Esempio n. 1
$tpl->assign('enableCacheNote', $login->userid != 0);
/* Logentries */
/* begin insertion/change Uwe 20091215 for printing purposes
	   reworked on 20100106 for better performance after Olivers intervention
// See how many logs are in the db for the cache if logprinting is selected
// If not or just five logs may printed, the system will set this fixed values for calling the DB.
$rscount = 99;
//Preset the value
$rsreturn = array(88);
//Preset the value
if (isset($_REQUEST['log']) && $_REQUEST['log'] == 'N') {
    $rscount = 0;
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['log']) && $_REQUEST['log'] == 'A') {
    $rsreturn = cache::getLogsCount($cacheid);
    $rscount = current($rsreturn);
} else {
    $rscount = 5;
$tpl->assign('logcount', $rscount);
$logs = cache::getLogsArray($cacheid, 0, $rscount);
if (isset($logs[$rscount - 1])) {
    unset($logs[$rscount - 1]);
    $tpl->assign('showalllogs', true);
$loganz = sizeof($logs);
$tpl->assign('logs', $logs);
$tpl->assign('loganz', $loganz);
/*end insertion Uwe 20091215*/
/* nature protection areas
Esempio n. 2
$tpl->assign('enableCacheNote', $login->userid != 0);
/* Logentries */
/* begin insertion/change Uwe 20091215 for printing purposes
	   reworked on 20100106 for better performance after Olivers intervention
	   rewritten 2012-07-22 following for bugfix, first log was lost in print
if (isset($_REQUEST['log'])) {
    switch ($_REQUEST['log']) {
        case 'N':
            $rscount = 0;
        case 'A':
            $rscount = current(cache::getLogsCount($cacheid));
            // This option is also used when referencing logs, e.g. from log lists
            // and picture galleries.
            // This is currently used only for the print view function
            // with parameters 5 or 10.
            if ($_REQUEST['log'] >= 0 && $_REQUEST['log'] <= 100) {
                $rscount = $_REQUEST['log'] + 0;
$logs = cache::getLogsArray($cacheid, 0, $rscount + 1);
if (isset($logs[$rscount])) {
    $tpl->assign('morelogs', true);