function navigation_shortcode($parm = '') { $types = array('main' => 1, 'side' => 2, 'footer' => 3, 'alt' => 4, 'alt5' => 5, 'alt6' => 6); $category = varset($types[$parm], 1); $tmpl = vartrue($parm, 'main'); $nav = e107::getNav(); $template = e107::getCoreTemplate('navigation', $tmpl); $data = $nav->initData($category); // $data = $nav->collection($category); return $nav->render($data, $template); }
/** * Display admin menu * * @return string menu */ function admin_list_config_adminmenu() { $act = ""; unset($var); $var = array(); //$var['general']['text'] = LIST_ADMIN_OPT_1; $var['list-new-recent-page']['text'] = LIST_ADMIN_OPT_2; $var['list-new-recent-menu']['text'] = LIST_ADMIN_OPT_3; $var['list-new-new-page']['text'] = LIST_ADMIN_OPT_4; $var['list-new-new-menu']['text'] = LIST_ADMIN_OPT_5; e107::getNav()->admin(LIST_ADMIN_OPT_6 . '--id--list_new', 'list-new-recent-page', $var); }
/** * Page Navigation * @example {PAGE_NAVIGATION: template=navdoc&auto=1} in your Theme template. */ function sc_page_navigation($parm = '') { // $parm = eHelper::scParams($parm); $tmpl = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter', vartrue($parm['template'], 'nav'), true, true); // always merge $template = $tmpl['showPage']; $request = $this->request; if ($request && is_array($request)) { switch ($request['action']) { case 'listBooks': $parm['cbook'] = 'all'; $template = $tmpl['listBooks']; if (e107::getPref('listBooks', false) == false) { return false; } break; case 'listChapters': $parm['cbook'] = $request['id']; $template = $tmpl['listChapters']; break; case 'listPages': $parm['cchapter'] = $request['id']; $template = $tmpl['listPages']; break; case 'showPage': $parm['cpage'] = $request['id']; break; } } if ($parm) { $parm = http_build_query($parm, null, '&'); } else { $parm = ''; } $links = e107::getAddon('page', 'e_sitelink'); $data = $links->pageNav($parm); if (isset($data['title']) && !vartrue($template['noAutoTitle'])) { // use chapter title $template['caption'] = $data['title']; $data = $data['body']; } if (empty($data)) { return; } return e107::getNav()->render($data, $template); }
function db_adminmenu() { global $st; foreach ($st->_options as $key => $val) { $var[$key]['text'] = $val['label']; $var[$key]['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=" . $key; } e107::getNav()->admin(DBLAN_10, $_GET['mode'], $var); }
function admin_content_config_adminmenu() { global $pref; if (!isset($pref['plug_installed']['content'])) { return ''; } global $sql, $plugintable, $aa; //toggle to show categories in admin right hand menu $showadmincat = TRUE; if (e_QUERY) { $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY); } if (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "cat" && isset($qs[1]) && $qs[1] == "create") { $act = $qs[0] . "." . $qs[1]; } elseif (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "content" && isset($qs[1]) && $qs[1] == "create") { $act = $qs[0] . "." . $qs[1]; } else { $act = isset($qs[0]) ? $qs[0] : ""; } if ($act == "") { $act = "content"; } $var['content']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_0; $var['content']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['content.create']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_1; $var['content.create']['link'] = e_SELF . "?content.create"; $var['cat']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_2; $var['cat']['link'] = e_SELF . "?cat"; $var['cat.create']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_3; $var['cat.create']['link'] = e_SELF . "?cat.create"; $var['order']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_15; $var['order']['link'] = e_SELF . "?order"; $var['option']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_6; $var['option']['link'] = e_SELF . "?options"; if (getperms("0")) { $var['manager']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_17; $var['manager']['link'] = e_SELF . "?manager"; } if ($submittedcontents = $sql->db_Count($plugintable, "(*)", "WHERE content_refer ='sa' ")) { $var['submitted']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_4 . " (" . $submittedcontents . ")"; $var['submitted']['link'] = e_SELF . "?submitted"; } $mainmenuact = $act; $mainmenuvar = $var; /* THIS IS ONLY WAY I FOUND TO BE ABLE USE SEPARATE MENUS WITH ITS OWN HASHES */ $E_OPTIONS_MENU['start'] = '<ul id="admin-ui-nav-menu" class="plugin-navigation-options nav nav-list">'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['button'] = '<li><a class="link{LINK_CLASS}" href="{LINK_URL}"{ID}{ONCLICK}> {LINK_TEXT}</a>{SUB_MENU}</li>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['button_active'] = '<li class="active"><a class="link-active{LINK_CLASS}" href="{LINK_URL}"{ID}{ONCLICK}> {LINK_TEXT}</a>{SUB_MENU}</li>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['start_sub'] = '<ul class="plugin-navigation-sub{SUB_CLASS}"{SUB_ID}>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['button_sub'] = '<li><a class="link" href="{LINK_URL}"> {LINK_TEXT}</a>{SUB_MENU}</li>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['button_active_sub'] = '<li><a class="link-active" href="{LINK_URL}"> {LINK_TEXT}</a>{SUB_MENU}</li>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['end_sub'] = '</ul>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['end'] = '</ul>'; $E_OPTIONS_MENU['divider'] = '<li role="separator" class="divider"></li>'; $E_PAGES_MENU = $E_OPTIONS_MENU; $E_PAGES_MENU['start'] = '<ul id="admin-ui-nav-menu" class="plugin-navigation-pages nav nav-list">'; if (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "options" && isset($qs[1])) { unset($var); $var = array(); $act = ""; $var['creation']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_7; //$text_creation $var['catcreation']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_23; //$text_catcreation $var['submission']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_8; //$text_submission $var['paththeme']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_9; //$text_paththeme $var['general']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_10; //$text_general $var['menu']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_14; //$text_menu $var['recentpages']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_11; //$text_recentpages $var['catpages']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_12; //$text_catpages $var['contentpages']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_13; //$text_contentpages $var['authorpage']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_18; //$text_authorpage $var['archivepage']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_16; //$text_archivepage $var['toppage']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_20; //$text_toppage $var['scorepage']['text'] = CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_22; //$text_scorepage $sql = new db(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $content_heading = $sql->retrieve($plugintable, "content_heading", "content_id='" . $qs[1] . "' "); e107::getNav()->admin(CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_6 . ": " . $content_heading . "", 'creation', $var, $E_OPTIONS_MENU); } show_admin_menu(CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_6, $mainmenuact, $mainmenuvar); if ($showadmincat) { $sql2 = new db(); if ($category_total = $sql2->db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading", "content_parent='0' ")) { while ($row = $sql2->db_Fetch()) { unset($var); $var = array(); $array = $aa->getCategoryTree("", $row['content_id'], FALSE); //get all categories from each main parent $newarray = array_merge_recursive($array); $newparent = array(); for ($a = 0; $a < count($newarray); $a++) { for ($b = 0; $b < count($newarray[$a]); $b++) { $newparent[$newarray[$a][$b]] = $newarray[$a][$b + 1]; $b++; } } foreach ($newparent as $key => $value) { $var['c' . $key]['text'] = $value; $var['c' . $key]['link'] = e_SELF . "?content." . $key; } if (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "content" && isset($qs[1]) && $qs[1] == "create") { $act = ""; } elseif (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "cat" && isset($qs[1]) && ($qs[1] == "create" || $qs[1] == "edit")) { $act = ""; } elseif (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "order") { $act = ""; } elseif (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "manager") { $act = ""; } else { if (isset($qs[0]) && isset($qs[1])) { $act = "c" . $qs[1]; } else { $act = "c"; } } show_admin_menu(CONTENT_ADMIN_MENU_LAN_5 . " : " . $row['content_heading'] . "", $act, $var); } } } }
function render_links($link, $title, $description, $perms, $icon = FALSE, $mode = FALSE) { return e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($link, $title, $description, $perms, $icon, $mode); }
function show_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $js = FALSE, $sub_link = FALSE, $sortlist = FALSE) { return e107::getNav()->admin($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, false, false, $sortlist); }
/** * Generic Admin Menu Generator * @return string */ function renderMenu() { $tp = e107::getParser(); $var = array(); $selected = false; foreach ($this->adminMenu as $key => $val) { if (isset($val['perm']) && $val['perm'] !== '' && !getperms($val['perm'])) { continue; } $tmp = explode('/', trim($key, '/'), 3); // sync with mode/route access if (!$this->checkModeAccess($tmp[0]) || !$this->checkRouteAccess($tmp[0] . '/' . $tmp[1])) { continue; } // custom 'selected' check if (isset($val['selected']) && $val['selected']) { $selected = $val['selected'] === true ? $key : $val['selected']; } foreach ($val as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'caption': $k2 = 'text'; $v = defset($v, $v); break; case 'url': $k2 = 'link'; $v = $tp->replaceConstants($v, 'abs') . '?mode=' . $tmp[0] . '&action=' . $tmp[1]; break; case 'uri': $k2 = 'link'; $v = $tp->replaceConstants($v, 'abs'); break; default: $k2 = $k; break; } $var[$key][$k2] = $v; } // TODO slide down menu options? if (!vartrue($var[$key]['link'])) { $var[$key]['link'] = e_SELF . '?mode=' . $tmp[0] . '&action=' . $tmp[1]; // FIXME - URL based on $modes, remove url key } if (varset($val['tab'])) { $var[$key]['link'] .= "&tab=" . $val['tab']; } /*$var[$key]['text'] = $val['caption']; $var[$key]['link'] = (vartrue($val['url']) ? $tp->replaceConstants($val['url'], 'abs') : e_SELF).'?mode='.$tmp[0].'&action='.$tmp[1]; $var[$key]['perm'] = $val['perm']; */ if (!empty($val['modal'])) { $var[$key]['link_class'] = ' e-modal'; if (!empty($val['modal-caption'])) { $var[$key]['link_data'] = array('data-modal-caption' => $val['modal-caption']); } } } if (empty($var)) { return ''; } $request = $this->getRequest(); if (!$selected) { $selected = $request->getMode() . '/' . $request->getAction(); } $selected = vartrue($this->adminMenuAliases[$selected], $selected); return e107::getNav()->admin($this->menuTitle, $selected, $var); }
function admin_banner_adminmenu() { $qry = e_QUERY; $act = vartrue($qry, 'main'); $var['main']['text'] = LAN_MANAGE; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['create']['text'] = LAN_CREATE; $var['create']['link'] = e_SELF . "?create"; $var['menu']['text'] = BNRLAN_35; $var['menu']['link'] = e_SELF . "?menu"; e107::getNav()->admin(LAN_PLUGIN_BANNER_NAME, $act, $var); }
function render2() { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $admin_cat = e107::getNav()->adminCats(); $text = "<div class='center'>\n \t \n \t\t\t<ul class='nav nav-tabs'>"; foreach ($admin_cat['id'] as $cat_key => $cat_id) { // $text .= "<li id='tab-main_".$cat_key."' ><span style='white-space:nowrap'><img class='icon S16' src='".$admin_cat['img'][$cat_key]."' alt='' style='margin-right:3px' /><a href='#core-main_".$cat_key."'>".$admin_cat['title'][$cat_key]."</a></span></li>"; $text .= "<li id='tab-main_" . $cat_key . "' ><a data-toggle='tab' href='#core-main_" . $cat_key . "'>" . $admin_cat['title'][$cat_key] . "</a></li>"; } $text .= "</ul>"; $text .= "<div id='tab-content'>"; print_a($admin_cat); foreach ($admin_cat['id'] as $cat_key => $cat_id) { $text_check = FALSE; $text_cat = ""; if ($cat_key != 5) { foreach ($newarray as $key => $funcinfo) { if ($funcinfo[4] == $cat_key) { $text_rend = e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($funcinfo[0], $funcinfo[1], $funcinfo[2], $funcinfo[3], $funcinfo[6], 'div'); if ($text_rend) { $text_check = TRUE; } $text_cat .= $text_rend; } } } else { $text_rend = e107::getNav()->pluginLinks(E_32_PLUGMANAGER, "div"); if ($text_rend) { $text_check = TRUE; } $text_cat .= $text_rend; } //$text_cat .= render_clean(); if ($text_check) { $text .= "<div class='tab-pane adminform' id='core-main_" . $cat_key . "'>\n"; $text .= " <div class='main_caption bevel'><b>" . $admin_cat['title'][$cat_key] . "</b></div>"; $text .= $text_cat; $text .= "</div><!-- End tab-pane -->"; } } $text .= "</div></div>"; $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_47 . " " . ADMINNAME, $mes->render() . $text); }
function search_adminmenu() { $query = e_QUERY; $action = vartrue($query, 'main'); $var['main']['text'] = SEALAN_41; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['settings']['text'] = LAN_PREFS; $var['settings']['link'] = e_SELF . "?settings"; e107::getNav()->admin(SEALAN_40, $action, $var); }
function prefs_adminmenu() { $var['core-prefs-main']['text'] = PRFLAN_1; $var['core-prefs-email']['text'] = PRFLAN_254; $var['core-prefs-registration']['text'] = PRFLAN_28; $var['core-prefs-signup']['text'] = PRFLAN_19; // $var['core-prefs-sociallogin']['text'] = "Social Options"; // Moved into plugin. $var['core-prefs-comments']['text'] = PRFLAN_210; $var['core-prefs-uploads']['text'] = PRFLAN_255; $var['core-prefs-header1']['header'] = PRFLAN_256; $var['core-prefs-display']['text'] = PRFLAN_13; $var['core-prefs-admindisp']['text'] = PRFLAN_77; $var['core-prefs-textpost']['text'] = PRFLAN_101; $var['core-prefs-security']['text'] = PRFLAN_47; $var['core-prefs-date']['text'] = PRFLAN_21; $var['core-prefs-javascript']['text'] = PRFLAN_257; $var['core-prefs-advanced']['text'] = PRFLAN_149; e107::getNav()->admin("Basic " . LAN_OPTIONS . '--id--prev_nav', 'core-prefs-main', $var); }
function fileinspector_adminmenu() { $var['setup']['text'] = "Setup"; $var['setup']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=setup"; $var['run']['text'] = "Results"; $var['run']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=run"; e107::getNav()->admin(FC_LAN_1, $_GET['mode'], $var); }
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 e107 Inc ( * Released under the terms and conditions of the * GNU General Public License ( * * Administration menu * */ if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; } if (ADMIN == TRUE) { e107::lan('core', 'admin', true); // We're not in admin - load generic admin phrases $tp = e107::getParser(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $nav = e107::getNav(); $array_functions = $nav->adminLinks(); $amtext = "<div class='text-center' style='text-align:center'>\n\t<select name='activate' onchange='urljump(this.options[selectedIndex].value)' class='tbox form-control'>\n\t<option>" . LAN_SELECT . "</option>\n"; foreach ($array_functions as $link_value) { $amtext .= render_admin_links($link_value['link'], $link_value['title'], $link_value['perms']); } $amtext .= "</select>\n\t</div>"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_ADMIN, $amtext, 'admin_menu'); } function render_admin_links($link, $title, $perms) { if (getperms($perms)) { return "<option value='" . $link . "'>" . $title . "</option>"; } }
function admin_log_adminmenu() { if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $action = $tmp[0]; } if ($action == "") { $action = "adminlog"; } $var['adminlog']['text'] = RL_LAN_030; $var['adminlog']['link'] = "admin_log.php?adminlog"; $var['auditlog']['text'] = RL_LAN_062; $var['auditlog']['link'] = "admin_log.php?auditlog"; $var['rolllog']['text'] = RL_LAN_002; $var['rolllog']['link'] = "admin_log.php?rolllog"; $var['downlog']['text'] = RL_LAN_067; $var['downlog']['link'] = "admin_log.php?downlog"; $var['detailed']['text'] = RL_LAN_091; $var['detailed']['link'] = "admin_log.php?detailed"; // Deprecated by Comments Manager. /* $var['comments']['text'] = 'Comments'; $var['comments']['link'] = "admin_log.php?comments"; */ $var['config']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS; $var['config']['link'] = "admin_log.php?config"; /* XXX - why?! if($action == 'comments') { $var['users']['text'] = RL_LAN_115; $var['users']['link'] = "users.php"; } */ e107::getNav()->admin(RL_LAN_005, $action, $var); }
* GNU General Public License ( * * $URL$ * $Id$ */ if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; } $mes = e107::getMessage(); $newarray = e107::getNav()->adminLinks('core'); $buts = ""; $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>\n\t<table class='table'>"; while (list($key, $funcinfo) = each($newarray)) { $buts .= e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($funcinfo[0], $funcinfo[1], $funcinfo[2], $funcinfo[3], $funcinfo[5], 'default'); } $text .= $buts; $text_cat = ''; while ($td <= 5) { $text_cat .= "<td class='td' style='width:20%;' ></td>"; $td++; } $td = 1; $text .= "</tr></table></div>"; if ($buts != "") { $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_47 . " " . ADMINNAME, $mes->render() . $text); } $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>\n\t<table class='table'>"; $text .= e107::getNav()->pluginLinks(E_16_PLUGMANAGER, 'default'); $text .= "</tr>\n\t</table></div>"; $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_CL_7, $text); echo admin_info();
function theme_adminmenu() { //global $mode; $mode = varset($_GET['mode'], 'main'); // $e107 = &e107::getInstance(); $var['main']['text'] = TPVLAN_33; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['admin']['text'] = TPVLAN_34; $var['admin']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=admin"; $var['choose']['text'] = TPVLAN_51; $var['choose']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=choose"; $var['online']['text'] = "Find Themes"; $var['online']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=online"; $var['upload']['text'] = TPVLAN_38; $var['upload']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=upload"; $var['convert']['text'] = "Convert"; $var['convert']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=convert"; // $selected = (e_QUERY) ? e_QUERY : "main"; e107::getNav()->admin(TPVLAN_26, $mode, $var); }
/* * e107 website system * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc ( * Released under the terms and conditions of the * GNU General Public License ( * * $URL$ * $Id$ */ if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; } $mes = e107::getMessage(); $buts = ""; $newarray = e107::getNav()->adminLinks('core'); while (list($key, $funcinfo) = each($newarray)) { $buts .= e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($funcinfo[0], $funcinfo[1], $funcinfo[2], $funcinfo[3], $funcinfo[6], "classis"); } if ($buts != "") { $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>\n\t\t\t<table class='table'>"; $text .= $buts; $text .= render_clean(); $text .= "</table></div>"; $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_47 . " " . ADMINNAME, $mes->render() . $text); } $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>\n\t<table class='table'>"; $text .= e107::getNav()->pluginLinks(E_32_PLUGMANAGER, "classis"); $text .= render_clean(); $text .= "</table></div>"; $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_CL_7, $text, 'infopanel');
function sc_admin_menumanager() { global $pref; $action = ""; $var['menumanager']['text'] = LAN_MENULAYOUT; $var['menumanager']['link'] = e_ADMIN_ABS . 'menus.php'; $var['nothing']['divider'] = true; if (vartrue($pref['menuconfig_list'])) { foreach ($pref['menuconfig_list'] as $name => $val) { $var[$name]['text'] = str_replace(":", " / ", $val['name']); $var[$name]['link'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS . $val['link']; } } foreach ($var as $key => $link) { if (varset($link['link']) && strpos(e_SELF, $link['link'])) { $action = $key; } } if (!$action) { return; } // $keys = array_keys($var); // $action = (in_array($this->action,$keys)) ? $this->action : "installed"; e107::getNav()->admin("Menu Manager", $action, $var); // e_admin/_menu(ADLAN_6,$action, $var); }
function show_options($action) { $action = varset($_GET['mode'], 'list'); $var['list']['text'] = $this->listCaption; $var['list']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=list"; $var['list']['perm'] = "0"; $var['create']['text'] = $this->createCaption; $var['create']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=create"; $var['create']['perm'] = 0; /* $var['options']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS; $var['options']['link'] = e_SELF."?options"; $var['options']['perm'] = "0";*/ e107::getNav()->admin($this->pluginTitle, $action, $var); }
/** * Admin menu options */ function banlist_adminmenu() { $action = e_QUERY ? e_QUERY : 'list'; $var['list']['text'] = BANLAN_14; // List existing bans $var['list']['link'] = e_SELF . '?list'; $var['list']['perm'] = '4'; $var['add']['text'] = BANLAN_25; // Add a new ban $var['add']['link'] = e_SELF . '?add'; $var['add']['perm'] = '4'; $var['white']['text'] = BANLAN_52; // List existing whitelist entries $var['white']['link'] = e_SELF . '?white'; $var['white']['perm'] = '4'; $var['whadd']['text'] = BANLAN_53; // Add a new whitelist entry $var['whadd']['link'] = e_SELF . '?whadd'; $var['whadd']['perm'] = '4'; $var['transfer']['text'] = BANLAN_35; $var['transfer']['link'] = e_SELF . '?transfer'; $var['transfer']['perm'] = '4'; if (getperms('0')) { $var['times']['text'] = BANLAN_15; $var['times']['link'] = e_SELF . '?times'; $var['times']['perm'] = '0'; $var['options']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS; $var['options']['link'] = e_SELF . '?options'; $var['options']['perm'] = '0'; $var['banlog']['text'] = BANLAN_81; $var['banlog']['link'] = e_SELF . '?banlog'; $var['banlog']['perm'] = '0'; } e107::getNav()->admin(BANLAN_16, $action, $var); }
/** * Return the parsed sublinks of the current link * @return string */ function sc_link_sub($parm = '') { if (!varset($this->var['link_sub'])) { return; } $text = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate(str_replace('{LINK_SUB}', '', $this->template['submenu_start']), true, $this); foreach ($this->var['link_sub'] as $val) { $active = e107::getNav()->isActive($val, $this->activeSubFound, true) ? "_active" : ""; $this->setVars($val); // isActive is allowed to alter data $tmpl = vartrue($val['link_sub']) ? varset($this->template['submenu_loweritem' . $active]) : varset($this->template['submenu_item' . $active]); $text .= e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($tmpl, TRUE, $this); if ($active) { $this->activeSubFound = true; } } $text .= e107::getParser()->parseTemplate(str_replace('{LINK_SUB}', '', $this->template['submenu_end']), true, $this); return $text; }
function pluginMenuOptions() { // $e107 = &e107::getInstance(); $var['installed']['text'] = EPL_ADLAN_22; $var['installed']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['avail']['text'] = EPL_ADLAN_23; $var['avail']['link'] = e_SELF . "?avail"; $var['online']['text'] = EPL_ADLAN_220; $var['online']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=online"; if (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $var['upload']['text'] = EPL_ADLAN_38; $var['upload']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=upload"; } $var['create']['text'] = EPL_ADLAN_114; $var['create']['link'] = e_SELF . "?mode=create"; $keys = array_keys($var); $action = in_array($this->action, $keys) ? $this->action : "installed"; if ($this->action == 'lans') { $action = 'create'; } e107::getNav()->admin(ADLAN_98, $action, $var); }
function pageNav($parm = '') { $frm = e107::getForm(); $options = array(); if (vartrue($parm)) { parse_str($parm, $options); } $sql = e107::getDb(); $sublinks = array(); $arr = array(); // map current when in auto mode if (vartrue($options['auto'])) { // current book found, top book not set if (vartrue($options['cbook']) && !vartrue($options['book'])) { $options['book'] = $options['cbook']; } // current chapter found, top chapter not set if (vartrue($options['cchapter']) && !vartrue($options['chapter'])) { $options['chapter'] = $options['cchapter']; } // current chapter found, top chapter not set if (vartrue($options['cpage']) && !vartrue($options['page'])) { $options['page'] = $options['cpage']; } } // find the chapter if required if (vartrue($options['page']) && !vartrue($options['chapter'])) { $options['chapter'] = $sql->retrieve('page', 'page_chapter', 'page_id=' . intval($options['page'])); } $query = "SELECT * FROM #page WHERE "; $q = array(); if (vartrue($options['chapter'])) { $q[] = "page_title !='' AND page_chapter = " . intval($options['chapter']); } elseif (vartrue($options['book'])) { $q[] = "page_title !='' && page_chapter IN (SELECT chapter_id FROM #page_chapters WHERE chapter_parent=" . intval($options['book']) . ")"; } // XXX discuss FIXED remove DB check, use default title - AND page_title !='' $q[] = "page_class IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ")"; $query .= implode(' AND ', $q) . " ORDER BY page_order"; $data = $sql->retrieve($query, true); $_pdata = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $pid = $row['page_chapter']; $row['chapter_sef'] = $this->getSef($row['page_chapter']); $book = $this->getParent($row['page_chapter']); $row['book_sef'] = $this->getSef($book); if (!vartrue($row['page_sef'])) { $row['page_sef'] = '--sef-not-assigned--'; } $sublinks[$pid][] = $_pdata[] = array('link_id' => $row['page_id'], 'link_name' => $row['page_title'] ? $row['page_title'] : 'No title', 'link_url' => e107::getUrl()->create('page/view', $row, array('allow' => 'page_sef,page_title,page_id,chapter_sef,book_sef')), 'link_description' => '', 'link_button' => $row['menu_image'], 'link_category' => '', 'link_order' => $row['page_order'], 'link_parent' => $row['page_chapter'], 'link_open' => '', 'link_class' => intval($row['page_class']), 'link_active' => isset($options['cpage']) && $row['page_id'] == $options['cpage'], 'link_identifier' => 'page-nav-' . intval($row['page_id'])); } $filter = "chapter_visibility IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ") "; if (vartrue($options['chapter'])) { //$filter = "chapter_id > ".intval($options['chapter']); $title = $sql->retrieve('page_chapters', 'chapter_name', 'chapter_id=' . intval($options['chapter']) . ' AND chapter_visibility IN (' . USERCLASS_LIST . ')'); $outArray = array(); if (!$title) { return e107::getNav()->compile($_pdata, $outArray, $options['chapter']); } return array('title' => $title, 'body' => e107::getNav()->compile($_pdata, $outArray, $options['chapter'])); } $parent = 0; $title = false; if (vartrue($options['book'])) { // XXX discuss the idea here //$filter = "chapter_id > ".intval($options['book']); $filter = "chapter_parent = " . intval($options['book']); $parent = intval($options['book']); $title = $sql->retrieve('page_chapters', 'chapter_name', 'chapter_id=' . intval($options['book'])); // print_a('parent='.$parent); } $books = $sql->retrieve("SELECT * FROM #page_chapters WHERE " . $filter . " ORDER BY chapter_order ASC", true); foreach ($books as $row) { $row['book_sef'] = $this->getSef($row['chapter_parent']); if (!vartrue($row['chapter_sef'])) { $row['chapter_sef'] = '--sef-not-assigned--'; } $arr[] = array('link_id' => $row['chapter_id'], 'link_name' => $row['chapter_name'], 'link_url' => $row['chapter_parent'] == 0 ? e107::getUrl()->create('page/book/index', $row) : e107::getUrl()->create('page/chapter/index', $row), 'link_description' => '', 'link_button' => $row['chapter_icon'], 'link_category' => '', 'link_order' => $row['chapter_order'], 'link_parent' => $row['chapter_parent'], 'link_open' => '', 'link_class' => 0, 'link_sub' => !vartrue($options['book']) && !vartrue($options['auto']) ? varset($sublinks[$row['chapter_id']]) : '', 'link_active' => $row['chapter_parent'] == 0 ? isset($options['cbook']) && $options['cbook'] == $row['chapter_id'] : isset($options['cchapter']) && $options['cchapter'] == $row['chapter_id'], 'link_identifier' => 'page-nav-' . intval($row['chapter_id'])); } $outArray = array(); $parent = vartrue($options['book']) ? intval($options['book']) : 0; $ret = e107::getNav()->compile($arr, $outArray, $parent); if (!$title) { return $ret; } return array('title' => $title, 'body' => $ret); }
function language_adminmenu() { $pref = e107::getPref(); $action = e_QUERY; if ($action == "") { $action = getperms('0') ? "main" : "tools"; } if ($action == "modify") { $action = "db"; } if (getperms('0')) { $var['main']['text'] = LAN_PREFS; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; if (isset($pref['multilanguage']) && $pref['multilanguage']) { $var['db']['text'] = LANG_LAN_03; $var['db']['link'] = e_SELF . "?db"; } } // $lcnt = explode(",", e_LANLIST); // if (count($lcnt) > 1) // { $var['tools']['text'] = LANG_LAN_21; $var['tools']['link'] = e_SELF . "?tools"; // } e107::getNav()->admin(ADLAN_132, $action, $var); }
} } $expandable = vartrue($parm['expandable']); if ($parm) { $parm = http_build_query($parm, null, '&'); } else { $parm = ''; } ### Retrieve $links = e107::getAddon('page', 'e_sitelink'); $data = $links->pageNav($parm); if (isset($data['title']) && !vartrue($template['noAutoTitle'])) { // use chapter title $template['caption'] = $data['title']; $data = $data['body']; } if (empty($data)) { return; } $text = e107::getNav()->render($data, $template); /** * Expandable menu support. * @see . activate with expandable=1 in the page-navigation menu. * For best results include: e107::css('page', 'css/page.navigation.css', 'jquery'); in theme.php */ if ($expandable) { e107::js('page', 'js/', 'jquery'); $template['caption'] .= "<span class='btn-group pull-right'><a class='btn btn-default btn-xs btn-mini' id='page-nav-expand'>+</a><a class='btn btn-default btn-xs btn-mini' id='page-nav-collapse'>-</a></span>"; } ### Render e107::getRender()->tablerender($template['caption'], $text, 'page-navigation-menu');
function render() { $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $frm = e107::getForm(); // XXX Check Bootstrap bug is fixed. /* echo ' <ul class="thumbnails"> <li class="span4"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </li> <li class="span4"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </li> <li class="span4"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </li> <li class="span4"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </li> <li class="span4"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </li> <li class="span4"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </li> </ul> '; */ //TODO LANs throughout. global $style, $user_pref; // ---------------------- Start Panel -------------------------------- // $text = "<div >"; if (getperms('0') && !vartrue($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'])) { $defArray = array(0 => 'e-administrator', 1 => 'e-cpage', 2 => 'e-frontpage', 3 => 'e-mailout', 4 => 'e-image', 5 => 'e-menus', 6 => 'e-meta', 7 => 'e-newspost', 8 => 'e-plugin', 9 => 'e-prefs', 10 => 'e-links', 11 => 'e-theme', 12 => 'e-userclass2', 13 => 'e-users', 14 => 'e-wmessage'); $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'] = vartrue($pref['core-infopanel-default'], $defArray); } // "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>"; $tp->parseTemplate("{SETSTYLE=core-infopanel}"); // Personalized Panel // Rendering the saved configuration. $mainPanel = "\n\t\t<div id='core-infopanel_mye107' >\n\t\t"; /* $mainPanel .= '<span class="pull-right"> <span class="options"> <div class="btn-group"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="icon-cog"></i></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu black-box-dropdown dropdown-right"> <li>'.$this->render_infopanel_icons().'</li> </ul> </div> </span> </span>'; */ // print_a($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107']); $mainPanel .= "\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='left'>"; foreach ($this->iconlist as $key => $val) { if (!vartrue($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107']) || in_array($key, $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'])) { $mainPanel .= e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($val['link'], $val['title'], $val['caption'], $val['perms'], $val['icon_32'], "div"); } } $mainPanel .= "<div class='clear'> </div>"; $mainPanel .= "</div>\n\t \n\t\t\t</div>"; $text = $ns->tablerender(ucwords(USERNAME) . "'s Control Panel", $mainPanel, "core-infopanel_mye107", true); // ------------------------------- e107 News -------------------------------- $text2 = $ns->tablerender("e107 News", "<div id='e-adminfeed'></div><div class='right'><a rel='external' href='" . ADMINFEEDMORE . "'>" . LAN_MORE . "</a></div>", "core-infopanel_news", true); // ---------------------Latest Stuff --------------------------- //require_once (e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/admin_shortcodes.php"); e107::getScBatch('admin'); $text2 .= $ns->tablerender("Website Status", $this->renderWebsiteStatus(), "", true); // $text .= $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_LAT_1,$tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_LATEST=norender}"),"core-infopanel_latest",true); // $text .= $ns->tablerender(LAN_STATUS,$tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_STATUS=norender}"),"core-infopanel_latest",true); /* $text .= "<li class='span6'> ".$tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_LATEST=norender}"). $tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_STATUS=norender}")." </div>"; */ $text .= $this->renderLatestComments(); // ---------------------- Who's Online ------------------------ // TODO Could use a new _menu item instead. // $text2 .= $ns->tablerender('Visitors Online : '.vartrue($nOnline), $panelOnline,'core-infopanel_online',true); // --------------------- User Selected Menus ------------------- if (varset($pref['core-infopanel-menus'])) { foreach ($pref['core-infopanel-menus'] as $val) { $id = $frm->name2id('core-infopanel_' . $val); $inc = $tp->parseTemplate("{PLUGIN={$val}|TRUE}"); $text .= $inc; // $text .= $ns->tablerender("", $inc, $id,true); } } // $text .= "<div class='clear'> </div>"; $text .= $this->render_infopanel_options(); // $text .= "</div>"; if (vartrue($_GET['mode']) != 'customize') { // $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_47." ".ADMINNAME, $emessage->render().$text); echo $mes->render() . ' <!-- INFOPANEL --> <div class="span6 col-md-6"> <ul class="thumbnails">' . $text . '</ul> </div> <div class="span6 col-md-6"> <ul class="thumbnails">' . $text2 . '</ul> </div> <!-- --> '; } else { echo $frm->open('infopanel', 'post', e_SELF); echo $this->render_infopanel_options(true); echo $frm->close(); } }
$text_check = FALSE; $text_cat = "<tr><td class='fcaption' colspan='2'>" . $admin_cat['title'][$cat_key] . "</td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td class='forumheader3' style='text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: 72px; height: 48px'>" . $admin_cat['lrg_img'][$cat_key] . "</td><td class='forumheader3'>\n\t\t<table style='width:100%'>"; if ($cat_key != 5) { foreach ($newarray as $key => $funcinfo) { if ($funcinfo[4] == $cat_key) { $text_rend = e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($funcinfo[0], $funcinfo[1], $funcinfo[2], $funcinfo[3], $funcinfo[5], 'default'); if ($text_rend) { $text_check = TRUE; } $text_cat .= $text_rend; } } } else { $text_rend = e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton(e_ADMIN . "plugin.php", ADLAN_98, ADLAN_99, "Z", E_16_PLUGMANAGER, 'default'); if ($text_rend) { $text_check = TRUE; } $text_cat .= $text_rend; foreach ($plugin_array as $plug_key => $plug_value) { $text_cat .= e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($plug_value['link'], $plug_value['title'], $plug_value['caption'], $plug_value['perms'], $plug_value['icon'], 'default'); } } $text_cat .= render_clean(); $text_cat .= "</table>\n\t\t</td></tr>"; if ($text_check) { $text .= $text_cat; } } $text .= "</table></div>"; $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_47 . " " . ADMINNAME, $mes->render() . $text); echo admin_info();