public function Validate()
     if (parent::Validate()) {
         if (strlen(trim($this->strText))) {
             // RegExp taken from
             $this->strText = trim($this->strText);
             $strEmailAddressArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($this->strText);
             if (count($strEmailAddressArray) != 1 || strtolower($strEmailAddressArray[0]) != strtolower($this->strText)) {
                 $this->strValidationError = "Invalid e-mail address";
                 return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     $this->strValidationError = "";
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Sends a message out via SMTP according to the server, ip, etc. preferences
  * as set up on the class.  Takes in a QEmailMessage object.
  * Will throw a QEmailException exception on any error.
  * @param QEmailMessage $objMessage Message to Send
  * @return void
 public static function Send(QEmailMessage $objMessage)
     $objResource = null;
     if (QEmailServer::$TestMode) {
         // Open up a File Resource to the TestModeDirectory
         $strArray = explode(' ', microtime());
         $strFileName = sprintf('%s/email_%s%s.txt', QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory, $strArray[1], substr($strArray[0], 1));
         $objResource = fopen($strFileName, 'w');
         if (!$objResource) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Unable to open Test SMTP connection to: %s', $strFileName));
         // Clear the Read Buffer
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Write the Connection Command
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("telnet %s %s\r\n", QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort));
     } else {
         $objResource = fsockopen(QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort);
         if (!$objResource) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Unable to open SMTP connection to: %s %s', QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort));
     // Connect
     $strResponse = null;
     if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Iterate through all "220-" responses (stop at "220 ")
         while (substr($strResponse, 0, 3) == "220" && substr($strResponse, 0, 4) != "220 ") {
             if (!feof($objResource)) {
                 $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "220" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "220") === false || strpos($strResponse, "220") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on Connect: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: EHLO
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("EHLO %s\r\n", QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp));
     if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Iterate through all "250-" responses (stop at "250 ")
         while (substr($strResponse, 0, 3) == "250" && substr($strResponse, 0, 4) != "250 ") {
             if (!feof($objResource)) {
                 $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "250" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on EHLO: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send Authentication
     if (QEmailServer::$AuthPlain) {
         fwrite($objResource, "AUTH PLAIN " . base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername . "" . QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername . "" . QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword) . "\r\n");
         if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
             if (strpos($strResponse, "235") === false || strpos($strResponse, "235") != 0) {
                 throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH PLAIN: %s', $strResponse));
     if (QEmailServer::$AuthLogin) {
         fwrite($objResource, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
         if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
             if (strpos($strResponse, "334") === false || strpos($strResponse, "334") != 0) {
                 throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));
         fwrite($objResource, base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername) . "\r\n");
         if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
             if (strpos($strResponse, "334") === false || strpos($strResponse, "334") != 0) {
                 throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));
         fwrite($objResource, base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword) . "\r\n");
         if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
             if (strpos($strResponse, "235") === false || strpos($strResponse, "235") != 0) {
                 throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));
     // Setup MAIL FROM line
     $strAddressArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->From);
     if (count($strAddressArray) != 1) {
         throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid From address: %s', $objMessage->From));
     // Send: MAIL FROM line
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("MAIL FROM: <%s>\r\n", $strAddressArray[0]));
     if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "250" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on MAIL FROM: %s', $strResponse));
     // Setup RCPT TO line(s)
     $strAddressToArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->To);
     if (!$strAddressToArray) {
         throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid To address: %s', $objMessage->To));
     $strAddressCcArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Cc);
     if (!$strAddressCcArray) {
         $strAddressCcArray = array();
     $strAddressBccArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Bcc);
     if (!$strAddressBccArray) {
         $strAddressBccArray = array();
     $strAddressCcBccArray = array_merge($strAddressCcArray, $strAddressBccArray);
     $strAddressArray = array_merge($strAddressToArray, $strAddressCcBccArray);
     // Send: RCPT TO line(s)
     foreach ($strAddressArray as $strAddress) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("RCPT TO: <%s>\r\n", $strAddress));
         if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
             // Check for a "250" response
             if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
                 throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on RCPT TO: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: DATA
     fwrite($objResource, "DATA\r\n");
     if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "354" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "354") === false || strpos($strResponse, "354") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on DATA: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: Required Headers
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Date: %s\r\n", QDateTime::NowToString(QDateTime::FormatRfc822)));
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("To: %s\r\n", $objMessage->To));
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("From: %s\r\n", $objMessage->From));
     // Send: Optional Headers
     if ($objMessage->Subject) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Subject));
     if ($objMessage->Cc) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Cc: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Cc));
     // Send: Content-Type Header (if applicable)
     $semi_random = md5(time());
     $strBoundary = sprintf('==qcodo_qemailserver_multipart_boundary____x%sx', $semi_random);
     // Send: Other Headers (if any)
     foreach ($objArray = $objMessage->HeaderArray as $strKey => $strValue) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $strKey, $strValue));
     // if we are adding an html or files to the message we need these headers.
     if ($objMessage->HasFiles || $objMessage->HtmlBody) {
         fwrite($objResource, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n", $strBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("This is a multipart message in MIME format.\r\n\r\n", $strBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strBoundary));
     $strAltBoundary = sprintf('==qcodo_qemailserver_alternative_boundary____x%sx', $semi_random);
     // Send: Body
     // Setup Encoding Type (use QEmailServer if specified, otherwise default to QApplication's)
     if (!($strEncodingType = QEmailServer::$EncodingType)) {
         $strEncodingType = QApplication::$EncodingType;
     if ($objMessage->HtmlBody) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"));
         fwrite($objResource, $objMessage->Body);
         fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n");
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
         //				fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\n"));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"));
         fwrite($objResource, $objMessage->HtmlBody);
         fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n");
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s--\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
     } elseif ($objMessage->HasFiles) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"));
         fwrite($objResource, $objMessage->Body);
         fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n");
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s--\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
     } else {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"));
         fwrite($objResource, "\r\n" . $objMessage->Body);
     // Send: File Attachments
     if ($objMessage->HasFiles) {
         foreach ($objArray = $objMessage->FileArray as $objFile) {
             fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strBoundary));
             fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: %s;\r\n", $objFile->MimeType));
             fwrite($objResource, sprintf("      name=\"%s\"\r\n", $objFile->FileName));
             fwrite($objResource, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n");
             fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Length: %s\r\n", strlen($objFile->EncodedFileData)));
             fwrite($objResource, "Content-Disposition: attachment;\r\n");
             fwrite($objResource, sprintf("      filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", $objFile->FileName));
             fwrite($objResource, $objFile->EncodedFileData);
             //					foreach (explode("\n", $objFile->EncodedFileData) as $strLine) {
             //						$strLine = trim($strLine);
             //						fwrite($objResource, $strLine . "\r\n");
             //					}
     // close a message with these boundaries if the message had files or had html
     if ($objMessage->HasFiles || $objMessage->HtmlBody) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("\r\n\r\n--%s--\r\n", $strBoundary));
     // send end of file attachments...
     // Send: Message End
     fwrite($objResource, "\r\n.\r\n");
     if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode && !feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "250" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on MAIL FROM: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: QUIT
     fwrite($objResource, "QUIT\r\n");
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
     // Close the Resource
Esempio n. 3
  * Uses SendRawMessage to sends a message out via SMTP according to the server, ip, etc. preferences
  * as set up on the class.  Takes in a QEmailMessage object to calculate the appropriate fields
  * to SendRawMesage.
  * Will throw a QEmailException exception on any error.
  * @param QEmailMessage $objMessage Message to Send
  * @return void
 public static function Send(QEmailMessage $objMessage)
     // Set Up Fields
     $strAddressArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->From);
     if (count($strAddressArray) != 1) {
         throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid From address: %s', $objMessage->From));
     $strMailFrom = $strAddressArray[0];
     // Setup RCPT TO Addresses
     $strAddressToArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->To);
     if (!$strAddressToArray || !count($strAddressToArray)) {
         throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid To address: %s', $objMessage->To));
     $strAddressCcArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Cc);
     if (!$strAddressCcArray) {
         $strAddressCcArray = array();
     $strAddressBccArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Bcc);
     if (!$strAddressBccArray) {
         $strAddressBccArray = array();
     $strAddressCcBccArray = array_merge($strAddressCcArray, $strAddressBccArray);
     $strRcptToArray = array_merge($strAddressToArray, $strAddressCcBccArray);
     $strMessageArray = $objMessage->CalculateMessageHeaderAndBody(self::$EncodingType);
     self::SendRawMessage($strMailFrom, $strRcptToArray, $strMessageArray[0], $strMessageArray[1]);
Esempio n. 4
  * Sends a message out via SMTP according to the server, ip, etc. preferences
  * as set up on the class.  Takes in a QEmailMessage object.
  * Will throw a QEmailException exception on any error.
  * @param QEmailMessage $objMessage Message to Send
  * @return void
 public static function Send(QEmailMessage $objMessage)
     $objResource = null;
     if (QEmailServer::$TestMode) {
         // Open up a File Resource to the TestModeDirectory
         $strArray = split(' ', microtime());
         $strFileName = sprintf('%s/email_%s%s.txt', QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory, $strArray[1], substr($strArray[0], 1));
         $objResource = fopen($strFileName, 'w');
         if (!$objResource) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Unable to open Test SMTP connection to: %s', $strFileName));
         // Clear the Read Buffer
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Write the Connection Command
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("telnet %s %s\r\n", QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort));
     } else {
         $objResource = fsockopen(QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort);
         if (!$objResource) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Unable to open SMTP connection to: %s %s', QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort));
     // Connect
     $strResponse = null;
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "220" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "220") === false || strpos($strResponse, "220") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on Connect: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: EHLO
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("EHLO %s\r\n", QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp));
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Iterate through all "250-" responses (stop at "250 ")
         while (substr($strResponse, 0, 3) == "250" && substr($strResponse, 0, 4) != "250 ") {
             if (!feof($objResource)) {
                 $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "250" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on EHLO: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send Authentication
     if (QEmailServer::$AuthPlain) {
         fwrite($objResource, "AUTH PLAIN " . base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername . "" . QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername . "" . QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword) . "\r\n");
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         if (strpos($strResponse, "235") === false || strpos($strResponse, "235") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH PLAIN: %s', $strResponse));
     if (QEmailServer::$AuthLogin) {
         fwrite($objResource, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         if (strpos($strResponse, "334") === false || strpos($strResponse, "334") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));
         fwrite($objResource, base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername) . "\r\n");
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         if (strpos($strResponse, "334") === false || strpos($strResponse, "334") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));
         fwrite($objResource, base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword) . "\r\n");
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         if (strpos($strResponse, "235") === false || strpos($strResponse, "235") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));
     // Setup MAIL FROM line
     $strAddressArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->From);
     if (count($strAddressArray) != 1) {
         throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid From address: %s', $objMessage->From));
     // Send: MAIL FROM line
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("MAIL FROM: %s\r\n", $strAddressArray[0]));
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "250" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on MAIL FROM: %s', $strResponse));
     // Setup RCPT TO line(s)
     $strAddressToArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->To);
     if (!$strAddressToArray) {
         throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid To address: %s', $objMessage->To));
     $strAddressCcArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Cc);
     if (!$strAddressCcArray) {
         $strAddressCcArray = array();
     $strAddressBccArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Bcc);
     if (!$strAddressBccArray) {
         $strAddressBccArray = array();
     $strAddressCcBccArray = array_merge($strAddressCcArray, $strAddressBccArray);
     $strAddressArray = array_merge($strAddressToArray, $strAddressCcBccArray);
     // Send: RCPT TO line(s)
     foreach ($strAddressArray as $strAddress) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("RCPT TO: %s\r\n", $strAddress));
         if (!feof($objResource)) {
             $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
             // Check for a "250" response
             if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
                 throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on RCPT TO: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: DATA
     fwrite($objResource, "DATA\r\n");
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "354" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "354") === false || strpos($strResponse, "354") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on DATA: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: Required Headers
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Date: %s\r\n", QDateTime::NowToString(QDateTime::FormatRfc822)));
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("To: %s\r\n", $objMessage->To));
     fwrite($objResource, sprintf("From: %s\r\n", $objMessage->From));
     // Send: Optional Headers
     if ($objMessage->Subject) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Subject));
     if ($objMessage->Cc) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Cc: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Cc));
     // Send: Content-Type Header (if applicable)
     $strBoundary = 'qcodo_qemailserver_multipart_boundary____';
     if ($objMessage->HtmlBody) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"%s\"\r\n", $strBoundary));
     // Send: Other Headers (if any)
     foreach ($objArray = $objMessage->HeaderArray as $strKey => $strValue) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $strKey, $strValue));
     // Send: Body
     fwrite($objResource, "\r\n");
     if ($objMessage->HtmlBody) {
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\r\n\r\n", QApplication::$EncodingType));
         fwrite($objResource, $objMessage->Body);
         fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n\r\n");
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strBoundary));
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=%s\r\n\r\n", QApplication::$EncodingType));
         fwrite($objResource, $objMessage->HtmlBody);
         fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n\r\n");
         fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s--\r\n", $strBoundary));
     } else {
         fwrite($objResource, $objMessage->Body);
     // Send: Message End
     fwrite($objResource, "\r\n.\r\n");
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
         // Check for a "250" response
         if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
             throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on MAIL FROM: %s', $strResponse));
     // Send: QUIT
     fwrite($objResource, "QUIT\r\n");
     if (!feof($objResource)) {
         $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
     // Close the Resource
Esempio n. 5
  * Given the "To" and "Cc" in the header, create an array of Email Addresses that should be looked up
  * @return string[]
 protected function CalculateEmailArray()
     $strTo = $this->GetHeaderValue('To') . ', ' . $this->GetHeaderValue('Cc') . ', ' . $this->GetHeaderValue('TO') . ', ' . $this->GetHeaderValue('CC') . ', ' . $this->GetHeaderValue('to') . ', ' . $this->GetHeaderValue('cc');
     $strArrayToReturn = array();
     $strArrayToCheck = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($strTo);
     if ($strArrayToCheck) {
         foreach ($strArrayToCheck as $strEmailAddress) {
             $strEmailAddress = strtolower($strEmailAddress);
             if (strpos($strEmailAddress, '')) {
                 $strArrayToReturn[$strEmailAddress] = $strEmailAddress;
     return $strArrayToReturn;