Esempio n. 1
         unset($static_column_key, $static_column_val);
 foreach ($filter_data['column_ids'] as $column_key) {
     $filter_columns[Misc::trimSortPrefix($column_key)] = $columns[$column_key];
 if ($action == 'display_form' or $action == 'print_form') {
     Debug::Text('Generating PDF: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     //Get company information
     $clf = TTnew('CompanyListFactory');
     $company_obj = $clf->getById($current_company->getId())->getCurrent();
     $border = 0;
     $pdf = new fpdi();
     $pdf->setMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
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         //Import original Gov't supplied PDF.
         $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile(Environment::getBasePath() . 'interface' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'forms' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'us' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tax' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'w3.pdf');
         $tplidx_summary = $pdf->ImportPage(1);
     if (isset($tplidx_summary)) {
         $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx_summary, 0, 0);
     //Form year
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         $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 18);
         $pdf->setFillColor(255, 255, 255);
         $pdf->setXY(135, 154);
         $pdf->Cell(20, 7, $filter_data['year'], $border, 1, 'C', 1);
Esempio n. 2
 if (isset($lines_arr)) {
     $lines_arr['total'] = Misc::ArrayAssocSum($lines_arr, NULL, 6);
     Debug::Arr($lines_arr, 'Lines Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
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 $border = 0;
 $pdf = new fpdi();
 //Import original Gov't supplied PDF.
 if ($show_background == TRUE) {
     $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile(Environment::getBasePath() . 'interface' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'forms' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'us' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tax' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'f940ez.pdf');
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 $pdf->setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
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 if (isset($tplidx)) {
     $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx, 0, 0);
 $pdf->setXY(40, 39);
 $pdf->Cell(75, 6, $current_company->getName(), $border, 0, 'L');
 $pdf->setXY(157, 39);
 $pdf->Cell(10, 6, $filter_data['year'], $border, 0, 'R');
 $pdf->setXY(122, 47);
 $pdf->Cell(45, 6, $current_company->getBusinessNumber(), $border, 0, 'R');
 $pdf->setXY(40, 56);
 $pdf->Cell(75, 6, $current_company->getAddress1() . ' ' . $current_company->getAddress2(), $border, 0, 'L');
 $pdf->setXY(122, 56);
 $pdf->Cell(45, 6, $current_company->getCity() . ', ' . $current_company->getProvince() . ' ' . $current_company->getPostalCode(), $border, 0, 'R');
 if (isset($lines_arr)) {
    header("Location: index2.php");
//  Use FDPI to get the template
define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'fpdf/font/');
require 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
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$pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile("pdf/template.pdf");
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$pdf->AddFont($format_font, '', $format_font_2);
// Begin creating the page
//Page Title
$sheet_title = "Verified Expenses, " . date("j F Y, g:i a", $ts_expense_verified);
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$pdf->Cell(0, 10, $sheet_title);
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// Columnn Headings
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$pdf->Cell(15, 4, "Project", 0, 0, L, 0);
$pdf->Cell(55, 4, "Description", 0, 0, L, 0);
$pdf->Cell(20, 4, "Date Verified", 0, 0, L, 0);
$pdf->Cell(25, 4, "Invoice (ID)", 0, 0, L, 0);
$pdf->Cell(15, 4, "Net.", 0, 0, R, 0);
$pdf->Cell(15, 4, "VAT", 0, 0, R, 0);
$format_bg_b = "220";
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$current_date = TimeFormat(time());
$proj_id = CleanUp($_GET[proj_id]);
// Begin creating the page
//Page Title
$sql_proj = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects WHERE proj_id = {$proj_id} LIMIT 1";
$result_proj = mysql_query($sql_proj, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$array_proj = mysql_fetch_array($result_proj);
$proj_num = $array_proj['proj_num'];
$proj_name = $array_proj['proj_name'];
$sheet_title = "Project Checklist";
$pdf->SetXY(10, 45);
$pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 24);
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
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$pdf->Cell(0, 10, $sheet_title);
$pdf->SetXY(10, 55);
$pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 14);
$sheet_subtitle = $proj_num . " " . $proj_name;
$sheet_date = "Current at " . $current_date;
$pdf->Cell(0, 7.5, $sheet_subtitle, 0, 1, L, 0);
$pdf->Cell(0, 7.5, $sheet_date, 0, 1, L, 0);
$pdf->SetXY(10, 70);
$sql_checklist = "SELECT * FROM intranet_project_checklist_items LEFT JOIN intranet_project_checklist ON checklist_item = item_id AND checklist_project = {$proj_id} WHERE checklist_required != 1 ORDER BY item_group, item_order, checklist_date DESC, item_name";
$result_checklist = mysql_query($sql_checklist, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$y = $pdf->GetY() + 10;
$user_name_first = $array_project['user_name_first'];
$user_name_second = $array_project['user_name_second'];
if ($blog_type == "phone") {
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} elseif ($blog_type == "filenote") {
    $blog_type_view = "File Note";
} elseif ($blog_type == "meeting") {
    $blog_type_view = "Meeting Note";
} elseif ($blog_type == "email") {
    $blog_type_view = "Email Message";
} else {
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    $type = 0;
$blog_type_view = $blog_type_view . " - " . $user_name_first . " " . $user_name_second;
$pdf->SetXY(10, 45);
$pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 14);
$pdf->SetTextColor(200, 200, 200);
$sheet_subtitle = $proj_num . " " . $proj_name . ", " . TimeFormat($blog_date);
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$pdf->Cell(0, 7.5, $blog_type_view, 0, 1, L, 0);
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$pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $blog_title, 0, L);
$pdf->SetXY(40, 85);
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$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 5, $blog_text, 0, L);
// and send to output
$file_name = $proj_num . "_" . Date("Y", $blog_date) . "-" . Date("m", $blog_date) . "-" . Date("d", $blog_date) . "_" . $blog_type . ".pdf";
$pdf->Output($file_name, I);
 if ($contact_city) {
     $contact_address_print = $contact_address_print . "\n" . $contact_city;
 if ($contact_county) {
     $contact_address_print = $contact_address_print . "\n" . $contact_county;
 if ($contact_postcode) {
     $contact_address_print = $contact_address_print . "\n" . $contact_postcode;
 if ($country_printable_name) {
     $contact_address_print = $contact_address_print . "\n" . $country_printable_name;
 //Invoice Title
 $pdf->SetXY(10, 45);
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 26);
 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
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 $pdf->SetXY(10, 55);
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 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $invoice_project_print);
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 $pdf->SetXY(10, 62);
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 20);
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 $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $invoice_date_print);
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// Begin creating the page
$project_counter = 1;
$page_count = 1;
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 18);
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Planning Conditions Tracker");
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 18);
// Determine name of project
$sql = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects WHERE proj_id = '{$proj_id}'";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$proj_num = $array['proj_num'];
$proj_name = $array['proj_name'];
$proj_desc = $array['proj_desc'];
$proj_address_1 = $array['proj_address_1'];
$proj_address_2 = $array['proj_address_2'];
$proj_address_3 = $array['proj_address_3'];
$proj_address_town = $array['proj_address_town'];
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 require 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
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 $pdf->AddFont($format_font, '', $format_font_2);
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 14);
 // Determine name of project
 $sql = "SELECT proj_num, proj_name FROM intranet_projects WHERE proj_id = '{$proj_submit}'";
 $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $proj_num = $array['proj_num'];
 $proj_name = $array['proj_name'];
 $print_submit_begin = date("l, jS F Y", $_POST[submit_begin]);
 $print_submit_begin = "from " . $print_submit_begin;
 if ($_POST[submit_end] > 0) {
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Esempio n. 9
    $s1 = " WHERE qms_toc1 = {$s1} ";
} else {
if ($_GET[s2] > 0) {
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$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
$pdf->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220);
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 18);
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 10, $settings_companyname, 0, L);
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 32);
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 20, 'Quality Management System', 0, L);
$pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 14);
$printed_date = "Current at " . date("g.ia, jS F Y", time());
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 25, '', 0, L);
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $printed_date, 0, L);
$pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 11);
$width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($printed_date) + 20;
if ($s1 != NULL or $s2 != NULL) {
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$sql = "SELECT * FROM intranet_qms {$s1} {$s2} ORDER BY qms_toc1, qms_toc2, qms_toc3, qms_toc4";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 //  Use FDPI to get the template
 define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'fpdf/font/');
 require 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
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 $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile("pdf/template.pdf");
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 $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Timesheet Analysis");
 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 18);
 $print_title = "Generated " . TimeFormatDetailed(time());
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// Now add the first page
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$pdf->SetMargins(0, 0);
// Create the sheet header
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$pdf->SetFont($font, '', $label_j);
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
if ($_GET[labeltype] != NULL) {
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} else {
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// Begin the array
$count_cells = 0;
Esempio n. 12
 //Figure out state/locality wages/taxes.
 $cdlf = new CompanyDeductionListFactory();
 $cdlf->getByCompanyIdAndStatusIdAndTypeId($current_company->getId(), array(10, 20), 10);
 if ($cdlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
     foreach ($cdlf as $cd_obj) {
         $tax_deductions[] = array('id' => $cd_obj->getId(), 'province' => $cd_obj->getProvince(), 'district' => $cd_obj->getDistrict(), 'pay_stub_entry_account_id' => $cd_obj->getPayStubEntryAccount(), 'include' => $cd_obj->getIncludePayStubEntryAccount(), 'exclude' => $cd_obj->getExcludePayStubEntryAccount(), 'user_ids' => $cd_obj->getUser());
 $border = 0;
 $adjust_x = 0;
 $adjust_y = 0;
 $pdf = new fpdi();
 $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 10);
 if ($show_background == TRUE) {
     $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile(Environment::getBasePath() . 'interface' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'forms' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'us' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tax' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'f1099misc.pdf');
     //Import original Gov't supplied PDF.
     $tplidx[1] = $pdf->ImportPage(1);
     $tplidx[2] = $pdf->ImportPage(2);
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     $tplidx[5] = $pdf->ImportPage(5);
     $tplidx[6] = $pdf->ImportPage(6);
 if (isset($raw_rows)) {
     $ulf = new UserListFactory();
     $x = 0;
     foreach ($raw_rows as $user_id => $raw_row) {
         $user_obj = $ulf->getById($user_id)->getCurrent();
     $format_font_2 = $settings_pdffont . ".php";
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     $format_font = "franklingothicbook";
     $format_font_2 = "franklingothicbook.php";
 //  Use FDPI to get the template
 define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'fpdf/font/');
 require 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
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 $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile("pdf/template.pdf");
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 // Printed by, and on...
 $pdf->SetTextColor(180, 180, 180);
 $ts_print_title = "Timesheets";
 $pdf->MultiCell(0, 6, $ts_print_title, 0, L, 0);
 $sql = "SELECT user_name_first, user_name_second FROM intranet_user_details WHERE user_id = {$user_id}";
 $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $user_name_first = $array['user_name_first'];
 $user_name_second = $array['user_name_second'];
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 10);
 $printed_on = "Generated " . date("r") . " by " . $user_name_first . " " . $user_name_second;
 $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $printed_on, 0, 1, L, 0);
 $pdf->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220);
 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 // Begin the array through all users
 $this_type = $this_type_array[2];
 if ($pdf->GetStringWidth($drawing_title) > 55) {
     $drawing_title = substr($drawing_title, 0, 65) . "...";
 $sql_issued = "SELECT issue_id FROM intranet_drawings_issued WHERE issue_drawing = '{$drawing_id}' LIMIT 1";
 $result_issued = mysql_query($sql_issued, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 if (mysql_num_rows($result_issued) > 0) {
     $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 } else {
     $pdf->SetTextColor(150, 150, 150);
     $not_issued = "*Drawings shown in light grey have not yet been issued.";
     $drawing_number = $drawing_number . "*";
 $link = $pref_practice . "/public_drawing_issue.php?drawing_id=" . $drawing_id . "&hash=" . md5($drawing_number);
 if ($current_drawing != $drawing_id) {
     $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 6);
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     $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 5);
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     // Drawing Issues by date
     $counter = 0;
     $count_issues = count($issues_array);
     while ($counter < $count_issues) {
         $sql_issues = "SELECT revision_letter FROM intranet_drawings_issued LEFT JOIN intranet_drawings_revision ON issue_revision = revision_id WHERE issue_set = {$issues_array[$counter]} AND issue_drawing = {$drawing_id} LIMIT 1";
         $result_issues = mysql_query($sql_issues, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
         $array_set = mysql_fetch_array($result_issues);
         $revision_letter = strtoupper($array_set['revision_letter']);
         if ($revision_letter == NULL and mysql_num_rows($result_issues) > 0) {
             $pdf->SetFont('ZapfDingbats', '', 5);
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 $array_total = array();
 // Header
 $project_counter = 1;
 $page_count = 1;
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 if (date("n", $timestart) < 4) {
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     $quarter = "Q2";
 } elseif (date("n", $timestart) < 10) {
     $quarter = "Q3";
 } else {
     $quarter = "Q4";
 $quarter = $quarter . " " . date("Y", $timestart);
 $sheet_title = "Project Resourcing, " . $quarter;
 $pdf->SetTextColor($format_bg_r, $format_bg_g, $format_bg_b);
 $pdf->Cell(169.5, 10, $sheet_title, 0, 0);
 $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 8);
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