Esempio n. 1
 function unanswered()
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $limit = 25;
     $count = $sql->retrieve('faqs', 'faq_id', "faq_answer=''  ", true);
     $existing = $sql->retrieve('faqs', 'faq_id,faq_question,faq_datestamp', "faq_answer=''  ORDER BY faq_datestamp DESC LIMIT " . $limit, true);
     if (empty($existing)) {
     $questions = array();
     foreach ($existing as $row) {
         $questions[] = "<i>" . $row['faq_question'] . "</i><br /><small>" . $tp->toDate($row['faq_datestamp'], 'short') . "</small>\n";
         //	$questions[] = $row['faq_question'];
     //	$questions = array( "<i>Test Question</i><br /><small>".$tp->toDate(time(),'short')."</small>");
     $name = SITENAME . " Automation";
     $email = e107::pref('core', 'siteadminemail');
     $name = e107::pref('core', 'siteadmin');
     $link = $tp->replaceConstants("{e_PLUGIN}faqs/admin_config.php?mode=main&action=list&filter=pending", 'full');
     $body = "<h2>" . count($count) . " Unuanswered Questions at " . SITENAME . "</h2>To answer these questions, please login to " . SITENAME . " and then <a href='{$link}'>click here</a>.<br />\n\t\t\tThe " . $limit . " most recent questions are displayed below.\n\t\t\t<ul><li>" . implode("</li><li>", $questions) . "</li></ul>";
     $eml = array('subject' => count($count) . " Unuanswered Question as of " . date('d-M-Y') . " ", 'sender_name' => SITENAME . " Automation", 'html' => true, 'template' => 'default', 'body' => $body);
     e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($email, $name, $eml);
Esempio n. 2
  * Preview the Email. 
 function previewPage($id = '', $user = null)
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $mailData = e107::getDb()->retrieve('mail_content', '*', 'mail_source_id=' . intval($id) . " LIMIT 1");
         $shortcodes = array('USERNAME' => 'John Example', 'DISPLAYNAME' => 'John Example', 'USERID' => '555', 'MAILREF' => $_GET['id'], 'LOGINNAME' => 'johnE', 'ACTIVATION_LINK' => SITEURL . 'signup.php?testing-activation', 'PASSWORD' => 'MyPass123', 'NEWSLETTER' => SITEURL . "newsletter/?id=example1234567", 'UNSUBSCRIBE' => SITEURL . "unsubscribe/?id=example1234567");
         if (!empty($user)) {
             $userData = e107::getDb()->retrieve('mail_recipients', '*', 'mail_detail_id = ' . intval($id) . ' AND mail_recipient_id = ' . intval($user) . ' LIMIT 1');
             $shortcodes = e107::unserialize(stripslashes($userData['mail_target_info']));
         $data = $this->mailAdmin->dbToMail($mailData);
         $eml = array('subject' => $data['mail_subject'], 'body' => $data['mail_body'], 'template' => $data['mail_send_style'], 'shortcodes' => $shortcodes, 'media' => $data['mail_media']);
         //	return print_a($data,true);
     } else {
         //	e107::coreLan('signup');
         $tp = e107::getParser();
         $eml = array('subject' => 'Test Subject', 'body' => "This is the body text of your email. Included are example media attachments such as images and video thumbnails.<br /></br >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquam volutpat risus, a efficitur ex dignissim ac. Phasellus ornare tortor est, a elementum orci finibus non! Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce feugiat bibendum venenatis. Ut sit amet purus id magna consequat euismod vitae ac elit. Maecenas rutrum nisi metus, sed pulvinar velit fermentum eu? Aliquam erat volutpat.<br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUt risus massa, consequat et gravida vitae, tincidunt in metus. Nam sodales felis non tortor faucibus lacinia! Integer neque libero, maximus eu cursus nec, fringilla varius erat. Phasellus elementum scelerisque mauris at fermentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sit amet placerat leo, vitae mollis purus. Nulla laoreet nulla pretium risus placerat, a luctus risus pulvinar. Duis ut dolor sed arcu aliquam dictum sed auctor magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam eleifend in mi lobortis blandit. Aliquam vestibulum rhoncus vestibulum. Cras metus.", 'template' => $id, 'shortcodes' => $this->getExampleShortcodes(), 'media' => array(0 => array('path' => '{e_PLUGIN}gallery/images/butterfly.jpg'), 1 => array('path' => ''), 2 => array('path' => ''), 3 => array('path' => '{e_PLUGIN}gallery/images/horse.jpg'), 4 => array('path' => '{e_PLUGIN}gallery/images/lake-and-forest.jpg')));
     return e107::getEmail()->preview($eml);
Esempio n. 3
  * Send user email
  * @param mixed $userInfo array data or null for current logged in user or any object subclass of e_object (@see e_system_user::renderEmail() for field requirements)
 public function email($type = 'email', $options = array(), $userInfo = null)
     if (null === $userInfo) {
         $userInfo = $this->getData();
     } elseif (is_object($userInfo) && get_class($userInfo) == 'e_object' || is_subclass_of($userInfo, 'e_object')) {
         $userInfo = $userInfo->getData();
     if (empty($userInfo) || !vartrue($userInfo['user_email'])) {
         return false;
     // plain password could be passed only via $options
     if ($options && is_array($options)) {
         $userInfo = array_merge($options, $userInfo);
     $eml = $this->renderEmail($type, $userInfo);
     if (empty($eml)) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             echo '$eml returned nothing on Line 1050 of user_model.php using $type = ' . $type;
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->debug) {
             echo '<h3>$eml array</h3>';
     $mailer = e107::getEmail();
     $mailer->template = $eml['template'];
     // Custom e107 Header
     if ($userInfo['user_id']) {
         $eml['e107_header'] = $userInfo['user_id'];
         //	$mailer->AddCustomHeader("X-e107-id: {$userInfo['user_id']}");
     if (getperms('0') && E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) {
         e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Email Debugger active. <b>Simulation Only!</b>");
         return true;
     return $mailer->sendEmail($userInfo['user_email'], $userInfo['user_name'], $eml, false);
Esempio n. 4
 private function sendEmailPreview()
     $temp = array();
     $eml = $this->render_email($temp, TRUE);
     // It ignores the data, anyway
     $mailer = e107::getEmail();
     if (!$mailer->sendEmail(USEREMAIL, USERNAME, $eml, FALSE)) {
         echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . LAN_SIGNUP_42 . "</div>";
         // there was a problem.
     } else {
         echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>" . LAN_SIGNUP_43 . " [ " . USEREMAIL . " ] - " . LAN_SIGNUP_45 . "</div>";
Esempio n. 5
        $body .= "</table>";
        if (!empty($CONTACT_EMAIL['subject'])) {
            $vars = array('CONTACT_SUBJECT' => $subject, 'CONTACT_PERSON' => $send_to_name);
            if (!empty($_POST)) {
                foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
                    $scKey = strtoupper($k);
                    $vars[$scKey] = $tp->toEmail($v, true, 'RAWTEXT');
            $subject = $tp->simpleParse($CONTACT_EMAIL['subject'], $vars);
        // -----------------------
        // Send as default sender to avoid spam issues. Use 'replyto' instead.
        $eml = array('subject' => $subject, 'sender_name' => $sender_name, 'body' => $body, 'replyto' => $sender, 'replytonames' => $sender_name, 'template' => 'default');
        $message = e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($send_to, $send_to_name, $eml, false) ? LANCONTACT_09 : LANCONTACT_10;
        //	$message =  (sendemail($send_to,"[".SITENAME."] ".$subject, $body,$send_to_name,$sender,$sender_name)) ? LANCONTACT_09 : LANCONTACT_10;
        if (isset($pref['contact_emailcopy']) && $pref['contact_emailcopy'] && $email_copy == 1) {
            require_once e_HANDLER . "mail.php";
            sendemail($sender, "[" . SITENAME . "] " . $subject, $body, ADMIN, $sender, $sender_name);
        $ns->tablerender('', "<div class='alert alert-success'>" . $message . "</div>");
        require_once FOOTERF;
    } else {
        message_handler("P_ALERT", $error);
    if (!isset($CONTACT_INFO)) {
        $CONTACT_INFO = e107::getCoreTemplate('contact', 'info');
Esempio n. 6
  * Send user email
  * @param mixed $userInfo array data or null for current logged in user or any object subclass of e_object (@see e_system_user::renderEmail() for field requirements)
 public function email($type = 'default', $options = array(), $userInfo = null)
     if (null === $userInfo) {
         $userInfo = $this->getData();
     } elseif (is_object($userInfo) && get_class($userInfo) == 'e_object' || is_subclass_of($userInfo, 'e_object')) {
         $userInfo = $userInfo->getData();
     if (empty($userInfo) || !vartrue($userInfo['user_email'])) {
         return false;
     if ($options && is_array($options)) {
         $userInfo = array_merge($options, $userInfo);
     $eml = $this->renderEmail($userInfo, $type);
     if (empty($eml)) {
         return false;
     $mailer = e107::getEmail();
     return $mailer->sendEmail($userInfo['user_email'], $userInfo['user_name'], $eml, false);
Esempio n. 7
  * Call to send next email from selection
  * @return Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE on fail (or no more to go)
  *	@todo Could maybe save parsed page in cache if more than one email to go
 public function sendNextEmail()
     $counterList = array('mail_source_id', 'mail_togo_count', 'mail_sent_count', 'mail_fail_count', 'mail_start_send');
     if (($email = $this->getNextEmail()) === false) {
         return false;
      *	The $email variable has all the email data in 'flat' form, including that of the current recipient.
      *	field $email['mail_target_info'] has variable substitution information relating to the current recipient
     if (count($this->currentBatchInfo)) {
         if ($this->currentBatchInfo['mail_source_id'] != $email['mail_source_id']) {
             // New email body etc started
             //echo "New email body: {$this->currentBatchInfo['mail_source_id']} != {$email['mail_source_id']}<br />";
             $this->currentBatchInfo = array();
             // New source email - clear stored info
             $this->currentMailBody = '';
             // ...and clear cache for message body
             $this->currentTextBody = '';
     if (count($this->currentBatchInfo) == 0) {
         //echo "First email of batch: {$email['mail_source_id']}<br />";
         foreach ($counterList as $k) {
             $this->currentBatchInfo[$k] = $email[$k];
             // This copies across all the counts
     if ($this->currentBatchInfo['mail_sent_count'] > 0 || $this->currentBatchInfo['mail_fail_count'] > 0) {
         // Only send these on first email - otherwise someone could get inundated!
     $targetData = array();
     // Arrays for updated data
     // Make sure we have a mailer object to play with
     if ($this->currentBatchInfo['mail_start_send'] == 0) {
         $this->currentBatchInfo['mail_start_send'] = time();
         // Log when we started processing this email
     if (!$this->currentMailBody) {
         if (!empty($email['mail_body_templated'])) {
             $this->currentMailBody = $email['mail_body_templated'];
         } else {
             $this->currentMailBody = $email['mail_body'];
         $this->currentTextBody = $email['mail_body_alt'];
         // May be null
     $mailToSend = $this->makeEmailBlock($email);
     // Substitute mail-specific variables, attachments etc
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         echo "<h3>Preview</h3>";
         $preview = $this->mailer->preview($mailToSend);
         echo $preview;
         echo "<h3>Preview (HTML)</h3>";
         $logName = "mailout_simulation_" . $email['mail_source_id'];
         e107::getLog()->addDebug("Sending Email to <" . $email['mail_recipient_name'] . "> " . $email['mail_recipient_email'])->toFile($logName, 'Mailout Simulation Log', true);
         $result = true;
         echo "<h2>SendEmail()->Body</h2>";
         echo "<h2>SendEmail()->AltBody</h2>";
         echo "<h1>_________________________________________________________________________</h1>";
     $result = $this->mailer->sendEmail($email['mail_recipient_email'], $email['mail_recipient_name'], $mailToSend, TRUE);
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         return true;
     // Try and send
     //		return;			// ************************************************** Temporarily stop DB being updated when line active *****************************
     $addons = array_keys($email['mail_selectors']);
     // trigger e_mailout.php addons. 'sent' method.
     foreach ($addons as $plug) {
         if ($plug === 'core') {
         if ($cls = e107::getAddon($plug, 'e_mailout')) {
             $email['status'] = $result;
             if (e107::callMethod($cls, 'sent', $email) === false) {
                 e107::getAdminLog()->add($plug . ' sent process failed', $email, E_LOG_FATAL, 'SENT');
     // --------------------------
     // Make sure DB object created
     // Now update email status in DB. We just create new arrays of changed data
     if ($result === TRUE) {
         // Success!
         $targetData['mail_status'] = MAIL_STATUS_SENT;
         $targetData['mail_send_date'] = time();
     } else {
         // Failure
         // If fail and still retries, downgrade priority
         if ($targetData['mail_status'] > MAIL_STATUS_PENDING) {
             $targetData['mail_status'] = max($targetData['mail_status'] - 1, MAIL_STATUS_PENDING);
             // One off retry count
             $targetData['mail_e107_priority'] = max($email['mail_e107_priority'] - 1, 1);
             // Downgrade priority to avoid clag-ups
         } else {
             $targetData['mail_status'] = MAIL_STATUS_FAILED;
             $this->currentBatchInfo['mail_togo_count'] = max($this->currentBatchInfo['mail_togo_count'] - 1, 0);
             $targetData['mail_send_date'] = time();
     if (isset($this->currentBatchInfo['mail_togo_count']) && $this->currentBatchInfo['mail_togo_count'] == 0) {
         $this->currentBatchInfo['mail_end_send'] = time();
         $this->currentBatchInfo['mail_content_status'] = MAIL_STATUS_SENT;
     // Update DB record, mail record with status (if changed). Must use different sql object
     if (count($targetData)) {
         $this->db2->update('mail_recipients', array('data' => $targetData, '_FIELD_TYPES' => $this->dbTypes['mail_recipients'], 'WHERE' => '`mail_target_id` = ' . intval($email['mail_target_id'])));
     if (count($this->currentBatchInfo)) {
         $this->db2->update('mail_content', array('data' => $this->currentBatchInfo, '_FIELD_TYPES' => $this->dbTypes['mail_content'], 'WHERE' => '`mail_source_id` = ' . intval($email['mail_source_id'])));
     if ($this->currentBatchInfo['mail_togo_count'] == 0 && $email['mail_notify_complete'] > 0) {
         $email = array_merge($email, $this->currentBatchInfo);
         // This should ensure the counters are up to date
         $mailInfo = LAN_MAILOUT_247 . '<br />' . LAN_TITLE . ': ' . $email['mail_title'] . '<br />' . LAN_MAILOUT_248 . $this->statusToText($email['mail_content_status']) . '<br />';
         $mailInfo .= '<br />' . LAN_MAILOUT_249 . '<br />';
         foreach ($this->mailCountFields as $f => $t) {
             $mailInfo .= $t . ' => ' . $email[$f] . '<br />';
         $mailInfo .= LAN_MAILOUT_250;
         $message = array('mail_subject' => LAN_MAILOUT_244 . $email['mail_subject'], 'mail_body' => $mailInfo . '<br />');
         if ($email['mail_notify_complete'] & 1) {
             if ($this->db2->select('user', 'user_name, user_email', '`user_id`=' . intval($email['mail_creator']))) {
                 $row = $this->db2->fetch();
                 e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($row['user_name'], $row['user_email'], $message, FALSE);
         if ($email['mail_notify_complete'] & 2) {
             require_once e_HANDLER . "notify_class.php";
             //	notify_maildone($message); // FIXME
         e107::getEvent()->trigger('maildone', $email);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 8
function sendTest()
    $log = e107::getAdminLog();
    $mes = e107::getMessage();
    if (trim($_POST['testaddress']) == '') {
        $mes->add(LAN_MAILOUT_19, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
        $subAction = 'error';
    } else {
        $mailheader_e107id = USERID;
        $pref = e107::pref('core');
        $add = $pref['mailer'] ? " (" . strtoupper($pref['mailer']) . ")" : ' (PHP)';
        $sendto = trim($_POST['testaddress']);
        $eml = array();
        $eml['email_subject'] = LAN_MAILOUT_113 . " " . SITENAME . $add;
        $eml['email_sender_email'] = null;
        $eml['email_sender_name'] = null;
        $eml['email_replyto'] = null;
        $eml['email_replytonames'] = null;
        $eml['send_html'] = true;
        $eml['add_html_header'] = null;
        $eml['email_body'] = str_replace("[br]", "<br>", LAN_MAILOUT_114);
        $eml['email_attach'] = null;
        $eml['template'] = 'default';
        $eml['e107_header'] = USERID;
        if (!e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($sendto, LAN_MAILOUT_189, $eml)) {
            $mes->addError($pref['mailer'] == 'smtp' ? LAN_MAILOUT_67 : LAN_MAILOUT_106);
        } else {
            $mes->addSuccess(LAN_MAILOUT_81 . ' (' . $sendto . ')');
            $log->log_event('MAIL_01', $sendto, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
Esempio n. 9
 function sendEmail()
     global $pref, $_E107;
     if ($_E107['debug']) {
         echo "<br />sendEmail() executed";
     //  require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php');
     $message = "Your Cron test worked correctly. Sent on " . date("r") . ".";
     $message .= "<h2>Environment Variables</h2>";
     $userCon = get_defined_constants(true);
     $userVars = array();
     foreach ($userCon['user'] as $k => $v) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 2) == 'e_') {
             $userVars[$k] = $v;
     $message .= "<h3>e107 PATHS</h3>";
     $message .= $this->renderTable($userVars);
     $message .= "<h3>_SERVER</h3>";
     $message .= $this->renderTable($_SERVER);
     $message .= "<h3>_ENV</h3>";
     $message .= $this->renderTable($_ENV);
     $eml = array('subject' => "TEST Email Sent by cron. " . date("r"), 'sender_name' => SITENAME . " Automation", 'html' => true, 'template' => 'default', 'body' => $message);
     e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($pref['siteadminemail'], $pref['siteadmin'], $eml);
     // sendemail($pref['siteadminemail'], "e107 - TEST Email Sent by cron.".date("r"), $message, $pref['siteadmin'],SITEEMAIL, $pref['siteadmin']);
Esempio n. 10
  * Read the Mail. 
  * @param object $iKlimit [optional]
  * @return string mail message
 function mailRead($iKlimit = 4096)
     $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
     if (!$fp) {
         $pref = e107::getPref();
         $eml = array('subject' => "Bounce-Handler-Error :", 'sender_email' => $pref['siteadminemail'], 'sender_name' => $pref['siteadmin'], 'html' => true, 'template' => 'default', 'body' => "Error - failed to read mail from STDIN! : " . __FILE__ . " (" . __LINE__ . ")");
         e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($pref['siteadminemail'], SITENAME . " :: Bounce-Handler.", $eml);
     // Create empty string for storing message
     $sEmail = "";
     $i_limit = 0;
     if ($iKlimit == -1) {
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $sEmail .= fread($fp, 1024);
     } else {
         while (!feof($fp) && $i_limit < $iKlimit) {
             $sEmail .= fread($fp, 1024);
     return $sEmail;