function wiki_export_html(&$WS) { global $CFG; check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html/dfwiki{$WS->cm->id}", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html/dfwiki{$WS->cm->id}/atachments", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}/moddata", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}/moddata/dfwiki{$WS->cm->id}", true); //export contents wiki_export_html_content($WS); //export attached files $flist = list_directories_and_files("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}/moddata/dfwiki{$WS->cm->id}"); if ($flist != null) { foreach ($flist as $fil) { $from_file = "{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}/moddata/dfwiki{$WS->cm->id}/{$fil}"; $to_file = "{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html/dfwiki{$WS->cm->id}/atachments/{$fil}"; copy($from_file, $to_file); } } //zip file name $times = time(); $name = $WS->dfwiki->name . '-' . $times . '.zip'; $cleanzipname = clean_filename($name); //List of files and directories $filelist = list_directories_and_files("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html"); //Convert them to full paths $files = array(); if ($filelist != null) { foreach ($filelist as $file) { $files[] = "{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html/{$file}"; } } check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}", true); check_dir_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}/exportedhtml", true); $destination = "{$CFG->dataroot}/{$WS->dfwiki->course}/exportedhtml/{$cleanzipname}"; $status = zip_files($files, $destination); //delete the folder created in temp $filelist2 = list_directories_and_files("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html"); if ($filelist2 != null) { $del = delete_dir_contents("{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/html"); } //show it all to be albe to download the file $prop = null; $prop->class = "textcenter"; wiki_div_start($prop); wiki_size_text(get_string("exporthtmlcorrectly", "wiki"), 2); wiki_div_end(); $prop = null; $prop->border = "0"; $prop->class = "boxaligncenter"; $prop->classtd = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_table_start($prop); $wdir = '/exportedhtml'; $fileurl = "{$wdir}/{$cleanzipname}"; $ffurl = "/file.php?file=/{$WS->cm->course}{$fileurl}"; $icon = mimeinfo("icon", $cleanzipname); link_to_popup_window($ffurl, "display", "<img src=\"{$CFG->pixpath}/f/{$icon}\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt=\"File\" />", 480, 640); echo "\n" . ' '; link_to_popup_window($ffurl, "display", htmlspecialchars($cleanzipname), 480, 640); $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_change_row($prop); echo ' '; wiki_table_end(); $prop = null; $prop->border = "0"; $prop->class = "boxaligncenter"; $prop->classtd = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_table_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->id = "form"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = '../xml/index.php?id=' . $WS->dfwiki->course . '&wdir=/exportedhtml'; wiki_form_start($prop); wiki_div_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = "dfform[viewexported]"; $prop->value = get_string('viewexported', 'wiki'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_div_end(); wiki_form_end(); wiki_change_column(); print_continue("{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/view.php?id={$WS->cm->id}"); wiki_table_end(); }
//Adjust some php variables to the execution of this script @ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000"); raise_memory_limit("memory_limit", "128M"); //get mod plural and singlar name $strwikis = get_string("modulenameplural", 'wiki'); $strwiki = get_string("modulename", 'wiki'); print_header("{$course->shortname}: {$dfwiki->name}", "{$course->fullname}", "{$navigation} <a href=\"index.php?id={$course->id}\">{$strwikis}</a> -> {$dfwiki->name}", "", "", true); //Check if either we're comming from the form or this is the first time if (optional_param('sure', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA) == get_string('yes')) { //Form has already been visited if (wiki_convert_all_dfwikis($course)) { wiki_br(); print_simple_box_start(); $prop = null; $prop->class = "textcenter"; wiki_size_text(get_string("convertdfwikicorrectly", "wiki"), 2, $prop); print_continue("view.php?id={$cm->id}"); wiki_br(); print_simple_box_end(); } else { //there aren't dfwikis to convert wiki_div(' '); print_simple_box_start(); $prop = null; $prop->class = "textcenter"; wiki_paragraph(get_string('nodfwikistoconvert', 'wiki'), $prop); $prop = null; $prop->id = "form"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = 'view.php?id=' . $cm->id; wiki_form_start($prop);
} //Adjust some php variables to the execution of this script @ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000"); raise_memory_limit("memory_limit", "128M"); //get mod plural and singlar name $strwikis = get_string("modulenameplural", 'wiki'); $strwiki = get_string("modulename", 'wiki'); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $strwikis, 'link' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/index.php?id={$course->id}", 'type' => 'misc'); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $WS->dfwiki->name, 'link' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/view.php?id={$WS->id}", 'type' => 'misc'); $navlinks[] = array('name' => get_string('wikitopdf', 'wiki'), 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'); $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); print_header("{$COURSE->shortname}: {$WS->dfwiki->name}", "{$COURSE->fullname}", $navigation, "", "", true); $prop = null; $prop->class = "textcenter"; wiki_div_start($prop); wiki_size_text(get_string('selectwikitopdf', 'wiki'), 2); wiki_div_end(); echo '<!-- Inici del Formulari -->' . "\n"; echo '<!-- SELECCIONAR PAGINES WIKI A PASAR -->' . "\n"; $prop = null; $prop->id = "form"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = 'wikitopdf.php?id=' . $id . '&cid=' . $cid . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&page=' . $WS->page . '&version=' . $WS->pagedata->version; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->class = "box generalbox generalboxcontent boxaligncenter"; wiki_div_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = "sesskey"; if (!isset($sesskey)) { $sesskey = sesskey();
function wiki_edit_content(&$WS) { global $CFG; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $WS->cm->id); require_capability('mod/wiki:caneditawiki', $context); $cont = false; $txt = ''; $titlebox = ''; $oldcontentbox = ''; $viewtitle = '0'; if ($WS->pageaction == 'adddiscussion' or isset($WS->dfform['addtitle']) and $WS->pageaction == 'edit') { $viewtitle = '1'; if (isset($WS->dfform['addtitle'])) { $titlebox = $WS->dfform['addtitle']; $oldcontentbox = $WS->dfform['oldcontent']; $contentbox = $WS->dfform['content']; } else { $titlebox = ''; $oldcontentbox = $WS->dfform['content']; $contentbox = ''; } } else { if (isset($WS->dfform['content'])) { $contentbox = $WS->dfform['content']; } else { $contentbox = ''; } } //need to check if we have preview mode $preview = optional_param('dfformpreview', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA); if (isset($preview)) { //we're in preview mode print_simple_box_start('center', '100%', '', '20'); wiki_size_text("Preview", 2); // discussions if ($titlebox == '') { $txt = $oldcontentbox . $contentbox; } else { switch ($WS->dfwiki->editor) { case 'ewiki': $txt = $oldcontentbox . chr(13) . chr(10) . '!!! ' . $titlebox . ' ' . chr(13) . chr(10) . $contentbox . chr(10); break; case 'htmleditor': $txt = $oldcontentbox . chr(13) . chr(10) . '<h1> ' . $titlebox . ' </h1>' . chr(13) . chr(10) . $contentbox . chr(10); break; default: $txt = $oldcontentbox . chr(13) . chr(10) . '= ' . $titlebox . ' =' . chr(13) . chr(10) . $contentbox . chr(10); break; } } wiki_print_page_content(stripslashes_safe($txt), $WS); print_simple_box_end(); } else { //we're not in preview mode //check if there's content //echo 'wiki_forceeditorchange='.$CFG->wiki_forceeditorchange; if (!isset($WS->pagedata->content) || $CFG->wiki_forceeditorchange) { if (!isset($WS->pagedata->content)) { $WS->pagedata->content = ''; } // si no hem decidit encara l'editor per aquesta pagina i no hem adjuntat cap arxiu demanem l'editor if (!isset($WS->dfform['selectedit']) && (!isset($WS->pagedata->editor) || $WS->pagedata->editor == '') || $CFG->wiki_forceeditorchange) { $cont = true; //$pagename=stripslashes($pagename); $prop = null; $prop->border = "0"; $prop->class = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_table_start($prop); /// removed "choose different wiki syntax on new page listbox" so teachers will not get confused (nadavkav 25.10.09) /* print_string('anothereditor','wiki'); //Converts reserved chars for html to prevent chars misreading $pagetemp = stripslashes_safe($WS->page); wiki_change_column(); $prop = null; $prop->id = "sel_edit"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = 'view.php?id='.$WS->linkid.'&page=edit/'.urlencode($pagetemp).'&gid='.$WS->groupmember->groupid.'&uid='.$WS->member->id; wiki_form_start($prop); wiki_div_start(); $opt = ""; if ($WS->dfwiki->editor != 'dfwiki'){ $prop = null; $prop->value = "0"; $opt = wiki_option(get_string('dfwiki','wiki'), $prop, true); } if ($WS->dfwiki->editor != 'nwiki'){ $prop = null; $prop->value = "3"; $opt .= wiki_option(get_string('nwiki','wiki'), $prop, true); } if ($WS->dfwiki->editor != 'ewiki'){ $prop = null; $prop->value = "1"; $opt .= wiki_option(get_string('ewiki','wiki'), $prop, true); } if ($WS->dfwiki->editor != 'htmleditor'){ $prop = null; $prop->value = "2"; $opt .= wiki_option(get_string('htmleditor','wiki'), $prop, true); } $prop = null; $prop->name = "dfformselectedit"; wiki_select($opt,$prop); $prop = null; $prop->value = get_string("continue"); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_div_end(); wiki_form_end(); */ $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_change_row($prop); echo " "; wiki_table_end(); if (isset($WS->dfform['content'])) { $content_text =& $WS->dfform['content']; } else { $content_text =& $WS->pagedata->content; } if (isset($WS->dfform['selectedit'])) { switch ($WS->dfform['selectedit']) { case '0': $WS->pagedata->editor = $WS->dfwiki->editor = 'dfwiki'; break; case '1': $WS->pagedata->editor = $WS->dfwiki->editor = 'ewiki'; break; case '2': $WS->pagedata->editor = $WS->dfwiki->editor = 'htmleditor'; break; case '3': $WS->pagedata->editor = $WS->dfwiki->editor = 'nwiki'; break; default: error('No editor was selected'); break; } } else { $WS->pagedata->editor = $WS->dfwiki->editor; } wiki_print_editor($content_text, $viewtitle, $titlebox, '', $WS); } } } if (isset($WS->dfform['content'])) { $content_text = stripslashes_safe($WS->dfform['content']); } else { $content_text = stripslashes_safe($WS->pagedata->content); } // partial editing of a section available only with nwiki editor $section = optional_param('section', '', PARAM_TEXT); $sectionnum = optional_param('sectionnum', 0, PARAM_INTEGER); if (!isset($preview) && $WS->pagedata->editor == 'nwiki' && !($section == '' && $sectionnum == 0) && !wiki_is_uploading_modified()) { $section = stripslashes($section); $sectionnum = wiki_get_real_section_position($WS->page, $section, $sectionnum); $res = wiki_split_sections($content_text, $section, $sectionnum); if ($res->error != '') { $sectionhash = optional_param('sectionhash', '', PARAM_TEXT); wiki_release_lock($WS, $WS->dfwiki->id, $WS->pagedata->pagename . '#' . $sectionhash); error($res->error); } else { $content_text = $res->current_part; } } //print the editor if ($cont == false) { if (!isset($WS->dfform['selectedit'])) { $editor = optional_param('editor', '', PARAM_ALPHA); if (!empty($WS->dfform['editor'])) { $WS->pagedata->editor = $WS->dfform['editor']; } else { if (!empty($editor)) { $WS->pagedata->editor = $editor; } } if ($WS->pageaction == 'adddiscussion' or isset($WS->dfform['addtitle'])) { if (!isset($oldcontentbox)) { wiki_print_editor($contentbox, $viewtitle, $titlebox, $content_text, $WS); } else { wiki_print_editor($contentbox, $viewtitle, $titlebox, $oldcontentbox, $WS); } } else { wiki_print_editor($content_text, $viewtitle, $titlebox, '', $WS); } } else { //comming from the above form switch ($WS->dfform['selectedit']) { case '0': $WS->pagedata->editor = 'dfwiki'; wiki_print_editor($contentbox, $viewtitle, $titlebox, $oldcontentbox, $WS); break; case '1': $WS->pagedata->editor = 'ewiki'; wiki_print_editor($contentbox, $viewtitle, $titlebox, $oldcontentbox, $WS); break; case '2': $WS->pagedata->editor = 'htmleditor'; wiki_print_editor($contentbox, $viewtitle, $titlebox, $oldcontentbox, $WS); break; case '3': $WS->pagedata->editor = 'nwiki'; wiki_print_editor($contentbox, $viewtitle, $titlebox, $oldcontentbox, $WS); break; default: error('No editor was selected'); break; } } } }
function wiki_import_wiki(&$WS) { global $file; //if the form is complete $sure = optional_param('dfformsure', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA); if (isset($sure)) { //import to xml wiki_import_wiki_XML($WS); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; $info = wiki_size_text(get_string("importcorrectly", 'wiki'), 2, '', true); wiki_div($info, $prop); $prop = null; $prop->action = '../view.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->border = '0'; $prop->class = 'boxaligncenter'; $prop->classtd = 'nwikileftnow'; wiki_table_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformcontinue'; $prop->value = get_string('continue'); $input = wiki_input_submit($prop, true); wiki_div($input); wiki_table_end(); wiki_form_end(); } else { if (isset($WS->dfform['import'])) { $extension = explode("/", $WS->path); $num = count($extension) - 1; $name = $extension[$num]; $info = wiki_b(get_string("importcheckwarning", 'wiki'), '', true); $info .= ' ' . $name; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph($info, $prop); switch ($WS->dfform['incase']) { case 0: $name = get_string("always", 'diki'); break; case 1: $name = get_string("never", 'wiki'); break; case 2: $name = get_string("before", 'wiki'); break; case 3: $name = get_string("after", 'wiki'); break; default: break; } $info = wiki_b(get_string("incase", 'wiki'), '', true); $info .= ' ' . $name; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph($info, $prop); switch ($WS->dfform['incaseatach']) { case 0: $name = get_string("alwaysatach", 'wiki'); break; case 1: $name = get_string("neveratach", 'wiki'); break; case 2: $name = get_string("beforeatach", 'wiki'); break; case 3: $name = get_string("afteratach", 'wiki'); break; case 4: $name = get_string("bigeratach", 'wiki'); break; case 5: $name = get_string("smalleratach", 'wiki'); break; default: break; } $info = wiki_b(get_string("incaseatach", 'wiki'), '', true); $info .= ' ' . $name; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph($info, $prop); wiki_br(); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph(get_string("importcheckfiles", 'wiki'), $prop); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'boxaligncenter'; wiki_table_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->action = 'exportxml.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id . '&pageaction=importxml&path=' . $WS->path; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form1'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = $WS->dfform['incase']; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = $WS->dfform['incaseatach']; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformsure'; $prop->value = get_string('yes'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_form_end(); wiki_change_column(); $prop = null; $prop->action = 'exportxml.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id . '&pageaction=importewiki&path=' . $WS->path . '&file=' . $file; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form2'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformcancel'; $prop->value = get_string('no'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_form_end(); wiki_table_end(); } else { //create the form to import $prop = null; $prop->action = 'exportxml.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id . '&pageaction=importewiki&type=' . $WS->type . '&path=' . $WS->path . '&file=' . $file; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->border = '0'; $prop->class = 'boxaligncenter'; $prop->classtd = 'nwikileftnow'; wiki_table_start($prop); wiki_b(get_string('incase', 'wiki')); wiki_table_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '0'; $prop->checked = 'checked'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('always', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '1'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('never', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '2'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('before', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '3'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('after', 'wiki'); wiki_table_end(); wiki_br(2); $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_change_row($prop); wiki_b(get_string('incaseatach', 'wiki')); wiki_table_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '0'; $prop->checked = 'checked'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('alwaysatach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '1'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('neveratach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '2'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('beforeatach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '3'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('afteratach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '4'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('bigeratach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '5'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('smalleratach', 'wiki'); wiki_table_end(); wiki_br(2); $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikicenternow"; wiki_change_row($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformimport'; $prop->value = get_string('import', 'wiki'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_table_end(); wiki_form_end(); } } }
function wiki_hist_diff_print_versions($diff = "diff") { global $WS; //if ($diff=="newdiff"){ $vers->current = $WS->pageolddata->version; $vers->old = $WS->pageverdata->version; wiki_size_text(get_string('comparingwith', 'wiki', $vers), 2); //} $prev = $WS->pageolddata->version - 1; $next = $WS->pageolddata->version + 1; $specialvers = array(); $prop = null; $prop->href = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . $diff . '/' . urlencode($WS->pageolddata->pagename) . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id . '&ver=' . $WS->pageolddata->version . '/1&dfcontent=11'; if ($WS->pageolddata->version != 1) { $out = wiki_a(get_string('initial', 'wiki'), $prop, true); } else { $out = '<b>1</b>'; } $specialvers[1] = $out; $prop = null; $prop->href = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . $diff . '/' . urlencode($WS->pageolddata->pagename) . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id . '&ver=' . $WS->pageolddata->version . '/' . $next . '&dfcontent=11'; $out = wiki_a(get_string('next'), $prop, true); $specialvers[$next] = $out; $prop = null; $prop->href = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . $diff . '/' . urlencode($WS->pageolddata->pagename) . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id . '&ver=' . $WS->pageolddata->version . '/' . $prev . '&dfcontent=11'; $out = wiki_a(get_string('previous'), $prop, true); $specialvers[$prev] = $out; $prop = null; $prop->href = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . $diff . '/' . urlencode($WS->pageolddata->pagename) . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id . '&ver=' . $WS->pageolddata->version . '&dfcontent=11'; $out = wiki_a(get_string('current', 'wiki'), $prop, true); $specialvers[$WS->pagedata->version] = $out; print_simple_box_start('center', '100%', '', '20'); //get how many versions have the page $ead = wiki_manager_get_instance(); $vers = $ead->get_wiki_page_versions($WS->pageolddata->dfwiki); if (!$vers) { $vers = array(); } $vers = count($vers); echo get_string('comparewith', 'wiki') . ': '; //wiki_table_start(); $j = false; for ($i = $WS->pagedata->version; $i > $WS->pagedata->version - $vers && $i > 0; $i--) { /* *if($j){ * wiki_change_column(); *}else { * $j=true; *} */ //put in bold the compared version if ($i == $WS->pageverdata->version) { $bolds = array('<b>', '</b>'); } else { $bolds = array('', ''); } //print the version link if (isset($specialvers[$i])) { echo $bolds[0] . $specialvers[$i] . $bolds[1]; } else { $prop = null; if ($i != $WS->pageolddata->version) { $prop->href = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . $diff . '/' . urlencode($WS->pageolddata->pagename) . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id . '&ver=' . $WS->pageolddata->version . '/' . $i . '&dfcontent=11'; wiki_a($bolds[0] . $i . $bolds[1], $prop); } else { echo '<b>' . $i . '</b> '; } } if ($i != $WS->pagedata->version - $vers + 1 && $i > 1) { //wiki_change_column(); echo '- '; } } wiki_table_end(); print_simple_box_end(); wiki_br(); }
// Old print header /* print_header($course->shortname .': '. get_string('wikibooks', 'wiki'), $course->fullname, "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}\">{$course->shortname}</a> -> <a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/index.php?id={$course->id}\">$strwikis</a> -> <a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/view.php?id=$cmid\">{$wikimain->name}</a> ->" .get_string('wikibooktopdf', 'wiki'));*/ //New print header $navlinks[] = array('name' => $strwikis, 'link' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/index.php?id={$course->id}", 'type' => 'misc'); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $wikimain->name, 'link' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/wiki/view.php?id={$cmid}", 'type' => 'misc'); $navlinks[] = array('name' => get_string('wikibooktopdf', 'wiki'), 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'); $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); print_header($course->shortname . ': ' . get_string('wikibooks', 'wiki'), $course->fullname, $navigation); $prop = null; $prop->class = "textcenter"; wiki_div_start($prop); wiki_size_text(get_string('wikibookselect', 'wiki'), 2); wiki_div_end(); echo '<!-- Start of the Form -->' . "\n"; echo '<!-- SELECT the WikiBooks to convert -->' . "\n"; unset($prop); $prop->id = "form"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = 'wikibooktopdf.php?cid=' . $cid . '&cmid=' . $cmid . '&uid=' . $uid . '&gid=' . $gid; wiki_form_start($prop); // FORM // Input hidden studentmode and groupmode // STUDENT unset($prop); $prop->id = 'student'; $prop->name = 'studentmode'; $prop->value = $wikimain->studentmode;
function wiki_print_editor(&$content_text, $adddiscussion = '0', $addtitle = '', $oldcontent = '', &$WS) { global $CFG, $USER; //show upload error @@@@@@@@ //try to delete a file wiki_print_editor_setup($WS); require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/mod/wiki/weblib.php"; require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/mod/wiki/locallib.php"; //Scritp WIKI_TREE $prop = null; $prop->type = 'text/javascript'; if (isset($WS->dfcourse)) { $prop->src = '../mod/wiki/editor/wiki_tree.js'; } else { $prop->src = 'editor/wiki_tree.js'; } wiki_script('', $prop); if (isset($WS->dfdir->error)) { foreach ($WS->dfdir->error as $err) { $prop = null; $prop->class = 'except'; wiki_size_text($err, 3, $prop); } } if (substr($WS->pagedata->pagename, 0, strlen('discussion:')) != 'discussion:') { $event = 'view'; } else { $event = 'discussion'; } //mount editing form //Converts reserved chars for html to prevent chars misreading $pagetemp = stripslashes_safe($WS->pagedata->pagename); $pagetemp = wiki_clean_name($pagetemp); $prop = null; $prop->action = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . $event . '/' . urlencode($pagetemp) . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->enctype = 'multipart/form-data'; $prop->id = 'prim'; wiki_form_start($prop); wiki_table_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformversion'; $prop->value = $WS->pagedata->version ? $WS->pagedata->version : '0'; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformcreated'; $prop->value = $WS->pagedata->created; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformeditable'; $prop->value = $WS->pagedata->editable; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; if ($adddiscussion == '1') { $prop->value = 'adddiscussion'; } else { $prop->value = 'edit'; } $prop->name = 'dfformaction'; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformeditor'; $prop->value = $WS->pagedata->editor; wiki_input_hidden($prop); /* necessary for joining the section with the rest of the page */ // section name $section = optional_param('section', '', PARAM_TEXT); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'section'; $preview = optional_param('dfformpreview', '', PARAM_TEXT); if ($preview != '' || wiki_is_uploading_modified()) { // if come from a preview, upload file or delete file // the string is already unslashed and encoded $prop->value = $section; } else { // gotta strip the slashes and encode it $prop->value = urlencode(stripslashes($section)); } wiki_input_hidden($prop); // section number $prop = null; $prop->name = 'sectionnum'; $prop->value = optional_param('sectionnum', '', PARAM_INTEGER); wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'sectionhash'; $prop->value = optional_param('sectionhash', '', PARAM_TEXT); wiki_input_hidden($prop); // discussion if ($adddiscussion == '1') { wiki_size_text(get_string('adddiscussionitem', 'wiki'), 2); print_string('title', 'wiki'); wiki_br(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformaddtitle'; $prop->value = $addtitle; $prop->size = '80'; wiki_input_text($prop); wiki_br(2); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformoldcontent'; $prop->value = $oldcontent; wiki_input_hidden($prop); wiki_hr(); wiki_change_row(); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // add editing username and date to the end of each discussion (nadavkav patch) $txt = $content_text . '<br/><br/> <i>(' . get_string('discussioneditby', 'wiki') . ': ' . $USER->firstname . " " . $USER->lastname . " " . get_string('discussionediton', 'wiki') . ": " . date(DATE_RFC822) . ")</i>"; } else { $txt = $content_text; } // wikibook $prop = null; $prop->name = 'wikibook'; $prop->value = optional_param('wikibook', '', PARAM_TEXT); wiki_input_hidden($prop); wiki_print_edit_area($txt, $WS); wiki_tags_print_editbox($WS); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'nwikileftnow'; wiki_change_row($prop); if ($WS->upload_bar) { wiki_print_edit_uploaded($WS); } wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformsave'; $prop->value = get_string('save', 'wiki'); wiki_input_submit($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformpreview'; $prop->value = get_string('preview'); wiki_input_submit($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformcancel'; $prop->value = get_string('cancel'); wiki_input_submit($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformdefinitive'; $prop->value = '1'; $prop->id = 'checkbox'; wiki_input_checkbox($prop); print_string('highlight', 'wiki'); wiki_table_end(); wiki_form_end(); }