Esempio n. 1
  * Sends receipt
  * @return bool 
 public function mail()
     $invoice = new Invoice($this->invoice_id);
     // make e-mail template
     $template = new Template(Configuration::get('base_dir') . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'mail.php');
     $template->replaceFromPHPFile('content', Configuration::get('base_dir') . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'payment-mail.php', array('invoice' => $invoice->read(), 'payment' => $this->toClone()));
     // send e-mail
     $config = Configuration::getInstance();
     $header = "From: {$config['user']['name']} <{$config['user']['email']}>";
     return mail($invoice->client_email, "A payment was made", $template->toString(), $header);
Esempio n. 2
        $cont2 .= "</li><br><h2>3D View of Character:";
        $char_race = array(1 => 'human', 2 => 'orc', 3 => 'dwarf', 4 => 'nightelf', 5 => 'scourge', 6 => 'tauren', 7 => 'gnome', 8 => 'troll', 10 => 'bloodelf', 11 => 'draenei');
        $char_gender = array(0 => 'male', 1 => 'female');
        $cont2 .= '<div id="model_scene" align="center">  
<object id="wowhead" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="580px" width="750px">  
<param name="quality" value="high">  
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">  
<param name="menu" value="false">  
<param value="transparent" name="wmode">  
<param name="flashvars" value="model=' . $char_race[$row['race']] . $char_gender[$gender] . '&amp;modelType=16&amp;ha=0&amp;hc=0&amp;fa=0&amp;sk=0&amp;fh=0&amp;fc=0&amp;contentPath=;blur=1&amp;equipList=1,' . $headDid . ',3,' . $shoulderDid . ',16,' . $backDid . ',5,' . $chestDid . ',9,' . $wristDid . ',10,' . $glovesDid . ',6,' . $beltDid . ',7,' . $legsDid . ',8,' . $feetDid . ',14,' . $offhandDid . ',21,' . $mainhandDid . '">  
<param name="movie" value="">  
$cont2 .= "</div>";
$box_wide->setVar("content_title", "Armory");
$box_wide->setVar("content", $cont2);
print $box_wide->toString();
// dataVariables.php (should be in the same folder as armory.php (modules/ folder of WebWoW)
$classList = array('1' => 'Warrior', '2' => 'Paladin', '3' => 'Hunter', '4' => 'Rogue', '5' => 'Priest', '6' => 'Death Knight', '7' => 'Shaman', '8' => 'Mage', '9' => 'Warlock', '11' => 'Druid');
$energyList = array('1' => 'rage', '2' => 'mana', '3' => 'mana', '4' => 'energy', '5' => 'mana', '6' => 'runicpower', '7' => 'mana', '8' => 'mana', '9' => 'mana', '11' => 'mana');
$colorList = array('1' => '#C79C6E', '2' => '#F58CBA', '3' => '#ABD473', '4' => '#FFF569', '5' => '#FFFFFF', '6' => '#C41F3B', '7' => '#0070DE', '8' => '#69CCF0', '9' => '#9482C9', '11' => '#FF7D0A');
$raceList = array('1' => 'Human', '2' => 'Orc', '3' => 'Dwarf', '4' => 'Night Elf', '5' => 'Undead', '6' => 'Tauren', '7' => 'Gnome', '8' => 'Troll', '9' => 'Goblin', '10' => 'Blood Elf', '11' => 'Draenei', '12' => 'Fel Orc', '13' => 'Naga', '14' => 'Broken', '15' => 'Skeleton', '16' => 'Vrykul', '17' => 'Tuskarr', '18' => 'Forest Troll', '19' => 'Taunka', '20' => 'Northrend Skeleton', '21' => 'Ice Troll');
$slotLocation = array('0' => 'Head', '1' => 'Neck', '2' => 'Shoulders', '3' => 'Body', '4' => 'Chest', '5' => 'Waist', '6' => 'Legs', '7' => 'Feet', '8' => 'Wrists', '9' => 'Hands', '10' => 'Finger 1', '11' => 'Finger 2', '12' => 'Trinket 1', '13' => 'Trinket 2', '14' => 'Back', '15' => 'Main Hand', '16' => 'Off Hand', '17' => 'Ranged', '18' => 'Tabard');
$qualityColor = array('0' => 'gray', '1' => 'white', '2' => '#25FF16', '3' => '#0070AC', '4' => '#A335EE', '5' => '#FF8000');