Esempio n. 1
 function testSelectWithChainedFilterParameters()
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->select(array("Name", "Meta"))->from("MyTable");
     $query->where("Name = 'Name'")->where("Meta", "Test")->where("Beta", "!=", "Gamma");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT Name, Meta FROM MyTable WHERE (Name = 'Name') AND (Meta = 'Test') AND (Beta != 'Gamma')", $query->sql());
	public function apply(SQLQuery $query) {
		return $query->where(sprintf(
			"%s != '%s'",
Esempio n. 3
	function apply(SQLQuery $query) {
			"%s >= '%s' AND %s < '%s'",
 protected function purgeUnconfirmedRegistrations()
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $conn = DB::getConn();
     $query->innerJoin('CalendarDateTime', '"TimeID" = "DateTime"."ID"', 'DateTime');
     $query->innerJoin('CalendarEvent', '"DateTime"."EventID" = "Event"."ID"', 'Event');
     $query->innerJoin('RegisterableEvent', '"Event"."ID" = "Registerable"."ID"', 'Registerable');
     $query->where('"Registerable"."ConfirmTimeLimit" > 0');
     $query->where('"Status"', 'Unconfirmed');
     $created = $conn->formattedDatetimeClause('"EventRegistration"."Created"', '%U');
     $query->where(sprintf('%s < %s', $created . ' + "Registerable"."ConfirmTimeLimit"', time()));
     if ($ids = $query->execute()->column()) {
         $count = count($ids);
         DB::query(sprintf('UPDATE "EventRegistration" SET "Status" = \'Canceled\' WHERE "ID" IN (%s)', implode(', ', $ids)));
     } else {
         $count = 0;
     echo "{$count} unconfirmed registrations were canceled.\n";
Esempio n. 5
	 * Build a {@link SQLQuery} object to perform the given query.
	 * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause.
	 * @param string|array $sort A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. If omitted, self::$default_sort will be used.
	 * @param string|array $limit A limit expression to be inserted into the LIMIT clause.
	 * @param string $join A single join clause. This can be used for filtering, only 1 instance of each DataObject will be returned.
	 * @param boolean $restictClasses Restrict results to only objects of either this class of a subclass of this class
	 * @param string $having A filter to be inserted into the HAVING clause.
	 * @return SQLQuery Query built.
	public function buildSQL($filter = "", $sort = "", $limit = "", $join = "", $restrictClasses = true, $having = "") {
		// Find a default sort
		if(!$sort) {
			$sort = $this->stat('default_sort');

		// Get the tables to join to
		$tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->class);
		if(!$tableClasses) {
			if(!ManifestBuilder::has_been_included()) {
				user_error("DataObjects have been requested before the manifest is loaded. Please ensure you are not querying the database in _config.php.", E_USER_ERROR);
			} else {
				user_error("DataObject::buildSQL: Can't find data classes (classes linked to tables) for $this->class. Please ensure you run dev/build after creating a new DataObject.", E_USER_ERROR);

		$baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses);
		$select = array("`$baseClass`.*");

		// Build our intial query
		$query = new SQLQuery($select);

		// Add SQL for multi-value fields on the base table
		$databaseFields = $this->databaseFields();
		if($databaseFields) foreach($databaseFields as $k => $v) {
			if(!in_array($k, array('ClassName', 'LastEdited', 'Created'))) {
				if(ClassInfo::classImplements($v, 'CompositeDBField')) {
		// Join all the tables
		if($tableClasses && self::$subclass_access) {
			foreach($tableClasses as $tableClass) {
				$query->from[$tableClass] = "LEFT JOIN `$tableClass` ON `$tableClass`.ID = `$baseClass`.ID";
				$query->select[] = "`$tableClass`.*";

				// Add SQL for multi-value fields
				$SNG = singleton($tableClass);
				$databaseFields = $SNG->databaseFields();
				if($databaseFields) foreach($databaseFields as $k => $v) {
					if(!in_array($k, array('ClassName', 'LastEdited', 'Created'))) {
						if(ClassInfo::classImplements($v, 'CompositeDBField')) {

		$query->select[] = "`$baseClass`.ID";
		$query->select[] = "if(`$baseClass`.ClassName,`$baseClass`.ClassName,'$baseClass') AS RecordClassName";

		// Get the ClassName values to filter to
		$classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->class);

		if(!$classNames) {
			user_error("DataObject::get() Can't find data sub-classes for '$callerClass'");

		// If querying the base class, don't bother filtering on class name
		if($restrictClasses && $this->class != $baseClass) {
			// Get the ClassName values to filter to
			$classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->class);
			if(!$classNames) {
				user_error("DataObject::get() Can't find data sub-classes for '$callerClass'");

			$query->where[] = "`$baseClass`.ClassName IN ('" . implode("','", $classNames) . "')";

		if($having) {
			$query->having[] = $having;

		if($join) {
			$query->from[] = $join;
			$query->groupby[] = reset($query->from) . ".ID";

		return $query;
Esempio n. 6
 public function apply(SQLQuery $query)
     $query->where(sprintf("MATCH (%s AGAINST ('%s')", $this->getDbName(), Convert::raw2sql($this->getValue())));
     return $query;
Esempio n. 7
	 * Delete this data object.
	 * $this->onBeforeDelete() gets called.
	 * Note that in Versioned objects, both Stage and Live will be deleted.
	 *  @uses DataExtension->augmentSQL()
	public function delete() {
		$this->brokenOnDelete = true;
		if($this->brokenOnDelete) {
			user_error("$this->class has a broken onBeforeDelete() function.  Make sure that you call parent::onBeforeDelete().", E_USER_ERROR);
        // Deleting a record without an ID shouldn't do anything
        if(!$this->ID) throw new Exception("DataObject::delete() called on a DataObject without an ID");

		// TODO: This is quite ugly.  To improve:
		//  - move the details of the delete code in the DataQuery system
		//  - update the code to just delete the base table, and rely on cascading deletes in the DB to do the rest
		//    obviously, that means getting requireTable() to configure cascading deletes ;-)
		$srcQuery = DataList::create($this->class, $this->model)->where("ID = $this->ID")->dataQuery()->query();
		foreach($srcQuery->queriedTables() as $table) {
			$query = new SQLQuery("*", array('"'.$table.'"'));
			$query->where("\"ID\" = $this->ID");
			$query->delete = true;
		// Remove this item out of any caches

		$this->OldID = $this->ID;
		$this->ID = 0;
 public function apply(SQLQuery $query)
     return $query->where(sprintf("LOCATE('%s', %s) != 0", Convert::raw2sql($this->getValue()), $this->getDbName()));
Esempio n. 9
  * Remove all items from this many-many join that match the given filter
  * @deprecated this is experimental and will change. Don't use it in your projects.
 function removeByFilter($filter)
     $query = new SQLQuery("*", array("\"{$this->joinTable}\""));
     $query->delete = true;
  * Returns the number of tickets available for an event time.
  * @param  RegisterableDateTime $time
  * @param  int $excludeId A registration ID to exclude from calculations.
  * @return array
 public function getAvailableForDateTime(RegisterableDateTime $time, $excludeId = null)
     if ($this->StartType == 'Date') {
         $start = strtotime($this->StartDate);
     } else {
         $start = $time->getStartTimestamp();
         $start = sfTime::subtract($start, $this->StartDays, sfTime::DAY);
         $start = sfTime::subtract($start, $this->StartHours, sfTime::HOUR);
         $start = sfTime::subtract($start, $this->StartMins, sfTime::MINUTE);
     if ($start >= time()) {
         return array('available' => false, 'reason' => 'Tickets are not yet available.', 'available_at' => $start);
     if ($this->EndType == 'Date') {
         $end = strtotime($this->EndDate);
     } else {
         $end = $time->getStartTimestamp();
         $end = sfTime::subtract($end, $this->EndDays, sfTime::DAY);
         $end = sfTime::subtract($end, $this->EndHours, sfTime::HOUR);
         $end = sfTime::subtract($end, $this->EndMins, sfTime::MINUTE);
     if (time() >= $end) {
         return array('available' => false, 'reason' => 'Tickets are no longer available.');
     if (!($quantity = $this->Available)) {
         return array('available' => true);
     $booked = new SQLQuery();
     $booked->leftJoin('EventRegistration', '"EventRegistration"."ID" = "EventRegistrationID"');
     if ($excludeId) {
         $booked->where('"EventRegistration"."ID"', '<>', $excludeId);
     $booked->where('"Status"', '<>', 'Canceled');
     $booked->where('"EventTicketID"', $this->ID);
     $booked->where('"EventRegistration"."TimeID"', $time->ID);
     $booked = $booked->execute()->value();
     if ($booked < $quantity) {
         return array('available' => $quantity - $booked);
     } else {
         return array('available' => false, 'reason' => 'All tickets have been booked.');
	 * Retun an array of maps containing the keys, 'ID' and 'ParentID' for each page to be displayed
	 * in the search.
	 * @return Array
	function pagesIncluded() {
		$ids = array();
		$q = new SQLQuery();
		$where = array();
		$SQL_params = Convert::raw2sql($this->params);
		foreach($SQL_params as $name => $val) {
			switch($name) {
				// Match against URLSegment, Title, MenuTitle & Content
				case 'Term':
					if($val) $where[] = "\"URLSegment\" LIKE '%$val%' OR \"Title\" LIKE '%$val%' OR \"MenuTitle\" LIKE '%$val%' OR \"Content\" LIKE '%$val%'";
				// Match against date
				case 'LastEditedFrom':
					if($val) $where[] = "\"LastEdited\" >= '$val'";
				case 'LastEditedTo':
					if($val) $where[] = "\"LastEdited\" <= '$val'";
				// Match against exact ClassName
				case 'ClassName':
					if($val && $val != 'All') {
						$where[] = "\"ClassName\" = '$val'";
					// Partial string match against a variety of fields 
					if(!empty($val) && singleton("SiteTree")->hasDatabaseField($name)) {
						$where[] = "\"$name\" LIKE '%$val%'";
		$q->where(empty($where) ? '' : '(' . implode(') AND (',$where) . ')');

		foreach($q->execute() as $row) {
			$ids[] = array('ID'=>$row['ID'],'ParentID'=>$row['ParentID']);
		return $ids;
  * Delete the object. $version is either the version number, or "all" to completely delete the object and all versions. The two cases work
  * as follows:
  *  - if a specified version is being deleted, we remove it from the versions table for the object, and invoke the recalculateStages handler which
  *    will perform all reconcilation of the live and staged records for the object.
  *  - if all versions are being deleted, we remove all versions from the versions table, and again invoke recalculateStages.
  * FIX: this works on the assumption that the moderated class extends directly from DataObject.
 public function deleteVersioned($version)
     $baseTable = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class);
     $q = new SQLQuery();
     $q->where("RecordID = " . $this->owner->ID);
     if ($version != "all") {
         $q->where("Version=" . $version);
     $q->delete = true;
Esempio n. 13
	 * Remove the given item from this list.
	 * Note that for a ManyManyList, the item is never actually deleted, only the join table is affected
	 * @param $itemID The item it
	function removeByID($itemID) {
	    if(!is_numeric($itemID)) throw new InvalidArgumentException("ManyManyList::removeById() expecting an ID");

		$query = new SQLQuery("*", array("\"$this->joinTable\""));
		$query->delete = true;
		if($filter = $this->foreignIDFilter()) {
		} else {
			user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::remove() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
		$query->where("\"$this->localKey\" = {$itemID}");
  * Returns the overall number of places remaining at this event, TRUE if
  * there are unlimited places or FALSE if they are all taken.
  * @param  int $excludeId A registration ID to exclude from calculations.
  * @return int|bool
 public function getRemainingCapacity($excludeId = null)
     if (!$this->Capacity) {
         return true;
     $taken = new SQLQuery();
     $taken->leftJoin('EventRegistration', '"EventRegistration"."ID" = "EventRegistrationID"');
     if ($excludeId) {
         $taken->where('"EventRegistration"."ID"', '<>', $excludeId);
     $taken->where('"Status"', '<>', 'Canceled');
     $taken->where('"EventRegistration"."TimeID"', $this->ID);
     $taken = $taken->execute()->value();
     return $this->Capacity >= $taken ? $this->Capacity - $taken : false;