Esempio n. 1
function checkExpiredDemoUser($userid, $groups = 0)
    global $mode, $skin, $noHTMLwrappers;
    if ($groups == 0) {
        $groups = getUsersGroups($userid, 1);
    if (count($groups) != 1) {
    $tmp = array_values($groups);
    if ($tmp[0] != 'demo') {
    $query = "SELECT start " . "FROM log " . "WHERE userid = {$userid} " . "AND finalend < NOW() " . "ORDER BY start " . "LIMIT 3";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    $expire = time() - SECINDAY * 3;
    $rows = mysql_num_rows($qh);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        if ($rows >= 3 || datetimeToUnix($row['start']) < $expire) {
            if (in_array($mode, $noHTMLwrappers)) {
                # do a redirect and handle removal on next page load so user can
                #   be notified - doesn't always work, but handles a few extra
                #   cases
                header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT);
            } else {
                $nodemoid = getUserGroupID('nodemo', getAffiliationID('ITECS'));
                $query = "DELETE FROM usergroupmembers " . "WHERE userid = {$userid}";
                # because updateGroups doesn't
                # delete from custom groups
                doQuery($query, 101);
                updateGroups(array($nodemoid), $userid);
                if (empty($skin)) {
                    $skin = 'default';
                    require_once "themes/{$skin}/page.php";
                $mode = 'expiredemouser';
                print "<h2>Account Expired</h2>\n";
                print "The account you are using is a demo account that has now expired. ";
                print "You cannot make any more reservations. Please contact <a href=\"";
                print "mailto:" . HELPEMAIL . "\">" . HELPEMAIL . "</a> if you need ";
                print "further access to VCL.<br>\n";
            # probably not needed but ensures we do not leave stale entries
Esempio n. 2

include_once 'includes/functions.php';
include_once 'includes/db_connect.php';
if (!login_check($mysqli)) {
    header('Location: index.php?error=login');
$schools = getUsersSchools($mysqli, $_SESSION["user_id"]);
$groups = getUsersGroups($mysqli, $_SESSION["user_id"]);

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>After School</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" />
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="js/schoolAjax.js"></script>
		<script src="js/memberAjax.js"></script>
		<a href="includes/logout.php">Logout</a>
		<a href="user.php?id=<?php 
echo $_SESSION["user_id"];
Esempio n. 3

include_once "includes/functions.php";
include_once "includes/db_connect.php";
$userId = $_GET['id'];
$member = getMember($mysqli, $userId);
$schools = getUsersSchools($mysqli, $userId);
$groups = getUsersGroups($mysqli, $userId);

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>After School</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" />
		<script src=""></script>  
		<script src="js/schoolAjax.js"></script> 
		<img src="<?php 
echo $member["image"];
" height="150" width="150">
echo $member["firstName"] . ' ' . $member["lastName"];
Esempio n. 4
function updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid)
    global $authMechs;
    $esc_userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid);
    $userData = getLDAPUserData($authtype, $userid);
    if (is_null($userData)) {
        return NULL;
    $affilid = $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'];
    $now = unixToDatetime(time());
    // select desired data from db
    $qbase = "SELECT AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "af.shibonly, " . "u.emailnotices, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "COALESCE(u.rdpport, 3389) AS rdpport, " . "u.showallgroups " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . " = {$affilid} AND ";
    if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid'])) {
        $query = $qbase . "u.uid = {$userData['numericid']}";
    } else {
        $query = $qbase . "u.unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid}";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 255);
    $updateuid = 0;
    # check to see if there is a matching entry where uid is NULL but unityid and affiliationid match
    if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid']) && !mysql_num_rows($qh)) {
        $updateuid = 1;
        $query = $qbase . "u.unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 255);
    // if get a row
    //    update db
    //    update results from select
    if ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        $user["unityid"] = $userid;
        $user["firstname"] = $userData['first'];
        $user["lastname"] = $userData["last"];
        $user["email"] = $userData["email"];
        $user["lastupdated"] = $now;
        $query = "UPDATE user " . "SET unityid = '{$esc_userid}', " . "firstname = '{$userData['first']}', " . "lastname = '{$userData['last']}', " . "email = '{$userData['email']}', ";
        if ($updateuid) {
            $query .= "uid = {$userData['numericid']}, ";
        $query .= "lastupdated = '{$now}' ";
        if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid']) && !$updateuid) {
            $query .= "WHERE uid = {$userData['numericid']}";
        } else {
            $query .= "WHERE unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$affilid}";
        doQuery($query, 256, 'vcl', 1);
    } else {
        //    call addLDAPUser
        $id = addLDAPUser($authtype, $userid);
        $query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "u.firstname AS firstname, " . "u.lastname AS lastname, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . " AS email, " . " AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "COALESCE(u.rdpport, 3389) AS rdpport, " . "u.showallgroups, " . "u.usepublickeys, " . "u.sshpublickeys, " . "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . " = {$id}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
        if (!($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
            return NULL;
        $user['sshpublickeys'] = htmlspecialchars($user['sshpublickeys']);
    // TODO handle generic updating of groups
    switch (getAffiliationName($affilid)) {
        case 'EXAMPLE1':
            //TODO possibly add to a default group
    $user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1);
    $user["groupperms"] = getUsersGroupPerms(array_keys($user['groups']));
    $user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]);
    $user['login'] = $user['unityid'];
    return $user;
Esempio n. 5
function getUserMaxTimes($uid = 0)
    global $user;
    $return = array("initial" => 0, "total" => 0, "extend" => 0);
    if ($uid == 0) {
        $groupids = array_keys($user["groups"]);
    } else {
        $groupids = array_keys(getUsersGroups($uid, 1));
    if (!count($groupids)) {
        array_push($groupids, getUserGroupID(DEFAULTGROUP));
    $allgroups = getUserGroups();
    foreach ($groupids as $id) {
        if ($return["initial"] < $allgroups[$id]["initialmaxtime"]) {
            $return["initial"] = $allgroups[$id]["initialmaxtime"];
        if ($return["total"] < $allgroups[$id]["totalmaxtime"]) {
            $return["total"] = $allgroups[$id]["totalmaxtime"];
        if ($return["extend"] < $allgroups[$id]["maxextendtime"]) {
            $return["extend"] = $allgroups[$id]["maxextendtime"];
    return $return;
Esempio n. 6
function updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid)
    global $authMechs;
    $userData = getLDAPUserData($authtype, $userid);
    if (is_null($userData)) {
        return NULL;
    $affilid = $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'];
    $now = unixToDatetime(time());
    // select desired data from db
    $query = "SELECT AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "af.shibonly, " . "u.emailnotices, " . " AS adminlevel, " . " AS adminlevelid, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "adminlevel a, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.adminlevelid = AND " . " = {$affilid} AND ";
    if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid'])) {
        $query .= "u.uid = " . $userData["numericid"];
    } else {
        $query .= "u.unityid = '{$userid}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid}";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 255);
    // if get a row
    //    update db
    //    update results from select
    if ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        $user["unityid"] = $userid;
        $user["firstname"] = $userData['first'];
        $user["lastname"] = $userData["last"];
        $user["email"] = $userData["email"];
        $user["lastupdated"] = $now;
        $query = "UPDATE user " . "SET unityid = '{$userid}', " . "firstname = '{$userData['first']}', " . "lastname = '{$userData['last']}', " . "email = '{$userData['email']}', " . "lastupdated = '{$now}' ";
        if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid'])) {
            $query .= "WHERE uid = " . $userData["numericid"];
        } else {
            $query .= "WHERE unityid = '{$userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$affilid}";
        doQuery($query, 256, 'vcl', 1);
    } else {
        //    call addLDAPUser
        $id = addLDAPUser($authtype, $userid);
        $query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "u.firstname AS firstname, " . "u.lastname AS lastname, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . " AS email, " . " AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . " AS adminlevel, " . " AS adminlevelid, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups, " . "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af, " . "adminlevel a " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.adminlevelid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . " = {$id}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
        if (!($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
            return NULL;
    // TODO handle generic updating of groups
    switch (getAffiliationName($affilid)) {
        case 'EXAMPLE1':
            //TODO possibly add to a default group
    $user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1);
    $user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]);
    $user['login'] = $user['unityid'];
    return $user;
Esempio n. 7
 * Reads in an .xml file and returns a SimpleXMLElement object that represents
 * the file.
 * Note that because this function must be called first, calls to parseConfig()
 * and getUsersGroups() have been added to ensure that all necessary parsing
 * will be complete by the time the content is needed for use.
 * @param $xmlFile This parameter can either be a SimpleXMLElement or a string.
 * @author Andrew Darwin <*****@*****.**>
function initializeContent($xmlFile)
    global $contentXML;
    if (is_null($contentXML)) {
        if ($xmlFile instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
            $contentXML = $xmlFile;
        } else {
            $xmlFile = getPathToXMLFile($xmlFile);
            if (file_exists($xmlFile)) {
                //$xmlFile should be a string
                $contentXML = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);
            } else {
                return null;
        logMessage("Loaded content xml into memory");
    return $contentXML;
Esempio n. 8
function updateITECSUser($userid)
        return NULL;
    $query = "SELECT id AS uid, " . "first, " . "last, " . "email, " . "created " . "FROM user " . "WHERE email = '{$userid}'";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101, "accounts");
    if (!($userData = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
        return NULL;
    $now = unixToDatetime(time());
    // select desired data from db
    $query = "SELECT AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . " AS adminlevel, " . " AS adminlevelid, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af, " . "adminlevel a " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.adminlevelid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . "u.uid = " . $userData["uid"];
    $qh = doQuery($query, 255);
    // if get a row
    //    update db
    //    update results from select
    $esc_userid = mysql_escape_string($userid);
    $first = mysql_escape_string($userData['first']);
    $last = mysql_escape_string($userData['last']);
    $email = mysql_escape_string($userData['email']);
    if ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        $user["unityid"] = $userid;
        $user["firstname"] = $userData['first'];
        $user["lastname"] = $userData["last"];
        $user["email"] = $userData["email"];
        $user["lastupdated"] = $now;
        $query = "UPDATE user " . "SET unityid = '{$esc_userid}', " . "firstname = '{$first}', " . "lastname = '{$last}', " . "email = '{$email}', " . "lastupdated = '{$now}' " . "WHERE uid = " . $userData["uid"];
        doQuery($query, 256, 'vcl', 1);
    } else {
        //    call addITECSUser
        $id = addITECSUser($userid);
        $query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "u.firstname AS firstname, " . "u.lastname AS lastname, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . " AS email, " . " AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . " AS adminlevel, " . " AS adminlevelid, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups, " . "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af, " . "adminlevel a " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.adminlevelid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . " = {$id}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
        $user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh);
        # add account to demo group
        $demoid = getUserGroupID('demo', getAffiliationID('ITECS'));
        updateGroups(array($demoid), $user['id']);
    $user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1);
    checkExpiredDemoUser($user['id'], $user['groups']);
    $user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]);
    $tmparr = explode('@', $user['unityid']);
    $user['login'] = $tmparr[0];
    return $user;
Esempio n. 9
function userLookup()
    global $user;
    $userid = processInputVar("userid", ARG_STRING);
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $userid = stripslashes($userid);
    $affilid = processInputVar('affiliationid', ARG_NUMERIC, $user['affiliationid']);
    $force = processInputVar('force', ARG_NUMERIC, 0);
    print "<div align=center>\n";
    print "<H2>User Lookup</H2>\n";
    print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
    print "<TABLE>\n";
    print "  <TR>\n";
    print "    <TH>Name (last, first) or User ID:</TH>\n";
    print "    <TD><INPUT type=text name=userid value=\"{$userid}\" size=25></TD>\n";
    if (checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (global)')) {
        $affils = getAffiliations();
        print "    <TD>\n";
        print "@";
        printSelectInput("affiliationid", $affils, $affilid);
        print "    </TD>\n";
    print "  </TR>\n";
    print "  <TR>\n";
    print "    <TD colspan=2>\n";
    print "      <input type=checkbox id=force name=force value=1>\n";
    print "      <label for=force>Attempt forcing an update from LDAP (User ID only)</label>\n";
    print "    </TD>\n";
    print "  </TR>\n";
    print "  <TR>\n";
    print "    <TD colspan=3 align=center><INPUT type=submit value=Submit>\n";
    print "  </TR>\n";
    print "</TABLE>\n";
    $cont = addContinuationsEntry('submitUserLookup');
    print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n";
    print "</FORM><br>\n";
    if (!empty($userid)) {
        $esc_userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid);
        if (preg_match('/,/', $userid)) {
            $mode = 'name';
            $force = 0;
        } else {
            $mode = 'userid';
        if (!checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (global)') && $user['affiliationid'] != $affilid) {
            print "<font color=red>{$userid} not found</font><br>\n";
        if ($mode == 'userid') {
            $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM user " . "WHERE unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$affilid}";
            $affilname = getAffiliationName($affilid);
            $userid = "{$userid}@{$affilname}";
            $esc_userid = "{$esc_userid}@{$affilname}";
        } else {
            $tmp = explode(',', $userid);
            $last = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($tmp[0]));
            $first = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($tmp[1]));
            $query = "SELECT CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', AS unityid " . "FROM user u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE u.firstname = '{$first}' AND " . "u.lastname = '{$last}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid} AND " . " = {$affilid}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
        if (!mysql_num_rows($qh)) {
            if ($mode == 'name') {
                print "<font color=red>User not found</font><br>\n";
            } else {
                print "<font color=red>{$userid} not currently found in VCL user database, will try to add...</font><br>\n";
        } elseif ($force) {
            $_SESSION['userresources'] = array();
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh);
            $newtime = unixToDatetime(time() - SECINDAY - 5);
            $query = "UPDATE user SET lastupdated = '{$newtime}' WHERE id = {$row['id']}";
            doQuery($query, 101);
        } elseif ($mode == 'name') {
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh);
            $userid = $row['unityid'];
            $esc_userid = $row['unityid'];
        $userdata = getUserInfo($esc_userid);
        if (is_null($userdata)) {
            $userdata = getUserInfo($esc_userid, 1);
            if (is_null($userdata)) {
                print "<font color=red>{$userid} not found</font><br>\n";
        $userdata["groups"] = getUsersGroups($userdata["id"], 1, 1);
        print "<TABLE>\n";
        if (!empty($userdata['unityid'])) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH align=right>User ID:</TH>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$userdata["unityid"]}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        if (!empty($userdata['firstname'])) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH align=right>First Name:</TH>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$userdata["firstname"]}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        if (!empty($userdata['lastname'])) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH align=right>Last Name:</TH>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$userdata["lastname"]}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        if (!empty($userdata['preferredname'])) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH align=right>Preferred Name:</TH>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$userdata["preferredname"]}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        if (!empty($userdata['affiliation'])) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH align=right>Affiliation:</TH>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$userdata["affiliation"]}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        if (!empty($userdata['email'])) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH align=right>Email:</TH>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$userdata["email"]}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        print "  <TR>\n";
        print "    <TH align=right style=\"vertical-align: top\">Groups:</TH>\n";
        print "    <TD>\n";
        uasort($userdata["groups"], "sortKeepIndex");
        foreach ($userdata["groups"] as $group) {
            print "      {$group}<br>\n";
        print "    </TD>\n";
        print "  </TR>\n";
        print "  <TR>\n";
        print "    <TH align=right style=\"vertical-align: top\">User Group Permissions:</TH>\n";
        print "    <TD>\n";
        if (count($userdata['groupperms'])) {
            foreach ($userdata['groupperms'] as $perm) {
                print "      {$perm}<br>\n";
        } else {
            print "      No additional user group permissions\n";
        print "    </TD>\n";
        print "  </TR>\n";
        print "  <TR>\n";
        print "    <TH align=right style=\"vertical-align: top\">Privileges (found somewhere in the tree):</TH>\n";
        print "    <TD>\n";
        uasort($userdata["privileges"], "sortKeepIndex");
        foreach ($userdata["privileges"] as $priv) {
            if ($priv == "block" || $priv == "cascade") {
            print "      {$priv}<br>\n";
        print "    </TD>\n";
        print "  </TR>\n";
        print "</TABLE>\n";
        # get user's resources
        $userResources = getUserResources(array("imageCheckOut"), array("available"), 0, 0, $userdata['id']);
        # find nodes where user has privileges
        $query = "SELECT AS privnode, " . " AS userprivtype, " . "up.privnodeid " . "FROM userpriv up, " . "privnode p, " . "userprivtype upt " . "WHERE up.privnodeid = AND " . "up.userprivtypeid = AND " . "up.userid = {$userdata['id']} " . "ORDER BY, " . "";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
        if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) {
            print "Nodes where user is granted privileges:<br>\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            $privnodeid = 0;
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                if ($privnodeid != $row['privnodeid']) {
                    if ($privnodeid) {
                        print "    </TD>\n";
                        print "  </TR>\n";
                    print "  <TR>\n";
                    $privnodeid = $row['privnodeid'];
                    $path = getNodePath($privnodeid);
                    print "    <TH align=right>{$path}</TH>\n";
                    print "    <TD>\n";
                print "      {$row['userprivtype']}<br>\n";
            print "    </TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
        # find nodes where user's groups have privileges
        if (!empty($userdata['groups'])) {
            $query = "SELECT DISTINCT AS privnode, " . " AS userprivtype, " . "up.privnodeid " . "FROM userpriv up, " . "privnode p, " . "userprivtype upt " . "WHERE up.privnodeid = AND " . "up.userprivtypeid = AND " . " != 'cascade' AND " . " != 'block' AND " . "up.usergroupid IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($userdata['groups'])) . ") " . "ORDER BY, " . "";
            $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
            if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) {
                print "Nodes where user's groups are granted privileges:<br>\n";
                print "<TABLE>\n";
                $privnodeid = 0;
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                    if ($privnodeid != $row['privnodeid']) {
                        if ($privnodeid) {
                            print "    </TD>\n";
                            print "  </TR>\n";
                        print "  <TR>\n";
                        $privnodeid = $row['privnodeid'];
                        $path = getNodePath($privnodeid);
                        print "    <TH align=right>{$path}</TH>\n";
                        print "    <TD>\n";
                    print "      {$row['userprivtype']}<br>\n";
                print "    </TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
                print "</TABLE>\n";
        print "<table>\n";
        print "  <tr>\n";
        print "    <th>Images User Has Access To:<th>\n";
        print "    <td>\n";
        foreach ($userResources['image'] as $img) {
            print "      {$img}<br>\n";
        print "    </td>\n";
        print "  </tr>\n";
        print "</table>\n";
        # login history
        $query = "SELECT authmech, " . "timestamp, " . "passfail, " . "remoteIP, " . "code " . "FROM loginlog " . "WHERE (user = '******'unityid']}' OR " . "user = '******'unityid']}@{$userdata['affiliation']}') AND " . "affiliationid = {$userdata['affiliationid']} " . "ORDER BY timestamp DESC " . "LIMIT 8";
        $logins = array();
        $qh = doQuery($query);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
            $logins[] = $row;
        if (count($logins)) {
            $logins = array_reverse($logins);
            print "<h3>Login History (last 8 attempts)</h3>\n";
            print "<table summary=\"login attempts\">\n";
            print "<colgroup>\n";
            print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n";
            print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n";
            print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n";
            print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n";
            print "<col />\n";
            print "</colgroup>\n";
            print "  <tr>\n";
            print "    <th>Authentication Method</th>\n";
            print "    <th>Timestamp</th>\n";
            print "    <th>Result</th>\n";
            print "    <th>Remote IP</th>\n";
            print "    <th>Extra Info</th>\n";
            print "  </tr>\n";
            foreach ($logins as $login) {
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <td class=\"logincell\">{$login['authmech']}</td>\n";
                $ts = prettyDatetime($login['timestamp'], 1);
                print "    <td class=\"logincell\">{$ts}</td>\n";
                if ($login['passfail']) {
                    print "    <td class=\"logincell\"><font color=\"#008000\">Pass</font></td>\n";
                } else {
                    print "    <td class=\"logincell\"><font color=\"red\">Fail</font></td>\n";
                print "    <td class=\"logincell\">{$login['remoteIP']}</td>\n";
                print "    <td class=\"logincell\">{$login['code']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
            print "</table>\n";
        } else {
            print "<h3>Login History</h3>\n";
            print "There are no login attempts by this user.<br>\n";
        # reservation history
        $requests = array();
        $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(l.start, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS start, " . "DATE_FORMAT(l.finalend, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS end, " . "c.hostname, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyimage, " . "s.IPaddress, " . "l.ending " . "FROM log l, " . "image i, " . "computer c, " . "sublog s " . "WHERE l.userid = {$userdata['id']} AND " . "s.logid = AND " . " = s.imageid AND " . " = s.computerid " . "ORDER BY l.start DESC " . "LIMIT 5";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 290);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
            array_push($requests, $row);
        $requests = array_reverse($requests);
        if (!empty($requests)) {
            print "<h3>User's last " . count($requests) . " reservations:</h3>\n";
            print "<table>\n";
            $first = 1;
            foreach ($requests as $req) {
                if ($first) {
                    $first = 0;
                } else {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Image:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['prettyimage']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Computer:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['hostname']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Start:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['start']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>End:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['end']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                if ($req['IPaddress'] != '') {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>IP Address:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['IPaddress']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Ending:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['ending']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
            print "</table>\n";
        } else {
            print "User made no reservations in the past week.<br>\n";
        # current reservations
        $requests = array();
        $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(rq.start, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS start, " . "DATE_FORMAT(rq.end, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS end, " . " AS requestid, " . "MIN( AS reservationid, " . "c.hostname AS computer, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyimage, " . "c.IPaddress AS compIP, " . "rs.remoteIP AS userIP, " . "ch.hostname AS vmhost, " . "mn.hostname AS managementnode, " . " AS servername, " . " AS admingroup, " . " AS logingroup, " . " AS state, " . " AS laststate " . "FROM image i, " . "managementnode mn, " . "request rq " . "LEFT JOIN reservation rs ON (rs.requestid = " . "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (rs.computerid = " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost vh ON (c.vmhostid = " . "LEFT JOIN computer ch ON (vh.computerid = " . "LEFT JOIN serverrequest srq ON (srq.requestid = " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup aug ON ( = srq.admingroupid) " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup lug ON ( = srq.logingroupid) " . "LEFT JOIN state s1 ON ( = rq.stateid) " . "LEFT JOIN state s2 ON ( = rq.laststateid) " . "WHERE rq.userid = {$userdata['id']} AND " . " = rs.imageid AND " . " = rs.managementnodeid " . "GROUP BY " . "ORDER BY rq.start";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 290);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
            array_push($requests, $row);
        $requests = array_reverse($requests);
        if (!empty($requests)) {
            print "<h3>User's current reservations:</h3>\n";
            print "<table>\n";
            $first = 1;
            foreach ($requests as $req) {
                if ($first) {
                    $first = 0;
                } else {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Request ID:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['requestid']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                if ($req['servername'] != '') {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>Reservation Name:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['servername']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Image:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['prettyimage']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>State:</th>\n";
                if ($req['state'] == 'pending') {
                    print "    <td>{$req['laststate']}</td>\n";
                } else {
                    print "    <td>{$req['state']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Computer:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['computer']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                if (!empty($req['vmhost'])) {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>VM Host:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['vmhost']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Start:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['start']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>End:</th>\n";
                if ($req['end'] == 'Friday, Jan 1st, 2038, 12:00 AM') {
                    print "    <td>(indefinite)</td>\n";
                } else {
                    print "    <td>{$req['end']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
                if ($req['compIP'] != '') {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>Node's IP Address:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['compIP']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                if ($req['userIP'] != '') {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>User's IP Address:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['userIP']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                if ($req['admingroup'] != '') {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>Admin Group:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['admingroup']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                if ($req['logingroup'] != '') {
                    print "  <tr>\n";
                    print "    <th align=right>Access Group:</th>\n";
                    print "    <td>{$req['logingroup']}</td>\n";
                    print "  </tr>\n";
                print "  <tr>\n";
                print "    <th align=right>Management Node:</th>\n";
                print "    <td>{$req['managementnode']}</td>\n";
                print "  </tr>\n";
            print "</table>\n";
        } else {
            print "User does not have any current reservations.<br>\n";
    print "</div>\n";