' . $this->tplData['id'] . '][subject]', array('value' => $this->tplData['subject'])); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php langCsp::_e('Body'); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo htmlCsp::textarea('email_tpl[' . $this->tplData['id'] . '][body]', array('value' => $this->tplData['body'])); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php langCsp::_e('Available veriables'); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo $this->tplData['variables']; ?> </td> </tr>