$format_ln_g = "220";
$format_ln_b = "220";
$current_date = TimeFormat(time());
$proj_id = CleanUp($_GET[proj_id]);
// Begin creating the page
//Page Title
$sql_proj = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects WHERE proj_id = {$proj_id} LIMIT 1";
$result_proj = mysql_query($sql_proj, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$array_proj = mysql_fetch_array($result_proj);
$proj_num = $array_proj['proj_num'];
$proj_name = $array_proj['proj_name'];
$sheet_title = "Project Checklist";
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$sql_checklist = "SELECT * FROM intranet_project_checklist_items LEFT JOIN intranet_project_checklist ON checklist_item = item_id AND checklist_project = {$proj_id} WHERE checklist_required != 1 ORDER BY item_group, item_order, checklist_date DESC, item_name";
$result_checklist = mysql_query($sql_checklist, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
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 // Pull the corresponding results from the Invoice Item list
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 $ts_expense_p11d = $array_expense['ts_expense_p11d'];
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 $ts_expense_desc = html_entity_decode($ts_expense_desc);
 $ts_expense_desc = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $ts_expense_desc);
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     $ts_expense_desc = $ts_expense_desc . " (P11d Item)";
 $invoice_ref = $array_expense['invoice_ref'];
$format_ln_g = "220";
$format_ln_b = "220";
$current_date = TimeFormat(time());
$proj_id = CleanUp($_GET[proj_id]);
// Begin creating the page
//Page Title
$sql_proj = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects WHERE proj_id = {$proj_id} LIMIT 1";
$result_proj = mysql_query($sql_proj, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$array_proj = mysql_fetch_array($result_proj);
$proj_num = $array_proj['proj_num'];
$proj_name = $array_proj['proj_name'];
$sheet_title = "Drawing Schedule";
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$pdf->Cell(0, 10, $sheet_subtitle, 0, 1, L, 0);
$pdf->SetXY(10, 60);
// And now the list of drawings issued
//$sql_drawings = "SELECT * FROM intranet_drawings_issued, intranet_drawings LEFT JOIN intranet_drawings_revision ON revision_drawing = drawing_id WHERE issue_set = $set_id AND issue_drawing = drawing_id ORDER BY drawing_number";
$sql_drawings = "SELECT * FROM intranet_drawings, intranet_drawings_scale, intranet_drawings_paper WHERE drawing_project = {$proj_id} AND drawing_scale = scale_id AND drawing_paper = paper_id order by drawing_number";
$result_drawings = mysql_query($sql_drawings, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
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 // . ",";
 $entry_cost = $ts_cost_factored;
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 $entry_cost_print = "£" . number_format($entry_cost, 2);
 $ts_cost_nf_print = "(£" . number_format($ts_cost_nf, 2) . ")";
 $view_hours = $ts_hours;
 //  . ",";
 $running_cost = $running_cost + $ts_cost_factored;
 $running_cost_nf = $running_cost_nf + $ts_cost_nf;
 $total_cost_nf = $total_cost_nf + $ts_cost_nf;
 $stage_total = $stage_total + $ts_cost_factored;
 $running_cost_print = "£" . number_format($stage_total, 2);
 $running_cost_nf_print = "(£" . number_format($running_cost_nf, 2) . ")";
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Esempio n. 6
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 $ts_expense_desc = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $ts_expense_desc);
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 if ($ts_expense_p11d == "1") {
     $ts_expense_desc = $ts_expense_desc . " (P11d Item)";
     $quarter = "Q4";
 $quarter = $quarter . " " . date("Y", $timestart);
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 $this_month = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/pdf_resourcing.php";
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 // Begin listing the projects
 //$sql_proj = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects, intranet_timesheet_fees WHERE ts_fee_project = proj_id AND proj_active = 1 AND proj_fee_track = 1 AND ts_fee_value > 0 ORDER BY proj_num, ts_fee_commence";
 $sql_proj = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects, intranet_timesheet_fees WHERE ts_fee_project = proj_id AND proj_fee_track = 1 AND ts_fee_prospect > 0 AND ts_fee_value > 0 AND (((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts_fee_commence) + ts_fee_time_end) > {$capture_start}) OR ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts_datum_commence) + ts_datum_length) > {$capture_start})) AND proj_active = 1 ORDER BY proj_num, ts_fee_commence";
 $result_proj = mysql_query($sql_proj, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 7);