Esempio n. 1
 public function SendMessage()
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     if ($this->objPrayerRequest) {
         $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
         $objMessage->From = ' <*****@*****.**>';
         $objMessage->To = $this->objPrayerRequest->Email;
         $objMessage->Subject = $this->txtSubject->Text;
         // Setup Plaintext Message
         $strBody = "Dear " . $this->objPrayerRequest->Name . ",\r\n\r\n";
         $strBody .= sprintf("Someone has sent you a note of encouragement regarding your prayer request.");
         $strBody .= sprintf("\r\nYou can view their note below.");
         $strBody .= '\\r\\nRegards, \\r\\nALCF Communications\\r\\n\\r\\n';
         $strBody .= $this->txtNote->Text;
         $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
         // Also setup HTML message (optional)
         $strBody = "Dear " . $this->objPrayerRequest->Name . ',<br/><br/>';
         $strBody .= sprintf("Someone has sent you a note of encouragement regarding your prayer request.");
         $strBody .= sprintf("<br>You can view their note below.");
         $strBody .= '<br>Regards,<br/><b>ALCF Communications</b><br><br>';
         $strBody .= '<p>' . $this->txtNote->Text . '</p>';
         $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
         // Add random/custom email headers
         $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Communications Team');
         return 1;
     } else {
         return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 public function SendMessage()
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = ' <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = '  <*****@*****.** >';
     // send to prayer team
     $objMessage->Subject = 'A Confidential Prayer Request was submitted.';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Dear Prayer Team,\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= sprintf("The following confidential prayer request was submitted:\r\n");
     $strBody .= sprintf($this->txtContent->Text . '\\r\\n');
     $strBody .= '\\r\\nRegards, \\r\\nALCF Communications';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Dear Prayer Team,<br/><br/>";
     $strBody .= sprintf("The following confidential prayer request was submitted:<br>");
     $strBody .= sprintf($this->txtContent->Text . "<br>");
     $strBody .= '<br>Regards,<br/><b>ALCF Communications</b>';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Communications Team');
Esempio n. 3
 public function SendMessage()
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = ' <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = $this->txtEmail->Text;
     $objMessage->Subject = 'Your Praise testimony has been successfuly submitted.';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->txtName->Text . ",\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= sprintf("You have successfully submitted your praise testimony.");
     $strBody .= sprintf("\r\nYou can view your praise testimony by selecting the 'Praises and Thanks' button in the prayer room.");
     $strBody .= '\\r\\nRegards, \\r\\nALCF Communications';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->txtName->Text . ',<br/><br/>';
     $strBody .= sprintf("You have successfully submitted your praise testimony.");
     $strBody .= sprintf("<br>You can view your praise testimony by selecting the 'Praises and Thanks' button in the prayer room.");
     $strBody .= '<br>Regards,<br/><b>ALCF Communications</b>';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Communications Team');
Esempio n. 4
 public function SendMessage()
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = 'Carisa Hamilton <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = $this->objGroupRegistration->Email;
     $objMessage->Bcc = '*****@*****.**';
     $objMessage->Subject = 'Invitation to Growth Groups';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Hello " . $this->objGroupRegistration->FirstName . "!\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= 'We are very excited that you are interested in facilitating a Growth Group! \\r\\nAttached is a ' . 'facilitator application we ask all potential facilitators to complete. \\r\\n' . 'Please fill it out and send it back to me via email ( \\r\\nYou may also fax ' . 'it to the church office at 650-625-1500 or drop it off in the All Forms Box at the worship ' . 'center. \\r\\nOnce we receive your application, Pastor John will follow up with you for a short ' . 'interview.\\r\\n';
     $strBody .= 'If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.\\r\\n\\r\\n';
     $strBody .= 'Blessings,\\r\\n Carisa';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Hello " . $this->objGroupRegistration->FirstName . "!<br><br>";
     $strBody .= 'We are very excited that you are interested in facilitating a Growth Group! <br>Attached is a ' . 'facilitator application we ask all potential facilitators to complete. <br>' . 'Please fill it out and send it back to me via email ( <br>You may also fax ' . 'it to the church office at 650-625-1501 or drop it off in the All Forms Box at the worship ' . 'center. <br>Once we receive your application, Pastor John will follow up with you for a short ' . 'interview.<br><br>';
     $strBody .= 'If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.<br><br>';
     $strBody .= 'Blessings,<br> Carisa';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add the attachment
     $objFile = new QEmailAttachment(__DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/FacilitatorApplication.doc');
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Growth Groups Ministry');
Esempio n. 5
 public function SendNotification()
     $objPerson = Person::Load($this->objPersonId);
     $email = '';
     if ($objPerson->PrimaryEmail->Address) {
         $email = $objPerson->PrimaryEmail->Address;
     } else {
         $email = $objPerson->_Email->Address;
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = 'Christina Alo <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = 'Christina <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->Subject = 'Notification of Exiting Members';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Hello Administrator (Christina)!\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= 'r\\n';
     $strBody .= 'Someone just unsubscribed from the church newsletter and closed their membership.\\r\\n\\r\\n';
     $strBody .= sprintf("Their Details:\r\n%s %s\r\nemail: %s \r\n\r\n", $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson->LastName, $email);
     $strBody .= 'Blessings,\\r\\n Noah.';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Hello Administrator (Christina)!<br><br>";
     $strBody .= 'Someone just unsubscribed from the church newsletter and closed their membership.<br><br>';
     $strBody .= sprintf("Their Details:<br>%s %s<br>email: %s<br><br>", $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson->LastName, $email);
     $strBody .= 'Blessings,<br> Noah.';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Church Newsletter Administration');
Esempio n. 6
		email capability without actually sending out any emails.<br/><br/>

		Feel free to View Source the code.  Note that the final <b>Send</b> call is
		commented out, so this page is actually non-functional.  But you can view the
		code to get a sense as to how the <b>QEmailServer</b> and its associated
		<b>QEmailMessage</b> class work.
	For obvious reasons, this page is non-functional.  To view the commented out source,
	please click on <b>View Source</b> at the top right of the page.

// We want to define our email SMTP server (it defaults to "localhost")
// This would typically be done in, and its value should probably be a constant
// that is defined in
QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = '';
// Create a new message
// Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
$objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
$objMessage->From = 'ACME Reporting Service <*****@*****.**>';
$objMessage->To = 'John Doe <*****@*****.**>, Jane Doe <*****@*****.**>';
$objMessage->Bcc = '*****@*****.**';
$objMessage->Subject = 'Report for ' . QDateTime::NowToString(QDateTime::FormatDisplayDate);
// Setup Plaintext Message
$strBody = "Dear John and Jane Doe,\r\n\r\n";
$strBody .= "You have new reports to review.  Please go to the ACME Portal at to review.\r\n\r\n";
$strBody .= "Regards,\r\nACME Reporting Service";
$objMessage->Body = $strBody;
// Also setup HTML message (optional)
$strBody = 'Dear John and Jane Doe,<br/><br/>';
$strBody .= '<b>You have new reports to review.</b>  Please go to the <a href="">ACME Portal</a> to review.<br/><br/>';
Esempio n. 7

QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp = SMTP_EHLO;
QEmailServer::$TestMode = SMTP_TEST_MODE;
$objEmailQueue = EmailQueue::QueryArray(QQ::IsNull(QQN::EmailQueue()->ErrorFlag), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::EmailQueue()->HighPriorityFlag, false), QQ::LimitInfo(50)));
foreach ($objEmailQueue as $objEmail) {
 public function SendMessage()
     $facilitatorList = array();
     $groupInfo = array();
     // Get information for each selected group
     foreach ($this->rbtnSelectArray as $rbtnSelect) {
         if ($rbtnSelect->Checked) {
             $objGroup = Group::Load($rbtnSelect->ActionParameter);
             $objGroupParticipants = GroupParticipation::LoadArrayByGroupId($objGroup->Id);
             $bFoundContact = false;
             // Check for Contact person first
             foreach ($objGroupParticipants as $objParticipant) {
                 if ($objParticipant->GroupRoleId == $this->intGroupContactRoleId && $objParticipant->DateEnd == null) {
                     $objContact = Person::Load($objParticipant->PersonId);
                     $facilitatorList[] = $objContact;
                     $bFoundContact = true;
             // If contact person not found, grab facilitator
             if (!$bFoundContact) {
                 foreach ($objGroupParticipants as $objParticipant) {
                     if ($objParticipant->GroupRoleId == $this->intFacilitatorRoleId && $objParticipant->DateEnd == null) {
                         $objFacilitator = Person::Load($objParticipant->PersonId);
                         $facilitatorList[] = $objFacilitator;
             $ggGroup = GrowthGroup::Load($rbtnSelect->ActionParameter);
             $groupInfo[] = array(trim(str_replace(range(0, 9), '', $objGroup->Name)), $ggGroup->MeetingInfo);
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = 'Carisa Hamilton <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = $this->objRegistrant->Email;
     $objMessage->Bcc = '*****@*****.**';
     $objMessage->Subject = 'Invitation to Growth Groups';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->objRegistrant->FirstName . ",\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= "Thank you for your interest in Growth Groups! Below is the information for one or more Growth Groups in your area. Please contact the facilitators below for more information about visiting. I've copied them on this e-mail so that they will know of your interest.\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= sprintf("%s %s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $this->objRegistrant->FirstName, $this->objRegistrant->LastName, $this->objRegistrant->Phone, $this->objRegistrant->Email);
     if (count($groupInfo) >= 1) {
         if ($facilitatorList[0]->PrimaryEmailId == null) {
             $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByPersonId($facilitatorList[0]->Id);
             $email = $emailArray[0]->Address;
             // just grab the first one we find
         } else {
             $email = Email::Load($facilitatorList[0]->PrimaryEmailId)->Address;
         $strBody .= sprintf("%s, %s \r\\Contact: %s %s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $groupInfo[0][0], $groupInfo[0][1], $facilitatorList[0]->FirstName, $facilitatorList[0]->LastName, $email);
         $objMessage->Cc = $email;
     if (count($groupInfo) >= 2) {
         if ($facilitatorList[1]->PrimaryEmailId == null) {
             $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByPersonId($facilitatorList[1]->Id);
             $email = $emailArray[0]->Address;
             // just grab the first one we find
         } else {
             $email = Email::Load($facilitatorList[1]->PrimaryEmailId)->Address;
         $strBody .= sprintf("%s, %s \r\\Contact: %s %s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $groupInfo[1][0], $groupInfo[1][1], $facilitatorList[1]->FirstName, $facilitatorList[1]->LastName, $email);
         $objMessage->Cc .= ', ' . $email;
     if (count($groupInfo) >= 3) {
         if ($facilitatorList[1]->PrimaryEmailId == null) {
             $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByPersonId($facilitatorList[2]->Id);
             $email = $emailArray[0]->Address;
             // just grab the first one we find
         } else {
             $email = Email::Load($facilitatorList[2]->PrimaryEmailId)->Address;
         $strBody .= sprintf("%s, %s \r\\Contact: %s %s\r\n%s\r\n", $groupInfo[2][0], $groupInfo[2][1], $facilitatorList[2]->FirstName, $facilitatorList[2]->LastName, $email);
         $objMessage->Cc .= ', ' . $email;
     $strBody .= '\\r\\n* Please don\'t hesitate to visit a group for 2 to 3 times before prayerfully deciding if the ' . 'group is a good fit for you.\\r\\n\\r\\n';
     $strBody .= 'Regards, \\r\\nCarisa Hamilton';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->objRegistrant->FirstName . ',<br/><br/>';
     $strBody .= 'Thank you for your interest in Growth Groups! Below is the information for one or more Growth Groups ' . 'in your area. <br>Please contact the facilitators below for more information about visiting. ' . 'I have copied them on this e-mail so that they will know of your interest.<br><br>';
     $strBody .= sprintf("%s %s<br>%s<br>%s<br><br>", $this->objRegistrant->FirstName, $this->objRegistrant->LastName, $this->objRegistrant->Phone, $this->objRegistrant->Email);
     if (count($groupInfo) >= 1) {
         if ($facilitatorList[0]->PrimaryEmailId == null) {
             $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByPersonId($facilitatorList[0]->Id);
             $email = $emailArray[0]->Address;
             // just grab the first one we find
         } else {
             $email = Email::Load($facilitatorList[0]->PrimaryEmailId)->Address;
         $strBody .= sprintf("<b>Option 1</b><br>%s, %s<br>Contact: %s %s<br>%s<br><br>", $groupInfo[0][0], $groupInfo[0][1], $facilitatorList[0]->FirstName, $facilitatorList[0]->LastName, $email);
         $objMessage->Cc .= ', ' . $email;
     if (count($groupInfo) >= 2) {
         if ($facilitatorList[1]->PrimaryEmailId == null) {
             $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByPersonId($facilitatorList[1]->Id);
             $email = $emailArray[0]->Address;
             // just grab the first one we find
         } else {
             $email = Email::Load($facilitatorList[1]->PrimaryEmailId)->Address;
         $strBody .= sprintf("<b>Option 2</b><br>%s, %s <br><b>Contact:</b> %s %s<br>%s<br><br>", $groupInfo[1][0], $groupInfo[1][1], $facilitatorList[1]->FirstName, $facilitatorList[1]->LastName, $email);
         $objMessage->Cc .= ', ' . $email;
     if (count($groupInfo) >= 3) {
         if ($facilitatorList[1]->PrimaryEmailId == null) {
             $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByPersonId($facilitatorList[2]->Id);
             $email = $emailArray[0]->Address;
             // just grab the first one we find
         } else {
             $email = Email::Load($facilitatorList[2]->PrimaryEmailId)->Address;
         $strBody .= sprintf("<b>Option 3</b><br>%s, %s <br><b>Contact:</b> %s %s<br>%s<br>", $groupInfo[2][0], $groupInfo[2][1], $facilitatorList[2]->FirstName, $facilitatorList[2]->LastName, $email);
         $objMessage->Cc .= ', ' . $email;
     $strBody .= '<br>* Please don\'t hesitate to visit a group for 2 to 3 times before prayerfully deciding if the ' . 'group is a good fit for you.<br><br>';
     $strBody .= 'Regards,<br/><b>Carisa Hamilton</b>';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Growth Groups Ministry');
Esempio n. 9
function sendFailureEmail($intPersonId, $intDonationId, $strCardholderName, $intCreditCardTypeId, $strAccountNumber, $strPaymentItems, $intAmount, $status)
    // Set debug mode
    //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
    //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
    QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
    $objPerson = Person::Load($intPersonId);
    $strEmail = $objPerson->GetEmailToUseForCommLists();
    // Create a new message
    // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
    $objMessage->From = 'ALCF Support <*****@*****.**>';
    $objMessage->To = $strEmail;
    $objMessage->Bcc = 'ALCF Support <*****@*****.**>';
    $objMessage->Subject = 'Notification of Recurring Payment Failure';
    // Setup Plaintext Message
    $strBody = '======= DO NOT REPLY =======\\r\\n';
    $strBody .= sprintf("Dear %s %s,\r\n\r\n", $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson->LastName);
    $strBody .= 'r\\n';
    $strBody .= sprintf("Your (Recurring)online donation to Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.  Your transaction number is %d.  \r\n\r\n", $intDonationId);
    $strBody .= sprintf("An attempt to charge \$%01.2f on your credit card %s x%s failed.  The following is a summary of the attempted donation:\r\n", $intAmount, CreditCardType::ToString($intCreditCardTypeId), substr($strAccountNumber, strlen($strAccountNumber) - 4));
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemarray); $i++) {
        $strBody .= sprintf("%s\r\n", $itemarray[$i]);
    $strBody .= sprintf("The failure was due to: %s\r\n", $status);
    $strBody .= "Please review your credit card details online at, and verify that the details are correct.\r\n";
    $strBody .= "If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call Oom Vang at 650-561-8026 or email\r\n";
    $strBody .= "Thank you for your continued support of the ministry at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship!\r\n\r\n";
    $strBody .= "============================<br>";
    $strBody .= "P.S. This email was sent from an unmanaged email account.  Please do not reply, as any replies to this message will bounce back.";
    $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
    // Also setup HTML message (optional)
    $strBody = '======= DO NOT REPLY =======';
    $strBody .= sprintf("Dear %s %s,<br><br>", $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson->LastName);
    $strBody .= sprintf("Your (Recurring)online donation to Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.  Your transaction number is %d.  <br><br>", $intDonationId);
    $strBody .= sprintf("An attempt to charge %01.2f on your credit card %s x%s failed.  The following is a summary of the attempted donation:<br>", $intAmount, substr($strAccountNumber, CreditCardType::ToString($intCreditCardTypeId), strlen($strAccountNumber) - 4));
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemarray); $i++) {
        $strBody .= sprintf("%s<br>", $itemarray[$i]);
    $strBody .= sprintf("The failure was due to: %s<br>", $status);
    $strBody .= "Please review your credit card details online at, and verify that the details are correct.<br>";
    $strBody .= "If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call Oom Vang at 650-561-8026 or email<br>";
    $strBody .= "Thank you for your continued support of the ministry at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship!<br><br>";
    $strBody .= "============================<br>";
    $strBody .= "P.S. This email was sent from an unmanaged email account.  Please do not reply, as any replies to this message will bounce back.";
    $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
    // Add random/custom email headers
    $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Recurring Online Donation');
Esempio n. 10
File: index.php Progetto: alcf/chms
 public function SendMessage($strSubscribedList)
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = ' <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = $this->txtEmail->Text;
     $objMessage->Subject = 'Subscription Confirmation';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->txtFirstName->Text . ",\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= sprintf("You have been successfully subscribed to the %s email list.", $strSubscribedList);
     $strBody .= sprintf("\r\nIf you did not subscribe to the list, please contact");
     $strBody .= '\\r\\nRegards, \\r\\nALCF Communications';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->txtFirstName->Text . ',<br/><br/>';
     $strBody .= sprintf("You have been successfully subscribed to the %s email list.", $strSubscribedList);
     $strBody .= sprintf("<br>If you did not subscribe to the list, please contact");
     $strBody .= '<br>Regards,<br/><b>ALCF Communications</b>';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Communications Team');
Esempio n. 11
 public function SendMessage()
     // Set debug mode
     //QEmailServer::$TestMode = true;
     //QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . '/../file_assets/emails';
     QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
     // Create a new message
     // Note that you can list multiple addresses and that Qcodo supports Bcc and Cc
     $objMessage = new QEmailMessage();
     $objMessage->From = ' <*****@*****.**>';
     $objMessage->To = $this->txtEmail->Text;
     $objMessage->Subject = 'Your Prayer Request has been successfuly submitted.';
     // Setup Plaintext Message
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->txtName->Text . ",\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= sprintf("You have successfully submitted your prayer request.");
     $strBody .= sprintf("\r\nYou can view your prayer request by selecting the 'View Non-confidential prayer requests' button in the prayer room.");
     $strBody .= sprintf("\r\nIf you selected to view whenever anyone prays for you, you should be able to see the number of people who have prayed for you by observing the indicator when viewing your prayer details.");
     $strBody .= '\\r\\nRegards, \\r\\nALCF Communications';
     $objMessage->Body = $strBody;
     // Also setup HTML message (optional)
     $strBody = "Dear " . $this->txtName->Text . ',<br/><br/>';
     $strBody .= sprintf("You have successfully submitted your prayer request.");
     $strBody .= sprintf("<br>You can view your prayer request by selecting the 'View Non-confidential prayer requests' button in the prayer room.");
     $strBody .= sprintf("<br>If you selected to view whenever anyone prays for you, you should be able to see the number of people who have prayed for you by observing the indicator when viewing your prayer details.");
     $strBody .= '<br>Regards,<br/><b>ALCF Communications</b>';
     $objMessage->HtmlBody = $strBody;
     // Add random/custom email headers
     $objMessage->SetHeader('x-application', 'Communications Team');