function geraPDF($id)
        $passagem = $this->Passagem->findById($id);
        $tcpdf = new XTCPDF();
        $textfont = 'aefurat';
        // looks better, finer, and more condensed than 'dejavusans'
        // $tcpdf->SetAuthor("BuyPass -");
        // $tcpdf->setHeaderFont(array($textfont,'',40));
        // // $tcpdf->xheadercolor = array(150,0,0);
        // $tcpdf->xheadertext = 'BuyPas';
        $tcpdf->xfootertext = 'Copyright © %d BuyPass direitos reservadas.';
        $tcpdf->SetFont($textfont, 'B', 16);
        // add a page (required with recent versions of tcpdf)
        $tcpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
        // set text shadow effect
        $tcpdf->setTextShadow(array('enabled' => true, 'depth_w' => 0.2, 'depth_h' => 0.2, 'color' => array(196, 196, 196), 'opacity' => 1, 'blend_mode' => 'Normal'));
        $string = '<div class="row">
                    <h2> Segunda via: Comprovante de compra de passagem </h2>
                     <span>Nome:</span>' . ' ' . h($passagem['Passagem']['cliente']) . '<br>' . '<span>Transação feita (por/no):</span>' . ' ' . h($passagem['Passagem']['funcionario']) . '<br>' . '<span>Trajeto e Data e Horário:</span>' . ' ' . h($passagem['Rota']['trajeto']) . '<br>' . '<span>Valor:</span>' . ' ' . h($passagem['Rota']['valor']) . '.00' . '<br>' . '<span>Tipo de Ônibus:</span>' . ' ' . h($passagem['Veiculo']['tipo']) . '<br>' . '<span>Pontos ganhos:</span>' . ' ' . h($passagem['Rota']['pontos']) . '
        $html = <<<EOD
        // Print text using writeHTMLCell()
        $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
        // ...
        // etc.
        // see the TCPDF examples
        echo $tcpdf->Output('BuyPass.pdf', 'D');
        $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id));
    function sp_performance_report_pdf()
        $this->layout = "pdf";
        $this->layout = "session";
        $s_society_id = $this->Session->read('society_id');
        $s_user_id = $this->Session->read('user_id');
        $date1 = $this->request->query('con');
        $date2 = $this->request->query('con2');
        $conditions = array('society_id' => $s_society_id, 'help_desk.help_desk_service_provider_id' => array('$ne' => 0));
        $result12 = $this->help_desk->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions));
        $this->set('result_help_desk', $result12);
        App::import('Vendor', 'xtcpdf');
        $tcpdf = new XTCPDF();
        $textfont = 'freesans';
        // looks better, finer, and more condensed than 'dejavusans'
        $tcpdf->SetAuthor("KBS Homes & Properties at");
        $tcpdf->xheadercolor = array(255, 255, 255);
        $tcpdf->xheadertext = '';
        $tcpdf->xfootertext = 'HousingMatters';
        $tcpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
        $tcpdf->SetFont($textfont, 'N', 12);
        $html = '
<div style="background-color:#EFEFEF; border-top:1px solid #e6e6e6; border-bottom:1px solid #e6e6e6; padding:10px; box-shadow:5px; font-size:16px; color:#006;">
Service Provider Performance Report
<table><tr><th><b>Sr No.</b></th>
<th><b>Service Provider</b></th>
<th><b>Assigned Date</b></th>
<th><b>Closure Date</b></th>
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($result12 as $data) {
            $avg = '';
            $assign_date = $data['help_desk']['help_desk_assign_date'];
            $close_date = @$data['help_desk']['help_desk_close_date'];
            $help_desk_date = $data['help_desk']['help_desk_date'];
            $sp_id = $data['help_desk']['help_desk_service_provider_id'];
            $ticket_id = $data['help_desk']['ticket_id'];
            $help_desk_date1 = date("d-m-y", strtotime($help_desk_date));
            $help_desk_date2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($help_desk_date1));
            $help_desk_date3 = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($help_desk_date2));
            if (!empty($assign_date) && !empty($close_date)) {
                $newDate = date("d-m-y", strtotime($assign_date));
                $newDate1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($newDate));
                $newDate2 = date("d-m-y", strtotime($close_date));
                $newDate3 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($newDate2));
                $datetime1 = date_create($newDate1);
                $datetime2 = date_create($newDate3);
                $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
                $avg = $interval->format('%R%a days');
            $sp = $this->fetch_service_provider_info_via_vendor_id($sp_id);
            foreach ($sp as $data) {
                $sp_name = $data['service_provider']['sp_name'];
            if (strtotime($date1) <= strtotime($help_desk_date3) && strtotime($date2) >= strtotime($help_desk_date3)) {
                $html .= '
<td>' . $i . '</td>
<td>' . $ticket_id . '</td>
<td>' . $sp_name . '</td>
<td>' . $assign_date . '</td>
<td>' . $close_date . '</td>
<td>' . $avg . '</td></tr>
        $html .= "</table>";
        echo $tcpdf->Output('sp_report.pdf', 'D');
Esempio n. 3
    function payslip_update()
        if ($this->request->data) {
            $this->set('employee_id', $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['employee_id']);
            $res = $this->Employee->SalaryRecord->salarySearch($this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['employee_id'], $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['salary_date']);
            if ($res['SalaryRecord']['payslip_generated'] != 1) {
                $earnings = $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['basic'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['da'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['bonus'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['medical_allowance'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['tiffin'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['house_rent'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['education'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['entertainment'];
                $deductions = $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['pf'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['esi'] + $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['income_tax'];
                $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['net_salary'] = $earnings - $deductions;
                $se = $this->Session->read("Auth");
                $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['user_id'] = $se['User']['id'];
                $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['print_copy'] = 1;
                $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['payslip_generated'] = 1;
                if ($res['SalaryRecord']['id']) {
                    $this->Employee->SalaryRecord->id = $res['SalaryRecord']['id'];
                } else {
                if ($this->Employee->SalaryRecord->save($this->request->data)) {
                    //update the loan amount
                    if ($this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['loan_amount'] > 0) {
                        $this->request->data['Loan']['loan_amount'] = $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['loan_amount'];
                        $this->request->data['Loan']['employee_id'] = $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['employee_id'];
                        $loan_save = $this->Employee->Loan->loanEntryUpdate($this->request->data['Loan']);
                    $this->set('salary_saved', 1);
                    $name = $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['fname'];
                    if ($this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['mname'] != null) {
                        $name .= ' ' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['mname'];
                    $name .= ' ' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['lname'];
                    App::import('Vendor', 'xtcpdf');
                    $tcpdf = new XTCPDF();
                    $textfont = 'freesans';
                    // looks better, finer, and more condensed than 'dejavusans'
                    $tcpdf->SetAuthor("Company Name");
                    //$tcpdf->xheadercolor = array(0,0,0);
                    //$tcpdf->xheadertext = '';
                    //$tcpdf->xfootertext = '';
                    // add a page (required with recent versions of tcpdf)
                    // Now you position and print your page content
                    // example:
                    $fill = 0;
                    $tcpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                    $tcpdf->SetFont($textfont, 'B', 20);
                    $header_html = '<span>Company Logo</span>';
                    $header_html2 = '<span>Company Address</span>';
                    $payslip_date = '<p style="font-size:20px!important">Playslip for the month of ' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['salary_date'] . '</p>';
                    $emp_name = '<p style="font-size:20px!important">Name : ' . $name . '</p>';
                    $employee_id = '<p style="font-size:20px!important">Employee Id : emp' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['employee_id'] . '</p>';
                    $department = '<p style="font-size:20px!important">Department : ' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['department'] . '</p>';
                    $designation = '<p style="font-size:20px!important">Designation : ' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['designation'] . '</p>';
                    $employee = $this->Employee->employeeSearch($this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['employee_id']);
                    $expected_earnings = $employee['Employee']['net_salary'] + $employee['Employee']['da'] + $employee['Employee']['bonus'] + $employee['Employee']['medical_allowance'] + $employee['Employee']['tiffin'] + $employee['Employee']['house_rent'] + $employee['Employee']['education'] + $employee['Employee']['entertainment'];
                    $expected_deductions = $employee['Employee']['pf'] + $employee['Employee']['esi'] + $employee['Employee']['income_tax'];
                    $earnings_content = '
	th{font-size:12px;height:10px;font-size:22px!important;border-bottom:0px solid black}
	.total{border-top:0px solid black}
 <td width="50%"></td>
  <td width="25%">Full (Rs.)</td>
  <td width="25%">Actual (Rs.)</td>
 <td width="50%">Basic</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['net_salary'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['basic'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">DA</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['da'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['da'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">Bonus</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['bonus'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['bonus'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">Medical Allowance</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['medical_allowance'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['medical_allowance'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">Tiffin Allowance</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['tiffin'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['tiffin'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">House Rent Allowance</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['house_rent'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['house_rent'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">Education Allowance</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['education'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['education'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">Entertainment Allowance</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['entertainment'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['entertainment'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%"  class="total"><b>Total Earnings (Rs.) :</b></td>
  <td width="25%"  class="total"><b>' . $expected_earnings . '</b></td>
  <td width="25%"  class="total"><b>' . $earnings . '</b></td>
                    $deductions_content = '
	th{font-size:12px;height:10px;font-size:22px!important;border-bottom:0px solid black}
	.total{border-top:0px solid black}

 <td width="50%"></td>
  <td width="25%">Full (Rs.)</td>
  <td width="25%">Actual (Rs.)</td>
 <td width="50%">PF</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['pf'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['pf'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">ESI</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['esi'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['esi'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">TDS</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $employee['Employee']['income_tax'] . '</td>
  <td width="25%">' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['income_tax'] . '</td>
  <td width="50%">Advance</td>
  <td width="25%">0</td>
  <td width="25%">0</td>
  <td width="50%">Loan</td>
  <td width="25%">0</td>
  <td width="25%">0</td>
  <td width="50%"></td>
  <td width="25%"></td>
  <td width="25%"></td>
  <td width="50%"></td>
  <td width="25%"></td>
  <td width="25%"></td>
  <td width="50%"></td>
  <td width="25%"></td>
  <td width="25%"></td>
  <td width="50%"  class="total"><b>Total Deductions (Rs.) :</b></td>
  <td width="25%"  class="total"><b>' . $expected_deductions . '</b></td>
  <td width="25%"  class="total"><b>' . $deductions . '</b></td>
                    $net_earnings = $earnings - $deductions;
                    $net_salary = '<p style="font-size:20px!important"><b>Net Salary : Rs. ' . $net_earnings . '</b></p>';
                    $auto_text = '<p style="font-size:22px!important;color:#cccccc">This is a computer-generated salary slip. Does not require a Signature</p>';
                    $tcpdf->SetFillColor(155, 100, 0);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(50, 0, '', 10, $header_html, 0, 1, 0, true, 'L', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(50, 0, 55, 10, $header_html2, 0, 0, 0, true, 'R', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 35, $payslip_date, 0, 1, 0, true, 'L', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(80, 5, '', 40, $emp_name, 'LRTB', 1, 0, true, 'C', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(80, 5, 85, 40, $employee_id, 'RTB', 1, 0, true, 'C', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(80, 5, '', 45, $department, 'LRB', 1, 0, true, 'C', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(80, 5, 85, 45, $designation, 'RB', 1, 0, true, 'C', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(80, '', '', 55, $earnings_content, 'LRTB', 1, 0, true, 'C', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(80, '', 85, 55, $deductions_content, 'RTB', 1, 0, true, 'C', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(155, 3, '', '', $net_salary, 'LRTB', 1, 0, true, 'L', true);
                    $tcpdf->writeHTMLCell(155, '', '', 105, $auto_text, '', 1, 0, true, 'L', true);
                    // ...
                    // etc.
                    // see the TCPDF examples
                    $file_name = time() . '.pdf';
                    echo $tcpdf->Output($file_name, 'F');
                    //setting view variables before sending email so that if email is not sent generated salry slip will still be viewed
                    $this->set('salaryrecord', $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']);
                    $this->set('employee', $employee);
                    $this->set('earnings', $earnings);
                    $this->set('deductions', $deductions);
                    $this->set('expected_earnings', $expected_earnings);
                    $this->set('net_earnings', $net_earnings);
                    App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
                    $Email = new CakeEmail();
                    $Email->subject('Salary Slip of ' . $name . ' [ emp' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['employee_id'] . ' ] for ' . $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']['salary_date']);
                    $Email->viewVars(array('salary_record' => $this->request->data['SalaryRecord']));
                    App::uses('File', 'Utility');
                    $file = new File($file_name);
                } else {
                    $this->set('salary_saved', 0);
Esempio n. 4
      Lager standard tcpdf oppstart
      Kalles av bpost og faktura
 function startPdf()
     $tcpdf = new XTCPDF();
     $tcpdf->SetAuthor("Zapatistgruppa i Bergen");
     $tcpdf->setCreator("Zapatistgruppa i Bergen");
     //set image scale factor
     // Now you position and print your page content
     // example:
     $tcpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     return $tcpdf;