function flt_users_custom_column($content = '', $column_name, $id)
     if ('rs_groups' == $column_name) {
         global $scoper, $current_user;
         static $all_groups;
         if (!isset($all_groups)) {
             $all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups();
         if (empty($all_groups)) {
         // query for group membership without cache because otherwise we'll clutter groups col with WP Role Metagroup display
         if ($group_ids = WP_Scoped_User::get_groups_for_user($id, array('no_cache' => true))) {
             $group_names = array();
             foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) {
                 foreach ($all_groups as $group) {
                     if ($group_id == $group->ID) {
                         $group_names[$group->display_name] = $group_id;
             if ($group_names) {
                 uksort($group_names, "strnatcasecmp");
                 foreach ($group_names as $name => $id) {
                     $group_names[$name] = "<a href='" . "admin.php?page=rs-groups&amp;mode=edit&amp;id={$id}'>{$name}</a>";
                 return implode(", ", $group_names);
     } else {
         return $content;
function _scoper_sseo_groups($group_labels)
    $group_labels = array();
    $groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS, COLS_ALL_RS, array());
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
        if (empty($group->meta_id)) {
            $group_labels[$group->ID] = $group->display_name;
    return $group_labels;
Esempio n. 3
 function get_agents($role_bases = '')
     if (empty($role_bases)) {
         $role_bases = array(ROLE_BASIS_USER, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS);
     $agents = array();
     if (in_array(ROLE_BASIS_USER, $role_bases)) {
         global $scoper;
         $agents[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = $scoper->users_who_can('', COLS_ID_NAME_RS);
     if (in_array(ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS, $role_bases)) {
         $agents[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS);
         if (!$agents[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS]) {
     return $agents;
function printGroupMembers()
    $results = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS);
    $alt = false;
    if (isset($results) && count($results) > 0) {
        echo "\n<table class='rs-member_table' width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\">";
        echo "\n\t<tr class=\"thead\">";
        echo "\n\t\t<th>Group Name</th>\n\t\t<th>Members</th>\n\t\t<th>&nbsp;</th>";
        echo "\n\t</tr>";
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $alt = !$alt;
            $style = $alt ? 'class=\'alternate\'' : 'margin: 1em 0 1em 0;';
            echo "<tr " . $style . "><td>" . $result->display_name . "</td><td>";
            if ($members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($result->ID)) {
                printf(_n('%d user', '%d users', count($members), 'scoper'), count($members));
                echo '<br />';
                foreach ($members as $member) {
                    echo "- " . $member->display_name . "<br />";
            } else {
                if ($result->meta_id) {
                    _e('(automatic)', 'scoper');
                } else {
                    _e('(no users)', 'scoper');
            echo "</td><td " . $style . ">";
            if (!$result->meta_id) {
                echo "<a class='edit' href='admin.php?page=rs-group_members&amp;mode=edit&amp;id={$result->ID}'>" . __awp('Edit') . "</a>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "\n</table>";
    } else {
        echo "<p><strong>" . __('No groups available.', 'scoper') . "</strong></p>";
        echo '<a href="#new">' . __('add new') . '</a>';
        echo " &middot; <a href='{$url_def}'>" . __('set defaults') . '</a>';
        echo " &middot; <a href='{$url_members}'>" . __('browse members') . '</a>';
        echo ' )</span>';
    echo '</h2>';
    if (scoper_get_option('display_hints')) {
        echo '<div class="rs-hint">';
        if (defined('GROUPS_HINT_RS')) {
            echo GROUPS_HINT_RS;
        } else {
            _e('By creating User Groups, you can assign RS roles to multiple users.  Note that group membership itself has no effect on the users until you assign roles to the group.', 'scoper');
        echo '</div><br />';
    $results = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COLS_ALL_RS, array('include_norole_groups' => true, 'reqd_caps' => 'recommend_group_membership'));
    $i = 0;
    if (isset($results) && count($results)) {
        $msg = __('You are about to delete the group %s. Do you wish to continue?', 'scoper');
        $msg = sprintf($msg, '"\'+name+\'"');
 <script type="text/javascript">
		function DelConfirm(name){
			var message= '<?php 
        echo $msg;
			return confirm(message);
		<table class="rs-member_table" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
Esempio n. 6
global $scoper, $wpdb, $current_rs_user;
$role_assigner = init_role_assigner();
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin_lib-bulk_rs.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin_ui_lib_rs.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role_assignment_lib_rs.php';
$role_bases = array();
$agents = array();
$is_administrator = is_user_administrator_rs();
if (USER_ROLES_RS && $is_administrator) {
    $role_bases[] = ROLE_BASIS_USER;
    $agents[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = $scoper->users_who_can('', COLS_ID_NAME_RS);
    $agent_list_prefix[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = '';
if (GROUP_ROLES_RS && $is_administrator) {
    if ($agents[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS)) {
        $role_bases[] = ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS;
        $agent_list_prefix[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = __('Groups') . ': ';
if (empty($role_bases)) {
    wp_die(__awp('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
$duration_limits_enabled = scoper_get_option('role_duration_limits');
$content_date_limits_enabled = scoper_get_option('role_content_date_limits');
$agent_names = array();
foreach ($role_bases as $role_basis) {
    foreach ($agents[$role_basis] as $agent) {
        $agent_names[$role_basis][$agent->ID] = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $agent->display_name);
 function update_user_groups_multi_status($user_id, $stored_groups, $editable_group_ids)
     global $current_rs_user;
     $posted_groups = array();
     $is_administrator = is_user_administrator_rs();
     $can_manage = $is_administrator || current_user_can('manage_groups');
     $can_moderate = $can_manage || current_user_can('recommend_group_membership');
     if (!$can_moderate && !current_user_can('request_group_membership')) {
     if ($can_manage) {
         $posted_groups['active'] = explode(',', trim($_POST['current_agents_rs_csv'], ''));
     } else {
         $stored_groups = array_diff_key($stored_groups, array('active' => true));
     if ($can_moderate) {
         $posted_groups['recommended'] = !empty($_POST['recommended_agents_rs_csv']) ? explode(',', trim($_POST['recommended_agents_rs_csv'], '')) : array();
         $stored_groups['recommended'] = array_fill_keys($current_rs_user->get_groups_for_user($current_rs_user->ID, array('status' => 'recommended')), true);
         $editable_group_ids['recommended'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS, array('reqd_caps' => 'recommend_group_membership'));
         if (isset($editable_group_ids['active'])) {
             $editable_group_ids['recommended'] = array_unique($editable_group_ids['recommended'] + $editable_group_ids['active']);
     $stored_groups['requested'] = array_fill_keys($current_rs_user->get_groups_for_user($current_rs_user->ID, array('status' => 'requested')), true);
     $editable_group_ids['requested'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS, array('reqd_caps' => 'request_group_membership'));
     if (isset($editable_group_ids['recommended'])) {
         $editable_group_ids['requested'] = array_unique($editable_group_ids['requested'] + $editable_group_ids['recommended']);
     $posted_groups['requested'] = !empty($_POST['requested_agents_rs_csv']) ? explode(',', trim($_POST['requested_agents_rs_csv'], '')) : array();
     $all_posted_groups = agp_array_flatten($posted_groups);
     $all_stored_groups = array();
     foreach (array_keys($stored_groups) as $status) {
         $all_stored_groups = $all_stored_groups + $stored_groups[$status];
     foreach ($stored_groups as $status => $stored) {
         if (!$editable_group_ids[$status]) {
         // remove group memberships which were not posted for any status, if logged user can edit the group
         foreach (array_keys($stored) as $group_id) {
             if (!in_array($group_id, $all_posted_groups)) {
                 if (in_array($group_id, $editable_group_ids[$status])) {
                     ScoperAdminLib::remove_group_user($group_id, $user_id);
     foreach ($posted_groups as $status => $posted) {
         if (!$editable_group_ids[$status]) {
         // insert or update group memberships as specified, if logged user can edit the group
         foreach ($posted as $group_id) {
             if (in_array($group_id, $editable_group_ids[$status])) {
                 if (!in_array($group_id, $all_stored_groups)) {
                     ScoperAdminLib::add_group_user($group_id, $user_id, $status);
                 } elseif (!in_array($group_id, $stored_groups[$status])) {
                     ScoperAdminLib::update_group_user($group_id, $user_id, $status);
 function display_ui_user_groups()
     if (!($all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS))) {
     global $current_rs_user, $profileuser;
     $user_id = $profileuser->ID;
     $editable_ids = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS);
     if ($user_id == $current_rs_user->ID) {
         $stored_groups = array_keys($current_rs_user->groups);
     } else {
         $user = new WP_Scoped_User($user_id, '', array('skip_role_merge' => 1));
         $stored_groups = array_keys($user->groups);
     // can't manually edit membership of WP Roles groups, other metagroups
     $all_ids = array();
     foreach ($all_groups as $key => $group) {
         $all_ids[] = $group->ID;
         if (!empty($group->meta_id) && !is_null($group->meta_id) && in_array($group->ID, $editable_ids) && !strpos($group->meta_id, '_editable')) {
             $editable_ids = array_diff($editable_ids, array($group->ID));
             $stored_groups = array_diff($stored_groups, array($group->ID));
     // avoid incorrect eligible count if orphaned group roles are included in editable_ids
     $editable_ids = array_intersect($editable_ids, $all_ids);
     if (!$editable_ids && !$stored_groups) {
     echo "<div id='userprofile_groupsdiv_rs' class='rs-group_members'>";
     echo "<h3>";
     if (defined('GROUPS_CAPTION_RS')) {
         echo GROUPS_CAPTION_RS;
     } else {
         _e('User Groups', 'scoper');
     echo "</h3>";
     if (scoper_get_option('group_ajax')) {
         $arr_display_names = array();
         $group_ids = array();
         $group_ids['active'] = $stored_groups;
         $group_ids['recommended'] = $current_rs_user->get_groups_for_user($user_id, array('status' => 'recommended'));
         $group_ids['requested'] = $current_rs_user->get_groups_for_user($user_id, array('status' => 'requested'));
         foreach ($group_ids as $key => $ids) {
             foreach ($ids as $group_id) {
                 foreach (array_keys($all_groups) as $nkey) {
                     if ($all_groups[$nkey]->ID == $group_id) {
                         $arr_display_names[$key][$group_id] = $all_groups[$nkey]->display_name;
         global $scoper_user_search;
         $scoper_user_search->output_html($arr_display_names, 'groups');
     } else {
         $css_id = 'group';
         $locked_ids = array_diff($stored_groups, $editable_ids);
         $args = array('suppress_extra_prefix' => true, 'eligible_ids' => $editable_ids, 'locked_ids' => $locked_ids);
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/agents_checklist_rs.php';
         ScoperAgentsChecklist::agents_checklist(ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS, $all_groups, $css_id, array_flip($stored_groups), $args);
         echo '</fieldset>';
     echo '</div><br />';
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='rs_editing_user_groups' value='1' />";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/groups-support.php';
if (isset($_POST['rs_submit'])) {
    $stored_groups = isset($_POST['group']) ? $_POST['group'] : array();
    scoper_update_option('default_groups', $stored_groups);
    echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>';
    printf(__('Default Groups Updated: %s groups', 'scoper'), count($stored_groups));
    echo '</p></div>';
} else {
    $stored_groups = scoper_get_option('default_groups');
if (!($all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS))) {
if ($editable_ids = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS)) {
    echo "<div id='default_groupsdiv_rs' style='margin-top:1em'>";
    if (!$stored_groups) {
        $stored_groups = array();
        echo '<p><strong>';
        _e('No default groups defined.', 'scoper');
        echo '</strong></p>';
    // WP Roles groups, other metagroups can't be a default group
    foreach ($all_groups as $key => $group) {
        if (!empty($group->meta_id) && in_array($group->ID, $editable_ids)) {
            $editable_ids = array_diff($editable_ids, array($group->ID));
    $css_id = 'group';
    $locked_ids = array_diff($stored_groups, $editable_ids);
 function load_roles($src_name, $object_type, $object_id)
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'start ItemRolesUI::load_roles()' );
     if ('edit.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow']) {
     if (!scoper_get_otype_option('use_object_roles', $src_name, $object_type)) {
     if (!($src = $this->scoper->data_sources->get($src_name))) {
     $this->loaded_src_name = $src_name;
     $this->loaded_object_type = $object_type;
     $this->loaded_object_id = $object_id;
     $this->indicate_blended_roles = scoper_get_option('indicate_blended_roles');
     $this->all_agents = array();
     $this->agent_captions = array();
     $this->agent_captions_plural = array();
     $this->eligible_agent_ids = array();
     // note: if object_id = 0, default roles will be retrieved
     $get_defaults = !$object_id;
     $obj_roles = array();
     $role_defs = $this->scoper->role_defs->get_matching('rs', $src_name, $object_type);
     $this->role_handles = array_keys($role_defs);
     // for default roles, distinguish between various object types
     $filter_role_handles = $object_id ? '' : array_keys($role_defs);
     if (GROUP_ROLES_RS) {
         $this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = ScoperRoleAssignments::organize_assigned_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $filter_role_handles, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS, $get_defaults);
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'load_roles: organize_assigned_roles for groups' );
     if (USER_ROLES_RS) {
         $this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = ScoperRoleAssignments::organize_assigned_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $filter_role_handles, ROLE_BASIS_USER, $get_defaults);
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'load_roles: organize_assigned_roles for users' );
     if (GROUP_ROLES_RS) {
         $this->all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS);
         //log_mem_usage_rs( 'load_roles: get_all_groups' );
         if (!empty($this->all_groups)) {
             $this->agent_captions[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = __('Group', 'scoper');
             $this->agent_captions_plural[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = __('Groups', 'scoper');
             $this->all_agents[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = $this->all_groups;
             $this->all_agents[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = $this->all_groups;
         //log_mem_usage_rs( 'load_roles: set all_groups properties' );
     if (USER_ROLES_RS) {
         $this->agent_captions[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = __('User', 'scoper');
         $this->agent_captions_plural[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = __awp('Users');
         // note: all users are eligible for a reading role assignment, but we may not be displaying user checkboxes
         $user_csv_input = scoper_get_option("user_role_assignment_csv");
         if (!$user_csv_input) {
             $this->all_agents[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = $this->scoper->users_who_can('', COLS_ID_NAME_RS);
         } elseif ($object_id) {
             $assignees = array();
             if ($this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER]) {
                 foreach (array_keys($this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER]) as $role_handle) {
                     $assignees = array_merge($assignees, array_keys($this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER][$role_handle]['assigned']));
             $assignees = array_unique($assignees);
             global $wpdb;
             $this->all_agents[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = scoper_get_results("SELECT ID, display_name FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE ID IN ('" . implode("','", $assignees) . "')");
         } else {
             $this->all_agents[ROLE_BASIS_USER] = array();
         //log_mem_usage_rs( 'load_roles: users_who_can for all_agents' );
         //users eligible for an editing role assignments are those who have the basic edit cap via taxonomy or blog role
         if (scoper_get_otype_option('limit_object_editors', $src_name, $object_type)) {
             // Limit eligible page contribs/editors based on blog ownership of "edit_posts"
             // Otherwise, since pages are generally not categorized, only Blog Editors and Admins are eligible for object role ass'n
             // It's more useful to exclude Blog Subscribers while including all others
             $role_object_type = 'page' == $object_type ? 'post' : $object_type;
             $reqd_caps = $this->scoper->cap_defs->get_matching($src_name, $role_object_type, OP_EDIT_RS, '', BASE_CAPS_RS);
             // status-specific and 'others' caps will not be returned
             $args = array('ignore_strict_terms' => true, 'ignore_group_roles' => true, 'skip_object_roles' => true);
             $this->eligible_agent_ids[ROLE_BASIS_USER][OP_EDIT_RS] = $this->scoper->users_who_can(array_keys($reqd_caps), COL_ID_RS, '', 0, $args);
             //log_mem_usage_rs( 'load_roles: users_who_can for eligible_agent_ids' );
     $this->blog_term_roles = array();
     // Pull object and blog/term role assignments for all roles
     // Do this first so contained / containing roles can be accounted for in UI
     foreach ($role_defs as $role_handle => $role_def) {
         if ($this->indicate_blended_roles && isset($role_def->valid_scopes[OBJECT_SCOPE_RS])) {
             // might need to check term/blog assignment of a different role to reflect object's current status
             if (!empty($role_def->other_scopes_check_role) && !empty($src->cols->status)) {
                 $status = $this->scoper->data_sources->detect('status', $src, $object_id);
                 if (isset($role_def->other_scopes_check_role[$status])) {
                     $blog_term_role_handle = $role_def->other_scopes_check_role[$status];
                 } elseif (isset($role_def->other_scopes_check_role[''])) {
                     $blog_term_role_handle = $role_def->other_scopes_check_role[''];
                 } else {
                     $blog_term_role_handle = $role_handle;
             } else {
                 $blog_term_role_handle = $role_handle;
             $this_args = array('skip_object_roles' => true, 'object_type' => $object_type, 'ignore_group_roles' => true);
             if (empty($user_csv_input)) {
                 $this->blog_term_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER][$role_handle] = $this->scoper->users_who_can($blog_term_role_handle, COL_ID_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $this_args);
                 //log_mem_usage_rs( "load_roles: users_who_can for $role_handle users" );
             } else {
                 $this->blog_term_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER][$role_handle] = array();
             $this->blog_term_roles[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS][$role_handle] = $this->scoper->groups_who_can($blog_term_role_handle, COL_ID_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $this_args);
             //log_mem_usage_rs( "load_roles: groups_who_can for $role_handle groups" );
     $this->do_propagation_cboxes = !empty($src->cols->parent) && !$this->scoper->data_sources->member_property($src_name, 'object_types', $object_type, 'ignore_object_hierarchy');
     $this->object_strict_roles = array();
     $this->child_strict_roles = array();
     $args = array('id' => $object_id, 'include_child_restrictions' => true);
     if ($restrictions = $this->scoper->get_restrictions(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $args)) {
         //log_mem_usage_rs( "load_roles: get_restrictions" );
         foreach ($this->role_handles as $role_handle) {
             // defaults for this role
             if (isset($restrictions['unrestrictions'][$role_handle]) && is_array($restrictions['unrestrictions'][$role_handle])) {
                 $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                 $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
             } else {
                 $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                 $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
             // role is not default strict, and a restriction is set
             if (isset($restrictions['restrictions'][$role_handle][$object_id])) {
                 switch ($restrictions['restrictions'][$role_handle][$object_id]) {
                     case ASSIGN_FOR_ENTITY_RS:
                         $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                         $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                     case ASSIGN_FOR_CHILDREN_RS:
                         $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                         $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                     case ASSIGN_FOR_BOTH_RS:
                         $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                         $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                 // end switch
                 // role IS default strict, and no unrestriction is set
             } elseif (isset($restrictions['unrestrictions'][$role_handle][$object_id])) {
                 switch ($restrictions['unrestrictions'][$role_handle][$object_id]) {
                     case ASSIGN_FOR_ENTITY_RS:
                         $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                         $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                     case ASSIGN_FOR_CHILDREN_RS:
                         $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = true;
                         $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                     case ASSIGN_FOR_BOTH_RS:
                         $this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                         $this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle] = false;
                 // end switch
         // end foreach Role Handle
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'end ItemRolesUI::load_roles()' );
    function output_html($agents, $agent_type = 'users')
        if ('groups' == $agent_type) {
            $reqd_caps = 'manage_groups';
            if (!empty($this->status[0])) {
                if ('requested' == $this->status[0]) {
                    $reqd_caps = 'request_group_membership';
                } elseif ('recommended' == $this->status[0]) {
                    $reqd_caps = 'recommend_group_membership';
            $editable_group_ids = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS, array('reqd_caps' => $reqd_caps));
        if (!empty($this->list_ids)) {
	<div id="agents_selection_rs">

            if (defined(strtoupper($agent_type) . '_SEARCH_CAPTION_RS')) {
                echo constant(strtoupper($agent_type) . '_SEARCH_CAPTION_RS');
            } elseif ('groups' == $agent_type) {
                _e('Search for Groups', 'scoper');
            } else {
                _e('Search for Users', 'scoper');
	<br />

	<table style="width: 100%"><tr>
	<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right:1em;">
	<input id="item_search_text" type="text" size="12" />
	<button type="button" id="item_submit">Search</button>
	<br /><br />
	<select id="item_results" multiple="multiple" style="height:160px;width:200px;"></select>
	<span id="item_msg"></span>
	<button type="button" id="add_item" class="rs_add">Add&nbsp;></button>
            echo $this->list_captions[0];
	<br />
	<select name="<?php 
            echo $this->list_ids[0];
[]" id="<?php 
            echo $this->list_ids[0];
" multiple="multiple" style="height:100px;width:200px;">
            if (!empty($agents[$this->status[0]])) {
                foreach ($agents[$this->status[0]] as $value => $caption) {
                    if ('users' == $agent_type || in_array($value, $editable_group_ids)) {
                        echo "<option value='{$value}'>{$caption}</option>";
	<br /> 
	<span id="box1Counter_0" class="countLabel"></span>
	<select id="box1Storage_0" style='display:none'> </select>
	<button id="to2_0" type="button" class="rs_remove"><?php 
            echo esc_html($this->remove_button[0]);
</button> <button id="allTo2_0" type="button" class="rs_remove"><?php 
            echo esc_html($this->remove_all_button[0]);
</button> <br /><br /> <button id="allTo1_0" type="button"><?php 
            echo esc_html($this->restore_all_button[0]);
</button>  <button id="to1_0" type="button"><?php 
            echo esc_html($this->restore_button[0]);
            echo $this->removal_captions[0];
	<br />
	<select id="<?php 
            echo $this->removal_ids[0];
" multiple="multiple" style="height:100px;width:100px;"></select>
	<span id="box2Counter_0" class="countLabel"></span>
	<select id="box2Storage_0" style='display:none'> </select>
            // now that the search box and highest accessable selection box is outputted, also display recommended / requested items
            if (count($this->list_ids) > 1) {
                for ($key = 1; $key < count($this->list_ids); $key++) {
                    echo $this->list_captions[$key];
		<br />
		<select name="<?php 
                    echo $this->list_ids[$key];
[]" id="<?php 
                    echo $this->list_ids[$key];
" multiple="multiple" style="height:100px;width:200px;">
                    if (!empty($agents[$this->status[$key]])) {
                        foreach ($agents[$this->status[$key]] as $value => $caption) {
                            if ('users' == $agent_type || in_array($value, $editable_group_ids)) {
                                echo "<option value='{$value}'>{$caption}</option>";
		<br /> 
		<span id="box1Counter_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" class="countLabel"></span>
		<select id="box1Storage_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" style='display:none'> </select>
		<br />

                    if (!empty($this->approval_button_id[$key])) {
                        echo "<button id='{$this->approval_button_id[$key]}' type='button' class='rs_approve'>{$this->approval_caption[$key]}</button><br /><br />";

		<button id="to2_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" type="button" class="rs_remove"><?php 
                    echo $this->remove_button[$key];
</button> <button id="allTo2_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" type="button" class="rs_remove"><?php 
                    echo $this->remove_all_button[$key];
</button> <br /> <button id="allTo1_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" type="button"><?php 
                    echo $this->restore_all_button[$key];
</button>  <button id="to1_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" type="button"><?php 
                    echo $this->restore_button[$key];
                    echo $this->removal_captions[$key];
		<br />
		<select id="<?php 
                    echo $this->removal_ids[$key];
" multiple="multiple" style="height:100px;width:100px;"></select>
		<span id="box2Counter_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" class="countLabel"></span>
		<select id="box2Storage_<?php 
                    echo $key;
" style='display:none'> </select>
            // more than one listbox to display
            foreach ($this->list_ids as $key => $list_id) {
                if ($agents && !empty($agents[$this->status[$key]])) {
                    $csv = implode(',', array_keys($agents[$this->status[$key]]));
                } else {
                    $csv = '';
                echo "<input type='hidden' id='{$list_id}_csv' name='{$list_id}_csv' value='" . $csv . "' />";
        // any list_ids set (logged user can submit groups for any status)
        $captions = array();
        $captions['active'] = __('Active Membership', 'scoper');
        $captions['recommended'] = __('Recommended Membership', 'scoper');
        $captions['requested'] = __('Requested Membership', 'scoper');
        if ('groups' == $agent_type) {
            // display uneditable groups
            $uneditable_groups = array();
            foreach (array_keys($agents) as $status) {
                $uneditable_groups[$status] = array();
                $status_editable = false !== array_search($status, $this->status);
                foreach ($agents[$status] as $group_id => $group_name) {
                    if ((!$status_editable || !in_array($group_id, $editable_group_ids)) && false === strpos($group_name, '[')) {
                        $uneditable_groups[$status][] = $group_name;
                if ($uneditable_groups[$status]) {
                    $groups_csv = implode(", ", $uneditable_groups[$status]);
                    printf(__('<b>%1$s</b>: %2$s', 'scoper'), $captions[$status], $groups_csv);
                    echo '<br /><br />';
        } else {
            foreach (array_keys($agents) as $status) {
                if (false === array_search($status, $this->status)) {
                    $users_csv = implode(", ", $agents[$status]);
                    printf(__('<b>%1$s</b>: %2$s', 'scoper'), $captions[$status], $users_csv);
                    echo '<br /><br />';
 function agent_ids_from_csv($csv_id, $role_basis)
     static $groups_by_name;
     if (ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS == $role_basis && !empty($_POST[$csv_id])) {
         if (!isset($groups_by_name)) {
             $all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups();
             $groups_by_name = array();
             foreach ($all_groups as $group) {
                 $groups_by_name[$group->display_name] = $group->ID;
     $agent_ids = array();
     if (!empty($_POST[$csv_id])) {
         $agent_names = explode(",", $_POST[$csv_id]);
         // role assignments for item
         foreach ($agent_names as $agent_name) {
             if (empty($agent_name)) {
             } else {
                 $agent_name = trim($agent_name);
             if (ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS == $role_basis) {
                 if (isset($groups_by_name[$agent_name])) {
                     $agent_ids[] = $groups_by_name[$agent_name];
                 } elseif (intval($agent_name) && in_array($agent_name, $groups_by_name)) {
                     $agent_ids[] = $agent_name;
             } else {
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/user_lib_rs.php';
                 if ($user = awp_get_user_by_name($agent_name)) {
                     $agent_ids[] = $user->ID;
                 } elseif (intval($agent_name) && awp_get_user_by_id($agent_name)) {
                     $agent_ids[] = $agent_name;
     return $agent_ids;
        $searches = array();
        $where = 'AND (';
        foreach (array('group_name', 'group_description') as $col) {
            $searches[] = $col . " LIKE '%{$_GET['rs_group_search']}%'";
        $where .= implode(' OR ', $searches);
        $where .= ')';
    } else {
        $where = '';
    if ('recommended' == $_GET['rs_target_status']) {
        $reqd_caps = 'recommend_group_membership';
    } elseif ('requested' == $_GET['rs_target_status']) {
        $reqd_caps = 'request_group_membership';
    } else {
        $reqd_caps = 'manage_groups';
    // determine all currently stored groups (of any status) for user in question (not necessarily logged user)
    if (!empty($_GET['rs_agent_id'])) {
        $user_groups = $GLOBALS['current_rs_user']->get_groups_for_user($_GET['rs_agent_id'], array('status' => 'any'));
    } else {
        $user_groups = array();
    if ($groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COLS_ALL_RS, array('include_norole_groups' => false, 'reqd_caps' => $reqd_caps, 'where' => $where))) {
        foreach ($groups as $row) {
            if ((is_null($row->meta_id) || empty($row->meta_id)) && !in_array($row->ID, $user_groups)) {
                echo "<option value='{$row->ID}'>{$row->display_name}</option>";