private static function init() { if (self::$keys == '') { if (!(self::$keys = cache::get('global-settings'))) { $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CACHE r_id id, r_section_id section, r_key name, r_value value, r_description description FROM <<register>>;'; self::$keys = db::q($sql, records); if (db::issetError()) { die; } // Записываем в кэш cache::set('global-settings', self::$keys); } } }
private function _accessToken() { require_once 'class.cacheFile.php'; $cache = new cache(); $access_token = $cache->get('access_token'); if ($access_token === NULL) { $url = "" . APPID . "&secret=" . AppSecrect; $status = $this->_httpRequest($url); $status = json_decode($status, true); //将对象转为数组 $access_token = $status['access_token']; $cache->set('access_token', $access_token, 7200); } return $access_token; }
public function useResultCache($timeout = 30, $params = null) { $cachekey = 'TinyORM-' . md5($this->sql); if ($params) { $cachekey .= md5(serialize($params)); } $cached = cache::get($cachekey); if ($cached === false) { $query = $this->connection->prepare($this->sql); $query->execute($params); $cached = $query->fetchAll(); cache::set($cachekey, $cached, $timeout); } return $cached; }
/** * Initializing i18n * * @param array $options */ public static function init($options = []) { do { self::$language_code = $options['language_code']; $where = " AND lc_translation_language_code = '{$options['language_code']}'"; // retrive data from cache $cache_id_file = $cache_id = 'numbers_backend_i18n_basic_base_' . $options['language_code']; // if we are including js translations if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '', $cache_id_file . '.js') !== false) { $where .= " AND lc_translation_javascript = 1"; $cache_id .= '_js'; } $cache = new cache(); $data = $cache->get($cache_id); if ($data !== false) { self::$data = !empty($data) ? $data : ['ids' => [], 'hashes' => []]; break; } // load data from database $sql = <<<TTT \t\t\t\tSELECT \t\t\t\t\tlc_translation_id id, \t\t\t\t\tlc_translation_text_sys sys, \t\t\t\t\tlc_translation_text_new new \t\t\t\tFROM lc_translations \t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1 \t\t\t\t\t{$where} TTT; $query_result = factory::model('numbers_backend_i18n_basic_model_translations')->db_object->query($sql); foreach ($query_result['rows'] as $k => $v) { if (strlen($v['sys']) > 40) { $v['sys'] = sha1($v['sys']); } self::$data['hashes'][$v['sys']] = $v['new']; self::$data['ids'][$v['id']] = $v['sys']; } // set the cache $cache->set($cache_id, self::$data, ['translations']); } while (0); // load js numbers_frontend_media_libraries_jssha_base::add(); layout::add_js('/numbers/media_submodules/numbers_backend_i18n_basic_media_js_i18n.js', 5001); layout::add_js('/numbers/backend/i18n/basic/controller/javascript/_js/' . $cache_id_file . '.js', 50000); // load data into cache return ['success' => 1, 'error' => []]; }
function tweets($username, $params = array()) { $defaults = array('limit' => 10, 'cache' => true, 'refresh' => 60 * 20); // add the username to the defaults array $defaults['username'] = $username; $options = array_merge($defaults, $params); // check the cache dir $cacheDir = c::get('root.cache') . '/tweets'; dir::make($cacheDir); // disable the cache if adding the cache dir failed if (!is_dir($cacheDir) || !is_writable($cacheDir)) { $options['cache'] = false; } // sanitize the limit if ($options['limit'] > 200) { $options['limit'] = 200; } // generate a unique cache ID $cacheID = 'tweets/tweets.' . md5($options['username']) . '.' . $options['limit'] . '.php'; if ($options['cache']) { $cache = cache::modified($cacheID) < time() - $options['refresh'] ? false : cache::get($cacheID); } else { $cache = false; } if (!empty($cache)) { return $cache; } $url = '' . $options['username'] . '&count=' . $options['limit']; $json = @file_get_contents($url); $data = str::parse($json); if (!$data) { return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($data as $tweet) { $user = $tweet['user']; $result[] = new tweet(array('url' => '' . $options['username'] . '/status/' . $tweet['id_str'], 'text' => $tweet['text'], 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'source' => $tweet['source'], 'user' => new obj(array('name' => $user['name'], 'bio' => $user['description'], 'username' => $user['screen_name'], 'url' => '' . $user['screen_name'], 'image' => '' . $user['screen_name'], 'following' => $user['friends_count'], 'followers' => $user['followers_count'])))); } $result = new obj($result); if ($options['cache']) { cache::set($cacheID, $result); } return $result; }
static function init() { if (isset($_SESSION['curUser']['name']) && $_SESSION['curUser']['name'] != 'none') { self::$isGuest = false; self::$isAdmin = $_SESSION['curUser']['isAdmin']; $key = 'user' . $_SESSION['curUser']['id']; if (!(self::$obj = cache::get($key))) { self::$obj = ormObjects::get($_SESSION['curUser']['id']); // Записываем в кэш cache::set($key, self::$obj); } /* self::$obj->last_visit = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); self::$obj->last_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; self::$obj->save(); */ //проверяем наличие кукисов если есть авторизуем } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['remember_me']) && $_COOKIE['remember_me'] != '') { //разбиваем строку по параметрам: 0 - id, 1 - browser hash, 2 - random hash $params = explode('-', $_COOKIE["remember_me"]); $user = ormObjects::get($params[0], 'user'); $confirmIP = strpos($user->last_ip, self::getIP(2)) === false; if (!$confirmIP && $params[1] == self::browserHash() && $params[2] == $user->remember_me) { self::$obj = $user; self::getRights(); self::$isAdmin = count(self::$right) == 0 ? false : true; self::$isGuest = false; self::updateSession($user->id, $user->login, $user->name, $user->email); self::$obj->last_visit = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); self::$obj->last_ip = self::getIP(); self::$obj->error_passw = 0; self::$obj->save(); system::log(lang::get('ENTER_USER_WITH_COOKIE'), info); } } } if (!isset($_SESSION['curUser']['name'])) { self::guestCreate(); } }
public static function proccessMessageEvent($_message) { switch ($_message->messageSchemeIdentifier()) { case 'sensor.basic': require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/schema/sensor.basic.class.php'; $list_event = basicSensor::parserMessage($_message); break; default: break; } if (is_array($list_event)) { foreach ($list_event as $event) { $cmd = xPLCmd::byId($event['cmd_id']); if ($cmd->getType() == 'info') { cache::set('xpl' . $cmd->getId(), $event['value']); } $cmd->event($event['value']); } } return; }
/** * Get information * * @param string $ip * @return array */ public function get($ip) { $ip = $ip . ''; // try to get IP information from cache $cache = new cache('db'); $cache_id = 'misc_ip_ipinfo_' . $ip; $data = $cache->get($cache_id); if ($data !== false) { return ['success' => true, 'error' => [], 'data' => $data]; } // if we need to query $json = file_get_contents("{$ip}/json"); $data = json_decode($json, true); if (isset($data['country'])) { $temp = explode(',', $data['loc']); $save = ['ip' => $ip, 'date' => format::now('date'), 'country' => $data['country'], 'region' => $data['region'], 'city' => $data['city'], 'postal' => $data['postal'], 'lat' => format::read_floatval($temp[0]), 'lon' => format::read_floatval($temp[1])]; $cache->set($cache_id, $save, ['misc_ip_ipinfo'], 604800); return ['success' => true, 'error' => [], 'data' => $save]; } else { return ['success' => false, 'error' => ['Could not decode IP address!'], 'data' => ['ip' => $ip]]; } }
function mod_dashboard() { global $config, $mod; $args = array(); $args['boards'] = listBoards(); if (hasPermission($config['mod']['noticeboard'])) { if (!$config['cache']['enabled'] || !($args['noticeboard'] = cache::get('noticeboard_preview'))) { $query = prepare("SELECT ``noticeboard``.*, `username` FROM ``noticeboard`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `mod` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :limit"); $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['noticeboard_dashboard'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $args['noticeboard'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set('noticeboard_preview', $args['noticeboard']); } } } if (!$config['cache']['enabled'] || ($args['unread_pms'] = cache::get('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id'])) === false) { $query = prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``pms`` WHERE `to` = :id AND `unread` = 1'); $query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id']); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $args['unread_pms'] = $query->fetchColumn(); if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id'], $args['unread_pms']); } } $query = prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total_reports` FROM ``reports``' . ($mod["type"] < GLOBALVOLUNTEER ? " WHERE board = :board" : "")); if ($mod['type'] < GLOBALVOLUNTEER) { $query->bindValue(':board', $mod['boards'][0]); } else { $query = prepare('SELECT (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM reports WHERE global = 0) AS total_reports, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM reports WHERE global = 1) AS global_reports'); } $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $row = $query->fetch(); $args['reports'] = $row['total_reports']; $args['global_reports'] = isset($row['global_reports']) ? $row['global_reports'] : false; $args['logout_token'] = make_secure_link_token('logout'); modLog('Looked at dashboard', false); mod_page(_('Dashboard'), 'mod/dashboard.html', $args); }
function DNS($host) { global $config; if ($config['cache']['enabled'] && ($ip_addr = cache::get('dns_' . $host))) { return $ip_addr != '?' ? $ip_addr : false; } if (!$config['dns_system']) { $ip_addr = gethostbyname($host); if ($ip_addr == $host) { $ip_addr = false; } } else { $resp = shell_exec_error('host -W 1 ' . $host); if (preg_match('/has address ([^\\s]+)$/', $resp, $m)) { $ip_addr = $m[1]; } else { $ip_addr = false; } } if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set('dns_' . $host, $ip_addr !== false ? $ip_addr : '?'); } return $ip_addr; }
public static function getUsbMapping($_name = '', $_getGPIO = false) { $cache = cache::byKey('jeedom::usbMapping'); if (!is_json($cache->getValue()) || $_name == '') { $usbMapping = array(); foreach (ls('/dev/', 'ttyUSB*') as $usb) { $vendor = ''; $model = ''; foreach (explode("\n", shell_exec('/sbin/udevadm info --name=/dev/' . $usb . ' --query=all')) as $line) { if (strpos($line, 'E: ID_MODEL=') !== false) { $model = trim(str_replace(array('E: ID_MODEL=', '"'), '', $line)); } if (strpos($line, 'E: ID_VENDOR=') !== false) { $vendor = trim(str_replace(array('E: ID_VENDOR=', '"'), '', $line)); } } if ($vendor == '' && $model == '') { $usbMapping['/dev/' . $usb] = '/dev/' . $usb; } else { $name = trim($vendor . ' ' . $model); $number = 2; while (isset($usbMapping[$name])) { $name = trim($vendor . ' ' . $model . ' ' . $number); $number++; } $usbMapping[$name] = '/dev/' . $usb; } } if ($_getGPIO) { if (file_exists('/dev/ttyAMA0')) { $usbMapping['Raspberry pi'] = '/dev/ttyAMA0'; } if (file_exists('/dev/ttymxc0')) { $usbMapping['Jeedom board'] = '/dev/ttymxc0'; } if (file_exists('/dev/S2')) { $usbMapping['Banana PI'] = '/dev/S2'; } if (file_exists('/dev/ttyS2')) { $usbMapping['Banana PI (2)'] = '/dev/ttyS2'; } if (file_exists('/dev/ttyS0')) { $usbMapping['Cubiboard'] = '/dev/ttyS0'; } foreach (ls('/dev/', 'ttyACM*') as $value) { $usbMapping['/dev/' . $value] = '/dev/' . $value; } } cache::set('jeedom::usbMapping', json_encode($usbMapping), 0); } else { $usbMapping = json_decode($cache->getValue(), true); } if ($_name != '') { if (isset($usbMapping[$_name])) { return $usbMapping[$_name]; } $usbMapping = self::getUsbMapping('', $_getGPIO); if (isset($usbMapping[$_name])) { return $usbMapping[$_name]; } if (file_exists($_name)) { return $_name; } return ''; } return $usbMapping; }
private static function _clientStyles() { $styles=array(); $dir=FLEX_APP_DIR_TPL."/".self::$config["template"]."/".self::$class; $file=FLEX_APP_DIR."/".$dir."/styles/".self::$class.".css"; $found=@file_exists($file); if(FLEX_APP_DIR_SRC && !$found) { $file=FLEX_APP_DIR_SRC.".core/".$file; $tplDir=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT."?feh-rsc-get=auto&path=/".FLEX_APP_DIR."/".$dir."/"; $found=@file_exists($file); } else { $tplDir=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT.FLEX_APP_DIR."/".$dir."/"; } $styles[]=array("class"=>self::$class,"ext"=>false,"file"=>$file,"found"=>$found,"name"=>self::$class,"tplDir"=>$tplDir);//ext - external script $len=count(self::$clStyles); for($cnt=0;$cnt<$len;$cnt++) { $item=array(); if(self::$clStyles[$cnt]["http"])continue; $item["class"]=self::$clStyles[$cnt]["class"]; if(self::$clStyles[$cnt]["link"]) { $path=explode("/",self::$clStyles[$cnt]["name"]); if(count($path))$name=array_pop($path); else $name=self::$clStyles[$cnt]["name"]; $item["ext"]=false; $item["file"]=self::$clStyles[$cnt]["name"]; $item["found"]=@file_exists($item["file"]); $item["name"]=$name; $item["tplDir"]=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT.implode("/",$path)."/"; } else { $tpl=(isset(self::$clStyles[$cnt]["tpl"])?self::$clStyles[$cnt]["tpl"]:self::$c->template()); $core=(isset(self::$clStyles[$cnt]["core"]) && self::$clStyles[$cnt]["core"]); $corePath=$core?(FLEX_APP_DIR."/"):""; $dir=FLEX_APP_DIR_TPL."/".$tpl."/".self::$clStyles[$cnt]["class"].self::$clStyles[$cnt]["admin"]; $file=$dir."/styles/".self::$clStyles[$cnt]["name"].".css"; $found=@file_exists($corePath.$file); if(FLEX_APP_DIR_SRC && !$found) { $file=FLEX_APP_DIR_SRC.($core?(".core/".FLEX_APP_DIR):(".classes/.".self::$clStyles[$cnt]["class"]))."/".$file; $tplDir=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT."?feh-rsc-get=auto&path=/".$corePath.$dir."/"; $found=@file_exists($file); } else { $tplDir=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT.$corePath.$dir."/"; } $item["ext"]=false; $item["file"]=$file; $item["found"]=$found; $item["name"]=self::$clStyles[$cnt]["name"]; $item["tplDir"]=$tplDir; } $styles[]=$item; } $dir=FLEX_APP_DIR_TPL."/".self::$config["template"]."/".self::$class; $file=FLEX_APP_DIR."/".$dir."/styles/ender.css"; $found=@file_exists($file); if(FLEX_APP_DIR_SRC && !$found) { $file=FLEX_APP_DIR_SRC.".core/".$file; $tplDir=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT."?feh-rsc-get=auto&path=/".FLEX_APP_DIR."/".$dir."/"; $found=@file_exists($file); } else { $tplDir=FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT.FLEX_APP_DIR."/".$dir."/"; } $styles[]=array("class"=>self::$class,"ext"=>false,"file"=>$file,"found"=>$found,"name"=>"ender","tplDir"=>$tplDir);//ext - external script //сохраняем список для css.php $md=md5(serialize($styles)); $url=cache::check(self::$class,$md,self::$config["cacheEvalCss"],"css"); if(!$url) { $cont=self::_buildStyleSheet($styles); if(!$cont)die("CSS render error."); $url=cache::set(self::$class,$md,self::$config["cacheEvalCss"],$cont,false,"css"); if(!$url)die("CSS render error."); } ?> <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo FLEX_APP_DIR_ROOT . $url; ?> " media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <? for($cnt=0;$cnt<$len;$cnt++) { if(self::$clStyles[$cnt]["http"]) { ?> <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo self::$clStyles[$cnt]["name"]; ?> " media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <? } } }
public function setCollect($collect) { if ($collect == 1) { cache::set('collect' . $this->getId(), $this->getId()); } else { cache::deleteBySearch('collect' . $this->getId()); } }
function load() { // initiate the site and make pages and page // globally available $pages = $this->pages; $page = $this->pages->active(); // check for ssl if (c::get('ssl')) { // if there's no https in the url if (!server::get('https')) { go(str_replace('http://', 'https://', $page->url())); } } // check for index.php in rewritten urls and rewrite them if (c::get('rewrite') && preg_match('!index.php\\/!i', $this->uri->original)) { go($page->url()); } // check for a misconfigured subfolder install if ($page->isErrorPage()) { // if you want to store subfolders in the homefolder for blog articles i.e. and you // want urls like you can set // RedirectMatch 301 ^/home/(.*)$ /$1 in your htaccess file and those // next lines will take care of delivering the right pages. $uri = c::get('home') . '/' . $this->uri->path(); if ($redirected = $this->pages()->find($uri)) { if ($redirected->uri() == $uri) { $page = $redirected; $this->pages->active = $page; $this->uri = new uri($uri); } } // try to rewrite broken translated urls // this will only work for default uris if (c::get('')) { $path = $this->uri->path->toArray(); $obj = $pages; $found = false; foreach ($path as $p) { // first try to find the page by uid $next = $obj->{'_' . $p}; if (!$next) { // go through each translation for each child page // and try to find the url_key or uid there foreach ($obj as $child) { foreach (c::get('lang.available') as $lang) { $c = $child->content($lang); // redirect to the url if a translated url has been found if ($c && $c->url_key() == $p && !$child->isErrorPage()) { $next = $child; } } } if (!$next) { break; } } $found = $next; $obj = $next->children(); } if ($found && !$found->isErrorPage()) { go($found->url()); } } } // redirect file urls (file:image.jpg) if ($this->uri->param('file')) { // get the local file $file = $page->files()->find($this->uri->param('file')); if ($file) { go($file->url()); } } // redirect /home to / if ($this->uri->path() == c::get('home')) { go(url()); } // redirect tinyurls if ($this->uri->path(1) == c::get('tinyurl.folder') && c::get('tinyurl.enabled')) { $hash = $this->uri->path(2); if (!empty($hash)) { $resolved = $this->pages->findByHash($hash)->first(); // redirect to the original page if ($resolved) { go(url($resolved->uri)); } } } // set the global template vars tpl::set('site', $this); tpl::set('pages', $pages); tpl::set('page', $page); $cacheID = $this->htmlCacheID(); $cacheModified = time(); $cacheData = null; if ($this->htmlCacheEnabled) { // check if the cache is disabled for some reason $this->htmlCacheEnabled = $page->isErrorPage() || in_array($page->uri(), c::get('cache.ignore', array())) ? false : true; // check for the last modified date of the cache file $cacheModified = cache::modified($cacheID); // check if the files have been modified // since the last html cache file has been written if ($this->htmlCacheEnabled && $cacheModified >= $this->modified) { $cacheData = cache::get($cacheID, true); } } // send a 404 header if this is the error page if ($page->isErrorPage() && c::get('404.header')) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); } if (empty($cacheData)) { // load the main template $html = tpl::load($page->template(), array(), true); if ($this->htmlCacheEnabled) { cache::set($cacheID, (string) $html, true); } } else { $html = $cacheData; } die($html); }
public function getWeatherFromYahooXml() { if ($this->getConfiguration('city') == '') { return false; } $cache = cache::byKey('yahooWeatherXml' . $this->getConfiguration('city')); if ($cache->getValue() === '' || $cache->getValue() == 'false') { $request = new com_http('' . urlencode($this->getConfiguration('city')) . '&u=c'); $xmlMeteo = $request->exec(5000, 0); cache::set('yahooWeatherXml' . $this->getConfiguration('city'), $xmlMeteo, 7200); } else { $xmlMeteo = $cache->getValue(); } return self::parseXmlWeather($xmlMeteo); }
$log['text'] = $_log; } else { $log['text'] = utf8tohtml($log['text']); $log['text'] = preg_replace('/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/', '<a href="?/IP/$1">$1</a>', $log['text']); if (isset($log['board'])) { if (preg_match('/post #(\\d+)/', $log['text'], $match)) { $post_query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `thread` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id", $log['board'])); $post_query->bindValue(':id', $match[1], PDO::PARAM_INT); $post_query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if ($post = $post_query->fetch()) { $log['text'] = preg_replace('/post (#(\\d+))/', 'post <a href="' . '?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $log['board']) . $config['dir']['res'] . ($post['thread'] ? sprintf($config['file_page'], $post['thread']) . '#' . $match[1] : sprintf($config['file_page'], $match[1])) . '">$1</a>', $log['text']); } else { $log['text'] = preg_replace('/post (#(\\d+))/', 'post <s>$1</s>', $log['text']); } if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set($log_id, $log['text']); } } } } $body .= '<tr>' . '<td class="minimal">' . ($log['username'] ? '<a href="?/new_PM/' . $log['id'] . '">' . $log['username'] . '</a>' : '<em>' . ($log['id'] < 0 ? 'system' : 'deleted?') . '</em>') . '</td>' . '<td class="minimal">' . ($log['id'] < 0 ? '–' : '<a href="?/IP/' . $log['ip'] . '">' . $log['ip'] . '</a>') . '</td>' . '<td class="minimal">' . ago($log['time']) . '</td>' . '<td class="minimal">' . ($log['board'] ? '<a href="?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $log['board']) . $config['file_index'] . '">' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $log['board']) . '</a></td>' : '-') . '<td>' . $log['text'] . '</td>' . '</tr>'; } $body .= '</table>'; $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `modlogs`"); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $count = $query->fetch(); $body .= '<p class="unimportant" style="text-align:center;word-wrap:break-word">'; for ($x = 0; $x < $count['count'] / $config['mod']['modlog_page']; $x++) { $body .= '<a href="?/log/' . ($x + 1) . '">[' . ($x + 1) . ']</a> '; } $body .= '</p>';
/** * Constructor. Loads the data from the Instagram API. * @param string The access token. * @param integer The number of shots that will be loaded. * @param boolean Chache enabled. * @param integer How many seconds until the cache expires. * @param string The user-id of the user or 'self' for your own account. */ function __construct($_token = '', $_count = 10, $_cache = true, $_cache_expire = 3600, $_user = '******') { // Init $this->images = array(); $this->user = new stdClass(); // Check if a token is provided if (trim($_token) != '') { // Construct the API url… // $url = "{$_user}/media/recent/?access_token={$_token}&count={$_count}"; // Create cache directory if it doesn't exist yet if ($_cache) { dir::make(c::get('root.cache') . '/instagram'); } $images_cache_id = 'instagram/images.' . md5($_token) . '.' . $_count . '.php'; $images_cache_data = false; // Try to fetch data from cache if ($_cache) { $images_cache_data = cache::modified($images_cache_id) < time() - $_cache_expire ? false : cache::get($images_cache_id); } // Load data from the API if the cache expired or the cache is empty if (empty($images_cache_data)) { $data = $this->fetch_data($url); $photos = json_decode($data); // Set new data for the cache if ($_cache) { cache::set($images_cache_id, $photos); } } else { $photos = $images_cache_data; } // Process the images for ($i = 0; $i < $_count; $i++) { if (isset($photos->data[$i]) && count($photos->data) > 0) { // Get the user's data from the first image if ($i == 0) { $this->user->username = $photos->data[$i]->user->username; $this->user->full_name = $photos->data[$i]->user->full_name; $this->user->picture = $photos->data[$i]->user->profile_picture; } // create a new object for each image $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->link = $photos->data[$i]->link; $obj->comments = @$photos->data[$i]->comments->count; $obj->likes = @$photos->data[$i]->likes->count; $obj->created = $photos->data[$i]->created_time; $obj->thumb = @$photos->data[$i]->images->thumbnail->url; $obj->url = @$photos->data[$i]->images->standard_resolution->url; $obj->image_lowres = @$photos->data[$i]->images->low_resolution->url; $obj->filter = $photos->data[$i]->filter; $obj->location = @$photos->data[$i]->location->name; $obj->latitude = @$photos->data[$i]->location->latitude; $obj->longitude = @$photos->data[$i]->location->longitude; $obj->tags = array(); // attach the new object to the array $this->images[$i] = $obj; // Process tags for ($j = 0; $j < count($photos->data[$i]->tags); $j++) { $this->images[$i]->tags[$j] = $photos->data[$i]->tags[$j]; } } } } else { throw new Exception('$_token MUST be set!'); } }
/** * Constructor. Loads the data from Dribbble when the object is constructed. * @param string $_username The username of the player. * @param integer $_number_of_shots The number of shots that will be loaded. * @param boolean $_fetch_likes If the likes of the user should be fetched in a second call. * @param integer If <code>$_fetch_likes</code> is <code>true</code>, then how many likes should be fetched. * @param boolean $cache Enable/disable caching. Cache is enabled by default * @param integer $refresh Seconds before the cache will be refreshed. Default is in hour (3600 seconds) */ function __construct($_username = "******", $_number_of_shots = 3, $_fetch_likes = false, $_number_of_likes = 3, $cache = true, $refresh = 3600) { // Init $this->username = $_username; $this->shots = array(); $this->likes = array(); $this->player = null; // Build URLs $base_url = "" . $this->username; $shots_url = $base_url . "/shots"; $likes_url = $base_url . "/likes"; // create the cache directory if not there yet if ($cache) { dir::make(c::get('root.cache') . '/dribbble'); } // Process the data if ($_number_of_shots > 0) { // define a cache id $shots_cache_id = 'dribbble/shots.' . md5($this->username) . '.' . $_number_of_shots . '.php'; $shots_cache_data = false; // try to fetch the data from cache if ($cache) { $shots_cache_data = cache::modified($shots_cache_id) < time() - $refresh ? false : cache::get($shots_cache_id); } // if there's no data in the cache, load shots from the Dribbble API if (empty($shots_cache_data)) { $all_shots = $this->fetch_data($shots_url); $all_shots = json_decode($all_shots); $all_shots = $all_shots->shots; if ($cache) { cache::set($shots_cache_id, $all_shots); } } else { $all_shots = $shots_cache_data; } // Only proceed if there is at least one shot. // If there's no shot, then player data can't be extracted from this API call // and must be extracted via /players/:id/ (maybe I'll implement that later) if (count($all_shots) > 0) { // Load shots data for ($i = 0; $i < $_number_of_shots; $i++) { if (!is_null($all_shots[$i])) { $this->shots[$i]->id = $all_shots[$i]->id; $this->shots[$i]->title = $all_shots[$i]->title; $this->shots[$i]->url = $all_shots[$i]->url; $this->shots[$i]->short_url = $all_shots[$i]->short_url; $this->shots[$i]->image = $all_shots[$i]->image_url; $this->shots[$i]->likes = $all_shots[$i]->likes_count; $this->shots[$i]->views = $all_shots[$i]->views_count; $this->shots[$i]->rebounds = $all_shots[$i]->rebounds_count; $this->shots[$i]->comments = $all_shots[$i]->comments_count; $this->shots[$i]->created = $all_shots[$i]->created_at; } } // Process player data $this->player->id = $all_shots[0]->player->id; $this->player->name = $all_shots[0]->player->name; $this->player->username = $all_shots[0]->player->username; $this->player->url = $all_shots[0]->player->url; $this->player->avatar_url = $all_shots[0]->player->avatar_url; $this->player->twitter = $all_shots[0]->player->twitter_screen_name; $this->player->location = $all_shots[0]->player->location; $this->player->followers = $all_shots[0]->player->followers_count; $this->player->following = $all_shots[0]->player->following_count; $this->player->likes = $all_shots[0]->player->likes_count; } } // Fetch all likes of the user (needs another API call). // If you only want to fetch the likes, not the shots, then set <code>$_number_of_shots</code> to <code>0</code>. if ($_fetch_likes && $_number_of_likes > 0) { // define a cache id $likes_cache_id = 'dribbble/likes.' . md5($this->username) . '.' . $_number_of_likes . '.php'; $likes_cache_data = false; // try to fetch the data from cache if ($cache) { $likes_cache_data = cache::modified($likes_cache_id) < time() - $refresh ? false : cache::get($likes_cache_id); } // if there's no data in the cache, load likes from the Dribbble API if (empty($likes_cache_data)) { $all_likes = $this->fetch_data($likes_url); $all_likes = json_decode($all_likes); $all_likes = $all_likes->shots; if ($cache) { cache::set($likes_cache_id, $all_likes); } } else { $all_likes = $likes_cache_data; } // Process likes for ($i = 0; $i < $_number_of_likes; $i++) { if (!is_null($all_likes[$i])) { $this->likes[$i]->id = $all_likes[$i]->id; $this->likes[$i]->title = $all_likes[$i]->title; $this->likes[$i]->url = $all_likes[$i]->url; $this->likes[$i]->short_url = $all_likes[$i]->short_url; $this->likes[$i]->image = $all_likes[$i]->image_url; $this->likes[$i]->likes = $all_likes[$i]->likes_count; $this->likes[$i]->views = $all_likes[$i]->views_count; $this->likes[$i]->rebounds = $all_likes[$i]->rebounds_count; $this->likes[$i]->comments = $all_likes[$i]->comments_count; $this->likes[$i]->created = $all_likes[$i]->created_at; // Process the user the like belongs to $this->likes[$i]->player->id = $all_likes[$i]->player->id; $this->likes[$i]->player->name = $all_likes[$i]->player->name; $this->likes[$i]->player->username = $all_likes[$i]->player->username; $this->likes[$i]->player->url = $all_likes[$i]->player->url; $this->likes[$i]->player->avatar_url = $all_likes[$i]->player->avatar_url; $this->likes[$i]->player->twitter = $all_likes[$i]->player->twitter_screen_name; $this->likes[$i]->player->location = $all_likes[$i]->player->location; $this->likes[$i]->player->followers = $all_likes[$i]->player->followers_count; $this->likes[$i]->player->following = $all_likes[$i]->player->following_count; $this->likes[$i]->player->likes = $all_likes[$i]->player->likes_count; } } } }
function create_pm_header() { global $mod, $config; if ($config['cache']['enabled'] && ($header = cache::get('pm_unread_' . $mod['id'])) != false) { if ($header === true) { return false; } return $header; } $query = prepare("SELECT `id` FROM ``pms`` WHERE `to` = :id AND `unread` = 1"); $query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if ($pm = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $header = array('id' => $pm['id'], 'waiting' => $query->rowCount() - 1); } else { $header = true; } if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set('pm_unread_' . $mod['id'], $header); } if ($header === true) { return false; } return $header; }
public function headnav($roleid) { $adminheav = 'admin_heav' . '_' . $roleid; if (is_cache($adminheav, 'admin/admin_heav')) { echo cache::get($adminheav, 'admin/admin_heav'); } else { $markarr = model('admin_menu')->where('roleid', $roleid)->leftjoin('admin_role_priv', 'admin_menu.menuid', 'admin_role_priv.menuid')->select('markname')->group('markname')->query(); if ($roleid == 1) { $markarr = model('admin_menu')->leftjoin('admin_role_priv', 'admin_menu.menuid', 'admin_role_priv.menuid')->select('markname')->group('markname')->query(); } else { $markarr = model('admin_menu')->where('roleid', $roleid)->leftjoin('admin_role_priv', 'admin_menu.menuid', 'admin_role_priv.menuid')->select('markname')->group('markname')->query(); } $nav = array(); foreach ($markarr as $mark) { //print_r($mark); if ($mark['markname'] == 'index') { $nav[$mark['markname']] = '<li class="nav-item dl-selected"><div class="nav-item-inner nav-home">我的面板</div></li>'; } if ($mark['markname'] == 'content') { $nav[$mark['markname']] = '<li class="nav-item"><div class="nav-item-inner nav-order">内容管理</div></li>'; } // if ($mark['markname'] == 'module') // $nav[$mark['markname']] = '<li class="nav-item"><div class="nav-item-inner nav-package">模块管理</div></li>'; if ($mark['markname'] == 'package') { $nav[$mark['markname']] = '<li class="nav-item"><div class="nav-item-inner nav-inventory">拓展管理</div></li>'; } if ($mark['markname'] == 'member') { $nav[$mark['markname']] = '<li class="nav-item"><div class="nav-item-inner nav-user">用户管理</div></li>'; } } //print_r($nav); $headnav = ''; $headnav .= isset($nav['index']) ? $nav['index'] : ''; $headnav .= isset($nav['content']) ? $nav['content'] : ''; // $headnav .= isset($nav['module']) ? $nav['module'] : ''; //隐藏掉 // $headnav .= isset($nav['member']) ? $nav['member'] : ''; $headnav .= isset($nav['package']) ? $nav['package'] : ''; echo $headnav; cache::set($adminheav, $headnav, 'admin/admin_heav'); } }
function countarchiveformcategory($catid) { $cache_id=md5('countarchiveformtype'.$catid); $cache=cache::get($cache_id); if (isset($cache)) $count=$cache; else $count=archive::countarchiveformcategory($catid); if (cache::set($cache_id,$count,60)) ; return $count; }
public function toHtml($_version) { if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM cache WHERE `key`="scenarioHtml' . $_version . $this->getId() . '"'; $result = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); if ($result['value'] != '') { return $result['value']; } $_version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#state#' => $this->getState(), '#isActive#' => $this->getIsActive(), '#name#' => $this->getDisplay('name') != '' ? $this->getDisplay('name') : $this->getHumanName(), '#icon#' => $this->getIcon(), '#lastLaunch#' => $this->getLastLaunch(), '#scenarioLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration()); if (!isset(self::$_templateArray)) { self::$_templateArray = array(); } if (!isset(self::$_templateArray[$_version])) { self::$_templateArray[$_version] = getTemplate('core', $_version, 'scenario'); } $html = template_replace($replace, self::$_templateArray[$_version]); cache::set('scenarioHtml' . $_version . $this->getId(), $html, 0); return $html; }
public function actionSetcache() { $cache = new \cache(); $cacheKey = 'myframe_k1'; return $cache->set($cacheKey, 'xuyonglin', 30); }
if (!$page->title && $mod != 'home') { if ($msg[$mod]) { $page->title = $msg[$mod]; } if ($_GET['phrase']) { $page->title = $_GET['phrase'] . ' ~ ' . $page->title; } } $title = $page->title ? $page->title . ' ~ ' . $title : $title; $keywords = $page->get_keywords(); $description = $page->get_description(); $padding_top = $mod == 'home' ? 70 : 50; foreach ($vars as $var) { $cachedData[$var] = ${$var}; } $cache->set($cachedData); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $title; ?> </title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="zmQCyhcE8Z9CoamZld4k96jVIhDONOmLkiQeFJWjK-w" /> <?php if ($keywords) {
public function get($idService, $params) { //dd($this->getCacheTimeToServices($idService)); $cache = new cache(); $idCache = $idService . var_export($params, true); $result = $cache->get($idCache, $this->getCacheTimeToServices($idService)); if (is_null($result)) { $data = array_merge($this->commonData, $params); $url = $this->urlService($idService); // use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://... $options = array('http' => array('header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query($data)), 'ssl' => array('verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false)); $context = stream_context_create($options); $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); //d($url,$data); //dd($result); if ($result === false) { throw new NotResponseRemoteServiceException("The remote service [{$idService}] is not responding. Fail read content {$url}"); } //header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo($result);die(); $result = json_decode($result, 1); switch ($idService) { case 'GetEstimatesIncident': /* Parche GetEstimatesIncident cuando en stop/stopLines/data llega un único elemento y no llega como array */ if (isset($result['stop']) && is_array($result['stop']['stopLines']['data']) && !isset($result['stop']['stopLines']['data'][0])) { $tmp = $result['stop']['stopLines']['data']; unset($result['stop']['stopLines']['data']); $result['stop']['stopLines']['data'] = array($tmp); } // Llegadas if (isset($result['arrives']) && is_array($result['arrives']['arriveEstimationList']['arrive']) && is_null($result['arrives']['arriveEstimationList']['arrive'][0])) { $tmp = $result['arrives']['arriveEstimationList']['arrive']; unset($result['arrives']['arriveEstimationList']['arrive']); $result['arrives']['arriveEstimationList']['arrive'] = array($tmp); } break; case 'GetArriveStop': /* Parche GetArriveStop cuando sólo llega un único elemento y no llega como array, sustituido por GetEstimatesIncident*/ if (is_array($result['arrives']) && is_null($result['arrives'][0])) { $tmp = $result['arrives']; unset($result['arrives']); $result['arrives'] = array($tmp); } break; case 'getStopsFromXY': /* Parche getStopsFromXY cuando en lines sólo llega un único elemento y no llega como array */ if (is_array($result['stop'])) { foreach ($result['stop'] as $key => $stop) { if (!isset($stop['line'][0]['line'])) { $tmp = $stop['line']; unset($result['stop'][$key]['line']); $result['stop'][$key]['line'] = array($tmp); } } } /* Precalcular distancias */ if (is_array($result['stop'])) { foreach ($result['stop'] as $key => $stop) { $result['stop'][$key]['distance'] = units::distance($result['latitude'], $result['longitude'], $stop['latitude'], $stop['longitude']); } } # code... break; } if ($this->getCacheTimeToServices($idService) != 0) { // -1 force refresh cache $cache->set($idCache, serialize($result)); } } else { $result = unserialize($result); } // Add timestamp info $result['timestamp'] = $cache->getTimeStamp(); //echo (date(DATE_ATOM, $cache->getTimeStamp())); //d($result); return $result; }
function mod_dashboard() { global $config, $mod; $args = array(); $args['boards'] = listBoards(); if (hasPermission($config['mod']['noticeboard'])) { if (!$config['cache']['enabled'] || !($args['noticeboard'] = cache::get('noticeboard_preview'))) { $query = prepare("SELECT ``noticeboard``.*, `username` FROM ``noticeboard`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `mod` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :limit"); $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['noticeboard_dashboard'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $args['noticeboard'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set('noticeboard_preview', $args['noticeboard']); } } } if (!$config['cache']['enabled'] || ($args['unread_pms'] = cache::get('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id'])) === false) { $query = prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``pms`` WHERE `to` = :id AND `unread` = 1'); $query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id']); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $args['unread_pms'] = $query->fetchColumn(); if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::set('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id'], $args['unread_pms']); } } $query = query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``reports``') or error(db_error($query)); $args['reports'] = $query->fetchColumn(); if ($mod['type'] >= ADMIN && $config['check_updates']) { if (!$config['version']) { error(_('Could not find current version! (Check .installed)')); } if (isset($_COOKIE['update'])) { $latest = unserialize($_COOKIE['update']); } else { $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 5))); if ($code = @file_get_contents('', 0, $ctx)) { $ver = strtok($code, "\n"); if (preg_match('@^// v(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\s*?$@', $ver, $matches)) { $latest = array('massive' => $matches[1], 'major' => $matches[2], 'minor' => $matches[3]); if (preg_match('/v(\\d+)\\.(\\d)\\.(\\d+)(-dev.+)?$/', $config['version'], $matches)) { $current = array('massive' => (int) $matches[1], 'major' => (int) $matches[2], 'minor' => (int) $matches[3]); if (isset($m[4])) { // Development versions are always ahead in the versioning numbers $current['minor']--; } // Check if it's newer if (!($latest['massive'] > $current['massive'] || $latest['major'] > $current['major'] || $latest['massive'] == $current['massive'] && $latest['major'] == $current['major'] && $latest['minor'] > $current['minor'])) { $latest = false; } } else { $latest = false; } } else { // Couldn't get latest version $latest = false; } } else { // Couldn't get latest version $latest = false; } setcookie('update', serialize($latest), time() + $config['check_updates_time'], $config['cookies']['jail'] ? $config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off', true); } if ($latest) { $args['newer_release'] = $latest; } } $args['logout_token'] = make_secure_link_token('logout'); mod_page(_('Dashboard'), 'mod/dashboard.html', $args); }
/** * Sends a key => value pair to the cache. * * <code> * // This code will add four entries to the cache, one for each url. * $cache->set('main', ''); * $cache->set('docs', ''); * $cache->set('tracker', ''); * $cache->set('qa', ''); * </code> * * @param string|int $key The key for the data being requested. * @param mixed $data The data to set against the key. * @return bool True on success, false otherwise. */ public function set($key, $data) { if ($this->requirelockingwrite && !$this->acquire_lock($key)) { return false; } $result = parent::set($key, $data); if ($this->requirelockingwrite && !$this->release_lock($key)) { debugging('Failed to release cache lock on set operation... this should not happen.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } return $result; }
function core_getLink($text, $action = False, $img = False, $resetCount = False, $returnButtonOnly = False) { global $core_getLinkCount; if ($_GET["modal"] == 'yes') { return ''; } $cache = new cache(); $cache->ignoreKey = True; if ($resetCount) { $core_getLinkCount = 0; $cache->reset('core_getLink'); } $cache->wasSet('core_getLink', $text); $cache->set($action); $core_getLinkCount++; if ($action) { if (file_exists("../{$action}") && !file_exists("{$action}")) { $action = "../{$action}"; } } $button = "[ " . ($img ? "<img src='{$img}' border='0' alt='' valign='botton'>" : "") . eregi_replace(" ", " ", "{$text} ] "); if ($returnButtonOnly) { return " " . $button; } else { return x("span class='only_online'", " " . x("a class='core_a' href='" . eregi_replace("'", '"', $action) . "'", $button)); } }
function load() { // initiate the site and make pages and page // globally available $pages = $this->pages; $page = $this->pages->active(); // check for ssl if (c::get('ssl')) { // if there's no https in the url if (!server::get('https')) { go(str_replace('http://', 'https://', $page->url())); } } // check for a misconfigured subfolder install if ($page->isErrorPage()) { // get the subfolder in which the site is running $subfolder = ltrim(dirname(server::get('script_name')), '/'); // if it is running in a subfolder and it does not match the config // send an error with some explanations how to fix that if (!empty($subfolder) && c::get('subfolder') != $subfolder) { // this main url $url = 'http://' . server::get('http_host') . '/' . $subfolder; require_once c::get('root.kirby') . '/modals/subfolder.php'; exit; } } // redirect file urls (file:image.jpg) if ($this->uri->param('file')) { // get the local file $file = $page->files()->find($this->uri->param('file')); if ($file) { go($file->url()); } } // redirect /home to / if ($this->uri->path() == c::get('home')) { go(url()); } // redirect tinyurls if ($this->uri->path(1) == c::get('tinyurl.folder') && c::get('tinyurl.enabled')) { $hash = $this->uri->path(2); if (!empty($hash)) { $resolved = $this->pages->findByHash($hash)->first(); // redirect to the original page if ($resolved) { go(url($resolved->uri)); } } } // set the global template vars tpl::set('site', $this); tpl::set('pages', $pages); tpl::set('page', $page); $cacheID = $this->uri->toCacheID() . '.php'; $cacheModified = time(); $cacheData = null; if ($this->htmlCacheEnabled) { // check if the cache is disabled for some reason $this->htmlCacheEnabled = $page->isErrorPage() || in_array($page->uri(), c::get('cache.ignore', array())) ? false : true; // check for the last modified date of the cache file $cacheModified = cache::modified($cacheID); // check if the files have been modified // since the last html cache file has been written if ($this->htmlCacheEnabled && $cacheModified >= $this->modified) { $cacheData = cache::get($cacheID, true); } } if (empty($cacheData)) { // load the main template $html = tpl::load($page->template(), false, true); if ($this->htmlCacheEnabled) { cache::set($cacheID, (string) $html, true); } } else { $html = $cacheData; } die($html); }
/** * Saves the session data. * * This function also updates the last access time. * * @param array $session * @return bool */ protected function save_session(array $session) { $session['lastaccess'] = time(); $this->session = $session; return parent::set($this->sessionid, $this->session); }