function wm_theme_customizer_css() { // Helper variables $output = wm_custom_styles(); // Output if ($output) { wp_add_inline_style('stylesheet-global', apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $output)); } }
function wm_theme_customizer_css() { //Helper variables $output = wm_custom_styles(); //Output if ($output) { echo apply_filters('wmhook_wm_theme_customizer_css_output', '<style type="text/css" id="' . WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-customizer-styles">' . "\r\n" . $output . "\r\n" . '</style>'); } }
function wm_custom_styles_cache() { //Set cache, do not return wm_custom_styles(true, false); }
function wm_enqueue_assets() { //Helper variables $enqueue_styles = $enqueue_scripts = array(); $custom_styles = wm_custom_styles(); $inline_styles_handle = wp_style_is('wm-colors', 'registered') ? 'wm-colors' : 'wm-stylesheet'; $inline_styles_handle = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_inline_styles_handle', $inline_styles_handle); /** * Styles */ //Google Fonts if (wm_google_fonts_url()) { $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-google-fonts'; } //Food menu icon for search results if ((is_search() || is_archive()) && defined('JETPACK__VERSION') && class_exists('Nova_Restaurant')) { wp_enqueue_style('nova-font', plugins_url('css/nova-font.css', JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'modules/custom-post-types/nova.php'), array(), JETPACK__VERSION); } //Banner slider if (is_front_page() && wm_has_banner_posts(2)) { $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-slick'; } //Main $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-stylesheet'; //Colors if ('wm-colors' === $inline_styles_handle) { $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-colors'; } $enqueue_styles = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_enqueue_styles', $enqueue_styles); foreach ($enqueue_styles as $handle) { wp_enqueue_style($handle); } /** * Styles - inline */ //Customizer setup custom styles if ($custom_styles) { wp_add_inline_style($inline_styles_handle, "\r\n" . apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $custom_styles) . "\r\n"); } //Custom styles set in post/page 'custom-css' custom field if (is_singular() && ($output = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'custom_css', true))) { $output = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_styles_inline_singular', "\r\n\r\n/* Custom singular styles */\r\n" . $output . "\r\n"); wp_add_inline_style($inline_styles_handle, apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $output) . "\r\n"); } //Beaver Builder support if (isset($_GET['fl_builder'])) { $output = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_styles_inline_beaver_builder', "\r\n.fl-builder-lightbox .fl-lightbox { width: 720px; } .fl-builder-settings-tab { width: 100%; }\r\n"); wp_add_inline_style($inline_styles_handle, apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $output) . "\r\n"); } /** * Scripts */ //Masonry script (in footer and in archives) $footer_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); if (is_array($footer_widgets) && isset($footer_widgets['footer']) && count($footer_widgets['footer']) > absint(apply_filters('wmhook_widgets_columns', 3, 'footer')) || is_archive() && !is_tax('nova_menu') || is_front_page() || is_home() || is_search()) { $enqueue_scripts[] = 'jquery-masonry'; } //Banner slider if (is_front_page() && wm_has_banner_posts(2)) { $enqueue_scripts[] = 'wm-slick'; } //Global theme scripts $enqueue_scripts[] = 'wm-scripts-global'; //Skip link focus fix $enqueue_scripts[] = 'wm-skip-link-focus-fix'; $enqueue_scripts = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_enqueue_scripts', $enqueue_scripts); foreach ($enqueue_scripts as $handle) { wp_enqueue_script($handle); } /** * Scripts - inline */ $scripts_inline = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_scripts_inline', array('text_menu_group_nav' => _x('↑ Menu sections', 'Back to food menu sections selectors button title.', 'wm_domain'))); wp_localize_script('wm-scripts-global', '$scriptsInline', $scripts_inline); }
echo "\r\n\r\n\r\n/* {$css_file_path} */\r\n\r\n"; if (file_exists($css_file_path)) { require $css_file_path; } } else { $css_file_path = 'assets/css/' . $css_file_name . '.css'; //Print file URL at the beginning of its content echo "\r\n\r\n\r\n/* {$css_file_path} */\r\n\r\n"; /** * For basic CSS file paths use this structure: * 'CUSTOM_CSS_FILE_SLUG' */ locate_template($css_file_path, true, false); } $wm_css_content[] = $css_file_path; } $output = trim(apply_filters('wmhook_generate_css_output_start', '@charset "UTF-8";' . "\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * CONTENT:\r\n *\r\n * " . implode("\r\n * ", $wm_css_content) . "\r\n */", $wm_css_content)) . "\r\n\r\n\r\n" . ob_get_clean(); //Replace paths (do not use relative paths in stylesheets!) $replacements = (array) apply_filters('wmhook_generate_css_replacements', array()); if (is_array($replacements) && !empty($replacements)) { $output = strtr($output, $replacements); } /** * Custom styles from skin editor */ // locate_template( 'assets/css/_custom-styles.php', true ); //Must be in separate file for WordPress customizer $output .= "\r\n\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Skin styles\r\n */\r\n\r\n" . wm_custom_styles() . "\r\n\r\n" . '/* End of file */'; /** * Output */ echo apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $output);
function wm_enqueue_assets() { //Helper variables $enqueue_styles = $enqueue_scripts = array(); $custom_styles = wm_custom_styles(); $inline_styles_handle = wp_style_is('wm-colors', 'registered') ? 'wm-colors' : 'wm-stylesheet'; $inline_styles_handle = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_inline_styles_handle', $inline_styles_handle); /** * Styles */ //Google Fonts if (wm_google_fonts_url()) { $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-google-fonts'; } //Main $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-stylesheet'; //Colors if ('wm-colors' === $inline_styles_handle) { $enqueue_styles[] = 'wm-colors'; } $enqueue_styles = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_enqueue_styles', $enqueue_styles); foreach ($enqueue_styles as $handle) { wp_enqueue_style($handle); } /** * Styles - inline */ //Customizer setup custom styles if ($custom_styles) { wp_add_inline_style($inline_styles_handle, "\r\n" . apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $custom_styles) . "\r\n"); } //Custom styles set in post/page 'custom-css' custom field if (is_singular() && ($output = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'custom_css', true))) { $output = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_singular_inline_styles', "\r\n\r\n/* Custom singular styles */\r\n" . $output . "\r\n"); wp_add_inline_style($inline_styles_handle, apply_filters('wmhook_esc_css', $output) . "\r\n"); } /** * Scripts */ //Masonry footer only if there are more widgets in footer than columns settings $footer_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); if (is_array($footer_widgets) && isset($footer_widgets['footer']) && count($footer_widgets['footer']) > absint(apply_filters('wmhook_widgets_columns', 3, 'footer'))) { $enqueue_scripts[] = 'jquery-masonry'; } //Global theme scripts $enqueue_scripts[] = 'wm-scripts-global'; //Skip link focus fix $enqueue_scripts[] = 'wm-skip-link-focus-fix'; $enqueue_scripts = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_enqueue_assets_enqueue_scripts', $enqueue_scripts); foreach ($enqueue_scripts as $handle) { wp_enqueue_script($handle); } }