Esempio n. 1
  * Enable REST routes to expose a resource.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  *   // Create a new '/bucket' route group.
  *   REST::expose('bucket',[
  *     'create'  => function(){      echo "New bucket"; },
  *     'read'    => function($id){   echo "SHOW bucket($id)"; },
  *     'update'  => function($id){   echo "MODIFY bucket($id)"; },
  *     'delete'  => function($id){   echo "DELETE bucket($id)"; },
  *     'list'    => function(){      echo "All buckets"; },
  *     'clear'   => function(){      echo "Cleared all buckets"; },
  *   ]);
  *   Route::group('/non_conventional_/route/base',function(){
  *     // Create directly the REST routes (for use inside another parent group).
  *     REST::expose([
  *       'create'  => function(){      echo "New bucket"; },
  *       'read'    => function($id){   echo "SHOW bucket($id)"; },
  *       'update'  => function($id){   echo "MODIFY bucket($id)"; },
  *       'delete'  => function($id){   echo "DELETE bucket($id)"; },
  *       'list'    => function(){      echo "All buckets"; },
  *       'clear'   => function(){      echo "Cleared all buckets"; },
  *     ]);
  *   });
  * </code>
  * @param  string $element The resource name.
  * @param  array  $maps A map of actions callbacks for different CRUD actions.
 public static function expose($element, array $maps = null)
     if (null === $maps && is_array($element)) {
         $maps = $element;
         $collection = '';
     } else {
         $collection = '/' . $element;
     return Route::group($collection, function () use($maps) {
         $actions = [];
         if (isset($maps['list'])) {
             $actions['get'] = $maps['list'];
         if (isset($maps['create'])) {
             $actions['post'] = $maps['create'];
         if (isset($maps['clear'])) {
             $actions['delete'] = $maps['clear'];
         Route::map('/', $actions);
         $actions = [];
         if (isset($maps['read'])) {
             $actions['get'] = $maps['read'];
         if (isset($maps['update'])) {
             $actions['put'] = $maps['update'];
         if (isset($maps['delete'])) {
             $actions['delete'] = $maps['delete'];
         Route::map("/:id", $actions);
Esempio n. 2
  * Enable REST routes to expose a resource.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  *   // Create a new '/bucket' route group.
  *   REST::expose('bucket',[
  *     'create'  => function(){      echo "New bucket"; },
  *     'read'    => function($id){   echo "SHOW bucket($id)"; },
  *     'update'  => function($id){   echo "MODIFY bucket($id)"; },
  *     'delete'  => function($id){   echo "DELETE bucket($id)"; },
  *     'list'    => function(){      echo "All buckets"; },
  *     'clear'   => function(){      echo "Cleared all buckets"; },
  *   ]);
  *   Route::group('/non_conventional_/route/base',function(){
  *     // Create directly the REST routes (for use inside another parent group).
  *     REST::expose([
  *       'create'  => function(){      echo "New bucket"; },
  *       'read'    => function($id){   echo "SHOW bucket($id)"; },
  *       'update'  => function($id){   echo "MODIFY bucket($id)"; },
  *       'delete'  => function($id){   echo "DELETE bucket($id)"; },
  *       'list'    => function(){      echo "All buckets"; },
  *       'clear'   => function(){      echo "Cleared all buckets"; },
  *     ]);
  *   });
  * </code>
  * @param  string $element The resource name.
  * @param  array  $maps A map of actions callbacks for different CRUD actions.
 public static function expose($element, array $maps = null)
     if (null === $maps && is_array($element)) {
         $maps = $element;
         $collection = '';
     } else {
         $collection = '/' . $element;
     $collection_routes = [];
     if (isset($maps['list'])) {
         $collection_routes['get'] = $maps['list'];
     if (isset($maps['create'])) {
         $collection_routes['post'] = $maps['create'];
     if (isset($maps['clear'])) {
         $collection_routes['delete'] = $maps['clear'];
     Route::map($collection . '/', $collection_routes);
     $entity_routes = [];
     if (isset($maps['read'])) {
         $entity_routes['get'] = $maps['read'];
     if (isset($maps['update'])) {
         $entity_routes['put'] = $maps['update'];
     if (isset($maps['delete'])) {
         $entity_routes['delete'] = $maps['delete'];
     Route::map($collection . "/:id", $entity_routes);
Esempio n. 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function handle(\Request $request)
     $responseObject = new \Response();
     self::$response = $responseObject;
     self::$request = $request;
     $connection = new \Connection(self::$request, self::$response);
     return $connection->close();
 public function run()
     Container::get('hooks')->bind('', [$this, 'getName']);
     Container::get('hooks')->bind('view.header.navlinks', [$this, 'addNavlink']);
     Container::get('hooks')->bind('', function ($cur_post) {
         $cur_post['user_contacts'][] = '<span class="email"><a href="' . Router::pathFor('Conversations.send', ['uid' => $cur_post['poster_id']]) . '">PM</a></span>';
         return $cur_post;
     Route::group('/conversations', function () {
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/inbox[/{inbox_id:[0-9]+}]', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:index')->setName('Conversations.home');
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/inbox/{inbox_id:[0-9]+}/page/{page:[0-9]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:index')->setName('');
         Route::get('/thread/{tid:[0-9]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:show')->setName('');
         Route::get('/thread/{tid:[0-9]+}/page/{page:[0-9]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:show')->setName('');
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/send[/{uid:[0-9]+}]', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:send')->setName('Conversations.send');
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/reply/{tid:[0-9]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:reply')->setName('Conversations.reply');
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/quote/{mid:[0-9]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:reply')->setName('Conversations.quote');
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/options/blocked', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:blocked')->setName('Conversations.blocked');
         Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/options/folders', '\\FeatherBB\\Plugins\\Controller\\PrivateMessages:folders')->setName('Conversations.folders');
     })->add(new \FeatherBB\Plugins\Middleware\LoggedIn());
     View::addAsset('css', 'plugins/private-messages/src/style/private-messages.css');
Esempio n. 5
| This route will tell the Router which controller/method to use if those
| provided in the URL cannot be matched to a valid route.
|	$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
| This is not exactly a route, but allows you to automatically route
| controller and method names that contain dashes. '-' isn't a valid
| class or method name character, so it requires translation.
| When you set this option to TRUE, it will replace ALL dashes in the
| controller and method URI segments.
| Examples:	my-controller/index	-> my_controller/index
|		my-controller/my-method	-> my_controller/my_method
require_once 'api_route.php';
 *   get : usercontroller -> index
 *   get : usercontroller/1 -> show
 *   get : usercontroller/1/edit -> edit
 *   post: usercontroller -> store
 *   put/patch : usercontroller  -> update
 *   delete: usercontroller/1 -> delete
// open source route
$route = Route::map();
// Format API Routes
$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
Esempio n. 6
 function get($adress, $closure = false)
     $route = new Route();
     $route->map($adress, $closure);
     $route->method = array('GET');
     $this->routes[] = $route;
     return $route;
Esempio n. 7
 private static function getRouteAlias()
     if ($alias = Cache::get('think_route_alias')) {
         return $alias;
     // 获取路由定义
     $rules = Route::getRules();
     foreach ($rules as $rule => $val) {
         if (!empty($val['routes'])) {
             foreach ($val['routes'] as $key => $route) {
                 if (is_numeric($key)) {
                     $key = array_shift($route);
                 if (is_array($route)) {
                     $route = $route[0];
                 $param = [];
                 if (is_array($route)) {
                     $route = implode('\\', $route);
                 } elseif ($route instanceof \Closure) {
                 } elseif (strpos($route, '?')) {
                     list($route, $str) = explode('?', $route, 2);
                     parse_str($str, $param);
                 $var = self::parseVar($rule . '/' . $key);
                 $alias[$route][] = [$rule . '/' . $key, $var, $param];
         } else {
             $route = $val['route'];
             $param = [];
             if (is_array($route)) {
                 $route = implode('\\', $route);
             } elseif ($route instanceof \Closure) {
             } elseif (strpos($route, '?')) {
                 list($route, $str) = explode('?', $route, 2);
                 parse_str($str, $param);
             $var = self::parseVar($rule);
             $alias[$route][] = [$rule, $var, $param];
     // 检测路由映射
     $maps = Route::map();
     foreach ($maps as $rule => $route) {
         $param = [];
         if (strpos($route, '?')) {
             list($route, $str) = explode('?', $route, 2);
             parse_str($str, $param);
         $alias[$route][] = [$rule, [], $param];
     !APP_DEBUG && Cache::set('think_route_alias', $alias);
     return $alias;
Esempio n. 8
| When you set this option to TRUE, it will replace ALL dashes in the
| controller and method URI segments.
| Examples:	my-controller/index	-> my_controller/index
|		my-controller/my-method	-> my_controller/my_method
$route['default_controller'] = 'home';
$route['404_override'] = '';
// Authentication
Route::any(LOGIN_URL, 'users/login', array('as' => 'login'));
Route::any(REGISTER_URL, 'users/register', array('as' => 'register'));
Route::any('logout', 'users/logout');
Route::any('forgot_password', 'users/forgot_password');
Route::any('reset_password/(:any)/(:any)', 'users/reset_password/$1/$2');
// Activation
Route::any('activate', 'users/activate');
Route::any('activate/(:any)', 'users/activate/$1');
Route::any('resend_activation', 'users/resend_activation');
// Contexts
Route::prefix(SITE_AREA, function () {
    Route::context('content', array('home' => SITE_AREA . '/content/index'));
    Route::context('reports', array('home' => SITE_AREA . '/reports/index'));
$route = Route::map($route);
if (defined(CI_VERSION) && substr(CI_VERSION, 0, 1) != '2') {
    $route['translate_uri_dashes'] = false;
Esempio n. 9
  * Generates a translated URI for the current route based on the parameters given
  * @param   array               $params  parameters for URI
  * @param   string              $lang    target language, defaults to I18n::$lang
  * @return  string                       URI in target language
  * @uses    Lang::$i18n_routes
  * @uses    Route::uri
  * @uses    I18n::$lang
  * @uses    Route::map
 public function uri(array $params = NULL, $lang = NULL)
     // Forced language
     $forced_language = $lang !== NULL;
     if ($lang === NULL) {
         // Set target language to current language
         $lang = Lang::shortcode(I18n::$lang);
     if (!Lang::$i18n_routes) {
         // i18n routes are off, build URI
         $uri = parent::uri($params);
         if (Lang::$default_prepended or Request::$lang !== Lang::$default and $lang !== Lang::$default or $forced_language and $lang !== Lang::$default) {
             // Prepend the target language to the URI if needed
             $uri = $lang . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/');
         // Return URI with or without language
         return $uri;
     // Make sure text values are in correct language
     $this->translate_route($lang, FALSE);
     if ($params !== NULL) {
         // Translation required
         foreach ($params as $label => &$param) {
             if (isset($this->_translate['<' . $label . '>']) or isset($this->_translate[$param])) {
                 // Translate param
                 $param = Route::map($param, $lang);
     // Build URI
     $uri = parent::uri($params);
     if (Lang::$default_prepended or Request::$lang !== Lang::$default and $lang !== Lang::$default or $forced_language and $lang !== Lang::$default) {
         // Prepend the target language to the URI if needed
         $uri = $lang . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/');
     return $uri;
Esempio n. 10

$routes['default'] = Route::map('{controller}/{action}', 'application', 'index');
$routes['test'] = Route::map('test', 'test', 'index');
Esempio n. 11
Route::group('/plugins', function () {
    Route::get('[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:index')->setName('plugins');
    Route::get('/view/{name:[\\w\\-]+}[/{action:\\w+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:view')->setName('plugins.view');
    Route::get('/download/{name:[\\w\\-]+}[/{version}]', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:download')->setName('');
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/create', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:create')->setName('plugins.create');
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/pending', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:pending')->setName('plugins.pending');
    Route::post('/accept', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:accept')->setName('plugins.accept');
    Route::get('/update/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:update')->setName('plugins.update');
    Route::get('/tags/{tag:[\\w\\-]+}[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:tags')->setName('plugins.tags');
    Route::get('/search[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:search')->setName('');
    Route::get('/author/{author:[\\w\\-]+}[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\PluginsController:author')->setName('');
    // Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/update', 'App\Controllers\PluginsController:update')->setName('plugins.update');
    // Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/destroy', 'App\Controllers\PluginsController:destroy')->setName('plugins.destroy');
Route::group('/themes', function () {
    Route::get('[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:index')->setName('themes');
    Route::get('/view/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:view')->setName('themes.view');
    Route::get('/download/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:download')->setName('');
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/create', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:create')->setName('themes.create');
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/pending', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:pending')->setName('themes.pending');
    Route::post('/accept', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:accept')->setName('themes.accept');
    Route::get('/update/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:update')->setName('themes.update');
    Route::get('/tags/{tag:[\\w\\-]+}[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:tags')->setName('themes.tags');
    Route::get('/search[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:search')->setName('');
    Route::get('/author/{author:[\\w\\-]+}[/page-{page:\\d+}]', 'App\\Controllers\\ThemesController:author')->setName('');
    // Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/update', 'App\Controllers\PluginsController:update')->setName('themes.update');
Route::group('/auth', function () {
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '', 'App\\Controllers\\AuthController:login')->setName('login');
    Route::get('/logout', 'App\\Controllers\\AuthController:logout')->setName('logout');
Esempio n. 12

if (!defined('SCRATCH')) {
    header('Location: /');
$plugin = new Plugin();
// set a few plugin options
$plugin->name = 'xsl views';
$plugin->slug = 'xslviews';
$plugin->author = 'sixones';
$plugin->uri = '';
// add the config
// add the route
$plugin->addRoute('debug/{action}', Route::map('debug', 'debug', 'displayInformation'));
// add the controller so scratch knows this plugin provides a controller
// add the helper
// add the manager
Esempio n. 13
    // Admin plugins
    Route::group('/plugins', function () {
        Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Plugins:index')->setName('adminPlugins');
        Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/info/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Plugins:info')->setName('infoPlugin');
        Route::get('/activate/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Plugins:activate')->setName('activatePlugin');
        Route::get('/download/{name:[\\w\\-]+}/{version}', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Plugins:download')->setName('downloadPlugin');
        Route::get('/deactivate/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Plugins:deactivate')->setName('deactivatePlugin');
        Route::get('/uninstall/{name:[\\w\\-]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Plugins:uninstall')->setName('uninstallPlugin');
    // Admin maintenance
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/maintenance', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Maintenance:display')->add(new IsAdmin())->setName('adminMaintenance');
    // Admin parser
    Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '/parser', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Parser:display')->add(new IsAdmin())->setName('adminParser');
    // Admin users
    Route::group('/users', function () {
        Route::map(['GET', 'POST'], '', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Users:display')->setName('adminUsers');
        Route::get('/ip-stats/id/{id:[0-9]+}', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Users:ipstats')->setName('usersIpStats');
        Route::get('/show-users', '\\FeatherBB\\Controller\\Admin\\Users:showusers')->setName('usersIpShow');
})->add(new IsAdmMod());
// Override the default Not Found Handler
Container::set('notFoundHandler', function ($c) {
    return function ($request, $response) use($c) {
        throw new Error('Page not found', 404);
        // TODO : translation
Container::set('errorHandler', function ($c) {
    return function ($request, $response, $e) use($c) {
        // var_dump($e);
        $error = array('code' => $e->getCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'back' => true);