public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Construct controller */ public function before() { parent::before(); if (!Visitor::instance()->logged_in('admin')) { throw new Permission_Exception(new Model_Role()); } }
static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == NULL) { self::$instance = new Visitor(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Construct controller */ public function before() { parent::before(); if (!Visitor::instance()->logged_in('admin')) { throw new Permission_Exception(new Model_Tag()); } $this->page_title = __('Tags'); }
/** * Construct controller */ public function before() { parent::before(); if (!Visitor::instance()->logged_in('admin')) { throw new Permission_Exception(new Model_Tag()); } $this->view = View_Page::factory(__('Tags')); }
/** * Get a single line of text representing the exception: * * Error [ Code ]: Message ~ File [ Line ] (#id: username, ip: IP, uri: URI) * * @param Exception $e * @return string */ public static function text(Exception $e) { if ($user = Visitor::instance()->get_user()) { $user_id = $user->id; $username = Text::clean($user->username); } else { $user_id = 0; $username = ''; } return sprintf('%s [ %s ]: %s ~ %s [ %d ] (#%d: %s, ip: %s, uri: %s)', get_class($e), $e->getCode(), strip_tags($e->getMessage()), Debug::path($e->getFile()), $e->getLine(), $user_id, $username, Request::$client_ip, Text::clean(Request::current_uri())); }
/** * Show invite only page if enabled */ public function login() { $uri = new URI(); // Redirect to invite page if not logged or signing in if (!in_array($uri->string(), array('invite', 'sign/in')) && strpos($uri->string(), 'sign/up') !== 0 && !Visitor::instance()->logged_in()) { // Stop execution if ajax, ie. expired session and trying to do ajax call if (request::is_ajax()) { exit; } url::redirect('invite'); } }
/** * Construct controller */ public function before() { parent::before(); Cache::$default = 'default'; // Check if this was an interna request or direct $this->internal = $this->request !== Request::instance(); // Ajax request? $this->ajax = Request::$is_ajax; // Load current user, null if none if (self::$user === false) { self::$user = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); } }
/** * Handle exception * * @param Exception $e */ public static function handle(Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof Kohana_404_Exception) { if (Kohana::config('site.inviteonly') && !Visitor::instance()->get_user()) { // Redirect to invite login if invite only and not logged in url::redirect('invite'); } else { if (!headers_sent()) { $e->sendHeaders(); } $page = new Error_Controller(); $page->_404(); } } else { return parent::handle($e); } }
/** * Save current user to online cache */ public function online() { // Skip when signing in/out to avoid strange Fatal error if (strpos(URI::instance()->string(), 'sign') === 0) { return; } $user = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); $online = new Online_User_Model($_SESSION['session_id']); if (!$online->loaded()) { $online->session_id = $_SESSION['session_id']; } $online->last_activity = $_SESSION['last_activity']; $online->user_id = $user ? $user->id : null; try { $online->save(); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { } }
/** * Create new View class. */ public function __construct() { // Initialize static variables if (!self::$_initialized) { // Request type if (Request::current()->is_ajax()) { self::$_request_type = Controller::REQUEST_AJAX; } else { if (!Request::current()->is_initial()) { self::$_request_type = Controller::REQUEST_INTERNAL; } } // Viewing user if (self::$_user = Visitor::instance()->get_user()) { self::$_user_id = self::$_user->id; } self::$_initialized = true; } }
/** * Get URL for user * * @param mixed $user true for session user * @param string $action * @return string */ public static function user($user, $action = null) { static $_visitor; if (is_numeric($user) && (int) $user > 0) { // User id given if ($user = Model_User::find_user($user)) { $user = $user->username; } } else { if ($user instanceof Model_User) { // Model_User given $user = $user->username; } else { if (is_array($user) && isset($user['username'])) { // Light user array given $user = $user['username']; } else { if ($user === true) { // Use session user if ($_visitor === null) { if ($user = Visitor::instance()->get_user()) { $_visitor = $user->username; } else { // No session user available $_visitor = false; } } $user = $_visitor; } } } } // Username available if (is_string($user)) { return Route::url('user', array('username' => urlencode($user), 'action' => $action)); } return null; }
/** * Load one user. * * @param mixed $user user_id, username, email, User_Model or false for current session * @return User_Model */ public function find_user($id = false) { static $session = false; $user = null; $cache = false; // Try user models first (User_Model, session) if ($id instanceof User_Model) { // User_Model $user = $id; } else { if ($id === false) { // Current session, fetch only once if ($session === false) { $session = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); } $user = $session; } } // Then try others (user_id, email, username_clean) if (!$user && $id !== true && !empty($id)) { if (is_numeric($id) || empty($id)) { $id = (int) $id; } else { if (valid::email($id)) { $id = mb_strtolower($id); } else { $id = utf8::clean($id); } } if (isset(self::$users[$id])) { // Found from static cache return self::$users[$id]; } else { if ($user = $this->cache->get($this->cache->key('user', $id))) { // Found from cache $user = unserialize($user); } else { // Not found from caches, try db if (is_int($id)) { $user = $this->find($id); } else { $user = $this->where(valid::email($id) ? 'email' : 'username_clean', '=', $id)->find(); } $cache = true; } } } // If user found, add to cache(s) if ($user && $user->loaded()) { self::$users[$user->id] = self::$users[utf8::clean($user->username)] = self::$users[mb_strtolower($user->email)] = $user; if ($cache) { $this->cache->set($this->cache->key('user', $user->id), serialize($user), null, self::$cache_max_age); } } return $user; }
/** * Returns user link * * @param mixed $user * @param string $nick * @param array $attributes * @param string $url override url * @return string */ public static function user($user, $nick = null, array $attributes = null, $url = null) { static $viewer = true; // Load current user for friend styling if ($viewer === true) { $viewer = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); } $class = array('user', 'hoverable'); if (is_array($user) || $user && ($user = Model_User::find_user_light($user))) { if ($user) { $nick = $user['username']; if ($viewer && $viewer->is_friend($user)) { $class[] = 'friend '; } switch ($user['gender']) { case 'f': $class[] = 'female'; break; case 'm': $class[] = 'male'; break; } } } $class[] = Arr::get($attributes, 'class'); $attributes['class'] = trim(implode(' ', $class)); return empty($nick) ? __('Unknown') : HTML::anchor($url ? $url : URL::user($nick), $nick, $attributes); }
/** * Register with code * * @param Model_Invitation $invitation * @param array $external * @param string $provider */ public function _join(Model_Invitation $invitation = null, array $external = null, $provider = null) { $user = new Model_User(); if ($invitation) { $user->email = $invitation->email; } else { if ($external) { $user->email = Arr::get($external, 'email'); $user->name = Arr::get($external, 'name'); $user->username = Arr::get($external, 'username', $user->name); $user->avatar_url = '' . $external['id'] . '/picture'; $user->picture = '' . $external['id'] . '/picture?type=large'; if ($location = Arr::get($external, 'location')) { $user->location = $location->name; $user->city_name = $location->name; } if ($gender = Arr::get($external, 'gender')) { switch ($gender) { case 'male': $user->gender = 'm'; break; case 'female': $user->gender = 'f'; break; } } if ($birthday = Arr::get($external, 'birthday')) { $user->dob = $birthday; } } } // Handle post $errors = array(); if ($_POST && !Arr::get($_POST, 'signup')) { $post = Arr::extract($_POST, array('username', 'password', 'password_confirm')); try { $user->username = $post['username']; $user->password_kohana = $post['password']; $user->created = time(); $user->save(); // Delete used invitation if ($invitation) { $invitation->delete(); } // Connect accounts if ($external && $provider) { $consumer = new OAuth2_Consumer($provider); $token = $consumer->get_token(); $external_user_id = $external['id']; if ($token && $external_user_id) { $external = new Model_User_External(); $external->set_fields(array('token' => $token['access_token'], 'user_id' => $user->id, 'external_user_id' => $external_user_id, 'created' => time(), 'expires' => time() + (int) $token['expires'], 'provider' => $provider)); $external->save(); } } // Login user $user->add_role('login'); Visitor::instance()->login($user, $_POST['password']); $this->request->redirect(URL::user($user)); } catch (Validation_Exception $e) { $user->password_kohana = $user->password_confirm = null; $errors = $e->array->errors('validation'); } } $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, $this->section_register($user, $errors, $invitation->code)); }
/** * Construct controller. */ public function before() { if ($this->request->is_ajax()) { $this->_request_type = self::REQUEST_AJAX; $this->ajax = true; } else { if (!$this->request->is_initial()) { $this->_request_type = self::REQUEST_INTERNAL; $this->internal = true; } } // Update history? $this->history = $this->history && !$this->ajax; // Initialize session $this->session = Session::instance(); // Load current user, null if none if (self::$user === false) { $visitor = Visitor::instance(); Controller::$user = $visitor->get_user(); // If still no user, try auto login if (!Controller::$user && $visitor->auto_login()) { Controller::$user = $visitor->get_user(); } unset($visitor); } // Update current online user for initial and ajax requests if ($this->_request_type !== self::REQUEST_INTERNAL) { Model_User_Online::update(self::$user); } // Open outside links to a new tab/window HTML::$windowed_urls = true; // Load template if ($this->auto_render) { $this->page_id = $this->page_id ? $this->page_id : $this->request->controller(); // Figure out what format the client wants $accept_types = Request::accept_type(); if (isset($accept_types['*/*'])) { // All formats accepted $accept_types = $this->_accept_formats; } else { // Only some formats accepted $accept_types = Arr::extract($accept_types, array_keys($this->_accept_formats)); if (!($accept_types = array_filter($accept_types))) { throw new HTTP_Exception_415('Unsupported accept type'); } } $this->_response_format = key($accept_types); } }
/** * Construct new page controller */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Init page values $this->country = Session::instance()->get('country', false); // AJAX requests output without template if (request::is_ajax()) { $this->auto_render = false; $this->history = false; return; } // Use profiler only when an admin is logged in if ($this->visitor->logged_in('admin')) { Profiler::enable(); } // Bind the generic page variables $this->template->bind('skin', $this->skin)->bind('skin_imports', $this->skin_imports)->bind('stylesheets', $this->stylesheets)->bind('language', $this->language)->bind('page_width', $this->page_width)->bind('page_main', $this->page_main)->bind('page_id', $this->page_id)->bind('page_class', $this->page_class)->bind('page_title', $this->page_title)->bind('page_subtitle', $this->page_subtitle); // Add controller name as default page id $this->page_id = Router::$controller; // Init page values $this->menu = Kohana::config(''); $skin_path = 'ui/' . Kohana::config('') . '/'; $this->skin = $skin_path . 'skin.less'; $this->skin_imports = array('ui/layout.less', 'ui/widget.less', 'ui/jquery-ui.css', 'ui/site.css', $skin_path . 'jquery-ui.css'); $this->page_width = Session::instance()->get('page_width', 'fixed'); $this->page_main = Session::instance()->get('page_main', 'left'); //$this->stylesheets = array('ui/' . Kohana::config('') . '/skin', 'ui/' . Kohana::config('') . '/jquery-ui'); $this->breadcrumb = array(); //html::anchor('/', __('Home'))); $this->tabs = array(); // If a country is seleced, add custom stylesheet if ($this->country && Kohana::config('site.country_css')) { widget::add('head', html::stylesheet('ui/' . utf8::strtolower($this->country) . '/skin')); } // Generic views widget::add('actions', View::factory('generic/actions')->bind('actions', $this->page_actions)); // widget::add('breadcrumb', View::factory('generic/breadcrumb')->bind('breadcrumb', $this->breadcrumb)); widget::add('navigation', View::factory('generic/navigation')->bind('items', $this->menu)->bind('selected', $this->page_id)); widget::add('tabs', View::factory('generic/tabs_top')->bind('tabs', $this->tabs)->bind('selected', $this->tab_id)); // Header widget::add('header', View::factory('generic/header')); // Footer widget::add('footer', View_Mod::factory('events/events_list', array('mod_id' => 'footer-events-new', 'mod_class' => 'article unit size1of4 cut events', 'mod_title' => __('New events'), 'events' => ORM::factory('event')->order_by('id', 'DESC')->find_all(10)))); widget::add('footer', View_Mod::factory('forum/topics_list', array('mod_id' => 'footer-topics-active', 'mod_class' => 'article unit size1of4 cut topics', 'mod_title' => __('New posts'), 'topics' => ORM::factory('forum_topic')->order_by('last_post_id', 'DESC')->find_all(10)))); widget::add('footer', View_Mod::factory('blog/entries_list', array('mod_id' => 'footer-blog-entries', 'mod_class' => 'article unit size1of4 cut blogentries', 'mod_title' => __('New blogs'), 'entries' => ORM::factory('blog_entry')->find_latest(10)))); // Dock $classes = array(html::anchor('set/width/narrow', __('Narrow'), array('onclick' => '$("body").addClass("fixed").removeClass("liquid"); $.get(this.href); return false;')), html::anchor('set/width/wide', __('Wide'), array('onclick' => '$("body").addClass("liquid").removeClass("narrow"); $.get(this.href); return false;')), html::anchor('set/main/left', __('Left'), array('onclick' => '$("body").addClass("left").removeClass("right"); $.get(this.href); return false;')), html::anchor('set/main/right', __('Right'), array('onclick' => '$("body").addClass("right").removeClass("left"); $.get(this.href); return false;'))); widget::add('dock2', __('Layout: ') . implode(', ', $classes)); // Language selection $available_languages = Kohana::config('locale.languages'); if (count($available_languages)) { $languages = array(); foreach ($available_languages as $lang => $locale) { $languages[] = html::anchor('set/lang/' . $lang, html::chars($locale[2])); } widget::add('dock2', ' | ' . __('Language: ') . implode(', ', $languages)); } if ($this->user) { // Authenticated view widget::add('dock', __('[#:id] :user', array(':id' => $this->user->id, ':user' => html::nick($this->user->id, $this->user->username)))); $new_messages = array(); if ($this->user->newcomments) { $new_messages[] = html::anchor(url::user($this->user), __(':commentsC', array(':comments' => $this->user->newcomments)), array('title' => __('New comments'), 'class' => 'new-comments')); } if (!empty($new_messages)) { widget::add('dock', ' - ' . __('New messages: ') . implode(' ', $new_messages)); } // Logout also from Facebook if (FB::enabled() && Visitor::instance()->get_provider()) { widget::add('dock', ' - ' . html::anchor('sign/out', FB::icon() . __('Sign out'), array('onclick' => "FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect('/sign/out'); return false;"))); } else { widget::add('dock', ' - ' . html::anchor('sign/out', __('Sign out'))); } if (Kohana::config('site.inviteonly')) { // widget::add('dock', ' | ' . html::anchor('sign/up', __('Send invite'))); } // Admin functions if ($this->visitor->logged_in('admin')) { widget::add('dock2', ' | ' . __('Admin: ') . html::anchor('roles', __('Roles')) . ', ' . html::anchor('tags', __('Tags')) . ', ' . html::anchor('#kohana-profiler', __('Profiler'), array('onclick' => '$("#kohana-profiler").toggle();'))); } } else { // Non-authenticated view $form = form::open('sign/in'); $form .= form::input('username', null, 'title="' . __('Username') . '"'); $form .= form::password('password', '', 'title="' . __('Password') . '"'); $form .= form::submit('submit', __('Sign in')); $form .= form::close(); $form .= html::anchor('/sign/up', __('Sign up')); if (FB::enabled()) { $form .= ' | ' . FB::fbml_login(); } widget::add('dock', $form); } // End widget::add('end', View::factory('generic/end')); // Analytics $google_analytics = Kohana::config('site.google_analytics'); if ($google_analytics) { widget::add('head', html::script_source("\nvar _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '" . $google_analytics . "']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);\n(function() {\n\tvar ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;\n\tga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';\n\t(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(ga);\n})();\n")); } // Ads $ads = Kohana::config(''); if ($ads && $ads['enabled']) { foreach ($ads['slots'] as $ad => $slot) { widget::add($slot, View::factory('ads/' . $ad)); } } // Facebook connect if (FB::enabled()) { FB::init(); } }
/** * Load one user. * * @static * @param mixed $user id, username, email, Model_User, user array or false for current session * @return Model_User or null */ public static function find_user($id = false) { static $session = false; $user = null; $cache = false; // Try user models first (User_Model, session) if ($id instanceof Model_User) { // Model_User $user = $id; } else { if ($id === false) { // Current session, fetch only once if ($session === false) { $session = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); } $user = $session; } } // Then try others (user_id, email, username_clean) if (!$user && $id !== true && !empty($id)) { if (is_numeric($id) || empty($id)) { $id = (int) $id; } else { if (is_array($id)) { $id = (int) $id['id']; } else { if (Validate::email($id)) { $id = mb_strtolower($id); } else { $id = Text::clean($id); } } } if (isset(self::$_users[$id])) { // Found from static cache return self::$_users[$id]; } else { if ($user = Cache::instance()->get_('user_' . $id)) { // Found from cache $user = unserialize($user); } else { // Not found from caches, try db if (is_int($id)) { $user = Jelly::select('user', $id); } else { $user = Jelly::select('user')->where(Validate::email($id) ? 'email' : 'username_clean', '=', $id)->limit(1)->execute(); } $cache = true; } } } // If user found, add to cache(s) if ($user && $user->loaded()) { self::$_users[$user->id] = self::$_users[Text::clean($user->username)] = self::$_users[mb_strtolower($user->email)] = $user; if ($cache) { Cache::instance()->set_('user_' . $user->id, serialize($user), 3600); } } else { $user = null; } return $user; }
/** * Template loading and setup routine. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Get loaded modules $this->modules = Kohana_Config::instance()->get('core.modules'); // Initialize libraries $this->cache = Cache::instance(); $this->input = Input::instance(); $this->uri = URI::instance(); $this->visitor = Visitor::instance(); // Validate CSRF token if (isset($_REQUEST['csrf'])) { $this->valid_csrf = csrf::valid($_REQUEST['csrf']); } // Load current user for easy controller access, null if not logged $this->user =& $this->visitor->get_user(); // Build the page $this->template = View::factory($this->template); // Display the template immediately after the controller method? if ($this->auto_render === true) { Event::add('system.post_controller', array($this, '_display')); } }
/** * Action: settings */ public function action_settings() { $this->history = false; $user = $this->_get_user(); Permission::required($user, Model_User::PERMISSION_UPDATE); // Handle post $errors = array(); if ($_POST && Security::csrf_valid()) { // Login information if ($user->username !== Arr::get($_POST, 'username') || $user->email !== UTF8::strtolower(Arr::get($_POST, 'email')) || Arr::get($_POST, 'password')) { $visitor = Visitor::instance(); $old_password = Arr::get($_POST, 'current_password'); $new_password = Arr::get($_POST, 'password'); $validation = Validation::factory(array('current_password' => $old_password)); $validation->rule('current_password', 'not_empty'); if (!$visitor->check_password($old_password) && Visitor::generate_password($user->password_kohana) !== $old_password) { $validation->rule('current_password', 'equals', array(':validation', __('current password'))); } else { if ($new_password) { // Change password only if correct old one given $user->password_kohana = $new_password; } } $user->username = Arr::get($_POST, 'username'); $user->email = Arr::get($_POST, 'email'); } $user->set_fields(Arr::intersect($_POST, Model_User::$editable_fields)); // Settings $name_visiblity = Arr::get($_POST, 'name_visibility'); if (in_array($name_visiblity, array(Model_User::NAME_HIDDEN, Model_User::NAME_VISIBLE))) { $user->setting('', $name_visiblity); } $dob_visiblity = Arr::get($_POST, 'dob_visibility'); if (in_array($dob_visiblity, array(Model_User::DOB_DATEONLY, Model_User::DOB_HIDDEN, Model_User::DOB_VISIBLE))) { $user->setting('user.dob', $dob_visiblity); } // Clear default image id if Facebook image is set if (Arr::get($_POST, 'picture')) { $user->default_image_id = null; } $user->modified = time(); try { $user->save(isset($validation) ? $validation : null); $this->request->redirect(URL::user($user)); } catch (Validation_Exception $e) { $errors = $e->array->errors('validation'); } } // Build page $this->view = self::_set_page($user); $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_TOP, $this->section_settings($user, $errors)); }
/** * Returns user link * * @param mixed $user User_Model, uid or username * @param string $nick * @param string $class * @return string */ public static function user($user, $nick = null, $class = null) { static $viewer; // Load current user for friend styling if (is_null($viewer)) { $viewer = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); if (!$viewer) { $viewer = false; } } $class = $class ? array($class, 'user') : array('user'); if ($user instanceof User_Model || $user && ($user = ORM::factory('user')->find_user($user))) { $nick = $user->username; if ($viewer && $viewer->is_friend($user)) { $class[] = 'friend'; } if ($user->gender) { $class[] = $user->gender == 'f' ? 'female' : 'male'; } } return empty($nick) ? __('Unknown') : html::anchor(url::user($nick), $nick, array('class' => implode(' ', $class))); }
/** * Returns user link * * @param mixed $user Model_User, uid or username * @param string $nick * @param array $attributes * @return string */ public static function user($user, $nick = null, array $attributes = null) { static $viewer = false; // Load current user for friend styling if ($viewer === false) { $viewer = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); } $class = array('user', 'hoverable'); if ($user instanceof Model_user || $user && ($user = Model_User::find_user($user))) { if ($user->loaded()) { $nick = $user->username; if ($viewer && $viewer->is_friend($user)) { $class[] = 'friend '; } if ($user->gender) { $class[] = $user->gender == 'f' ? 'female ' : 'male '; } } } $class[] = Arr::get($attributes, 'class'); $attributes['class'] = trim(implode(' ', $class)); return empty($nick) ? __('Unknown') : HTML::anchor(URL::user($nick), $nick, $attributes); }
/** * Check if the user is owner of current model, e.g. topic author * * @param int|User_Model $user current user on null */ public function is_author($user = null) { // Check if we even have the author id if ($this->loaded() && isset($this->table_columns['author_id'])) { $author_id = $this->author_id; } else { return false; } if (empty($user)) { // No user given, use logged in user $user = Visitor::instance()->get_user(); return isset($user->id) && $author_id === $user->id; } else { if (is_int($user)) { // User id given return $author_id === $user; } else { if ($user instanceof User_Model) { // User Model given return $author_id === $user->id; } } } return false; }
/** * Log out a user by removing the related session variables. * * @param boolean $destroy completely destroy the session * @return boolean */ public function logout($destroy = false) { // Delete the autologin cookie to prevent re-login if (cookie::get($this->config['cookie_name'])) { cookie::delete($this->config['cookie_name']); } // Logout 3rd party? if (FB::enabled() && Visitor::instance()->get_provider()) { $this->session->delete($this->config['session_key'] . '_provider'); try { FB::instance()->expire_session(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } // Destroy the session completely? if ($destroy === true) { $this->session->destroy(); } else { // Remove the user from the session $this->session->delete($this->config['session_key']); // Regenerate session_id $this->session->regenerate(); } // Double check return !$this->logged_in(); }
/** * Register with code * * @param Model_Invitation $invitation */ public function _join(Model_Invitation $invitation) { $user = new Model_User(); $user->email = $invitation->email; // Handle post $errors = array(); if ($_POST && !Arr::get($_POST, 'signup')) { $post = Arr::extract($_POST, array('username', 'password', 'password_confirm')); $validation = new Validation($post); $validation->rule('password_confirm', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password', 'password_confirm')); try { $user->username = $post['username']; $user->password = $post['password']; $user->created = time(); $user->save($validation); // Delete used invitation $invitation->delete(); // Login user $user->add_role('login'); Visitor::instance()->login($user, $_POST['password']); $this->request->redirect(URL::user($user)); } catch (Validation_Exception $e) { $user->password = $user->password_confirm = null; $errors = $e->array->errors('validation'); } } $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_MAIN, $this->section_register($user, $errors, $invitation->code)); }
/** * Sign up * * @param string $code */ public function up($code = false) { $this->history = false; $this->page_title = __('Sign up'); // Check invitation code if ($code) { $invitation = new Invitation_Model($code); if ($invitation->email) { // Valid invitation code found, sign up form $this->_join($invitation); } else { // Invite only hook if (Kohana::config('site.inviteonly')) { url::redirect('/'); return; } $this->_invite($code); } return; } // Invite only hook if (Kohana::config('site.inviteonly') && !Visitor::instance()->logged_in()) { url::redirect('/'); return; } // Check if we got the code from the form if (!$code && request::method() == 'post') { $code = $this->input->post('code'); if ($code) { url::redirect('/sign/up/' . $code); return; } } $this->_invite(); }
/** * Try to login external user. * * @param Model_User_External $external * @param string $token * @return boolean */ protected function _login(Model_User_External $external = null, $token = null) { if (!$external) { $external = new Model_User_External($token); } if ($external->loaded() && $external->provider === $this->consumer->get_provider()) { return Visitor::instance()->external_login($external); } return false; }