public static function taxDataHtml($field) { $listOfDest = array(); if (!is_array($field->value)) { if (empty($field->value)) { $field->value = array(); } else { $field->value = (array) json_decode($field->value, true); } } foreach (self::$userfieldDest as $d) { $listOfDest[] = array('id' => $d, 'text' => $d, 'checked' => is_array($field->value['dest']) && in_array($d, $field->value['dest'])); } $categories = frameCsp::_()->getModule('products')->getCategories(); $brands = frameCsp::_()->getModule('products')->getBrands(); $cOptions = array(); $bOptions = array(); if (!empty($categories)) { if (!is_array($field->value['categories'])) { $field->value['categories'] = array(); } foreach ($categories as $c) { $cOptions[] = array('id' => $c->term_taxonomy_id, 'text' => $c->cat_name, 'checked' => in_array($c->term_taxonomy_id, $field->value['categories'])); } } if (!empty($brands)) { if (!is_array($field->value['brands'])) { $field->value['brands'] = array(); } foreach ($brands as $b) { $bOptions[] = array('id' => $b->term_taxonomy_id, 'text' => $b->cat_name, 'checked' => in_array($b->term_taxonomy_id, $field->value['brands'])); } } return '<div>' . langCsp::_('Apply To') . ' <div id="tax_address"> <b>' . langCsp::_('Address') . '</b><br /> ' . langCsp::_('Destination') . ':' . htmlCsp::checkboxlist('params[dest]', array('optionsCsp' => $listOfDest)) . '<br /> ' . langCsp::_('Country') . ':' . htmlCsp::countryList('params[country]', array('notSelected' => true, 'value' => $field->value['country'])) . '<br /> </div> <div id="tax_category"> <b>' . langCsp::_('Categories') . '</b><br /> ' . (empty($cOptions) ? langCsp::_('You have no categories') : htmlCsp::checkboxlist('params[categories][]', array('optionsCsp' => $cOptions))) . '<br /> <b>' . langCsp::_('Brands') . '</b><br /> ' . (empty($bOptions) ? langCsp::_('You have no brands') : htmlCsp::checkboxlist('params[brands][]', array('optionsCsp' => $bOptions))) . '<br /> </div> <div>' . langCsp::_('Tax Rate') . ': ' . htmlCsp::text('params[rate]', array('value' => $field->value['rate'])) . '</div> <div>' . langCsp::_('Absolute') . ': ' . htmlCsp::checkbox('params[absolute]', array('checked' => $field->value['absolute'])) . '</div> </div>'; }