Esempio n. 1
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - integer  cache_life  lifetime, in seconds, of items cached              60
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  expose      set the X-Powered-By header                        FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => FALSE, 'profile' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'caching' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'cache_life' => 3600 * 24));
define('DONT_USE_CACHE', Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION);
define('FTP_UPLOAD', dirname(DOCROOT) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ftp_upload');
Cookie::$salt = 'btmem5sgcy4ydcu0j0fss1qwu7jx2aqm7wtrh4kf5v';
Route::$preview_salt = '10c4323c4f563c54a149ddbfdfc5c8eb' . date('y-m-d F l');
 * Attach the file write to logging. Multiple writers are supported.
Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
 * Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File());
 * Enable modules. Modules are referenced by a relative or absolute path.
Kohana::modules(array('auth' => MODPATH . 'auth', 'cache' => MODPATH . 'cache', 'database' => MODPATH . 'database', 'image' => MODPATH . 'image', 'orm' => MODPATH . 'orm', 'captcha' => MODPATH . 'captcha', 'acl' => MODPATH . 'wouterrr/acl', 'a1' => MODPATH . 'wouterrr/a1', 'a2' => MODPATH . 'wouterrr/a2', 'kohana-sitemap' => MODPATH . 'kohana-sitemap', 'greor-core' => MODPATH . 'greor/core', 'greor-email' => MODPATH . 'greor/email', 'greor-thumb' => MODPATH . 'greor/thumb', 'greor-orm-helper' => MODPATH . 'greor/orm-helper', 'greor-main' => MODPATH . 'greor/main'));
Ku_Dir::$default_dir_chmod = 0775;