} if ($method == "query") { $payload = "<ns1:query><ns1:queryString>" . htmlspecialchars($body) . "</ns1:queryString></ns1:query>"; } else { $payload = $body; } $callOptions = array(); if (isset($_POST['api-singleTxn'])) { $callOptions = array("useSingleTransaction"=>$_POST['api-singleTxn']); } if ($method == "query" || $method == "api") { try { $client = createClient($wsdl, $debug); $client->setLocation($_SESSION['service_url']); $locationString = $client->myLocation; $header = ZuoraAPIHelper::getHeader(''); if (!$_SESSION['sessionId-refresh']) { $header->data["session"] = $_SESSION['sessionId']; } else { $header = ZuoraAPIHelper::login($client, $username, $password, $debug); if ($header->data["session"] == NULL) { throw new Exception("Null session received, please check your username or password."); } //$_SESSION['sessionId-refresh'] = false; $_SESSION['sessionStartTime'] = microtime(true); $_SESSION['sessionId'] = $header->data["session"]; }
<?php require_once './google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php'; require_once './google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../apiAccess.php'; require_once './functins_google_api.php'; require_once './Presenter.php'; require_once './Logic.php'; require_once './Router.php'; session_start(); $client = createClient(); if (!authenticate($client)) { return; } $logic = new Logic($client); $presenter = new Presenter($logic); (new Router($presenter))->doUserAction(); //listAllCalendars($client);
/** * @Then /^they can retrieve that invoice$/ */ public function theyCanRetrieveThatInvoice() { try { $network = $this->network; $client = createClient($network); $response = $client->getInvoice($this->invoiceId); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } $responseInvoiceId = $response->getId(); if ($responseInvoiceId !== $this->invoiceId) { throw new Exception("Invoice ids don't match"); } }
{ $buckets = $client->listBuckets(); foreach ($buckets as $bucket) { echo 'Bucket: ' . $bucket->getName() . "\n"; } } // Sample of create Bucket function createBucket(OSSClient $client, $bucket) { $client->createBucket(array('Bucket' => $bucket)); } // Sample of get Bucket Acl function getBucketAcl(OSSClient $client, $bucket) { $acl = $client->getBucketAcl(array('Bucket' => $bucket)); $grants = $acl->getGrants(); echo $grants[0]; } // Sample of delete Bucket function deleteBucket(OSSClient $client, $bucket) { $client->deleteBucket(array('Bucket' => $bucket)); } $keyId = 'your-access-key-id'; $keySecret = 'your-access-key-secret'; $client = createClient($keyId, $keySecret); $bucket = 'your-bucket-name'; listBuckets($client); createBucket($client, $bucket); getBucketAcl($client, $bucket); deleteBucket($client, $bucket);
/** * Retrieves the endpoint for the specific service and accountID using the * EWS LocationService. * The steps to obtain a location are: * i) If location is present in the ACCOUNT_LOCATION_CACHE, return it. * ii) If not present in ACCOUNT_LOCATION_CACHE, call location service to * fetch the location. Store the location in the cache file * and ACCOUNT_LOCATION_CACHE before returning it. * * $serviceName - name of the service of the form Version/Name. * * $accountID - accountID for which location is sought. */ function getEndPointFromLocationService($serviceName, $accountID) { global $ACCOUNT_LOCATION_CACHE; $cachedAccountLocation = array_key_exists($accountID, $ACCOUNT_LOCATION_CACHE) ? $ACCOUNT_LOCATION_CACHE[$accountID] : NULL; if (!$cachedAccountLocation) { $client = createClient(EWS_VERSION . "/LocationService", NULL, false); if ($client) { $response = execute($client, "getMasterAccountLocation", NULL); if ($response) { $cachedAccountLocation = $response->out; persistAccountLocationCache($accountID, $cachedAccountLocation); } } } if (!$cachedAccountLocation) { trigger_error("Service Error: Failed to get account location from server: EWS_LOCATION_SERVICE_ENDPOINT", E_USER_ERROR); } return $cachedAccountLocation . "/" . $serviceName; }
<?php include_once 'connect.php'; switch ($_GET["table"]) { case "client": createClient($_GET); break; case "clois": createColis($_GET); break; default: break; } function createClient($data) { global $conn; $sql = "INSERT INTO client (Id) VALUES (" + $data["Id"] + ")"; //echo $sql; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "New record of type client created successfully"; } else { echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error; } } function createColis($data) { global $conn; $sql = "INSERT INTO colis (num, poid, adress) VALUES (" . $data["Num"] . ", " . $data["Poid"] . ", " . $data["Adress"] . ")"; //echo $sql; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "New record of type colis created successfully";
function updateCampaignBudget($masterAccount, $clientAccount, $campaign) { $this->setUser($masterAccount, $clientAccount); $budgetingService = createClient(EWS_VERSION . "/BudgetingService", $clientAccount->accountId); $retObj = execute($budgetingService, 'updateCampaignDailySpendLimit', array('campaignID' => $campaign->campaignId, 'spendLimit' => array('limit' => $campaign->newBid))); }