Esempio n. 1
 public function testPDOTypesToShowTheDodginessOfNotBeingAbleToGetNumbersOut()
     $wukka = ZurmoRedBean::dispense('wukka');
     $wukka->integer = 69;
     $id = $wukka->id;
     $pdo = new PDO(Yii::app()->db->connectionString, Yii::app()->db->username, Yii::app()->db->password);
     // Not Coding Standard
     $statement = $pdo->prepare('select version() as version;');
     $rows = $statement->fetchAll();
     $mysqlVersion = substr($rows[0]['version'], 0, 3);
     $phpVersion = substr(phpversion(), 0, 5);
     // These is what we are interested in. They seem to be ignored in
     // php 5.3 with mysql 5.1, but works in php 5.3.6 & mysql 5.5.
     // Both are needed to be set false.
     // Whether it is the newer php version or the newer mysql version
     // or both together, and at exactly which versions it works is
     // unknown. That is for some future investigation.
     $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false);
     $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
     $wukka = ZurmoRedBean::load('wukka', $id);
     $statement = $pdo->prepare('select * from wukka;');
     $rows = $statement->fetchAll();
     if (($phpVersion == '5.3.6' || $phpVersion == '5.3.5' || $phpVersion == '5.5.2') && $mysqlVersion == '5.5') {
         $this->assertEquals('integer', gettype($rows[0]['integer']));
         // Good! This is what we want!!!
         $this->assertEquals('string', gettype($wukka->integer));
         // Dodgy!!!
     } else {
         $this->assertEquals('string', gettype($rows[0]['integer']));
         // Dodgy!!!
         $this->assertEquals('string', gettype($wukka->integer));
         // Dodgy!!!
 public function getTableName(RedBean_OODBBean $bean = null)
     if ($bean == null) {
         $modelClassName = $this->modelClassName;
         $bean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($modelClassName::getTableName());
     $types = array($this->bean->getMeta("type"), $bean->getMeta("type"));
     return static::resolveTableNamesWithLinkName($types, $this->linkName);
  * Sets a configuration entry.
  * @param $user id
  * @param $moduleName A non-empty string identifying the module to which
  * the configuration entry belongs.
  * @param $key A non-empty string identifying the configuration entry.
  * @param $value The value to store, of whatever desired type.
 public static function set($userId, $moduleName, $key, $value)
     assert('$userId != null && is_int($userId)');
     assert('$moduleName != ""');
     assert('$key        != ""');
     try {
         $bean = UserConfiguration::getBean($userId, $moduleName, $key);
     } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
         $bean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense(UserConfiguration::getTableName());
         $bean->userId = $userId;
         $bean->moduleName = $moduleName;
         $bean->key = $key;
     $bean->value = $value;
Esempio n. 4
 public function actionCreateDemoImportForAnalysis($firstRowIsHeaderRow = true)
     if (!Group::isUserASuperAdministrator(Yii::app()->user->userModel)) {
         throw new NotSupportedException();
     $import = new Import();
     $serializedData['importRulesType'] = 'Accounts';
     $mappingData = array('column_0' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'name', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_1' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'officePhone', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_2' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'officeFax', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_3' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'employees', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_4' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'annualRevenue', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_5' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'description', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_6' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => 'website', 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array('DefaultValueModelAttributeMappingRuleForm' => array('defaultValue' => null))), 'column_7' => array('attributeIndexOrDerivedType' => null, 'type' => 'importColumn', 'mappingRulesData' => array()));
     $serializedData['mappingData'] = $mappingData;
     $serializedData['rowColumnDelimiter'] = ',';
     // Not Coding Standard
     $serializedData['rowColumnEnclosure'] = '"';
     $serializedData['firstRowIsHeaderRow'] = $firstRowIsHeaderRow;
     $import->serializedData = serialize($serializedData);
     $saved = $import->save();
     if (!$saved) {
         throw new FailedToSaveModelException();
     $this->createImportTempTable(8, $import->getTempTableName());
     //Make header row
     if ($firstRowIsHeaderRow) {
         $newBean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($import->getTempTableName());
         $newBean->column_0 = 'Header #1';
         $newBean->column_1 = 'Header #2';
         $newBean->column_2 = 'Header #3';
         $newBean->column_3 = 'Header #4';
         $newBean->column_4 = 'Header #5';
         $newBean->column_5 = 'Header #6';
         $newBean->column_6 = 'Header #7';
         $newBean->column_7 = 'Header #8';
     //Make data rows that are clean
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $newBean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($import->getTempTableName());
         $newBean->column_0 = 'aa1' . $i;
         $newBean->column_1 = 'aa2' . $i;
         $newBean->column_2 = 'aa3' . $i;
         $newBean->column_3 = 'aa4' . $i;
         $newBean->column_4 = 'aa5' . $i;
         $newBean->column_5 = 'aa6' . $i;
         $newBean->column_6 = 'aa7' . $i;
         $newBean->column_7 = 'aa8' . $i;
         $newBean->analysisStatus = ImportDataAnalyzer::STATUS_CLEAN;
         $analysisData = array();
         $analysisData['column_0'] = array();
         $analysisData['column_0'][] = 'a test message 1';
         $analysisData['column_0'][] = 'a test message 2';
         $analysisData['column_2'] = array();
         $analysisData['column_2'][] = 'a test message 1';
         $analysisData['column_2'][] = 'a test message 2';
         $newBean->serializedAnalysisMessages = serialize($analysisData);
     //Make data rows that have a warning
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $newBean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($import->getTempTableName());
         $newBean->column_0 = 'ba1' . $i;
         $newBean->column_1 = 'ba2' . $i;
         $newBean->column_2 = 'ba3' . $i;
         $newBean->column_3 = 'ba4' . $i;
         $newBean->column_4 = 'ba5' . $i;
         $newBean->column_5 = 'ba6' . $i;
         $newBean->column_6 = 'ba7' . $i;
         $newBean->column_7 = 'ba8' . $i;
         $newBean->analysisStatus = ImportDataAnalyzer::STATUS_WARN;
         $analysisData = array();
         $analysisData['column_0'] = array();
         $analysisData['column_0'][] = 'a test message 1';
         $analysisData['column_0'][] = 'a test message 2';
         $analysisData['column_2'] = array();
         $analysisData['column_2'][] = 'a test message 1';
         $analysisData['column_2'][] = 'a test message 2';
         $newBean->serializedAnalysisMessages = serialize($analysisData);
     //Make data rows that are skipped
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $newBean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($import->getTempTableName());
         $newBean->column_0 = 'ca1' . $i;
         $newBean->column_1 = 'ca2' . $i;
         $newBean->column_2 = 'ca3' . $i;
         $newBean->column_3 = 'ca4' . $i;
         $newBean->column_4 = 'ca5' . $i;
         $newBean->column_5 = 'ca6' . $i;
         $newBean->column_6 = 'ca7' . $i;
         $newBean->column_7 = 'ca8' . $i;
         $newBean->analysisStatus = ImportDataAnalyzer::STATUS_SKIP;
         $analysisData = array();
         $analysisData['column_0'] = array();
         $analysisData['column_0'][] = 'a test message 1';
         $analysisData['column_0'][] = 'a test message 2';
         $analysisData['column_2'] = array();
         $analysisData['column_2'][] = 'a test message 1';
         $analysisData['column_2'][] = 'a test message 2';
         $newBean->serializedAnalysisMessages = serialize($analysisData);
     echo 'the import id is: ' . $import->id;
Esempio n. 5
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean
  * @param bool $setDefaults
 protected function constructDerived($bean, $setDefaults)
     assert('$bean === null || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
     // Does a subset of what RedBeanModel::__construct does
     // in order to mix in the Person - this is metadata wise,
     // User doesn't get any functionality from Person.
     $modelClassName = 'Person';
     $tableName = $modelClassName::getTableName();
     if ($bean === null) {
         $personBean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($tableName);
     } else {
         $userBean = $this->getClassBean('User');
         $personBean = ZurmoRedBeanLinkManager::getBean($userBean, $tableName);
         assert('$personBean !== null');
     //This is a hack to recover from a bug we cannot figure out how to solve.
     //Rarely the person attributes are not part of the user, memcache needs to be restarted to solve this
     //problem as you can't use the system once this occurs. this check below will clear the specific cache
     //that causes this. Still need to figure out what is setting the cache wrong to begin with
     if (!static::isAnAttribute('lastName')) {
     $this->setClassBean($modelClassName, $personBean);
     $this->mapAndCacheMetadataAndSetHints($modelClassName, $personBean);
     parent::constructDerived($bean, $setDefaults);
  * Constructs a new model.
  * Important:
  * Models are only constructed with beans by the RedBeanModel. Beans are
  * never used by the application directly.
  * The application can construct a new model object by constructing a
  * model without specifying a bean. In other words, if Php had
  * overloading a constructor with $setDefaults would be public, and
  * a constructor taking a $bean and $forceTreatAsCreation would be private.
  * @param $setDefaults. If false the default validators will not be run
  *                      on construction. The Yii way is that defaults are
  *                      filled in after the fact, which is counter the usual
  *                      for objects.
  * @param $bean A bean. Never specified by an application.
  * @param $forceTreatAsCreation. Never specified by an application.
  * @param $runConstruction.  Sometimes a model is needed to hook in events and the construction logic
  *                           does not necessarily need to be run.
  * @see getById()
  * @see makeModel()
  * @see makeModels()
 public function __construct($setDefaults = true, RedBean_OODBBean $bean = null, $forceTreatAsCreation = false, $runConstruction = true)
     $this->pseudoId = self::$nextPseudoId--;
     if (!$runConstruction) {
     if ($bean === null) {
         foreach (array_reverse(RuntimeUtil::getClassHierarchy(get_class($this), static::$lastClassInBeanHeirarchy)) as $modelClassName) {
             if ($modelClassName::getCanHaveBean()) {
                 $tableName = $modelClassName::getTableName();
                 $newBean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense($tableName);
                 $this->modelClassNameToBean[$modelClassName] = $newBean;
                 $this->mapAndCacheMetadataAndSetHints($modelClassName, $newBean);
         // The yii way of doing defaults is the the default validator
         // fills in the defaults on attributes that don't have values
         // when you validator, or save. This weird, since when you get
         // a model the things with defaults have not been defaulted!
         // We want that semantic.
         if ($setDefaults) {
         $forceTreatAsCreation = true;
     } else {
         assert('$bean->id > 0');
         $first = true;
         foreach (RuntimeUtil::getClassHierarchy(get_class($this), static::$lastClassInBeanHeirarchy) as $modelClassName) {
             if ($modelClassName::getCanHaveBean()) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $lastBean = $bean;
                     $first = false;
                 } else {
                     $tableName = $modelClassName::getTableName();
                     $lastBean = ZurmoRedBeanLinkManager::getBean($lastBean, $tableName);
                     if ($lastBean === null) {
                         throw new MissingBeanException();
                     assert('$lastBean->id > 0');
                 $this->modelClassNameToBean[$modelClassName] = $lastBean;
                 $this->mapAndCacheMetadataAndSetHints($modelClassName, $lastBean);
         $this->modelClassNameToBean = array_reverse($this->modelClassNameToBean);
     $this->constructDerived($bean, $setDefaults);
     if ($forceTreatAsCreation) {
     } else {
         $modelClassName = get_called_class();
         if ($modelClassName::isCacheable()) {
     $this->modified = false;
Esempio n. 7
 public function testDateTimeHinting()
     $bean = ZurmoRedBean::dispense("wukka");
     // Not Coding Standard
     $bean->setMeta("hint", array("prop" => "datetime"));
     // Not Coding Standard
     $bean->prop = "2010-01-01 10:00:00";
     // Not Coding Standard
     // Not Coding Standard
     $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll('desc wukka');
     $this->assertEquals('prop', $rows[3]['Field']);
     $this->assertEquals('datetime', $rows[3]['Type']);