public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null)
     // Actives locales defined on a SiteConfig are there as a global setting
     if ($this->owner instanceof SiteConfig) {
     // In admin, show everthing anyway
     if ($this->isAdminBackend()) {
     // Find in set is only compatible with MySql
     $c = DB::getConn();
     if (!$c instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
     $locale = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Fluent.Locale') ?: Fluent::current_locale();
     $from = $query->getFrom();
     $where = $query->getWhere();
     $column = 'ActiveLocales';
     $table = null;
     // Check on which table is the ActiveLocales field
     foreach ($from as $fromTable => $conditions) {
         if ($table === null) {
             $table = $fromTable;
         $db = DataObject::custom_database_fields($fromTable);
         if ($db && isset($db[$column])) {
             $table = $fromTable;
     $identifier = "\"{$table}\".\"{$column}\"";
     $where[] = "{$identifier} IS NULL OR FIND_IN_SET ('{$locale}', {$identifier}) > 0";
  * Remove a filter from the query
 public function removeFilterOn($fieldExpression)
     $matched = false;
     $where = $this->query->getWhere();
     foreach ($where as $i => $clause) {
         if (strpos($clause, $fieldExpression) !== false) {
             $matched = true;
     // set the entire where clause back, but clear the original one first
     if ($matched) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Couldn't find {$fieldExpression} in the query filter.");
     return $this;
 public function DDLValues()
     $selected_values = array();
     $owner = $_REQUEST["SurveyQuestionTemplateID"];
     if (isset($owner)) {
         $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
         $sqlQuery->setWhere("SurveyQuestionTemplateID = {$owner} AND ChildID = {$this->ID}");
         $selected_values = $sqlQuery->execute()->keyedColumn();
     return new MultiDropdownField("Values_{$this->ID}", "Values_{$this->ID}", $this->Rows()->map("ID", "Value"), $selected_values);
 protected function getRemoteObjectsQuery()
     // Do something really lazy here; Join on all tables to do the mapping really sneakily
     $query = new SQLQuery('"' . $this->tableName . '"."ID"');
     $query->setFrom('"' . $this->tableName . '"');
     // relations are add-only, so just get unimported relations
     $query->setWhere('"' . $this->tableName . '"."_ImportedID" = 0');
     foreach ($this->fields as $field => $class) {
         // Join table
         $query->addInnerJoin($class, "\"{$class}\".\"ID\" = \"{$this->tableName}\".\"{$field}\"");
         // Remove unmapped related tables
         $query->addWhere("\"{$class}\".\"_ImportedID\" > 0");
         // Substitute imported ID from related class for that ID
         $query->selectField("\"{$class}\".\"_ImportedID\"", $field);
     return $query;
Esempio n. 5
  * Remove a filter from the query
  * @param string|array $fieldExpression The predicate of the condition to remove
  * (ignoring parameters). The expression will be considered a match if it's
  * contained within any other predicate.
  * @return DataQuery Self reference
 public function removeFilterOn($fieldExpression)
     $matched = false;
     // If given a parameterised condition extract only the condition
     if (is_array($fieldExpression)) {
         $fieldExpression = key($fieldExpression);
     $where = $this->query->toAppropriateExpression()->getWhere();
     // Iterate through each condition
     foreach ($where as $i => $condition) {
         // Rewrite condition groups as plain conditions before comparison
         if ($condition instanceof SQLConditionGroup) {
             $predicate = $condition->conditionSQL($parameters);
             $condition = array($predicate => $parameters);
         // As each condition is a single length array, do a single
         // iteration to extract the predicate and parameters
         foreach ($condition as $predicate => $parameters) {
             // @see SQLQuery::addWhere for why this is required here
             if (strpos($predicate, $fieldExpression) !== false) {
                 $matched = true;
             // Enforce single-item condition predicate => parameters structure
     // set the entire where clause back, but clear the original one first
     if ($matched) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Couldn't find {$fieldExpression} in the query filter.");
     return $this;
 public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null)
     // Get locale and translation zone to use
     $default = Fluent::default_locale();
     $locale = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Fluent.Locale') ?: Fluent::current_locale();
     // Get all tables to translate fields for, and their respective field names
     $includedTables = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     // Iterate through each select clause, replacing each with the translated version
     foreach ($query->getSelect() as $alias => $select) {
         // Skip fields without table context
         if (!preg_match('/^"(?<class>\\w+)"\\."(?<field>\\w+)"$/i', $select, $matches)) {
         $class = $matches['class'];
         $field = $matches['field'];
         // If this table doesn't have translated fields then skip
         if (empty($includedTables[$class])) {
         // If this field shouldn't be translated, skip
         if (!in_array($field, $includedTables[$class])) {
         // Select visible field from translated fields (Title_fr_FR || Title => Title)
         $translatedField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
         $expression = $this->localiseSelect($class, $translatedField, $field);
         $query->selectField($expression, $alias);
         // At the same time, rewrite the selector for the default field to make sure that
         // (in the case it is blank, which happens if installing fluent for the first time)
         // that it also populated from the root field.
         $defaultField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $default);
         $defaultExpression = $this->localiseSelect($class, $defaultField, $field);
         $query->selectField($defaultExpression, $defaultField);
     // Rewrite where conditions with parameterised query (3.2 +)
     $where = $query->toAppropriateExpression()->getWhere();
     foreach ($where as $index => $condition) {
         // Extract parameters from condition
         if ($condition instanceof SQLConditionGroup) {
             $parameters = array();
             $predicate = $condition->conditionSQL($parameters);
         } else {
             $parameters = array_values(reset($condition));
             $predicate = key($condition);
         // determine the table/column this condition is against
         $filterColumn = $this->detectFilterColumn($predicate, $includedTables, $locale);
         if (empty($filterColumn)) {
         // Duplicate the condition with all localisable fields replaced
         $localisedPredicate = $this->localiseFilterCondition($predicate, $includedTables, $locale);
         if ($localisedPredicate === $predicate) {
         // Generate new condition that conditionally executes one of the two conditions
         // depending on field nullability.
         // If the filterColumn is null or empty, then it's considered untranslated, and
         // thus the query should continue running on the default column unimpeded.
         $castColumn = "COALESCE(CAST({$filterColumn} AS CHAR), '')";
         $newPredicate = "\n\t\t\t\t({$castColumn} != '' AND {$castColumn} != '0' AND ({$localisedPredicate}))\n\t\t\t\tOR (\n\t\t\t\t\t({$castColumn} = '' OR {$castColumn} = '0') AND ({$predicate})\n\t\t\t\t)";
         // Duplicate this condition with parameters duplicated
         $where[$index] = array($newPredicate => array_merge($parameters, $parameters));
     // Augment search if applicable
     if ($adapter = Fluent::search_adapter()) {
         $adapter->augmentSearch($query, $dataQuery);
Esempio n. 7
 public function getDDLLogoSize()
     $size = null;
     $pageId = Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST["PageId"]);
     if (isset($pageId)) {
         $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
         $sqlQuery->setWhere("CompanyID={$this->ID} AND SummitSponsorPageID={$pageId}");
         $size = $sqlQuery->execute()->value();
         if (is_null($size)) {
             $size = 'None';
     $sizes = array('Small' => 'Small', 'Medium' => 'Medium', 'Large' => 'Large', 'Big' => 'Big', 'None' => '--NONE--');
     return new DropdownField("LogoSize_{$this->ID}", "LogoSize_{$this->ID}", $sizes, $size);
 public function testSelectLast()
     // Test last in sequence
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $result = $query->lastRow()->execute();
     $records = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $records[] = $row;
     $this->assertCount(1, $records);
     $this->assertEquals('Object 2', $records[0]['Name']);
     // Test last from empty sequence
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->setWhere(array("\"Name\" = 'Nonexistent Object'"));
     $result = $query->lastRow()->execute();
     $records = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $records[] = $row;
     $this->assertCount(0, $records);
     // Test that given the first item, the 'last' in this list matches the first
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $result = $query->lastRow()->execute();
     $records = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $records[] = $row;
     $this->assertCount(1, $records);
     $this->assertEquals('Object 1', $records[0]['Name']);
  * Rewrites the WHERE fragment of a query
  * @param string $class
  * @param array $translatedColumns Translated columns
  * @param SQLQUery $query
  * @param string $keywords SQL escaped keywords
  * @param string $keywordsHTML HTML escaped keywords
 public function augmentFilter($class, $translatedColumns, SQLQuery $query, $keywords, $keywordsHTML, $booleanMode)
     // Augment the search section
     $locale = Fluent::current_locale();
     $wherePattern = self::$where_replacements[$class];
     $translatedPattern = $wherePattern;
     $searchColumns = self::$search_columns[$class];
     foreach (array_intersect($searchColumns, $translatedColumns) as $column) {
         $replacement = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($column, $locale);
         $translatedPattern = preg_replace('/\\b' . preg_quote($column) . '\\b/', $replacement, $translatedPattern);
     // If no fields were translated, then don't modify
     if ($translatedPattern === $wherePattern) {
     // Inject keywords into patterns
     $search = array('/\\$keywords/i', '/\\$htmlEntityKeywords/i', '/\\$boolean/i');
     $replace = array($keywords, $keywordsHTML, $booleanMode ? 'IN BOOLEAN MODE' : '');
     $whereOriginal = preg_replace($search, $replace, $wherePattern);
     $whereTranslated = preg_replace($search, $replace, $translatedPattern);
     $where = $query->getWhere();
     $newWhere = array();
     foreach ($query->getWhere() as $where) {
         // Remove excessive whitespace which breaks string replacement
         $where = preg_replace('/\\s+/im', ' ', $where);
         $whereOriginal = preg_replace('/\\s+/im', ' ', $whereOriginal);
         $newWhere[] = str_replace($whereOriginal, "{$whereOriginal} + {$whereTranslated}", $where);
 public function getDDLAdminSecurityGroup()
     $groups = array();
     $companyId = $_REQUEST["CompanyId"];
     if (isset($companyId)) {
         $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
         $sqlQuery->setWhere("MemberID={$this->owner->ID} AND CompanyID={$companyId}");
         $groups = $sqlQuery->execute()->keyedColumn();
     $sql_query_groups = new SQLQuery();
     $permissions = "'" . implode("', '", $this->getAdminPermissionSet()) . "'";
     $sql_query_groups->setSelect(array('G.ID', 'G.Title'));
     $sql_query_groups->setFrom("`Group` G INNER JOIN  ( SELECT DISTINCT(GroupID) FROM `Permission` WHERE `Code` IN ({$permissions})) PG ON PG.GroupID=G.ID");
     $company_security_groups = $sql_query_groups->execute()->map();
     return new MultiDropdownField("AdminSecurityGroup_{$this->owner->ID}", "AdminSecurityGroup_{$this->owner->ID}", $company_security_groups, $groups);
Esempio n. 11
  * Remove the given item from this list.
  * Note that for a ManyManyList, the item is never actually deleted, only the join table is affected
  * @param $itemID The item it
 function removeByID($itemID)
     if (!is_numeric($itemID)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("ManyManyList::removeById() expecting an ID");
     $query = new SQLQuery("*", array("\"{$this->joinTable}\""));
     if ($filter = $this->foreignIDFilter()) {
     } else {
         user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::remove() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
     $query->addWhere("\"{$this->localKey}\" = {$itemID}");
Esempio n. 12
     * Test deprecation of SQLQuery::setDelete/getDelete
    public function testDeprecatedSetDelete()
        // Temporarily disable deprecation
        $query = new SQLQuery();
        $query->setWhere(array('"SQLQueryTest_DO"."Name"' => 'Andrew'));
        // Check SQL for select
SELECT "SQLQueryTest_DO"."Name" FROM "SQLQueryTest_DO"
WHERE ("SQLQueryTest_DO"."Name" = ?)
, $query->sql($parameters));
        $this->assertEquals(array('Andrew'), $parameters);
        // Check setDelete works
WHERE ("SQLQueryTest_DO"."Name" = ?)
, $query->sql($parameters));
        $this->assertEquals(array('Andrew'), $parameters);
        // Check that setDelete back to false restores the state
SELECT "SQLQueryTest_DO"."Name" FROM "SQLQueryTest_DO"
WHERE ("SQLQueryTest_DO"."Name" = ?)
, $query->sql($parameters));
        $this->assertEquals(array('Andrew'), $parameters);
 function exportUsersPerRegion()
     $params = $this->owner->getRequest()->getVars();
     if (!isset($params['countries']) || empty($params['countries'])) {
         return $this->owner->httpError('412', 'missing required param countries');
     if (!isset($params['members']) || empty($params['members'])) {
         return $this->owner->httpError('412', 'missing required param members');
     $countries = $params['countries'];
     $members = $params['members'];
     $join_members = '';
     $join_countries = '';
     if (!count($countries)) {
         return $this->owner->httpError('412', 'missing required param countries');
     } else {
         foreach ($countries as $country) {
             $join_countries .= "'" . $country . "',";
     $join_countries = rtrim($join_countries, ",");
     if (!count($members)) {
         return $this->owner->httpError('412', 'missing required param members');
     } else {
         foreach ($members as $member) {
             $join_members .= "'" . $member . "',";
     $join_members = rtrim($join_members, ",");
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $select_fields = array('Member.FirstName', 'Member.Surname', 'Member.Email', 'Member.City', 'Member.State', 'Member.Country');
     $query->addInnerJoin('Group_Members', 'Group_Members.MemberID = Member.ID');
     $query->addInnerJoin('Group', "Group.ID = Group_Members.GroupID AND Group.Code IN (" . $join_members . ")");
     $query->setWhere("Member.Country IN (" . $join_countries . ")");
     $result = $query->execute();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $member = array('FirstName' => $row['FirstName'], 'Surname' => $row['Surname'], 'Email' => $row['Email'], 'City' => $row['City'], 'State' => $row['State'], 'Country' => CountryCodes::$iso_3166_countryCodes[$row['Country']]);
         array_push($data, $member);
     $filename = "UsersPerCountry" . date('Ymd') . ".csv";
     return CSVExporter::getInstance()->export($filename, $data, ',');
  * Retun an array of maps containing the keys, 'ID' and 'ParentID' for each page to be displayed
  * in the search.
  * @return Array
 function pagesIncluded()
     $ids = array();
     $q = new SQLQuery();
     $q->setSelect(array('"ID"', '"ParentID"'))->setFrom('"SiteTree"');
     $where = array();
     $SQL_params = Convert::raw2sql($this->params);
     foreach ($SQL_params as $name => $val) {
         switch ($name) {
             // Match against URLSegment, Title, MenuTitle & Content
             case 'Term':
                 if ($val) {
                     $where[] = "\"URLSegment\" LIKE '%{$val}%' OR \"Title\" LIKE '%{$val}%' OR \"MenuTitle\" LIKE '%{$val}%' OR \"Content\" LIKE '%{$val}%'";
                 // Match against date
             // Match against date
             case 'LastEditedFrom':
                 if ($val) {
                     $where[] = "\"LastEdited\" >= '{$val}'";
             case 'LastEditedTo':
                 if ($val) {
                     $where[] = "\"LastEdited\" <= '{$val}'";
                 // Match against exact ClassName
             // Match against exact ClassName
             case 'ClassName':
                 if ($val && $val != 'All') {
                     $where[] = "\"ClassName\" = '{$val}'";
                 // Partial string match against a variety of fields
                 if (!empty($val) && singleton("SiteTree")->hasDatabaseField($name)) {
                     $where[] = "\"{$name}\" LIKE '%{$val}%'";
     $q->setWhere(empty($where) ? '' : '(' . implode(') AND (', $where) . ')');
     foreach ($q->execute() as $row) {
         $ids[] = array('ID' => $row['ID'], 'ParentID' => $row['ParentID']);
     return $ids;
  * @return DataList
 private function getAllowedDependants()
     $steps_query = new SQLQuery();
     $high_order = $this->Step()->order();
     $current_survey_id = $this->Step()->SurveyTemplateID;
     $steps_query->setWhere("SurveyTemplateID = {$current_survey_id} AND `Order` <= {$high_order} ");
     $steps_query->setOrderBy('`Order`', 'ASC');
     $current_step_ids = $steps_query->execute()->keyedColumn();
     return SurveyQuestionTemplate::get()->filter(array('StepID' => $current_step_ids));
 public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null)
     // Get locale and translation zone to use
     $locale = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Fluent.Locale') ?: Fluent::current_locale();
     // Get all tables to translate fields for, and their respective field names
     $includedTables = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     // Iterate through each select clause, replacing each with the translated version
     foreach ($query->getSelect() as $alias => $select) {
         // Skip fields without table context
         if (!preg_match('/^"(?<class>\\w+)"\\."(?<field>\\w+)"$/i', $select, $matches)) {
         $class = $matches['class'];
         $field = $matches['field'];
         // If this table doesn't have translated fields then skip
         if (empty($includedTables[$class])) {
         // If this field shouldn't be translated, skip
         if (!in_array($field, $includedTables[$class])) {
         // Select visible field from translated fields (Title_fr_FR || Title => Title)
         $translatedField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
         $expression = $this->localiseSelect($class, $translatedField, $field);
         $query->selectField($expression, $alias);
     // Rewrite where conditions
     $where = $query->getWhere();
     foreach ($where as $index => $condition) {
         // determine the table/column this condition is against
         $filterColumn = $this->detectFilterColumn($condition, $includedTables, $locale);
         if (empty($filterColumn)) {
         // Duplicate the condition with all localisable fields replaced
         $localisedCondition = $this->localiseFilterCondition($condition, $includedTables, $locale);
         if ($localisedCondition === $condition) {
         // Generate new condition that conditionally executes one of the two conditions
         // depending on field nullability.
         // If the filterColumn is null or empty, then it's considered untranslated, and
         // thus the query should continue running on the default column unimpeded.
         $where[$index] = "\n\t\t\t\t({$filterColumn} IS NOT NULL AND {$filterColumn} != '' AND ({$localisedCondition}))\n\t\t\t\tOR (\n\t\t\t\t\t({$filterColumn} IS NULL OR {$filterColumn} = '') AND ({$condition})\n\t\t\t\t)";
     // Augment search if applicable
     if ($adapter = Fluent::search_adapter()) {
         $adapter->augmentSearch($query, $dataQuery);
Esempio n. 17
  * Find the extra field data for a single row of the relationship
  * join table, given the known child ID.
  * @todo Add tests for this / refactor it / something
  * @param string $componentName The name of the component
  * @param int $itemID The ID of the child for the relationship
  * @return array Map of fieldName => fieldValue
 function getExtraData($componentName, $itemID)
     $result = array();
     if (!is_numeric($itemID)) {
         user_error('ComponentSet::getExtraData() passed a non-numeric child ID', E_USER_ERROR);
     // @todo Optimize into a single query instead of one per extra field
     if ($this->extraFields) {
         foreach ($this->extraFields as $fieldName => $dbFieldSpec) {
             $query = new SQLQuery("\"{$fieldName}\"", array("\"{$this->joinTable}\""));
             if ($filter = $this->foreignIDFilter()) {
             } else {
                 user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::getExtraData() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
             $query->addWhere("\"{$this->localKey}\" = {$itemID}");
             $result[$fieldName] = $query->execute()->value();
     return $result;
 public function DDLVisibility()
     $values = array('Visible' => 'Visible', 'Not-Visible' => 'Not-Visible');
     $selected_value = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST["SurveyQuestionTemplateID"])) {
         $owner = $_REQUEST["SurveyQuestionTemplateID"];
         if (isset($owner)) {
             $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
             $sqlQuery->setWhere("SurveyQuestionTemplateID = {$owner} AND ChildID = {$this->ID}");
             $selected_value = current($sqlQuery->execute()->keyedColumn());
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST["SurveyStepTemplateID"])) {
             $owner = $_REQUEST["SurveyStepTemplateID"];
             if (isset($owner)) {
                 $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
                 $sqlQuery->setWhere("SurveyStepTemplateID = {$owner} AND SurveyQuestionTemplateID = {$this->ID}");
                 $selected_value = current($sqlQuery->execute()->keyedColumn());
     return new DropdownField("Visibility_{$this->ID}", "Visibility_{$this->ID}", $values, $selected_value);
Esempio n. 19
  * Find the extra field data for a single row of the relationship join
  * table, given the known child ID.
  * @param string $componentName The name of the component
  * @param int $itemID The ID of the child for the relationship
  * @return array Map of fieldName => fieldValue
 public function getExtraData($componentName, $itemID)
     $result = array();
     // Skip if no extrafields or unsaved record
     if (empty($this->extraFields) || empty($itemID)) {
         return $result;
     if (!is_numeric($itemID)) {
         user_error('ComponentSet::getExtraData() passed a non-numeric child ID', E_USER_ERROR);
     $cleanExtraFields = array();
     foreach ($this->extraFields as $fieldName => $dbFieldSpec) {
         $cleanExtraFields[] = "\"{$fieldName}\"";
     $query = new SQLQuery($cleanExtraFields, "\"{$this->joinTable}\"");
     $filter = $this->foreignIDWriteFilter($this->getForeignID());
     if ($filter) {
     } else {
         user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::getExtraData() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
     $query->addWhere(array("\"{$this->localKey}\"" => $itemID));
     $queryResult = $query->execute()->current();
     if ($queryResult) {
         foreach ($queryResult as $fieldName => $value) {
             $result[$fieldName] = $value;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 20
  * Delete this data object.
  * $this->onBeforeDelete() gets called.
  * Note that in Versioned objects, both Stage and Live will be deleted.
  *  @uses DataExtension->augmentSQL()
 public function delete()
     $this->brokenOnDelete = true;
     if ($this->brokenOnDelete) {
         user_error("{$this->class} has a broken onBeforeDelete() function.  Make sure that you call parent::onBeforeDelete().", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Deleting a record without an ID shouldn't do anything
     if (!$this->ID) {
         throw new Exception("DataObject::delete() called on a DataObject without an ID");
     // TODO: This is quite ugly.  To improve:
     //  - move the details of the delete code in the DataQuery system
     //  - update the code to just delete the base table, and rely on cascading deletes in the DB to do the rest
     //    obviously, that means getting requireTable() to configure cascading deletes ;-)
     $srcQuery = DataList::create($this->class, $this->model)->where("ID = {$this->ID}")->dataQuery()->query();
     foreach ($srcQuery->queriedTables() as $table) {
         $query = new SQLQuery("*", array('"' . $table . '"'));
         $query->setWhere("\"ID\" = {$this->ID}");
     // Remove this item out of any caches
     $this->OldID = $this->ID;
     $this->ID = 0;
Esempio n. 21
 function testFiltersOnFK()
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->setWhere("ID = 5");
     $this->assertFalse($query->filtersOnFK(), "filtersOnFK() is true with simple unquoted column name");
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->setWhere("Identifier = 5");
     $this->assertFalse($query->filtersOnFK(), "filtersOnFK() is false with custom column name (starting with 'id')");
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->setWhere("MyTable.ParentID = 5");
     $this->assertTrue($query->filtersOnFK(), "filtersOnFK() is true with table and column name");
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->setWhere("MyTable.`ParentID`= 5");
     $this->assertTrue($query->filtersOnFK(), "filtersOnFK() is true with table and quoted column name ");