Esempio n. 1
$previousday = Tki\News::previousDay($startdate);
$nextday = Tki\News::nextDay($startdate);
echo "<table width=\"73%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n";
echo "  <tr>\n";
echo "    <td height=\"73\" width=\"27%\"><img src=\"" . $template->getVariables('template_dir') . "/images/bnnhead.png\" width=\"312\" height=\"123\" alt=\"The TKI Network\"></td>\n";
echo "    <td height=\"73\" width=\"73%\" bgcolor=\"#000\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"right\">\n";
echo "      <p><font size=\"-1\">" . $langvars['l_news_info_1'] . "<br>" . $langvars['l_news_info_2'] . "<br>" . $langvars['l_news_info_3'] . "<br>" . $langvars['l_news_info_4'] . "<br>" . $langvars['l_news_info_5'] . "<br></font></p>\n";
echo "      <p>" . $langvars['l_news_for'] . " " . htmlentities($startdate, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8') . "</p>\n";
echo "    </td>\n";
echo "  </tr>\n";
echo "  <tr>\n";
echo "    <td height=\"22\" width=\"27%\" bgcolor=\"#00001A\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "    <td height=\"22\" width=\"73%\" bgcolor=\"#00001A\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"news.php?startdate={$previousday}\">" . $langvars['l_news_prev'] . "</a> - <a href=\"news.php?startdate={$nextday}\">" . $langvars['l_news_next'] . "</a></td>\n";
echo "  </tr>\n";
// SQL call that selects all of the news items between the start date beginning of day, and the end of day.
$news_gateway = new \Tki\News\NewsGateway($pdo_db);
// Build a scheduler gateway object to handle the SQL calls
$row = $news_gateway->selectNewsByDay($startdate);
$news_ticker = array();
if (count($row) == 0) {
    // Nope none found.
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <td bgcolor=\"#00001A\" align=\"center\">" . $langvars['l_news_flash'] . "</td>\n";
    echo "    <td bgcolor=\"#00001A\" align=\"right\">" . $langvars['l_news_none'] . "</td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
} else {
    foreach ($row as $item) {
        echo "  <tr>\n";
        echo "    <td bgcolor=\"#003\" align=\"center\" style=\"vertical-align:text-top;\">" . $item['headline'] . "</td>\n";
        echo "    <td bgcolor=\"#003\" style=\"vertical-align:text-top;\"><p align=\"justify\">" . $item['newstext'] . "</p><br></td>\n";
        echo "  </tr>\n";
Esempio n. 2
    $sf_logo_height = "40";
} else {
    $sf_logo_type = '11';
    $sf_logo_width = "120";
    $sf_logo_height = "30";
if ($news_ticker_active === true) {
    // Database driven language entries
    $langvars_temp = Tki\Translate::load($pdo_db, $lang, array('news', 'common', 'footer', 'global_includes', 'logout'));
    // Use array merge so that we do not clobber the langvars array, and only add to it the items needed for footer
    $langvars = array_merge($langvars, $langvars_temp);
    // Use array unique so that we don't end up with duplicate lang array entries
    // This is resulting in an array with blank values for specific keys, so array_unique isn't entirely what we want
    // $langvars = array_unique ($langvars);
    // SQL call that selects all of the news items between the start date beginning of day, and the end of day.
    $news_gateway = new \Tki\News\NewsGateway($pdo_db);
    // Build a scheduler gateway object to handle the SQL calls
    $row = $news_gateway->selectNewsByDay(date('Y-m-d'));
    $news_ticker = array();
    if (count($row) == 0) {
        array_push($news_ticker, array('url' => null, 'text' => $langvars['l_news_none'], 'type' => null, 'delay' => 5));
    } else {
        foreach ($row as $item) {
            array_push($news_ticker, array('url' => "news.php", 'text' => $item['headline'], 'type' => $item['news_type'], 'delay' => 5));
        array_push($news_ticker, array('url' => null, 'text' => "End of News", 'type' => null, 'delay' => 5));
    $news_ticker['container'] = "article";
    $template->addVariables("news", $news_ticker);
} else {