public static function findConversations() { $locker = "Social:lastSocialTime"; $lastSocialTime = Storage::retrieve($locker, null); if ($lastSocialTime == null) { $result = Db::query("select killID, insertTime from zz_killmails where killID > 0 and processed = 1 and insertTime >= date_sub(now(), interval 10 minute)", array(), 0); } else { $result = Db::query("select killID, insertTime from zz_killmails where killID > 0 and processed = 1 and insertTime >= :last", array(":last" => $lastSocialTime), 0); } foreach ($result as $row) { $lastSocialTime = $row["insertTime"]; self::beSocial($row["killID"]); } Storage::store($locker, $lastSocialTime); }
public function getGlobals() { global $showAds; $result = array(); if (isset($_SESSION["loggedin"])) { $u = User::getUserInfo(); $config = UserConfig::getAll(); foreach ($config as $key => $val) { $this->addGlobal($result, $key, $val); } $this->addGlobal($result, "sessionusername", $u["username"]); $this->addGlobal($result, "sessionuserid", $u["id"]); $this->addGlobal($result, "sessionadmin", (bool) $u["admin"]); $this->addGlobal($result, "sessionmoderator", (bool) $u["moderator"]); } $this->addGlobal($result, "killsLastHour", Storage::retrieve("KillsLastHour", 0)); $this->addGlobal($result, "showAds", $showAds); return $result; }
private static function apiPercentage($db) { $percentage = Storage::retrieve("LastHourPercentage", 10); $row = $db->queryRow("select sum(if(errorCode = 0, 1, 0)) good, sum(if(errorCode != 0, 1, 0)) bad from zz_api_characters"); $good = $row["good"]; $bad = $row["bad"]; if ($bad > ($bad + $good) * ($percentage / 100)) { if ($percentage > 15) { Log::irc("|r|API gone haywire? Over {$percentage}% of API's reporting an error atm."); } $percentage += 5; } else { if ($bad < ($bad + $good) * (($percentage - 5) / 100)) { $percentage -= 5; } } if ($percentage < 10) { $percentage = 10; } Storage::store("LastHourPercentage", $percentage); }
public function execute($parameters, $db) { global $stompServer, $stompUser, $stompPassword; // Ensure the class exists if (!class_exists("Stomp")) { die("ERROR! Stomp not installed! Check the README to learn how to install Stomp...\n"); } $stomp = new Stomp($stompServer, $stompUser, $stompPassword); $stompKey = "StompSend::lastFetch"; $lastFetch = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - 12 * 3600); $lastFetch = Storage::retrieve($stompKey, $lastFetch); $stompCount = 0; $timer = new Timer(); while ($timer->stop() < 60000) { if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) { return; } $result = $db->query("SELECT killID, insertTime, kill_json FROM zz_killmails WHERE insertTime > :lastFetch AND processed > 0 ORDER BY killID limit 1000", array(":lastFetch" => $lastFetch), 0); foreach ($result as $kill) { $lastFetch = max($lastFetch, $kill["insertTime"]); if (!empty($kill["kill_json"])) { if ($kill["killID"] > 0) { $stompCount++; $destinations = self::getDestinations($kill["kill_json"]); foreach ($destinations as $destination) { $stomp->send($destination, $kill["kill_json"]); } } $data = json_decode($kill["kill_json"], true); $json = json_encode(array("solarSystemID" => $data["solarSystemID"], "killID" => $data["killID"], "characterID" => $data["victim"]["characterID"], "corporationID" => $data["victim"]["corporationID"], "allianceID" => $data["victim"]["allianceID"], "shipTypeID" => $data["victim"]["shipTypeID"], "killTime" => $data["killTime"])); $stomp->send("/topic/", $json); } } Storage::store($stompKey, $lastFetch); sleep(5); } if ($stompCount > 0) { Log::log("Stomped {$stompCount} killmails"); } }
function runCron($command, $interval, $args) { global $base; $curTime = time(); if (is_array($args)) { array_unshift($args, $command); } else { if ($args != "") { $args = explode(" ", "{$command} {$args}"); } else { $args = array($command); } } $cronName = implode(".", $args); $locker = "lastCronRun.{$cronName}"; $lastRun = (int) Storage::retrieve($locker, 0); $dateFormat = "D M j G:i:s T Y"; if ($curTime - $lastRun < $interval) { // No need to say we're not running... return; } Log::log("Cron {$cronName} running at " . date($dateFormat, $curTime)); Storage::store($locker, $curTime); $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid < 0) { Storage::store($locker, $lastRun); return; } if ($pid != 0) { return; } putenv("SILENT_CLI=1"); pcntl_exec("{$base}/", $args); Storage::store($locker, $lastRun); die("Executing {$command} failed!"); }
if (strpos($key, 'Name') !== false) { $pageTitle[] = $value; } } $pageTitle = implode(',', $pageTitle); $pageType = 'subdomain'; } else { $topPoints = array(); $topIsk = Stats::getTopIsk(array('cacheTime' => 15 * 60, 'pastSeconds' => 7 * 86400, 'limit' => 5)); $topPods = array(); $top = array(); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopChars', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopCorps', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopAllis', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopShips', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopSystems', [], 900), true); // get latest kills $kills = Kills::getKills(array('cacheTime' => 60, 'limit' => 50)); // Collect active PVP stats $types = ['characterID', 'corporationID', 'allianceID', 'shipTypeID', 'solarSystemID', 'regionID']; $activePvP = []; foreach ($types as $type) { $result = Stats::getDistinctCount($type, []); if ($result <= 1) { continue; } $type = str_replace('ID', '', $type); if ($type == 'shipType') { $type = 'Ship'; } elseif ($type == 'solarSystem') { $type = 'System';
public static function getNotification() { return Storage::retrieve('notification', null); }
/** * Enters values into the lookup table that are not generally found on the market. * * @pararm $todaysLookup string Today's lookup value */ protected static function doPopulateRareItemPrices($todaysLookup) { global $mdb; $isDone = (bool) Storage::retrieve($todaysLookup, false); if ($isDone) { return; } // Base lookups for today have been populated - do it here to allow later recursion Storage::store($todaysLookup, 'true'); $motherships = $mdb->find('information', ['type' => 'typeID', 'groupID' => 659]); if (sizeof($motherships) == 0) { exit('no motherships, bailing'); } // Haven't loaded all data yet, bail! foreach ($motherships as $mothership) { $typeID = $mothership['typeid']; if ($typeID == 3514) { continue; } static::setPrice($typeID, 20000000000); // 20b } static::setPrice(3514, 100000000000); // Revenant, 100b $titans = $mdb->find('information', ['type' => 'typeID', 'groupID' => 30]); if (sizeof($titans) == 0) { exit('no titans, bailing'); } // Haven't loaded all data yet, bail! foreach ($titans as $titan) { $typeID = $titan['typeid']; static::setPrice($typeID, 100000000000); // 100b } // We don't need daily prices on the following ships... Db::execute('delete from zz_item_price_lookup where typeID in (2834, 3516, 11375, 33397, 32788, 2836, 3518, 32790, 33395, 32209, 33673, 33675, 11940, 11942, 635, 11011, 25560, 13202, 26840, 11936, 11938, 26842)'); $tourneyFrigates = array(2834, 3516, 11375); foreach ($tourneyFrigates as $typeID) { static::setPrice($typeID, 80000000000); } // 80b static::setPrice(33397, 120000000000); // Chremoas, 120b static::setPrice(32788, 100000000000); // Cambion, 100b static::setPrice(2836, 150000000000); // Adrestia, 150b static::setPrice(3518, 90000000000); // Vangel, 90b static::setPrice(32790, 100000000000); // Etana, 100b static::setPrice(33395, 125000000000); // Moracha, 125b static::setPrice(32209, 100000000000); // Mimir, 100b // AT XII Prizes static::setPrice(33675, 120000000000); // Chameleon static::setPrice(33673, 100000000000); // Whiptail // AT XIII Prizes static::setPrice(35871, 140000000000); // Fiend static::setPrice(35779, 120000000000); // Imp // Rare CCP Ships (1 trillion! cuz why not) static::setPrice(9860, 1000000000000); // Polaris static::setPrice(11019, 1000000000000); // Cockroach $rareCruisers = array(11940, 11942, 635, 11011, 25560); foreach ($rareCruisers as $typeID) { static::setPrice($typeID, 500000000000); } // 500b $rareBattleships = array(13202, 26840, 11936, 11938, 26842); foreach ($rareBattleships as $typeID) { static::setPrice($typeID, 750000000000); } // 750b // Clear all older lookup entries and leave today's lookup entries Db::execute("delete from zz_storage where locker not like '{$todaysLookup}%' and locker like 'CREST-Market%'"); }
public function execute($parameters, $db) { if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) { return; } @($apiRowID = $parameters[0]); $notRecentKillID = Storage::retrieve("notRecentKillID", 0); $apiRow = $db->queryRow("select * from zz_api_characters where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID), 0); $maxKillID = $apiRow["maxKillID"]; $beforeKillID = 0; if (!$apiRow) { CLI::out("|r|No such apiRowID: {$apiRowID}", true); } $keyID = trim($apiRow["keyID"]); $vCode = $db->queryField("select vCode from zz_api where keyID = :keyID", "vCode", array(":keyID" => $keyID)); $isDirector = $apiRow["isDirector"]; $charID = $apiRow["characterID"]; if ($keyID == "" || $vCode == "") { die("no keyID or vCode"); } $pheal = null; try { do { $pheal = Util::getPheal($keyID, $vCode); $charCorp = $isDirector == "T" ? 'corp' : 'char'; $pheal->scope = $charCorp; $result = null; // Update last checked $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set errorCode = 0, lastChecked = now() where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID)); $params = array(); if ($isDirector != "T") { $params['characterID'] = $charID; } if ($beforeKillID > 0) { $params['beforeKillID'] = $beforeKillID; } if ($isDirector == "T") { $result = $pheal->KillMails($params); } else { $result = $pheal->KillMails($params); } $cachedUntil = $result->cached_until; if ($cachedUntil == "" || !$cachedUntil) { $cachedUntil = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + 3600); } $db->execute("UPDATE zz_api_characters SET cachedUntil = :cachedUntil, errorCount = 0, errorCode = 0 WHERE apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID, ":cachedUntil" => $cachedUntil)); $keyID = trim($keyID); $file = "/var/killboard/zkb_killlogs/{$keyID}_{$charID}_{$beforeKillID}.xml"; @unlink($file); $aff = Api::processRawApi($keyID, $charID, $result); if ($aff > 0) { $keyID = "{$keyID}"; while (strlen($keyID) < 8) { $keyID = " " . $keyID; } Log::log("KeyID: {$keyID} ({$charCorp}) added {$aff} kill" . ($aff == 1 ? "" : "s")); } $beforeKillID = 0; foreach ($result->kills as $kill) { $killID = $kill->killID; if ($beforeKillID == 0) { $beforeKillID = $killID; } else { $beforeKillID = min($beforeKillID, $killID); } } if ($beforeKillID < $notRecentKillID) { $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(cachedUntil, interval 2 hour) where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID)); } $hour = date("H"); if ($hour >= 12 && $hour <= 15) { @error_log($pheal->xml, 3, $file); } else { if ($aff > 0) { @error_log($pheal->xml, 3, $file); } } } while ($aff > 25 || $beforeKillID > 0 && $maxKillID == 0); } catch (Exception $ex) { $errorCode = $ex->getCode(); $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(now(), interval 1 hour), errorCount = errorCount + 1, errorCode = :code where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID, ":code" => $errorCode)); switch ($errorCode) { case 119: case 120: // Don't log it break; case 201: // Character does not belong to account. // Character does not belong to account. case 222: // API has expired // API has expired case 221: // Invalid access, delete the toon from the char list until later re-verification // Invalid access, delete the toon from the char list until later re-verification case 220: // Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role requirements anymore. // Invalid Corporation Key. Key owner does not fullfill role requirements anymore. case 403: // New error code for invalid API $db->execute("delete from zz_api_characters where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID)); break; case 1001: $db->execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(now(), interval 10 minute) where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID)); break; default: Log::log($keyID . " " . $ex->getCode() . " " . $ex->getMessage()); } return; } }
public static function getMaintenanceReason() { return Storage::retrieve("MaintenanceReason", ""); }
$markdown = file_get_contents($path); // Load the markdown parser $parsedown = new Parsedown(); $output = $parsedown->text($markdown); if ($page == 'payments') { global $adFreeMonthCost; $output = str_replace('{cost}', $adFreeMonthCost, $output); } if ($page == 'statistics') { // Replace certain tags with different data $info = array(); $info['kills'] = number_format($redis->get('zkb:totalKills'), 0); $info['crest'] = number_format($redis->get('zkb:crestRemaining'), 0); $info['total'] = number_format(Storage::retrieve('actualKills'), 0, '.', ','); $info['percentage'] = number_format($info['total'] / $info['kills'] * 100, 2, '.', ','); $info['NextWalletFetch'] = Storage::retrieve('NextWalletFetch'); foreach ($info as $k => $d) { $output = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $d, $output); } $info['apistats'] = []; //Db::query("select errorCode, count(*) count from zz_api_log where requestTime >= date_sub(now(), interval 1 hour) group by 1"); $apitable = ' <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-bordered"> <tr><th>Error</th><th>Count</th></tr>'; foreach ($info['apistats'] as $data) { $apitable .= '<tr>'; $apitable .= '<td>'; if ($data['errorCode'] == null) { $apitable .= 'No error'; } else { $apitable .= $data['errorCode'];
<?php require_once '../init.php'; global $mdb; $lastWalletFetch = Storage::retrieve('NextWalletFetch'); $time = strtotime($lastWalletFetch); if ($time >= time()) { exit; } if (Util::is904Error()) { return; } global $walletApis; if (!is_array($walletApis)) { return; } foreach ($walletApis as $api) { $type = $api['type']; $keyID = $api['keyID']; $vCode = $api['vCode']; $charID = $api['charID']; $pheal = Util::getPheal($keyID, $vCode, true); $arr = array('characterID' => $charID, 'rowCount' => 1000); if ($type == 'char') { $q = $pheal->charScope->WalletJournal($arr); } elseif ($type == 'corp') { $q = $pheal->corpScope->WalletJournal($arr); } else { continue; } if (count($q->transactions)) {
public static function fetchApis() { global $baseDir; Db::execute("delete from zz_api_characters where isDirector = ''"); // Minor cleanup $fetchesPerSecond = (int) Storage::retrieve("APIFetchesPerSecond", 30); $timer = new Timer(); $maxTime = 60 * 1000; while ($timer->stop() < $maxTime) { if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) { return; } $allChars = Db::query("select apiRowID, cachedUntil from zz_api_characters where errorCount < 10 and cachedUntil < date_sub(now(), interval 10 second) order by cachedUntil, keyID, characterID limit {$fetchesPerSecond}", array(), 0); $total = sizeof($allChars); $iterationCount = 0; if ($total == 0) { sleep(1); } else { foreach ($allChars as $char) { if (Util::isMaintenanceMode()) { return; } if ($timer->stop() > $maxTime) { return; } $apiRowID = $char["apiRowID"]; Db::execute("update zz_api_characters set cachedUntil = date_add(if(cachedUntil=0, now(), cachedUntil), interval 5 minute), lastChecked = now() where apiRowID = :id", array(":id" => $apiRowID)); $m = $iterationCount % $fetchesPerSecond; $command = "flock -w 60 {$baseDir}/cache/locks/preFetch.{$m} php5 {$baseDir}/cli.php apiFetchKillLog {$apiRowID}"; $command = escapeshellcmd($command); exec("{$command} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &"); $iterationCount++; if ($m == 0) { sleep(1); } } } } }
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ $topPoints = array(); $topIsk = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("TopIsk"), true); $topPods = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("TopPods"), true); $topPointList = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("TopPoints"), true); if (is_array($topPointList)) { $topPoints = Kills::getKillsDetails($topPointList); } $p = array(); $p["limit"] = 5; $p["pastSeconds"] = 3 * 86400; $p["kills"] = true; $top = array(); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("Top3dayChars"), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("Top3dayCorps"), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("Top3dayAlli"), true); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $kills = Kills::getKills(array("limit" => $killsLimit)); $app->render("index.html", array("topPods" => $topPods, "topIsk" => $topIsk, "topPoints" => $topPoints, "topKillers" => $top, "kills" => $kills, "page" => 1, "pageType" => "kills", "pager" => true));
$url = $q[0]["url"]; $app->render("/components/stacktrace.html", array("stacktrace" => $trace, "url" => $url)); }); // API $app->get("/api/stats/:flags+/", function ($flags) use($app) { include "view/apistats.php"; }); $app->get("/api/dna(/:flags+)/", function ($flags = null) use($app) { include "view/apidna.php"; }); $app->get("/api/:input+", function ($input) use($app) { include "view/api.php"; }); // Kills in the last hour $app->get("/killslasthour/", function () use($app) { echo number_format(Storage::retrieve("KillsLastHour", null)); }); // Post $app->get("/post/", function () use($app) { include "view/postmail.php"; }); $app->post("/post/", function () use($app) { include "view/postmail.php"; }); // Autocomplete $app->map("/autocomplete/", function () use($app) { include "view/autocomplete.php"; })->via("POST"); // EVE-KILL kill_detail intercept $app->get("/evekilldetailintercept/:id/", function ($id) use($app) { include "view/evekilldetailintercept.php";
<?php /* zKillboard * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 EVE-KILL Team and EVSCO. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ $info = array(); if ($page == "statistics") { $info["kills"] = Storage::retrieve("KillCount"); $info["ignored"] = Db::queryField("select count(*) count from zz_killmails where processed = 3", "count", array(), 300); $info["total"] = Storage::retrieve("ActualKillCount"); //$info["apicallsprhour"] = json_encode(Db::query("select hour(requestTime) as x, count(*) as y from ( select requestTime from zz_api_log where requestTime >= date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour)) as foo group by 1 order by requestTime", array(), 300)); //var_dump($info); } $info["pointValues"] = Points::getPointValues(); $app->render("information.html", array("pageview" => $page, "info" => $info));