  * Group results by an attribute.
  * @param string $attribute The name of the attribute.
  * @param int $func Constant, applied to attribute value, one of the SPH_GROUPBY_ constants.
  * @param string $groupsort An optional clause controlling how the groups are sorted.
 public function setGroupBy($attribute, $func, $groupsort = "@group desc")
     $this->sphinx->setGroupBy($attribute, $func, $groupsort);
Esempio n. 2
  * @brief set grouping attribute and function, SQL-like syntax - 'group_by'
  * @param array $groupby
  * @return $this chain
 public function groupby($groupby = null)
     $this->criteria->groupby = $groupby;
     // set groupby
     if ($groupby && is_array($groupby)) {
         $this->client->setGroupBy($groupby['field'], $groupby['mode'], $groupby['order']);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 3
 } elseif (!$fids) {
     showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, array('grouptitle' => $_G['group']['grouptitle']), array('login' => 1));
 if ($_G['adminid'] != '1' && $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']) {
     if (DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_searchindex') . " WHERE srchmod='{$srchmod}' AND dateline>'{$_G['timestamp']}'-60") >= $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']) {
         showmessage('search_toomany', 'search.php?mod=forum', array('maxspm' => $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']));
 if ($srchtype == 'fulltext' && $_G['setting']['sphinxon']) {
     require_once libfile('class/sphinx');
     $s = new SphinxClient();
     $s->setServer($_G['setting']['sphinxhost'], intval($_G['setting']['sphinxport']));
     $s->setLimits(0, intval($_G['setting']['sphinxlimit']), intval($_G['setting']['sphinxlimit']));
     $s->setGroupBy('tid', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR);
     if ($srchfilter == 'digest') {
         $s->setFilterRange('digest', 1, 3, false);
     if ($srchfilter == 'top') {
         $s->setFilterRange('displayorder', 1, 2, false);
     } else {
         $s->setFilterRange('displayorder', 0, 2, false);
     if (!empty($srchfrom) && empty($srchtxt) && empty($srchuid) && empty($srchuname)) {
         $expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_time;
         $keywords = '';
         if ($before) {
             $spx_timemix = 0;
             $spx_timemax = TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom;
         } else {
Esempio n. 4
  * @param \SphinxClient $sphinx
 public function bindToSphinx(\SphinxClient $sphinx)
     $sphinx->setGroupBy($this->getAttr(), $this->getFunc(), $this->getGroupBy());