Esempio n. 1
  * @return TWebControlDecorator
 public function getDecorator($create = true)
     if ($create && !$this->_decorator) {
         $this->_decorator = Prado::createComponent('TWebControlDecorator', $this);
     return $this->_decorator;
Esempio n. 2
 function insertBrick($sender, $param)
     $x = Prado::createComponent("Application.pages.LTemplate");
     $x->Size = $sender->NamingContainer->findControl("MySize")->SelectedValue;
     $this->Page->CallbackClient->insertContentAfter($this->AjaxInsertPoint, $x);
  * Runs the service.
  * This method is invoked by application automatically.
 public function run()
     $id = $this->getRequest()->getServiceParameter();
     if (isset($this->_feeds[$id])) {
         $feedConfig = $this->_feeds[$id];
         $properties = $feedConfig->getAttributes();
         if (($class = $properties->remove('class')) !== null) {
             $feed = Prado::createComponent($class);
             if ($feed instanceof IFeedContentProvider) {
                 // init feed properties
                 foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
                     $feed->setSubproperty($name, $value);
                 $content = $feed->getFeedContent();
             } else {
                 throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_feedtype_invalid', $id);
         } else {
             throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_class_required', $id);
     } else {
         throw new THttpException(404, 'feedservice_feed_unknown', $id);
  * Creates a new instance of a particular class (for PHP primative types,
  * their corresponding default value for given type is used).
  * @param string PHP type name
  * @return mixed default type value, if no type is specified null is returned.
  * @throws TSqlMapException if class name is not found.
 public function createInstanceOf($type = '')
     if (strlen($type) > 0) {
         switch (strtolower($type)) {
             case 'string':
                 return '';
             case 'array':
                 return array();
             case 'float':
             case 'double':
             case 'decimal':
                 return 0.0;
             case 'integer':
             case 'int':
                 return 0;
             case 'bool':
             case 'boolean':
                 return false;
         if (class_exists('Prado', false)) {
             return Prado::createComponent($type);
         } else {
             if (class_exists($type, false)) {
                 //NO auto loading
                 return new $type();
             } else {
                 throw new TSqlMapException('sqlmap_unable_to_find_class', $type);
Esempio n. 5
 protected function getThumbnailGenerator()
     if (is_null($this->_thumbnailGen)) {
         $this->_thumbnailGen = Prado::createComponent($this->getThumbnailGeneratorClass());
     return $this->_thumbnailGen;
 function button2_onclick($sender, $param)
     $this->label1->Text = "Button 1 was clicked ";
     $this->label1->Text .= $this->foo->Text;
     $x = Prado::createComponent('Application.pages.CustomTemplateComponent');
Esempio n. 7
 function onLoad($param)
     new TActiveButton();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 1500; $i++) {
         $ctl = Prado::createComponent("TLabel");
         $ctl->Text = "Label " . $i;
         $this->Controls[] = $ctl;
  * Sets the location of image file of the THyperLink.
  * @param string the image file location
 public function setImageUrl($value)
     if ($this->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide() && $value !== '') {
         $textWriter = new TTextWriter();
         $renderer = Prado::createComponent($this->GetResponse()->getHtmlWriterType(), $textWriter);
         $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient()->update($this, $textWriter->flush());
  * Gets the statement analyser of type given by
  * {@link setStatementAnalyserClass StatementAnalyserClass }.
  * @return IDbStatementAnalysis statement analyser.
 public function getStatementAnalyser()
     if ($this->_statementAnalyser === null) {
         $this->_statementAnalyser = Prado::createComponent($this->getStatementAnalyserClass());
         if ($this->getActive()) {
     return $this->_statementAnalyser;
Esempio n. 10
  * Renders body content.
  * This method overrides the parent implementation by replacing
  * the body content with the processed text content.
  * @param THtmlWriter writer
 public function renderContents($writer)
     if (($text = $this->getText()) === '' && $this->getHasControls()) {
         $htmlWriter = Prado::createComponent($this->GetResponse()->getHtmlWriterType(), new TTextWriter());
         $text = $htmlWriter->flush();
     if ($text !== '') {
Esempio n. 11
  * Gets the TImage for rendering the ImageUrl property. This is not for
  * creating dynamic images.
  * @param string image url.
  * @return TImage image control for rendering.
 protected function createImage($imageUrl)
     $image = Prado::createComponent('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TImage');
     if (($toolTip = $this->getToolTip()) !== '') {
     if (($text = $this->getText()) !== '') {
     return $image;
Esempio n. 12
  * Returns an implementation of a Dao type, implements the Registery
  * pattern. Multiple calls returns the same Dao instance.
  * @param string Dao type to find.
  * @return object instance of the Dao implementation.
 public function getDao($class)
     if (isset($this->_dao[$class])) {
         if (!isset($this->_dao[$class]['instance'])) {
             $dao = Prado::createComponent($this->_dao[$class]['class']);
             $this->_dao[$class]['instance'] = $dao;
         return $this->_dao[$class]['instance'];
     } else {
         throw new TimeTrackerException('daomanager_undefined_dao', $class);
  * Client-side Text property can only be updated after the OnLoad stage.
  * @param string text content for the textbox
 public function setText($value)
     if ($this->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide() && $this->getHasLoadedPostData()) {
         $cb = $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient();
         $cb->setValue($this, $value);
         if ($this->getInputMode() == TDatePickerInputMode::DropDownList) {
             $s = Prado::createComponent('System.Util.TDateTimeStamp');
             $date = $s->getDate($this->getTimeStampFromText());
             $id = $this->getClientID();
             $cb->select($id . TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR . 'day', 'Value', $date['mday'], 'select');
             $cb->select($id . TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR . 'month', 'Value', $date['mon'] - 1, 'select');
             $cb->select($id . TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR . 'year', 'Value', $date['year'], 'select');
Esempio n. 14
 protected function matchCountries($token)
     $info = Prado::createComponent('System.I18N.core.CultureInfo', 'en');
     $list = array();
     $count = 0;
     $token = strtolower($token);
     foreach ($info->getCountries() as $country) {
         if (strpos(strtolower($country), $token) === 0) {
             $list[] = $country;
             if ($count > 10) {
     return $list;
  * Loads configuration from an XML element
  * @param TXmlElement configuration node
  * @throws TConfigurationException if log route class or type is not specified
 private function loadConfig($xml)
     foreach ($xml->getElementsByTagName('route') as $routeConfig) {
         $properties = $routeConfig->getAttributes();
         if (($class = $properties->remove('class')) === null) {
             throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_routeclass_required');
         $route = Prado::createComponent($class);
         if (!$route instanceof TLogRoute) {
             throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_routetype_invalid');
         foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
             $route->setSubproperty($name, $value);
         $this->_routes[] = $route;
Esempio n. 16
  * Renders the form.
  * @param THtmlWriter writer
 public function render($writer)
     $page = $this->getPage();
     $htmlWriter = Prado::createComponent($this->GetResponse()->getHtmlWriterType(), new TTextWriter());
     $content = $htmlWriter->flush();
     $cs = $page->getClientScript();
     if ($page->getClientSupportsJavaScript()) {
     } else {
Esempio n. 17
  * Initializes the footer cell.
  * This method attempts to use {@link getFooterRenderer FooterRenderer} to
  * instantiate the footer cell. If that is not available, it will populate
  * the cell with a text string specified by {@link getFooterImageUrl FooterImageUrl}
  * @param TTableCell the cell to be initialized
  * @param integer the index to the Columns property that the cell resides in.
 protected function initializeFooterCell($cell, $columnIndex)
     $text = $this->getFooterText();
     if (($classPath = $this->getFooterRenderer()) !== '') {
         $control = Prado::createComponent($classPath);
         if ($control instanceof IDataRenderer) {
             if ($control instanceof IItemDataRenderer) {
                 $item = $cell->getParent();
     } else {
         if ($text !== '') {
         } else {
  * renders the translated string.
 public function render($writer)
     $htmlWriter = Prado::createComponent($this->GetResponse()->getHtmlWriterType(), new TTextWriter());
     $subs = array();
     foreach ($this->getParameters() as $key => $value) {
         $subs['{' . $key . '}'] = $value;
     foreach ($this->getControls() as $control) {
         if ($control instanceof TTranslateParameter) {
             $subs['{' . $control->getKey() . '}'] = $control->getParameter();
         } elseif ($control instanceof TControl) {
         } elseif (is_string($control)) {
     $text = $this->getText();
     if (strlen($text) == 0) {
         $text = $htmlWriter->flush();
     if ($this->getTrim()) {
         $text = trim($text);
     $writer->write($this->translateText($text, $subs));
  * Load cache models from xml mapping.
  * @param SimpleXmlElement cache node.
 protected function loadCacheModel($node)
     $cacheModel = new TSqlMapCacheModel();
     $properties = array('id', 'implementation');
     foreach ($node->attributes() as $name => $value) {
         if (in_array(strtolower($name), $properties)) {
             $cacheModel->{'set' . $name}((string) $value);
     $cache = Prado::createComponent($cacheModel->getImplementationClass(), $cacheModel);
     $this->setObjectPropFromNode($cache, $node, $properties);
     foreach ($node->xpath('property') as $propertyNode) {
         $name = $propertyNode->attributes()->name;
         if ($name === null || $name === '') {
         $value = $propertyNode->attributes()->value;
         if ($value === null || $value === '') {
         if (!TPropertyAccess::has($cache, $name)) {
         TPropertyAccess::set($cache, $name, $value);
     $this->loadFlushInterval($cacheModel, $node);
     foreach ($node->xpath('flushOnExecute') as $flush) {
         $this->loadFlushOnCache($cacheModel, $node, $flush);
Esempio n. 20
  * Format a date according to the pattern.
  * @param mixed the time as integer or string in strtotime format.
  * @return string formatted date time.
 public function format($time, $pattern = 'F', $charset = 'UTF-8')
     if (is_numeric($time)) {
         //assumes unix epoch
         $time = floatval($time);
     } else {
         if (is_string($time)) {
             $time = @strtotime($time);
     if ($pattern === null) {
         $pattern = 'F';
     $s = Prado::createComponent('System.Util.TDateTimeStamp');
     $date = $s->getDate($time);
     $pattern = $this->getPattern($pattern);
     $tokens = $this->getTokens($pattern);
     for ($i = 0, $k = count($tokens); $i < $k; ++$i) {
         $pattern = $tokens[$i];
         if ($pattern[0] == "'" && $pattern[strlen($pattern) - 1] == "'") {
             $sub = preg_replace('/(^\')|(\'$)/', '', $pattern);
             $tokens[$i] = str_replace('``````', '\'', $sub);
         } else {
             if ($pattern == '``````') {
                 $tokens[$i] = '\'';
             } else {
                 $function = $this->getFunctionName($pattern);
                 if ($function != null) {
                     $fName = 'get' . $function;
                     if (in_array($fName, $this->methods)) {
                         $rs = $this->{$fName}($date, $pattern);
                         $tokens[$i] = $rs;
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception('function ' . $function . ' not found.');
     return I18N_toEncoding(implode('', $tokens), $charset);
Esempio n. 21
  * Determine if the given value is of a particular type using RegExp.
  * @param string value to check
  * @return boolean true if value fits the type expression.
 protected function evaluateDataTypeCheck($value)
     if ($value == '') {
         return true;
     switch ($this->getDataType()) {
         case TValidationDataType::Integer:
             return preg_match('/^[-+]?[0-9]+$/', trim($value));
         case TValidationDataType::Float:
             return preg_match('/^[-+]?([0-9]*\\.)?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/', trim($value));
         case TValidationDataType::Date:
             $dateFormat = $this->getDateFormat();
             if (strlen($dateFormat)) {
                 $formatter = Prado::createComponent('System.Util.TSimpleDateFormatter', $dateFormat);
                 return $formatter->isValidDate($value);
             } else {
                 return strtotime($value) > 0;
     return true;
Esempio n. 22
  * Returns the localized month names that depends on the month format pattern.
  * "MMMM" will return the month names, "MM" or "MMM" return abbr. month names
  * and "M" return month digits.
  * @param DateTimeFormatInfo localized date format information.
  * @return array localized month names.
 protected function getLocalizedMonthNames($info)
     $formatter = Prado::createComponent('System.Util.TSimpleDateFormatter', $this->getDateFormat());
     switch ($formatter->getMonthPattern()) {
         case 'MMM':
             return $info->getAbbreviatedMonthNames();
         case 'MM':
             $array = array();
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
                 $array[$i - 1] = $i < 10 ? '0' . $i : $i;
             return $array;
         case 'M':
             $array = array();
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
                 $array[$i - 1] = $i;
             return $array;
             return $info->getMonthNames();
Esempio n. 23
  * Creates a button and initializes its properties.
  * The button type is determined by {@link getButtonType ButtonType}.
  * @param string command name associated with the button
  * @param string button caption
  * @param boolean whether the button should cause validation
  * @param string the validation group that the button belongs to
  * @return mixed the newly created button.
 protected function createButton($commandName, $text, $causesValidation, $validationGroup)
     if ($this->getButtonType() === TButtonColumnType::LinkButton) {
         $button = Prado::createComponent('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TLinkButton');
     } else {
         if ($this->getButtonType() === TButtonColumnType::PushButton) {
             $button = Prado::createComponent('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TButton');
         } else {
             $button = Prado::createComponent('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TImageButton');
             if (strcasecmp($commandName, 'Update') === 0) {
                 $url = $this->getUpdateImageUrl();
             } else {
                 if (strcasecmp($commandName, 'Cancel') === 0) {
                     $url = $this->getCancelImageUrl();
                 } else {
                     $url = $this->getEditImageUrl();
     return $button;
Esempio n. 24
  * @return IPageStatePersister page state persister
 public function getStatePersister()
     if ($this->_statePersister === null) {
         $this->_statePersister = Prado::createComponent($this->_statePersisterClass);
         if (!$this->_statePersister instanceof IPageStatePersister) {
             throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('page_statepersister_invalid');
     return $this->_statePersister;
Esempio n. 25
 private function buildUrlMapping($class, $pattern, $properties, $url)
     $pattern = Prado::createComponent($class, $this);
     if (!$pattern instanceof TUrlMappingPattern) {
         throw new TConfigurationException('urlmapping_urlmappingpattern_required');
     foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
         $pattern->setSubproperty($name, $value);
     $this->_patterns[] = $pattern;
     $key = $pattern->getServiceID() . ':' . $pattern->getServiceParameter();
     $this->_constructRules[$key][] = $pattern;
Esempio n. 26
 public function startService($serviceID)
     if (isset($this->_services[$serviceID])) {
         list($serviceClass, $initProperties, $configElement) = $this->_services[$serviceID];
         $service = Prado::createComponent($serviceClass);
         if (!$service instanceof IService) {
             throw new THttpException(500, 'application_service_invalid', $serviceClass);
         if (!$service->getEnabled()) {
             throw new THttpException(500, 'application_service_unavailable', $serviceClass);
         foreach ($initProperties as $name => $value) {
             $service->setSubProperty($name, $value);
         if ($configElement !== null) {
             $config = new TApplicationConfiguration();
             if ($this->getConfigurationType() == self::CONFIG_TYPE_PHP) {
                 $config->loadFromPhp($configElement, $this->getBasePath());
             } else {
                 $config->loadFromXml($configElement, $this->getBasePath());
             $this->applyConfiguration($config, true);
     } else {
         throw new THttpException(500, 'application_service_unknown', $serviceID);
Esempio n. 27
  * @return TActiveRecordManager
 public function getManager()
     if ($this->_manager === null) {
         $this->_manager = Prado::createComponent($this->getManagerClass());
     return TActiveRecordManager::getInstance($this->_manager);
  * Create type handler from {@link Type setType()} or {@link TypeHandler setTypeHandler}.
  * @param TParameterProperty parameter property
  * @param TSqlMapTypeHandlerRegistry type handler registry
  * @return TSqlMapTypeHandler type handler.
 protected function createTypeHandler($property, $registry)
     $type = $property->getTypeHandler() ? $property->getTypeHandler() : $property->getType();
     $handler = $registry->getTypeHandler($type);
     if ($handler === null && $property->getTypeHandler()) {
         $handler = Prado::createComponent($type);
     return $handler;
Esempio n. 29
  * Instantiates the template.
  * Content in the template will be instantiated as components and text strings
  * and passed to the specified parent control.
  * @param TControl the control who owns the template
  * @param TControl the control who will become the root parent of the controls on the template. If null, it uses the template control.
 public function instantiateIn($tplControl, $parentControl = null)
     $this->_tplControl = $tplControl;
     if ($parentControl === null) {
         $parentControl = $tplControl;
     if (($page = $tplControl->getPage()) === null) {
         $page = $this->getService()->getRequestedPage();
     $controls = array();
     $directChildren = array();
     foreach ($this->_tpl as $key => $object) {
         if ($object[0] === -1) {
             $parent = $parentControl;
         } else {
             if (isset($controls[$object[0]])) {
                 $parent = $controls[$object[0]];
             } else {
         if (isset($object[2])) {
             $component = Prado::createComponent($object[1]);
             $properties =& $object[2];
             if ($component instanceof TControl) {
                 if ($component instanceof TOutputCache) {
                     $component->setCacheKeyPrefix($this->_hashCode . $key);
                 if (isset($properties['id'])) {
                     if (is_array($properties['id'])) {
                         $properties['id'] = $component->evaluateExpression($properties['id'][1]);
                     $tplControl->registerObject($properties['id'], $component);
                 if (isset($properties['skinid'])) {
                     if (is_array($properties['skinid'])) {
                     } else {
                 foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
                     $this->configureControl($component, $name, $value);
                 if ($parent === $parentControl) {
                     $directChildren[] = $component;
                 } else {
                 if ($component->getAllowChildControls()) {
                     $controls[$key] = $component;
             } else {
                 if ($component instanceof TComponent) {
                     $controls[$key] = $component;
                     if (isset($properties['id'])) {
                         if (is_array($properties['id'])) {
                             $properties['id'] = $component->evaluateExpression($properties['id'][1]);
                         $tplControl->registerObject($properties['id'], $component);
                         if (!$component->hasProperty('id')) {
                     foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
                         $this->configureComponent($component, $name, $value);
                     if ($parent === $parentControl) {
                         $directChildren[] = $component;
                     } else {
         } else {
             if ($object[1] instanceof TCompositeLiteral) {
                 // need to clone a new object because the one in template is reused
                 $o = clone $object[1];
                 if ($parent === $parentControl) {
                     $directChildren[] = $o;
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if ($parent === $parentControl) {
                     $directChildren[] = $object[1];
                 } else {
     // delay setting parent till now because the parent may cause
     // the child to do lifecycle catchup which may cause problem
     // if the child needs its own child controls.
     foreach ($directChildren as $control) {
         if ($control instanceof TComponent) {
         } else {
Esempio n. 30
  * @param string name of the theme to be retrieved
  * @return TTheme the theme retrieved
 public function getTheme($name)
     $themePath = $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
     $themeUrl = rtrim($this->getBaseUrl(), '/') . '/' . $name;
     return Prado::createComponent($this->getThemeClass(), $themePath, $themeUrl);