static function previewForm($formData) { $form = new Template($formData, "test1uploadpreview.tpl", false); $form->encode = false; $form->output(); return $form->output; }
public function display() { $rolelist = new Template(); $rolelist->load("role_list"); $actions = ActionList::get("rolelist"); if (isset($_POST['insert'])) { $role = new Role(); $role->name = $_POST['insert']; $role->insert(); } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $role = new Role(); $role->ID = $_GET['delete']; $role->delete(); } $table = new Table(); $id = new TableColumn("id", Language::DirectTranslate("ID")); $id->autoWidth = true; $name = new TableColumn("name", Language::DirectTranslate("NAME")); $table->columns->add($id); $table->columns->add($name); $table->name = "{'dbprefix'}roles"; $table->actions = "rolelist"; $table->orderBy = "name"; $table->cacheName = "rolelist"; $rolelist->assign_var("TABLE", $table->getCode()); $rolelist->output(); }
protected function upload() { $template = new Template(); $template->load("upload"); $template->assign_var("REFERRER", $_POST['referrer']); $template->show_if("SHOW_MEDIALIBARY", false); if (!file_exists(Settings::getInstance()->get("root") . "content/uploads" . $_SESSION['dir'])) { mkdir(Settings::getInstance()->get("root") . "content/uploads" . $_SESSION['dir']); } if (FileServer::upload(Settings::getInstance()->get("root") . "content/uploads" . $_SESSION['dir'], $_FILES['file'])) { $name = $_FILES['file']['name']; $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", str_replace("{FILENAME}", $name, Language::DirectTranslate("FILE_UPLOADED"))); $path_info = pathinfo(Settings::getInstance()->get("root") . "content/uploads" . $_SESSION['dir'] . "/" . $name); if (strtolower($path_info['extension'] == 'jpg') or strtolower($path_info['extension'] == 'jpeg') or strtolower($path_info['extension'] == 'gif') or strtolower($path_info['extension'] == 'png') or strtolower($path_info['extension'] == 'bmp')) { $template->show_if("SHOW_MEDIALIBARY", true); $template->assign_var("URL", UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/media/addimage")); $template->assign_var("FILE_PATH", Settings::getInstance()->get("host") . "content/uploads" . $_SESSION['dir'] . "/" . $name); } } else { if (FileServer::$uploadFailure != "") { $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", FileServer::$uploadFailure); } else { $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", Language::DirectTranslate("FILE_NOT_UPLOADED")); } } $template->output(); }
public function display() { $template = new Template(); $template->load("plugins"); $plugins = new PluginList(); $plugins->loadAll(); foreach ($plugins->plugins as $plugin) { $index = $template->add_loop_item("PLUGINS"); if (isset($_GET['activate']) && $_GET['activate'] == $plugin->path) { $plugin->activate(); } elseif (isset($_GET['deactivate']) && $_GET['deactivate'] == $plugin->path) { $plugin->deactivate(); } $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "NAME", htmlentities($plugin->name)); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "PATH", htmlentities($plugin->path)); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "DESCRIPTION", htmlentities($plugin->getDescription())); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "VERSION", $plugin->version); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "AUTHORLINK", $plugin->authorLink); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "AUTHORNAME", htmlentities($plugin->authorName)); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "LICENSE", htmlentities($plugin->license)); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "LICENSEURL", htmlentities($plugin->licenseUrl)); if ($plugin->isActivated()) { $myurl = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias($this->page->alias, "deactivate=" . urlencode($plugin->path)); $disable = Language::DirectTranslateHtml("DISABLE"); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "ACTIVATIONLINK", "<a href=\"" . $myurl . "\">" . $disable . "</a>"); } else { $myurl = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias($this->page->alias, "activate=" . urlencode($plugin->path)); $enable = Language::DirectTranslateHtml("ENABLE"); $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "ACTIVATIONLINK", "<a href=\"" . $myurl . "\">" . $enable . "</a>"); } } $template->assign_var("HOST", Settings::getValue("host")); $template->assign_var("APIKEY", Settings::getValue("apikey")); $template->output(); }
function display() { $host = Settings::getInstance()->get("host"); $template = new Template(); $template->load("dashboard"); $template->assign_var("COLUMNS", $this->getColumnsCode()); $template->output(); }
public function show() { // $url = ''; // $request_url = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; // $script_url = (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : ''; // // Get our url path and trim the / of the left and the right // if ($request_url != $script_url) { // $url = trim(preg_replace('/' . str_replace('/', '\/', str_replace('index.php', '', $script_url)) . '/', '', // $request_url, 1), '/'); // } // $url = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $url); // Strip query string $url = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (count($url) == 4) { $urldir = escape($url[count($url) - 2]); $url = escape($url[count($url) - 1]); } else { $urldir = ""; $url = escape($url[count($url) - 1]); } /* * TODO sjekk REQUEST_URI for antall. Hvis X, så betyr det at det er en subpost */ /* * TODO eller... fortsett som før og bare list X category posts i get_pages() */ if ($url && $urldir) { $file = SCORPION_DIR_CONTENT . $urldir . '/' . $url; } elseif ($url) { if ($url == strtolower($this->get_config('index'))) { $file = SCORPION_DIR_CONTENT . 'index'; } elseif (strstr($url, 'admin')) { Redirect::to(SCORPION_DIR_ADMIN . 'index.php'); die; } else { $file = SCORPION_DIR_CONTENT . $url; } } else { $file = SCORPION_DIR_CONTENT . 'index'; } if (is_dir($file)) { $file = SCORPION_DIR_CONTENT . $url . '/index' . SCORPION_CONTENT_EXT; } else { $file .= SCORPION_CONTENT_EXT; } if (file_exists($file)) { $content = file_get_contents($file); } else { $content = file_get_contents(SCORPION_DIR_CONTENT . '404' . SCORPION_CONTENT_EXT); header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found'); } $navigation = $this->generate_navigation(); $meta = $this->read_file_meta($content); $content = $this->parse_content($content); $website = new Template($this->get_theme_path()); $codes = array('header_title' => $this->get_config('header_title'), 'header_slogan' => $this->get_config('header_slogan'), 'meta' => $meta, 'content' => $content, 'navigation' => $navigation, 'comments' => "--Comments--", 'addcomment' => "--Add comment--", 'theme_path' => $this->get_theme_path(), 'theme_url' => $this->base_url() . '/' . basename(SCORPION_DIR_THEMES) . '/' . $this->get_config('theme'), 'base_url' => $this->base_url(), 'visitor' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'date' => date("d.m.Y H:i:s"), 'date_year' => date("Y")); $website->set($codes); $website->output(); }
/** * Prints the page based on a data array and a template file * @param string the name of the template to use * @param array an array of data for the template engine * @return string * @access public */ function render($file, $data = '') { require_once 'template.class.php'; $template = new Template('templates/' . $file); if (is_array($data)) { $template->replaceTags($data); } return $template->output(); }
/** * Display screen shown on logging off * @param SSP_template $tpl - main template * @param string $userId - user id of memeber logging off * @param string $returnPage - url of previous page */ public function displayLogOffScreen($tpl, $userId, $returnPage) { // displays the logoff screen // // parameters // $tpl - object - main template object $content = array("homePath" => $this->cfg->siteRoot, "logonPath" => $returnPage, "title" => "Logged off"); $logoff = new Template($content, "logoff.tpl"); $tpl->setData("content", $logoff->output()); return $tpl->output(); }
function render($view = false) { // get the page details stored in the database $this->requestAllPages(); // define the rendering template if (!$this->data['template']) { $this->data['template'] = LISTINGS_TEMPLATE; } // display the page Template::output($this->data); }
public function view($file, $data = array()) { $view = $this->dir . DS . 'Views' . DS . $file . '.phtml'; $profile = new Template($view); foreach ($data as $key => $assign) { $profile->set($key, $assign); } //$layout = new Template($this->dir .DS."layout".DS."layout.phtml"); //$layout->set("content", $profile->output()); echo $profile->render($profile->output()); // return $view->render(); }
public function display() { $language = new Language($_GET['language']); if (isset($_POST['translation'])) { $language->updateTranslation($_GET['token'], $_POST['translation']); Cache::clear("language"); } $template = new Template(); $template->load("translationtokeneditor"); $template->assign_var("ORIGINAL", Language::DirectTranslate($_GET['token'])); $template->assign_var("TRANSLATION", $language->getString($_GET['token'])); $template->output(); }
public function display() { $userlist = new Template(); $userlist->load("user_list"); $userlist->assign_var("URL", $this->page->GetUrl()); if (isset($_POST['insert'])) { $user = new User(); $user->name = $_POST['name']; $user->role = $_POST['new_user_role']; $user->email = $_POST['email']; if (!$user->insert($_POST['password'])) { $userlist->assign_var("MSG", Language::DirectTranslateHtml("USER_NOT_CREATED")); } } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $user = new User(); $user->id = $_GET['delete']; if (!$user->delete()) { $userlist->assign_var("MSG", Language::DirectTranslateHtml("USER_NOT_DELETED")); } } $userlist->assign_var("MSG", ""); Cache::clear("tables", "userlist"); $table = new Table(); $id = new TableColumn("id", Language::DirectTranslate("ID")); $id->autoWidth = true; $name = new TableColumn("name", Language::DirectTranslate("NAME")); $role = new TableColumn("role", Language::DirectTranslate("ROLE"), "IFNULL((SELECT name FROM {'dbprefix'}roles WHERE id = {'dbprefix'}user.role),'')"); $email = new TableColumn("email", Language::DirectTranslate("EMAIL")); $created = new TableColumn("create_timestamp", Language::DirectTranslate("CREATED_ON")); $created->autoWidth = true; $access = new TableColumn("last_access_timestamp", Language::DirectTranslate("LAST_ACCESS")); $access->autoWidth = true; $table->columns->add($id); $table->columns->add($name); $table->columns->add($role); $table->columns->add($email); $table->columns->add($created); $table->columns->add($access); $table->name = "{'dbprefix'}user"; $table->actions = "userlist"; $table->orderBy = "name"; $table->cacheName = "userlist"; $userlist->assign_var("TABLE", $table->getCode()); $roles = new RoleSelector(); $roles->hideSpecialRoles = true; $roles->name = "new_user_role"; $userlist->assign_var("ROLES", $roles->getCode()); $userlist->output(); }
public function display() { $template = new Template(); $template->load("message"); if (ImageServer::insert($_POST['path'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['description'])) { $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", Language::DirectTranslateHtml("IMAGE_ADDED")); $redirect = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/home", "dir=" . urlencode($_SESSION['dir'])); if (isset($_POST['referrer'])) { $redirect = $_POST['referrer']; } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>setTimeout('window.location.href= \\'" . $redirect . "\\'', 1000)</script>"; } else { $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", Language::DirectTranslateHtml("IMAGE_NOT_ADDED")); } $template->output(); }
public function display() { $template = new Template(); if (!isset($_GET['delete'])) { $template->load("menu_delete"); $template->assign_var("CANCELURL", "javascript:history.back()"); $template->assign_var("DELETEURL", $this->page->GetUrl("menu=" . urlencode($_GET['menu']) . "&delete=true")); } else { $template->load("message"); if (Menu::delete(DataBase::Current()->EscapeString($_GET['menu']))) { $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", Language::DirectTranslate("MENU_DELETED")); } else { $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", Language::DirectTranslate("MENU_NOT_DELETED")); } } $template->output(); }
public function output($data = null, $document = false) { $locale = $this->getLocale(); $data = new Hook\DataFunction(new \SplObjectStorage(), $data, $locale, $this->baseDir); $headers = []; $this->registerProperties($this->getBasicProperties($data, $locale, $headers)); //To be a valid XML document it must have a root element, automatically wrap it in <template> to ensure it does $template = new Template($this->isFile ? $this->template : '<template>' . $this->template . '</template>'); $rules = (new Sheet($this->tss, $this->baseDir, $template->getPrefix()))->parse(); foreach ($rules as $rule) { $hook = new Hook\Rule($rule->properties, new Hook\PseudoMatcher($rule->pseudo, $data), $data); foreach ($this->registeredProperties as $properties) { $hook->registerProperties($properties); } $template->addHook($rule->query, $hook); } $output = $template->output($document); return (object) ['headers' => $headers, 'body' => $output]; }
public static function forgotPassword(Db $db, $email, $pathtoTemplates = "templates/") { if (!self::emailExists($db, $email)) { return false; } $siteUrl = Constants::SITE_URL; $siteName = Constants::SITE_NAME; $newPass = UUID::generate(); $newPassHash = md5($newPass); $pq = "update users set passhash = ? where email like ? limit 1"; $db->preparedQuery($pq, array($newPassHash, $email), "ss"); $plainMessage = "Your password has been reset to:\n\n{$newPass}\n\nPlease use this temporary password to log into the site and change it to a new, secure password of your choosing on the Edit Profile page.\n\nYou can follow this link:\n{$siteUrl}" . "admin/login.php?email={$email}&from=settings.php\n\nFrom: Automailer\n"; $htmlMessage = EmailHelper::getEmailPara("Your password has been reset to:") . EmailHelper::getEmailPara("{$newPass}") . EmailHelper::getEmailPara("Please use this temporary password to log into the site and change it to a new, secure password of your choosing on the Edit Profile page.") . EmailHelper::getEmailPara("You can follow this link: <a style='color:#6666ff;' href='{$siteUrl}" . "admin/login.php?email={$email}&from=settings.php'>{$siteUrl}" . "login.php?email={$email}&from=settings.php</a>") . EmailHelper::getEmailPara("From: Automailer"); $tHtml = new Template($pathtoTemplates . "mailers/holder.tpl.html"); $tHtml->insertSlot("TITLE", "{$siteName} - Forgot Password"); $tHtml->insertSlot("CONTENT", $htmlMessage); // do NOT error here, the password has been reset, dont return false so they think it has not @EmailHelper::sendHtmlEmail($tHtml->output(), $plainMessage, Constants::EMAIL_INFO, $email, "[{$siteName}] password reset"); return true; }
public function display() { $template = new Template(); $template->load("menu_new"); $template->show_if("NOTSUCCEEDED", isset($_POST['name']) == false); $template->show_if("SUCCEEDED", false); if ($_GET['blank'] == true) { $template->assign_var("URL", UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/newmenu", "blank=true")); } else { $template->assign_var("URL", UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/newmenu")); } if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $template->show_if("SUCCEEDED", true); $id = Menu::create($_POST['name'], $_SESSION['dir']); if (!$id) { $template->load("message"); $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", Language::DirectTranslate("MENU_NOT_CREATED")); } } $template->output(); }
public function display() { $contentpath = Settings::getInstance()->get("root") . "content/articles/" . $_SESSION['dir'] . "/"; if (isset($_POST['name'])) { if (FileServer::IsValidFoldername($_POST['name'])) { FileServer::createFolder($contentpath, $_POST['name']); ?> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- window.location.href="<?php echo UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/home", "dir=" . $_SESSION['dir'] . "/" . $_POST['name']); ?> "; // --></script> <?php } else { echo Language::DirectTranslateHtml("INVALID_FOLDERNAME"); } } $template = new Template(); $template->load("new_folder"); $template->output(); }
public function display() { $template = new Template(); $template->load("new_form"); $template->show_if("SUCCEEDED", false); $template->show_if("NOTSUCCEEDED", isset($_POST['name']) == false); if ($_GET['blank'] == true) { $url = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/newform", "blank=true"); } else { $url = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/newform"); } $template->assign_var("URL", $url); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $template->show_if("SUCCEEDED"); $id = Form::create($_POST['name'], $_SESSION['dir']); if (!$id) { $template->load("message"); $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", $language->getString("FORM_NOT_CREATED")); } } $template->output(); }
public function display() { $page = new Page(); $page->loadProperties(DataBase::Current()->EscapeString($_GET['site'])); $host = Settings::getInstance()->get("host"); if (!isset($_GET['delete'])) { $template = new Template(); $template->load("site_delete"); $template->assign_var("TITLE", $page->title); $home = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/home"); $template->assign_var("SITESURL", $home); $delete = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias("admin/pagedelete", "site=" . urlencode($_GET['site']) . "&delete=true"); $template->assign_var("DELETEURL", $delete); $template->output(); } else { if ($page->delete()) { $template = new Template(); $template->load("message"); $message = str_ireplace("{VAR:TITLE}", $page->title, Language::GetGlobal()->getString("PAGE_DELETED")); $template->assign_var("MESSAGE", $message); $template->output(); } } }
/** * URLのパターンからTemplateを切り替える * @param array $urlconf */ public function handler(array $urlconf = array()) { $params = array(); foreach ($urlconf as $pattern => $conf) { if (is_int($pattern)) { $pattern = $conf; $conf = null; } if (preg_match("/" . str_replace(array("\\/", "/", "__SLASH__"), array("__SLASH__", "\\/", "\\/"), $pattern) . "/", $this->args(), $params)) { if ($conf !== null) { if (is_array($conf)) { if (isset($conf["class"])) { $this->class = $conf["class"]; } if (isset($conf["method"])) { $this->method = $conf["method"]; } if (isset($conf["template"])) { $this->template = $conf["template"]; } if (isset($conf["name"])) { $this->name = $conf["name"]; } } else { $this->dict($conf); } } self::$match_pattern = empty($this->name) ? $params[0] : $this->name; if (!empty($this->class)) { if (false !== strrpos($this->class, ".") || !class_exists($this->class)) { $this->class = Rhaco::import($this->class); } if (empty($this->method) && !empty($pattern)) { $method_patterns = array(); $patterns = explode("/", $pattern); if ($patterns[0] == "^") { array_shift($patterns); } foreach ($patterns as $p) { if (!preg_match("/[\\w_]/", $p)) { break; } $method_patterns[] = $p; } if (!empty($method_patterns)) { $this->method = implode("_", $method_patterns); } } } if (empty($this->method) && !empty($this->template)) { $obj = new self(); $obj->copy_module($this, true); $obj->template($this->template); } else { $method = empty($this->method) ? "index" : $this->method; if (!method_exists($this->class, $method)) { throw new Exception("Not found " . $this->class . "::" . $method); } array_shift($params); try { $class = $this->class; $action = new $class(); $action->copy_module($this, true); if ($action instanceof self) { $action->handled(); } $obj = call_user_func_array(array($action, $method), $params); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::debug($e); $on_error = Rhaco::def("core.Flow@on_error"); if ($on_error === null) { throw $e; } if (isset($on_error[0])) { Http::status_header((int) $on_error[0]); } if (isset($on_error[2])) { Http::redirect($on_error[2]); } if (isset($on_error[1])) { $template = new Template(); $template->output($on_error[1]); } exit; } } if ($obj instanceof self) { $obj = $obj->templ(); } if (!$obj instanceof Template) { throw new Exception("Forbidden " . $this->args()); } $obj->path($this->path()); $obj->url($this->url()); $this->templ = $obj; if (!$this->isTemplate()) { $this->template($obj->filename()); } if (!$this->isTemplate()) { $cs = explode(".", $this->class); $class = array_pop($cs); $class = implode("/", $cs) . (!empty($cs) ? "/" : "") . strtolower($class[0]) . substr($class, 1); $this->template($class . "/" . $method . ".html"); } return $this; } } throw new Exception("no match pattern"); }
$fh = fopen(BASE . $directory . "/" . $file->filename, "r"); for ($x = 0; $x < $_POST["rowstart"]; $x++) { $lineInfo = fgetcsv($fh, 2000, $_POST["delimiter"]); } $colNames = array("none" => $i18n['col_none'], "username" => $i18n['col_username'], "password" => $i18n['col_password'], "firstname" => $i18n['col_firstname'], "lastname" => $i18n['col_lastname'], "email" => $i18n['col_email']); //Check to see if the line got split, otherwise throw an error if ($lineInfo == null) { $post['_formError'] = sprintf($i18n['delimiter_error'], $_POST["delimiter"]); exponent_sessions_set("last_POST", $post); header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); exit(""); } else { //initialize the for stuff exponent_forms_initialize(); //Setup the mete data (hidden values) $form = new form(); $form->meta("module", "importer"); $form->meta("action", "page"); $form->meta("page", "process"); $form->meta("rowstart", $_POST["rowstart"]); $form->meta("importer", "usercsv"); $form->meta("filename", $directory . "/" . $file->filename); $form->meta("delimiter", $_POST["delimiter"]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($lineInfo); $i++) { $form->register("column[{$i}]", $lineInfo[$i], new dropdowncontrol("none", $colNames)); } $form->register("submit", "", new buttongroupcontrol($i18n['submit'], "", $i18n['cancel'])); $template = new Template("importer", "_usercsv_form_mapping"); $template->assign("form_html", $form->tohtml()); $template->output(); }
function fillCustomers($tmp_src, $table, $json, $userdetails, $tmp_src_subitems=0) { $block_no = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('block_no')); $block_no=$block_no->output(); $block_norows = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('block_norows')); $block_norows=$block_norows->output(); $checkbox_th = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('checkbox_th')); $checkbox_td = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('checkbox_td')); $loop_table_row = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('loop_table_row')); $block_dir = array(); $block_dir[0] = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('block_dir0')); $block_dir[1] = new Template($this->viewroot, $tmp_src->returnloop('block_dir1')); $block_dir[0] = $block_dir[0]->output(); $block_dir[1] = $block_dir[1]->output(); $loopdata = ""; $loopdata.=$checkbox_th->output(); $cols = array(); $cols[] = 'ID'; $cols[] = 'Date'; $cols[] = 'Phone'; $cols[] = 'Market'; $cols[] = 'DesiredRooms'; $cols[] = 'HouseTypes'; $cols[] = 'Districts'; $cols[] = 'User'; $cols[] = 'MaxCost'; $cols[] = 'Firstname'; $cols[] = 'Surname'; $districts = $this->model->getList('districts'); $housetypes = $this->model->getList('housetypes'); $desiredrooms = $this->model->getList('desiredrooms'); $emptyinfo = file_get_contents($this->viewroot.'/templates/emptyinfo.htt'); $c = 0; // ajax_echo_r ($json); // ajax_echo_r ($table[1]); $thistable = ""; if (sizeof($table)) { $thisidcolumnname = $json->tablename."_ID"; // echo $thisidcolumnname."<br>"; foreach ($table as $item) { $loop_table_row->reload(); $thisrow = ""; $checkbox_td->reload(); $checkbox_td->fill('%checked%' , 'checked' ); $checkbox_td->fill('%id%' , $item->$thisidcolumnname ); $thisrow.=$checkbox_td->output(); $loop_table_row->fill( "%ID%", $item->ID); $loop_table_row->fill( "%calldiretion%", $block_dir[$item->DirectionID]); $item->Districts = ""; $ids = explode(";",$item->DistrictIDs); foreach ($ids as $id_itm) { if ($id_itm) { $id = substr($id_itm, strpos($id_itm, "_")+1); if ($item->Districts) $item->Districts .= ", "; $item->Districts .= $districts[$id]->Description; } } $item->HouseTypes = ""; $ids = explode(";",$item->HouseTypeIDs); foreach ($ids as $id_itm) { if ($id_itm) { $id = substr($id_itm, strpos($id_itm, "_")+1); if ($id) { if ($item->HouseTypes) $item->HouseTypes .= ", "; $item->HouseTypes .= $housetypes[$id]->Description; } } } $item->DesiredRooms = ""; $ids = explode(";",$item->DesiredRoomsIDs); foreach ($ids as $id_itm) { if ($id_itm) { $id = substr($id_itm, strpos($id_itm, "_")+1); if ($item->DesiredRooms) $item->DesiredRooms .= ", "; $item->DesiredRooms .= $desiredrooms[$id]->Description; } } foreach ($cols as $cv) { $k=$cv; $v = $item->$k; if ($k && ($k!='CustomerID')) { if ($k==$json->tablename."_AuxInfo") { if (trim($v)=="") $v=$emptyinfo; } switch ($cv) { case ('MaxCost'): $loop_table_row->fill( "%".$k."%", formatCost($v)); break; default: $loop_table_row->fill( "%".$k."%", (((int)$v==0) && ((string)(int)$v==$v) && ($k!='Cost'))?$block_no:($v)); break; } } } $loop_table_row->fillloop('loop_table_cell',$thisrow); // $loop_table_row->fill("%c%", ($c%2) + ((date_timestamp_get(date_create($item->DateTarget))<date_timestamp_get(date_create()) )?0:2) ); $loop_table_row->fill("%c%", $c%2); // echo (date_timestamp_get(date_create($item->DateTarget))."-".date_timestamp_get(date_create())."<br>"); if ($tmp_src_subitems) { if ($json->r_viewmode=='objects') { $objects = $this->fillCustomers(clone $tmp_src_subitems, $item->subitems, $json, $userdetails); } else { $objects = $this->fillObjects (clone $tmp_src_subitems, $item->subitems, $json, $userdetails); } $loop_table_row->fill("%objects%", $objects->output()); } $loop_table_row->fill("%id%" , $item->ID ); $loop_table_row->fill("%tablename%" , $json->tablename ); $thistable.=$loop_table_row->output(); $c++; } } else { /* $thisrow = ""; $thisrow.=$block_norows; $loop_table_row->fillloop('loop_table_cell',$thisrow); $loop_table_row->fill("%c%", $c%2); $thistable.=$loop_table_row->output(); */ $tmp_src->fillloop('loop_table', $block_norows); } $tmp_src->removeloop('loop_table'); $tmp_src->fillloop('loop_table_row',$thistable); $tmp_src->fillloop( "block_no","" ); $tmp_src->fillloop( "block_norows","" ); $tmp_src->fillloop( "block_dir0","" ); $tmp_src->fillloop( "block_dir1","" ); $tmp_src->fill("%numrows%",sizeof($table[1])); return $tmp_src; }
/** * Parse the template file, add the TinyMCE configuration and print it to the screen */ public function output() { // Rich text editor configuration if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_RTE']) && !empty($GLOBALS['TL_RTE'])) { $this->base = $this->Environment->base; $this->uploadPath = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath']; // Fallback to English if the user language is not supported $this->language = file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/plugins/tinyMCE/langs/' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] . '.js') ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] : 'en'; foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_RTE'] as $file => $fields) { $arrRteFields = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $arrRteFields[] = $field['id']; } $this->rteFields = implode(',', $arrRteFields); // TinyMCE $this->ceFields = $fields; // Other RTEs $strFile = sprintf('%s/system/config/%s.php', TL_ROOT, $file); if (!file_exists($strFile)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot find editor configuration file "%s.php"', $file)); } ob_start(); include $strFile; $this->rteConfig .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } // Style sheets if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) && !empty($GLOBALS['TL_CSS'])) { $strStyleSheets = ''; foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) as $stylesheet) { list($stylesheet, $media) = explode('|', $stylesheet); $strStyleSheets .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $this->addStaticUrlTo($stylesheet) . '" media="' . ($media != '' ? $media : 'all') . '">' . "\n"; } $this->stylesheets = $strStyleSheets; } // JavaScripts if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) && !empty($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'])) { $strJavaScripts = ''; foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) as $javascript) { $strJavaScripts .= '<script src="' . $this->addStaticUrlTo($javascript) . '"></script>' . "\n"; } $this->javascripts = $strJavaScripts; } // MooTools scripts (added at the page bottom) if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) && !empty($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS'])) { $strMootools = ''; foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) as $script) { $strMootools .= "\n" . trim($script) . "\n"; } $this->mootools = $strMootools; } $strBuffer = $this->parse(); // HOOK: add custom output filter if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputBackendTemplate']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputBackendTemplate'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputBackendTemplate'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strBuffer = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strBuffer, $this->strTemplate); } } // Add the browser and OS classes (see #3074) $ua = $this->Environment->agent; $strBuffer = str_replace('__ua__', $ua->class, $strBuffer); $this->strBuffer = $strBuffer; parent::output(); }
/** * Parse the template file, replace insert tags and print it to the screen */ public function output() { global $objPage; // Ignore certain URL parameters $arrIgnore = array('id', 'file', 'token', 'page', 'day', 'month', 'year'); if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem']) { $arrIgnore[] = 'auto_item'; } if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['addLanguageToUrl']) { $arrIgnore[] = 'language'; } $strParams = ''; // Rebuild the URL to eliminate duplicate parameters foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $key) { if (!in_array($key, $arrIgnore)) { if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] && in_array($key, $GLOBALS['TL_AUTO_ITEM'])) { $strParams .= '/' . \Input::get($key); } else { $strParams .= '/' . $key . '/' . \Input::get($key); } } } $strUrl = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objPage->row(), $strParams); // Add the page number if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $strUrl .= ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['disableAlias'] ? '&page=' : '?page=') . \Input::get('page'); } $this->keywords = ''; $arrKeywords = array_map('trim', explode(',', $GLOBALS['TL_KEYWORDS'])); // Add the meta keywords if (strlen($arrKeywords[0])) { $this->keywords = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", '"'), array(' ', '', ''), implode(', ', array_unique($arrKeywords))); } // Parse the template $strBuffer = str_replace(' & ', ' & ', $this->parse()); // HOOK: add custom output filters if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputFrontendTemplate']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputFrontendTemplate'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputFrontendTemplate'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strBuffer = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strBuffer, $this->strTemplate); } } $intCache = null; // Cache the page if it is not protected if (empty($_POST) && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$_SESSION['DISABLE_CACHE'] && !isset($_SESSION['LOGIN_ERROR']) && ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'both' || $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'server') && intval($objPage->cache) > 0 && !$objPage->protected) { // If the request string is empty, use a special cache tag which considers the page language if (\Environment::get('request') == '' || \Environment::get('request') == 'index.php') { $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('base') . 'empty.' . $objPage->language; } else { $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('base') . $strUrl; } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strCacheKey = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strCacheKey); } } // Replace insert tags for caching $strBuffer = $this->replaceInsertTags($strBuffer, true); $intCache = intval($objPage->cache) + time(); $lb = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['minifyMarkup'] ? '' : "\n"; $strMd5CacheKey = md5($strCacheKey); // Create the cache file $objFile = new \File('system/cache/html/' . substr($strMd5CacheKey, 0, 1) . '/' . $strMd5CacheKey . '.html'); $objFile->write('<?php' . " /* {$strCacheKey} */ \$expire = {$intCache}; \$content = '{$this->strContentType}'; ?>\n"); /** * Copyright notice * * ACCORDING TO THE LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL),YOU ARE NOT * PERMITTED TO RUN CONTAO WITHOUT THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. CHANGING, * REMOVING OR OBSTRUCTING IT IS PROHIBITED BY LAW! */ $objFile->append(preg_replace('/([ \\t]*<title[^>]*>)\\n*/', "<!--\n\n" . "\tThis website is powered by Contao Open Source CMS :: Licensed under GNU/LGPL\n" . "\tCopyright ©2005-" . date('Y') . " by Leo Feyer :: Extensions are copyright of their respective owners\n" . "\tVisit the project website at for more information\n\n" . "//-->{$lb}\$1", $this->minifyHtml($strBuffer), 1), ''); $objFile->close(); } // Send cache headers if (!headers_sent()) { if ($intCache !== null && ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'both' || $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'browser')) { header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . ($intCache - time())); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $intCache) . ' GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0', false); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Expires: Fri, 06 Jun 1975 15:10:00 GMT'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } } // Replace insert tags and then re-replace the request_token tag in case a form element has been loaded via insert tag $this->strBuffer = $this->replaceInsertTags($strBuffer); $this->strBuffer = str_replace(array('{{request_token}}', '[{]', '[}]'), array(REQUEST_TOKEN, '{{', '}}'), $this->strBuffer); // Index page if searching is allowed and there is no back end user if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['enableSearch'] && $objPage->type == 'regular' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$objPage->noSearch) { // Index protected pages if enabled if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['indexProtected'] || !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$objPage->protected) { $arrData = array('url' => $strUrl, 'content' => $this->strBuffer, 'title' => $objPage->pageTitle ?: $objPage->title, 'protected' => $objPage->protected ? '1' : '', 'groups' => $objPage->groups, 'pid' => $objPage->id, 'language' => $objPage->language); \Search::indexPage($arrData); } } parent::output(); }
<span id="meeting_time" style="position:absolute; z-index:8; left:330px; top:259px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;">' . $meet_time . '</span> <span id="arrival_date_time" style="position:absolute; z-index:9; left:120px; top:312px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;">' . $arrive_date . '</span> <span id="meeting_time" style="position:absolute; z-index:8; left:300px; top:312px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;">' . $arrive_time . '</span> <span id="flight" style="position:absolute; z-index:11; left:438px; top:312px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $row["flight"]; ?>' . $flight . '</span> <span id="amount" style="position:absolute; z-index:11; left:115px; top:364px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;width:100px;">' . $amount . '</span> <span id="comment" style="position:absolute; z-index:14; left:43px; top:763px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold; width:490px; height:50px;white-space:wrap; overflow:hidden;">' . $comment . '</span> <span id="cash" style="position:absolute; z-index:12; left:121px; top:435px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;">' . $cash . '</span> <span id="eft" style="position:absolute; z-index:13; left:215px; top:438px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;">' . $eft . '</span> <span id="cc" style="position:absolute; z-index:14; left:338px; top:438px;padding:0; margin:7px 0 0 5px; display:block; font-weight:bold;">' . $cc . '</span> </div> </div> </div>'; } if ($error) { $t = new Template("templates/print/print_report_time.tpl.html"); $t->insertSlot("VALID", urlencode($error)); //$t->insertSlot("RESULTS", "$results"); } else { $t->insertSlot("RESULTS", $results); $t->insertSlot("VALID", "valid"); } $t->insertSlot("DESC", $desc); $t->insertSlot("TITLE", "Report-" . date("Y-m-d")); echo $t->output() . ''; echo ' <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>'; }
/** * Parse the template file, replace insert tags and print it to the screen */ public function output() { global $objPage; // Ignore certain URL parameters $arrIgnore = array('id', 'file', 'token', 'day', 'month', 'year'); if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem']) { $arrIgnore[] = 'auto_item'; } if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['addLanguageToUrl']) { $arrIgnore[] = 'language'; } $strParams = ''; $arrPageParams = array(); // Rebuild the URL to eliminate duplicate parameters foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $key) { if (!in_array($key, $arrIgnore)) { if (preg_match('/^page/', $key)) { $arrPageParams[] = $key; continue; // see #4141 } if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] && in_array($key, $GLOBALS['TL_AUTO_ITEM'])) { $strParams .= '/' . \Input::get($key); } else { $strParams .= '/' . $key . '/' . \Input::get($key); } } } $strUrl = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objPage->row(), $strParams); sort($arrPageParams); // see #4141 $strGlue = !$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['disableAlias'] && strpos($strUrl, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; // Re-add the page numbers foreach ($arrPageParams as $key) { $strUrl .= $strGlue . $key . '=' . \Input::get($key); $strGlue = '&'; } $this->keywords = ''; $arrKeywords = array_map('trim', explode(',', $GLOBALS['TL_KEYWORDS'])); // Add the meta keywords if (strlen($arrKeywords[0])) { $this->keywords = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", '"'), array(' ', '', ''), implode(', ', array_unique($arrKeywords))); } // Parse the template $strBuffer = str_replace(' & ', ' & ', $this->parse()); // HOOK: add custom output filters if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputFrontendTemplate']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputFrontendTemplate'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputFrontendTemplate'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strBuffer = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strBuffer, $this->strTemplate); } } $intCache = null; // Cache the page if it is not protected if (!isset($_GET['file']) && !isset($_GET['token']) && empty($_POST) && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$_SESSION['DISABLE_CACHE'] && !isset($_SESSION['LOGIN_ERROR']) && ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'both' || $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'server') && intval($objPage->cache) > 0 && !$objPage->protected) { // If the request string is empty, use a special cache tag which considers the page language if (\Environment::get('request') == '' || \Environment::get('request') == 'index.php') { $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('base') . 'empty.' . $objPage->language; } else { $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('base') . $strUrl; } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strCacheKey = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strCacheKey); } } // Store mobile pages separately if ($objPage->mobileLayout && \Environment::get('agent')->mobile) { $strCacheKey .= '.mobile'; } // Replace insert tags for caching $strBuffer = $this->replaceInsertTags($strBuffer); $strBuffer = $this->replaceDynamicScriptTags($strBuffer); // see #4203 $intCache = intval($objPage->cache) + time(); $strMd5CacheKey = md5($strCacheKey); // Create the cache file $objFile = new \File('system/cache/html/' . substr($strMd5CacheKey, 0, 1) . '/' . $strMd5CacheKey . '.html'); $objFile->write('<?php' . " /* {$strCacheKey} */ \$expire = {$intCache}; \$content = '{$this->strContentType}'; ?>\n"); $objFile->append($this->minifyHtml($strBuffer), ''); $objFile->close(); } // Send cache headers if (!headers_sent()) { if ($intCache !== null && ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'both' || $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cacheMode'] == 'browser')) { header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . ($intCache - time())); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $intCache) . ' GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Expires: Fri, 06 Jun 1975 15:10:00 GMT'); } } // Replace insert tags and then re-replace the request_token tag in case a form element has been loaded via insert tag $this->strBuffer = $this->replaceInsertTags($strBuffer, false); $this->strBuffer = str_replace(array('{{request_token}}', '[{]', '[}]'), array(REQUEST_TOKEN, '{{', '}}'), $this->strBuffer); $this->strBuffer = $this->replaceDynamicScriptTags($this->strBuffer); // see #4203 // Index page if searching is allowed and there is no back end user if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['enableSearch'] && $objPage->type == 'regular' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$objPage->noSearch) { // Index protected pages if enabled if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['indexProtected'] || !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$objPage->protected) { $arrData = array('url' => $strUrl, 'content' => $this->strBuffer, 'title' => $objPage->pageTitle ?: $objPage->title, 'protected' => $objPage->protected ? '1' : '', 'groups' => $objPage->groups, 'pid' => $objPage->id, 'language' => $objPage->language); \Search::indexPage($arrData); } } parent::output(); }
$tt->insertSlot("MAKE_VALUE", $make); $tt->insertSlot("REG_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::REG); $tt->insertSlot("REG_VALUE", $reg); $tt->insertSlot("COLOUR_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::COLOUR); $tt->insertSlot("COLOUR_VALUE", $colour); $tt->insertSlot("FLIGHT_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::FLIGHT); $tt->insertSlot("FLIGHT_VALUE", $flight); $tt->insertSlot("DEPART_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::DEPART); $tt->insertSlot("DEPART_VALUE", $depart); $tt->insertSlot("ARRIVE_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::ARRIVE); $tt->insertSlot("ARRIVE_VALUE", $arrive); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::SUGGESTED_MEETING_TIME); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_60", $suggested_time == 60 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_75", $suggested_time == 75 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_90", $suggested_time == 90 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_105", $suggested_time == 105 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_120", $suggested_time == 120 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_180", $suggested_time == 180 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MEET_SELECTED_240", $suggested_time == 240 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("PAY_LABEL", FormFieldTexts::PAY); $tt->insertSlot("PAY_SELECTED_0", $payment_methods_id == 0 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("PAY_SELECTED_1", $payment_methods_id == 1 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("PAY_SELECTED_2", $payment_methods_id == 2 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("PAY_SELECTED_3", $payment_methods_id == 3 ? " selected" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("ACCEPTED_TERMS_CHECKED", $accepted_terms ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""); $tt->insertSlot("FOCUS_ID", $focusId); $tt->insertSlot("SHOW_FORM_PAGE", $showFormPage); $tt->insertSlot("SHOW_PAYMENT_NOTE", (int) $payment_methods_id); } TemplateHelper::configurePage($t, Constants::SITE_NAME . " - Bookings", $tt->output(), $jsExtra); echo $t->output();
$printRow .= "<a href=\"edit_booking.php?id={$bid}\">edit</a><br />"; } $printRow .= "<a href=\"edit_booking.php?id={$bid}&clone=1\">clone</a>"; $results .= sprintf($rowTemplate, $n % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd", $n, $bid, $row["surname"] . ", " . $row["name"], $emailImg . $email . "<br />" . $phoneImg . $row["phone"], $row["vehicle"] . " \"" . $row["reg"] . "\"", $row["flight"], "", $depart, "", $meet, "", $arrive, $row["payment"], $combo, $cdate, $printRow); } $results .= "</table>\n"; } $message = ""; } $tt->insertSlot("RESULTS", $results); $tt->insertSlot("SEARCH_TEXT", $search_text); $tt->insertSlot("NAME_STATUS", $name_status); $tt->insertSlot("EMAIL_STATUS", $email_status); $tt->insertSlot("PHONE_STATUS", $phone_status); $tt->insertSlot("AMOUNT_STATUS", $amount_status); $tt->insertSlot("COMMENT_STATUS", $comment_status); $tt->insertSlot("MAKE_STATUS", $make_status); $tt->insertSlot("PARKING_POINTS_STATUS", $parking_points_status); $tt->insertSlot("REG_STATUS", $reg_status); $tt->insertSlot("COLOUR_STATUS", $colour_status); $tt->insertSlot("FLIGHT_STATUS", $flight_status); $tt->insertSlot("DROPOFF_STATUS", $dropoff_status); $tt->insertSlot("PICKUP_STATUS", $pickup_status); $tt->insertSlot("RANGE_START_VALUE", $_POST ? $range_start : ""); $tt->insertSlot("RANGE_END_VALUE", $_POST ? $range_end : ""); $tt->insertSlot("MESSAGE", $error ? "<span class=\"feedback_negative\">{$error}</span>" : "<span class=\"feedback_positive\">{$message}</span>"); $tt->insertSlot("FOCUS_ID", $focusId); // output $jsExtra = JsWriter::scriptLink("js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js") . "\n" . JsWriter::scriptLink("js/report_search.js") . "\n" . JsWriter::scriptLink("js/datetimepicker_css.js"); TemplateHelper::configurePage($t, Constants::SITE_NAME . " - Report - search", $tt->output(), $jsExtra); echo $t->output();
/** * Parse the template file, add the TinyMCE configuration and print it to the screen * * @throws \Exception */ public function output() { // User agent class (see #3074 and #6277) $this->ua = \Environment::get('agent')->class; // Style sheets if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_CSS'])) { $strStyleSheets = ''; foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) as $stylesheet) { $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($stylesheet); $strStyleSheets .= \Template::generateStyleTag($this->addStaticUrlTo($stylesheet), $options->media); } $this->stylesheets = $strStyleSheets; } // Add the debug style sheet if (\Config::get('debugMode')) { $this->stylesheets .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $this->addStaticUrlTo('assets/contao/css/debug.css') . '">' . "\n"; } // JavaScripts if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'])) { $strJavaScripts = ''; foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) as $javascript) { $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($javascript); $strJavaScripts .= \Template::generateScriptTag($this->addStaticUrlTo($javascript), false, $options->async) . "\n"; } $this->javascripts = $strJavaScripts; } // MooTools scripts (added at the page bottom) if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS'])) { $strMootools = ''; foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) as $script) { $strMootools .= "\n" . trim($script) . "\n"; } $this->mootools = $strMootools; } $strBuffer = $this->parse(); // HOOK: add custom output filter if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputBackendTemplate']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputBackendTemplate'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['outputBackendTemplate'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strBuffer = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($strBuffer, $this->strTemplate); } } $this->strBuffer = $strBuffer; parent::output(); }