public function analyze() { if (!Storage::getInstance()->containsPage($this->url)) { $title = $this->getDom()->getElementsByTagName("title")->item(0)->textContent; Storage::getInstance()->addPage($title, $this->url); } }
public function analyze() { if (!Storage::getInstance()->containsImage($this->url)) { if ($this->isValid()) { Storage::getInstance()->addImage($this->url); } } }
public static function __callstatic($method, $args) { if (self::$handler === null) { Storage::getInstance(C('STORAGE_DRIVER', null, 'file')); } //调用缓存驱动的方法 if (method_exists(self::$handler, $method)) { return call_user_func_array(array(self::$handler, $method), $args); } }
public function __construct() { $this->session = Session::getInstance(); $this->log = Log::getInstance(); $this->user = User::getInstance(); $this->storage = Storage::getInstance(); $this->webDBUtils = WebDBUtils::getInstance(); $this->dpUtils = DataProviderUtils::getInstance(); $this->screen = false; $this->availableFeatures = false; }
/** * Do Search * * @var $title_array * @var $url_array * @var $description_array * * ! REDIRECT */ private function actionSearch() { $this->actionGetLanguage(); include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); $sql_stmt = $mysqli->prepare("set names 'utf8'"); $sql_stmt->execute(); if (isset($_GET['generalnav'])) { $search = $_GET['generalnav']; $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM search WHERE description LIKE '%{$search}%' ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(description) DESC"; $result = $mysqli->query($sql_query); $title_array = array(); $url_array = array(); $description_array = array(); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($title_array, $row['title']); array_push($url_array, $row['url']); array_push($description_array, $row['description']); } } $this->model->setTitle($title_array); $this->model->setUrl($url_array); $this->model->setDescription($description_array); $this->model->setCountResults($result->num_rows); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { if ($this->model->getCountPages() != 0) { if ($_GET['page'] > $this->model->getCountPages()) { if ($_SESSION['language'] !== 'us') { header("Location: /" . $_SESSION['language'] . "/search/result?generalnav=" . $_GET['generalnav'] . "&page=" . $this->model->getCountPages()); } else { header("Location: /search/result?generalnav=" . $_GET['generalnav'] . "&page=" . $this->model->getCountPages()); } } elseif ($_GET['page'] < 1) { if ($_SESSION['language'] !== 'us') { header("Location: /" . $_SESSION['language'] . "/search/result?generalnav=" . $_GET['generalnav'] . "&page=1"); } else { header("Location: /search/result?generalnav=" . $_GET['generalnav'] . "&page=1"); } } } } } }
function createTokenRoute($dummy, $description) { $this->description = trim($description); $this->message = null; $this->errorMessage = null; if (strlen($this->description) < 1) { $this->errorMessage = l("Enter a valid description"); } else { $tokenHash = sha1(sha1(sprintf("%d,%s,%d", time(), $this->description, rand()))); $storage = Storage::getInstance(); if (!$storage->addWelcomeToken($tokenHash, $this->description, $this->user)) { $this->errorMessage = l("Error generating a new token. Try again"); } else { $this->message = l("Token successfully created"); $this->description = null; } } }
/** * Adding Billing Data to the DB * @var $table : billing */ private function actionInsertBillingData() { $this->actionGetLanguage(); include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['login_user'])) { $user = $_SESSION['login_user']; } if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; } if (isset($_POST['street'])) { $street = $_POST['street']; } if (isset($_POST['city'])) { $city = $_POST['city']; } if (isset($_POST['state'])) { $state = $_POST['state']; } if (isset($_POST['zip'])) { $zip = $_POST['zip']; } if (isset($_POST['country'])) { $country = $_POST['country']; } if (isset($_POST['giftwrap'])) { $giftwrap = $_POST['giftwrap']; } else { $giftwrap = 0; } if (isset($name) && isset($street) && isset($city) && isset($state) && isset($zip) && isset($country) && isset($giftwrap) && isset($user)) { $sql_query = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO billing VALUES ('{$user}', '{$name}', '{$street}', '{$city}', '{$state}', '{$zip}', '{$country}',\n {$giftwrap})"); $sql_query->execute(); } else { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); } }
function completedRoute($feedsJson) { $this->feeds = json_decode($feedsJson, true); if ($this->feeds === false) { $this->redirectTo("import"); return; } $this->selection = $_POST["selection"]; if (!$this->selection || !is_array($this->selection)) { $this->selection = array(); } if (($this->errorMessage = $this->isSelectionValid($this->feeds, $this->selection)) !== true) { $this->setTemplate("selectFeeds"); } else { $storage = Storage::getInstance(); $this->rowsImported = $storage->importFeeds($this->user->id, $this->feeds, $this->selection); if ($this->rowsImported === false) { $this->errorMessage = l("An error occurred while importing feeds"); $this->setTemplate("selectFeeds"); return; } } }
public function SubmittedPatientAdd(AppForm $form) { Storage::getInstance()->createPatient($form->values); Graphs::model()->clearAll(); $this->flashMessage('Novy pacient bol úspešne pridaný', 'info'); $this->redirect('default'); // redirect to listing }
/** * Get Default Billing Data * for Account * * @var $name * @var $street * @var $city * @var $state * @var $zip * @var $country * @var $wrap */ protected function actionGetBilling() { include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); if (isset($_SESSION['login_user'])) { $user = $_SESSION['login_user']; } $sql_query = "SELECT name, street, city, state, zip, country, wrap FROM billing WHERE user='******'"; $result = $mysqli->query($sql_query); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $name = $row['name']; $street = $row['street']; $city = $row['city']; $state = $row['state']; $zip = $row['zip']; $country = $row['country']; $wrap = $row['wrap']; } } if ($result->num_rows !== 0) { $this->model->setBillingName($name); $this->model->setBillingStreet($street); $this->model->setBillingCity($city); $this->model->setBillingState($state); $this->model->setBillingZip($zip); $this->model->setBillingCountry($country); $this->model->setBillingWrap($wrap); $this->model->setBillingNotFound(0); } else { $this->model->setBillingNotFound(1); } }
/** * Getting Data of Order * * (items) Sum, quantity, original_name, shipping, photo, price * category */ private function actionGetOrderedItems() { include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); if (isset($_GET['order_number'])) { $order_number = $_GET['order_number']; } if (isset($_GET['order_email'])) { $order_email = $_GET['order_email']; } if ($this->model->getStatus() == 'done') { $status = 'doneorders'; } else { if ($this->model->getStatus() == 'wait') { $status = 'completeorders'; } } if (isset($status)) { $sql_stmt = "SELECT product_table, id FROM {$status} WHERE order_id='{$order_number}'"; $result_stmt = $mysqli->query($sql_stmt); $product_table_array = array(); $id_array = array(); if ($result_stmt->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result_stmt->fetch_assoc()) { $product_table_array = array_merge($product_table_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['product_table']))); $id_array = array_merge($id_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['id']))); } } $i = 0; $original_name_array = array(); $photo_array = array(); $shipping_array = array(); $price_array = array(); $category_array = array(); $product_name_array = array(); while ($i < count($id_array)) { $sql_query = "SELECT {$product_table_array[$i]}.original_name, {$product_table_array[$i]}.photo, {$product_table_array[$i]}.shipping,\n {$status}.price, {$status}.category, {$status}.id, {$product_table_array[$i]}.product_name FROM\n {$product_table_array[$i]} INNER JOIN {$status} WHERE {$status}.id = {$product_table_array[$i]}.id AND {$status}.id = {$id_array[$i]}\n AND {$status}.order_id = '{$order_number}' LIMIT 1"; $result = $mysqli->query($sql_query); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $original_name_array = array_merge($original_name_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['original_name']))); $photo_array = array_merge($photo_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['photo']))); $shipping_array = array_merge($shipping_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['shipping']))); $price_array = array_merge($price_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['price']))); $category_array = array_merge($category_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['category']))); $product_name_array = array_merge($product_name_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['product_name']))); } } $i++; } $count_price = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < count($category_array)) { if ($category_array[$i] == 'AppleTV' || $category_array[$i] == 'IMac') { $category_array[$i] = 'Apple'; } else { if ($category_array[$i] == 'ShowTop') { $category_array[$i] = 'Amazon'; } } $count_price += $price_array[$i]; $i++; } $this->model->setId($id_array); $this->model->setTable($product_table_array); $this->model->setOriginalName($original_name_array); $this->model->setPhoto($photo_array); $this->model->setShipping($shipping_array); $this->model->setPrice($price_array); $this->model->setCategory($category_array); $this->model->setProductName($product_name_array); $this->model->setCountItems($original_name_array); $this->model->setCountPrice($count_price); } }
function action_index() { $posts = Storage::getInstance()->read_posts(); }
/** * Method for deleting data from * Products page * * @var $id * * ! REDIRECTION */ public function actionDeleteData() { include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); if (isset($_POST['edit_id'])) { $id = $_POST['edit_id']; } $sql_stmt = $mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM phones WHERE id='{$id}'"); $sql_stmt->execute(); header('Location: admin-products'); }
function action_delete($id) { Storage::getInstance()->removeData($id); header('Location: /blog'); }
$url = $page->getBody(); echo "Scanning: {$url}\n"; $scanner = new WebScanner($url); $links = $scanner->getAllLinks(); foreach ($links as $link) { /** * Если страница относится к указанному домену и еще не была проиндексирована -- добавляем ее в очередь на индексацию */ if (strpos($link, $domain) !== FALSE && !Storage::getInstance()->containsPage($link)) { $queue->publish($link, 'scan'); } } /** * Также если на странице есть картинки добавляем их для анализа */ $images = $scanner->getAllImages(); foreach ($images as $image) { /** * Если картинка относится к указанному домену и еще не была проанализирована -- добавляем ее в очередь */ if (strpos($image, $imageDomain) !== FALSE && !Storage::getInstance()->containsImage($image)) { $queue->publish($image, 'analyze_image'); } } /** * Текущую страницу тоже в очередь для анализации */ $queue->publish($url, 'analyze_page'); $q->ack($page->getDeliveryTag()); } $rabbit->disconnect();
/** * Return list of images in graphs storage directory * Also generates missing graphs * * @return array */ public function getGraphs() { // see what graphs are needed $fields = Storage::getInstance()->getStoredFields(); foreach ($fields as $field => $props) { if (in_array('graph', $props['classes'])) { $grapedhProps[] = $field; } } $iterator = 0; do { $iterator++; if ($iterator > 3) { throw new AbortException('Generating of missing graphs failed!'); } // get list of already generated graphs $imageFiles = $this->getGeneratedGraphs(); $alreadyGenerated = array_intersect($grapedhProps, $imageFiles); $needToGenerate = array_diff($grapedhProps, $alreadyGenerated); foreach ($needToGenerate as $file) { $this->generateGraph($file); } } while (!empty($needToGenerate)); return $imageFiles; }
/** * Search method for Selling * page for adding items in your Cart * Products page * * @param $category * * @var $timer * @var $min * @var $max * @var $sort_by_price * @var $sort_by_time * @var $sort_by_shipping * * Getting DATA * * @var $result * @var $product_name_array * @var $photo_array * @var $description_array * @var $category_array * @var $price_array * @var $previous_price_array * @var $time_of_adding_array * @var $features_array * @var $id_array * @var $quantity_array * @var $shipping_array * @var $average_price_array * * ! REDIRECT */ private function actionGetCategories($category, $table, $sort) { include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); $_SESSION['status'] = 0; if ($category == 'Phones') { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM phones"; } else { if ($category == 'Notebooks') { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM notebooks"; } else { if ($category == 'Television') { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM television"; } else { if ($category == 'Gadgets') { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM gadgets"; } else { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM " . strtolower($table) . " WHERE category='{$category}'"; $_SESSION['status'] = 1; } } } } $timer = 0; $array = array(); while ($timer < 11) { if (isset($_GET['selected_item_' . $timer])) { array_push($array, $_GET['selected_item_' . $timer]); } $timer++; } if (isset($_GET['min'])) { $min = $_GET['min']; } if (isset($_GET['max'])) { $max = $_GET["max"]; } if (isset($_GET['sort_by_price'])) { $sort_by_price = $_GET["sort_by_price"]; } if (isset($_GET['sort_by_time'])) { $sort_by_time = $_GET["sort_by_time"]; } if (isset($_GET['sort_by_shipping'])) { $sort_by_shipping = $_GET["sort_by_shipping"]; } if ((isset($min) || isset($max)) && count($array) === 0) { if ($min == '' && $max == '') { } else { if ($_SESSION['status'] == 1) { $sql_query .= ' AND'; } else { $sql_query .= ' WHERE'; } } } if (isset($array)) { if (count($array) !== 0) { if ($_SESSION['status'] == 1) { $sql_query .= ' AND'; } else { $sql_query .= ' WHERE'; } } } if (isset($array)) { if (count($array) !== 0) { $i = 0; $sql_query .= '('; while ($i < count($array)) { $sql_query .= " product_name='" . $array[$i] . "' OR "; $i++; } } if (count($array) !== 0) { $sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, -3); if (isset($min) || isset($max)) { if ($min !== '' || $max !== '') { $sql_query .= ") AND"; } } } if (count($array) === 1 && !isset($max) && !isset($min)) { $sql_query .= ')'; } if (isset($max) && isset($min)) { if ($max == '' && $min == '' && count($array) !== 0) { $sql_query .= ')'; } } } if (isset($min) && isset($max)) { if ($min !== '') { $sql_query .= " (price > " . $min; if (isset($max)) { if ($max !== '') { $sql_query .= " AND"; } } } } if (isset($max)) { if ($max === '') { } else { $sql_query .= " price < " . $max; } if (isset($min) && $min !== '') { $sql_query .= ' )'; } } $order_array = array(); if (isset($sort_by_price)) { array_push($order_array, $sort_by_price); } if (isset($sort_by_time)) { array_push($order_array, $sort_by_time); } if (isset($sort_by_shipping)) { array_push($order_array, $sort_by_shipping); } if (isset($sort_by_price) || isset($sort_by_time) || isset($sort_by_shipping)) { $sql_query .= " ORDER BY "; if (count($order_array) === 3) { $sql_query .= $order_array[0] . ", " . $order_array[1] . ", " . $order_array[2]; } if (count($order_array) === 2) { $sql_query .= $order_array[0] . ", " . $order_array[1]; } if (count($order_array) === 1) { $sql_query .= $order_array[0]; } } $result = $mysqli->query($sql_query); $product_name_array = array(); $original_name_array = array(); $photo_array = array(); $description_array = array(); $category_array = array(); $price_array = array(); $previous_price_array = array(); $time_of_adding_array = array(); $features_array = array(); $id_array = array(); $quantity_array = array(); $shipping_array = array(); $average_price_array = array(); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $id_array = array_merge($id_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['id']))); $product_name_array = array_merge($product_name_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['product_name']))); $original_name_array = array_merge($original_name_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['original_name']))); $photo_array = array_merge($photo_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['photo']))); $description_array = array_merge($description_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['description']))); $category_array = array_merge($category_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['category']))); $price_array = array_merge($price_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['price']))); $previous_price_array = array_merge($previous_price_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['previous_price']))); $time_of_adding_array = array_merge($time_of_adding_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['time_of_adding']))); $features_array = array_merge($features_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['features']))); $quantity_array = array_merge($quantity_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['quantity']))); $shipping_array = array_merge($shipping_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['shipping']))); $average_price_array = array_merge($average_price_array, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['average_price']))); } $all_product_names = array(); if ($sort === 'All') { $sql_num = "SELECT DISTINCT product_name FROM " . strtolower($table); } else { $sql_num = "SELECT DISTINCT product_name FROM " . strtolower($table) . " WHERE category='{$sort}'"; } $result_num = $mysqli->query($sql_num); $num = $result_num->num_rows; if ($result_num->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result_num->fetch_assoc()) { $all_product_names = array_merge($all_product_names, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['product_name']))); } } $amount_array = array($num); $g = 0; while ($g < $num) { $amount_array[$all_product_names[$g]] = 0; $g++; } array_shift($amount_array); $k = 0; while ($k < count($product_name_array)) { if (isset($min) && (!isset($max) || $max == '') && $min !== '') { $amount_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as amount FROM " . strtolower($table) . " WHERE product_name='{$product_name_array[$k]}' AND price > {$min}"; } else { if ((!isset($min) || $min == '') && isset($max) && $max !== '') { $amount_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as amount FROM " . strtolower($table) . " WHERE product_name='{$product_name_array[$k]}' AND price < {$max}"; } else { if (isset($max) && isset($min) && $max !== '' && $min !== '') { $amount_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as amount FROM " . strtolower($table) . " WHERE product_name='{$product_name_array[$k]}' AND price > {$min} AND price < {$max}"; } else { $amount_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as amount FROM " . strtolower($table) . " WHERE product_name='{$product_name_array[$k]}'"; } } } $result_sql = $mysqli->query($amount_sql); if ($result_sql->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result_sql->fetch_assoc()) { $amount = $row['amount']; $amount_array[$product_name_array[$k]] = $amount; } } $k++; } $result_products = array(); foreach ($amount_array as $num => $ass) { array_push($result_products, $ass); } $this->model->setNoDataFound(0); $this->model->setProductName($product_name_array); $this->model->setOriginalName($original_name_array); $this->model->setPhoto($photo_array); $this->model->setDescription($description_array); $this->model->setCategory($category_array); $this->model->setPrice($price_array); $this->model->setPreviousPrice($previous_price_array); $this->model->setTimeOfAdding($time_of_adding_array); $this->model->setFeatures($features_array); $this->model->setId($id_array); $this->model->setQuantity($quantity_array); $this->model->setShipping($shipping_array); $this->model->setAverage($average_price_array); $this->model->setQuantityOfItems($result_products); } else { $this->model->setNoDataFound(1); } if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); if ($this->model->getPages() != 0) { if ($_GET['page'] > $this->model->getPages()) { header('Location: ' . $uri_parts[0] . '?page=' . $this->model->getPages()); } elseif ($_GET['page'] < 1) { header('Location: ' . $uri_parts[0] . '?page=1'); } } } }
/** * Getting Questions and Answers * associated to the related product * * Finding any matches up. * * Any word that length bigger than 2 * * @var $ask_person_array * @var $last_question_array * @var $last_answer_array * @var $answer_person_array * @var $created_array * * @param $original_name * * ! REDIRECT * */ public function actionGetQuestionsAndAnswers($original_name) { $this->actionGetLanguage(); include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); $items = explode(" ", $original_name); $u = 0; while ($u < count($items)) { if (strlen($items[$u]) < 3 || strtolower($items[$u]) == 'with') { unset($items[$u]); } $u++; } sort($items); $result_items = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($items)) { $sql_id = "SELECT id FROM questions WHERE product LIKE '%{$items[$i]}%' OR question LIKE '%{$items[$i]}%' OR answer LIKE '%{$items[$i]}%'"; $res_id = $mysqli->query($sql_id); if ($res_id->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $res_id->fetch_assoc()) { $result_items = array_merge($result_items, array_map('trim', explode(",", $row['id']))); } } $i++; } $unique_result_items = array_unique($result_items); if (count($unique_result_items) == 0) { $this->model->setNoItems('1'); //echo '1'; } else { $this->model->setNoItems('0'); } if (count($unique_result_items) !== 0) { sort($unique_result_items); /* * FROM ID * GETTING DATA */ $products_array = array(); $ask_person_array = array(); $question_array = array(); $answer_array = array(); $answer_person_array = array(); $created_array = array(); $i = 0; $count_of_result_items = count($unique_result_items); while ($i < $count_of_result_items) { $sql_query = "SELECT product, ask_person, question, answer, answer_person, unix_timestamp(created) as created FROM questions WHERE id={$unique_result_items[$i]}"; $result_query = $mysqli->query($sql_query); if ($result_query->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $result_query->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($products_array, $row['product']); array_push($ask_person_array, $row['ask_person']); array_push($question_array, $row['question']); array_push($answer_array, $row['answer']); array_push($answer_person_array, $row['answer_person']); array_push($created_array, $row['created']); } } $i++; } /* * items - array() * question - array() */ $found_question_array_non = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($question_array)) { $u = 0; $k = 0; while ($k < count($question_array)) { $item[$k] = strtolower($question_array[$k]); $k++; } while ($u < count($items)) { $j = 0; while ($j < count($items)) { $items[$j] = strtolower($items[$j]); $j++; } $item = str_replace("{$items[$u]}", "<span id='found'>{$items[$u]}</span>", $item, $count); $s = 0; while ($s < count($items)) { $items_lc[$s] = ucfirst($items[$s]); $s++; } $item = str_replace("<span id='found'>{$items[$u]}</span>", "<span id='found'>{$items_lc[$u]}</span>", $item, $count); $m = 0; while ($m < count($item)) { $item[$m] = ucfirst($item[$m]); $m++; } $u++; } array_push($found_question_array_non, $item); $i++; } $found_question_array = $found_question_array_non[0]; $count_question_array = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($question_array)) { $string = str_replace("<span id='found'>", "", $found_question_array[$i], $count); array_push($count_question_array, $count); $i++; } $found_answer_array_non = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($answer_array)) { $u = 0; $item = $answer_array; while ($u < count($items)) { $item = str_replace("{$items[$u]}", "<span id='found'>{$items[$u]}</span>", $item, $count); $u++; } array_push($found_answer_array_non, $item); $i++; } $found_answer_array = $found_answer_array_non[0]; $count_answer_array = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($answer_array)) { $string = str_replace("<span id='found'>", "", $found_answer_array[$i], $count); array_push($count_answer_array, $count); $i++; } $result_q_and_a = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($count_question_array)) { $result_q_and_a[$i] = $count_question_array[$i] + $count_answer_array[$i]; $i++; } $last_question_array = array(); $last_answer_array = array(); $i = 0; $count_q_and_a = count($result_q_and_a); while ($i < $count_q_and_a) { $max = max($result_q_and_a); $key = array_search($max, $result_q_and_a); array_push($last_question_array, $found_question_array[$key]); array_push($last_answer_array, $found_answer_array[$key]); unset($result_q_and_a[$key]); $i++; } $this->model->setAskPerson($ask_person_array); $this->model->setQuestion($last_question_array); $this->model->setAnswer($last_answer_array); $this->model->setAnswerPerson($answer_person_array); $this->model->setAnswerTime($created_array); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { if ($this->model->countPages() != 0) { if ($_GET['page'] > $this->model->countPages()) { if (isset($_GET['q'])) { if ($_SESSION['language'] !== 'us') { header('Location: /' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/FAQ/?q=' . $_GET['q'] . '&page=' . $this->model->countPages()); } else { header('Location: /FAQ/?q=' . $_GET['q'] . '&page=' . $this->model->countPages()); } } } else { if ($_GET['page'] < 1) { if (isset($_GET['q'])) { if ($_SESSION['language'] !== 'us') { header('Location: /' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/FAQ/?q=' . $_GET['q'] . '&page=1'); } else { header('Location: /FAQ/?q=' . $_GET['q'] . '&page=1'); } } } } } } } }
protected function missingAdminAccounts() { $storage = Storage::getInstance(); $adminCount = $storage->getAdminCount(); return $adminCount !== false && $adminCount < 1; }
public function SubmittedGraphsSettings(AppForm $form) { Storage::getInstance()->saveGraphsSettings($form->values); $this->flashMessage('Parametre grafov boli úspešne uložené', 'info'); $this->redirect('default'); }
</div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="comment">Comment:</label> <textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="comment" name="content"></textarea> </div> <input type="submit" value="Post" class="btn btn-primary-outline btn-sm"> </form> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> </div> </div> <?php $posts = Storage::getInstance()->read_data(); foreach ($posts as $p) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> </div> <div class="col-md-7"> <div class="container"> <div class="post"> <h3><?php echo nl2br($p->get_title()); ?> </h3> <h6><em>Published: <?php echo $p->get_date();
private function shouldThrottleLogin() { if (LOGIN_THROTTLING_WINDOW === false) { return false; } // Get number of recent failed logins $storage = Storage::getInstance(); $failedLogin = $storage->getFailedLoginStatistics($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], LOGIN_THROTTLING_WINDOW); if ($failedLogin == null) { return false; } if ($failedLogin->failedLoginCount < 2) { return false; } $delay = pow(2, $failedLogin->failedLoginCount - 2); return time() < $failedLogin->lastFailedAttempt + $delay; }
function uploadProfileImage() { $session = Session::getInstance(); $user = User::getInstance(); $storage = Storage::getInstance(); $upload = Upload::getInstance(); $res = $upload->writeProfileImage(); $err = false == $res ? '' : $session->flushError(); $res = false == $res ? 'false' : $res; $res = array('req' => 'profileImageUpload', 'res' => $res); return $res; }
function defaultRoute() { $storage = Storage::getInstance(); return array("allItems" => $storage->getUserFeeds($this->user)); }
/** * Getting Data from Done Orders * id, original_name, category, price, quantity, table * * Photo from Product Table * Doing multi-array with associations like a[1][n] has k items in row * print them all -> go next */ private function getDoneOrders() { include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); if (isset($_SESSION['login_user'])) { $user = $_SESSION['login_user']; /* * GETTING DATA FOR EACH ORDER ( COMPLETED ) */ $complete_id = array(); $complete_original_name = array(); $complete_category = array(); $complete_price = array(); $complete_quantity = array(); $complete_product_table = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($this->model->getDoneOrderIds())) { $sql_stmt = "SELECT id, product_name, category, price, quantity, product_table FROM doneorders WHERE order_id='{$this->model->getDoneOrderIdsIteration($i)}'"; $sql_result = $mysqli->query($sql_stmt); if ($sql_result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $sql_result->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($complete_id, $row['id']); array_push($complete_original_name, $row['product_name']); array_push($complete_category, $row['category']); array_push($complete_price, $row['price']); array_push($complete_quantity, $row['quantity']); array_push($complete_product_table, $row['product_table']); } } $i++; } /** * GETTING PHOTOS FOR EACH * PRODUCT FOR THE ORDER * ******* COMPLETE ORDERS TABLE ***** */ $complete_photo = array(); $complete_product_name = array(); $k = 0; while ($k < count($complete_original_name)) { $sql_stmt = "SELECT photo, product_name FROM {$complete_product_table[$k]} WHERE id='{$complete_id[$k]}'"; $sql_result = $mysqli->query($sql_stmt); if ($sql_result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $sql_result->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($complete_photo, $row['photo']); array_push($complete_product_name, $row['product_name']); } } $k++; } /* * COUNTING OF EACH ORDER */ $complete_order_count = array(); $k = 0; while ($k < count($this->model->getDoneOrderIds())) { $sql_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) as items FROM doneorders WHERE order_id='{$this->model->getDoneOrderIdsIteration($k)}'"; $sql_result = $mysqli->query($sql_stmt); if ($sql_result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $sql_result->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($complete_order_count, $row['items']); } } $k++; } /* * DIVIDING ARRAY FOR MULTI ONE * ACCORDING TO QUANTITY * OF ITEMS FOR EACH ORDER * ******* COMPLETE ORDER TABLE ******** */ $final_complete_id = array(); $final_complete_product_tables = array(); $final_complete_order = $this->model->getDoneOrderIds(); $final_complete_original_name = array(); $final_complete_product_name = array(); $final_complete_category = array(); $final_complete_price = array(); $final_complete_quantity = array(); $final_complete_photo = array(); $complete_count = count($complete_order_count); $i = 0; while ($i < $complete_count) { $complete_id_for_each = array_splice($complete_id, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_id, $complete_id_for_each); $complete_product_tables_for_each = array_splice($complete_product_table, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_product_tables, $complete_product_tables_for_each); $complete_original_name_for_each = array_splice($complete_original_name, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_original_name, $complete_original_name_for_each); $complete_product_name_for_each = array_splice($complete_product_name, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_product_name, $complete_product_name_for_each); $complete_category_for_each = array_splice($complete_category, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_category, $complete_category_for_each); $complete_price_for_each = array_splice($complete_price, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_price, $complete_price_for_each); $complete_quantity_for_each = array_splice($complete_quantity, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_quantity, $complete_quantity_for_each); $complete_photo_for_each = array_splice($complete_photo, 0, $complete_order_count[$i]); array_push($final_complete_photo, $complete_photo_for_each); $i++; } $this->model->setDoneId($final_complete_id); $this->model->setDoneProductTable($final_complete_product_tables); $this->model->setDoneOriginalName($final_complete_original_name); $this->model->setDoneCategory($final_complete_category); $this->model->setDoneQuantity($final_complete_quantity); $this->model->setDonePrice($final_complete_price); $this->model->setDoneOrder($final_complete_order); $this->model->setDonePhoto($final_complete_photo); $this->model->setDoneProductName($final_complete_product_name); } }
public function __construct() { $this->user = User::getInstance(); $this->storage = Storage::getInstance(); $this->webDBUtils = WebDBUtils::getInstance(); }
protected static function loadObjectData($b_Object) { self::$storage = Storage::getInstance(); self::$storage->loadObject($b_Object); return; }
function fetchPageRoute($subscriptionId, $filter, $continueAfterId = null) { $storage = Storage::getInstance(); $articles = $storage->getArticlePage($this->user->id, $subscriptionId, $filter, PAGE_SIZE, $continueAfterId); $response = array("entries" => $articles); if (count($articles) >= PAGE_SIZE) { $last = end($articles); $response["continue"] = $last["id"]; } return $response; }
/** * Method for adding data to the Cart * If exists product in the User's Cart * add Quantity plus one * otherwise Add item * * @var $id * @var $product_name * @var $category * @var $photo * @var $price * * @var $idQ * @var $quantity */ private function actionAddItems() { include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Storage.php'; $db = Storage::getInstance(); $mysqli = $db->getConnection(); if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; } if (isset($_POST['original_name'])) { $original_name = $_POST['original_name']; } if (isset($_POST['category'])) { $category = $_POST['category']; } if (isset($_POST['photo'])) { $photo = $_POST['photo']; } if (isset($_POST['price'])) { $price = $_POST['price']; } if (isset($_POST['table'])) { $table = $_POST['table']; } if (isset($_POST['item_quantity'])) { $post_quantity = $_POST['item_quantity']; } $user = $_SESSION['login_user']; $sql_stmt = "SELECT id,quantity FROM orderedItems WHERE id={$id} AND product_name='{$original_name}' AND category='{$category}'\n AND price={$price} AND user='******'"; //echo $sql_stmt; $result = $mysqli->query($sql_stmt); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $quantity = $row['quantity']; $idQ = $row['id']; } } if (isset($post_quantity) && !isset($idQ)) { $sql_query = "INSERT INTO orderedItems VALUES ('{$id}', '{$original_name}', '{$category}', '{$price}', '{$user}', '{$post_quantity}', '{$table}', '')"; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql_query); $stmt->execute(); } else { if (!isset($idQ)) { $sql_query = "INSERT INTO orderedItems VALUES ('{$id}', '{$original_name}', '{$category}', '{$price}', '{$user}', 1, '{$table}', '')"; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql_query); $stmt->execute(); } } if (isset($quantity)) { if (isset($post_quantity)) { $res_quantity = $quantity + $post_quantity; $sql_res = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE orderedItems SET quantity={$res_quantity} WHERE user='******' AND price={$price}\n AND product_name='{$original_name}' AND category='{$category}'"); $sql_res->execute(); } else { if ($quantity !== 1) { $quantity++; $sql_res = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE orderedItems SET quantity={$quantity} WHERE user='******' AND price={$price}\n AND product_name='{$original_name}' AND category='{$category}'"); $sql_res->execute(); } } } session_start(); $_SESSION['photo'] = $photo; session_write_close(); }
public function __construct() { $this->storage = Storage::getInstance(); }