function setup() { parent::setup(); $app = Prado::getApplication(); $this->userDao = $app->getModule('daos')->getDao('UserDao'); $this->flushDatabase(); }
public function onLoad($param) { $this->Page->Title = Prado::localize('NewCustomer'); $this->content->Visible = true; $this->reg_ok->Visible = false; $this->Save->ImageUrl = $this->Page->Theme->BaseUrl . '/images/' . $this->getApplication()->getGlobalization()->Culture . '/save.gif'; $this->btnCancelSelect->ImageUrl = $this->Page->Theme->BaseUrl . '/images/' . $this->getApplication()->getGlobalization()->Culture . '/cancel.gif'; if (isset($_GET["status"])) { $this->content->Visible = false; $this->reg_ok->Visible = true; } if ($this->User->UserDB->type_user_id == 4) { $this->Save->Visible = false; $this->btnCancelSelect->Visible = false; } else { $this->Save->Visible = true; $this->btnCancelSelect->Visible = true; } $criteria = new TActiveRecordCriteria(); $criteria->OrdersBy['id'] = 'desc'; $classifiche = TblClassifica::finder()->findAll($criteria); $this->DDLClassifica->DataSource = $classifiche; $this->DDLClassifica->dataBind(); $this->DDLClassifica->SelectedValue = 1; }
protected function getCache() { if (!$this->_cache) { $this->_cache = Prado::getApplication()->getCache(); } return $this->_cache; }
/** * Runs the service. * This method is invoked by application automatically. */ public function run() { $id = $this->getRequest()->getServiceParameter(); if (isset($this->_feeds[$id])) { $feedConfig = $this->_feeds[$id]; $properties = $feedConfig->getAttributes(); if (($class = $properties->remove('class')) !== null) { $feed = Prado::createComponent($class); if ($feed instanceof IFeedContentProvider) { // init feed properties foreach ($properties as $name => $value) { $feed->setSubproperty($name, $value); } $feed->init($feedConfig); $content = $feed->getFeedContent(); //$this->getResponse()->setContentType('application/rss+xml'); $this->getResponse()->setContentType($feed->getContentType()); $this->getResponse()->write($content); } else { throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_feedtype_invalid', $id); } } else { throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_class_required', $id); } } else { throw new THttpException(404, 'feedservice_feed_unknown', $id); } }
/** * @return TWebControlDecorator */ public function getDecorator($create = true) { if ($create && !$this->_decorator) { $this->_decorator = Prado::createComponent('TWebControlDecorator', $this); } return $this->_decorator; }
protected function getData() { $d = array(); $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_config WHERE id=1"); $query = $cmd->query(); $data = $query->read(); $dir = $data['log_path']; if (file_exists($dir)) { if (!is_readable($dir)) { $this->displayMessage(Prado::localize('The directory {dir} is not readable', array("dir" => $dir)), false); return false; } } else { $this->displayMessage(Prado::localize('The directory {dir} does not exist', array("dir" => $dir)), false); return false; } $list = scandir($dir); $i = 0; foreach ($list as $l) { if ($l != "." && $l != "..") { $d[$i]['Value'] = "./horuxlog/" . $l; $d[$i++]['Text'] = $l; } } return $d; }
function insertBrick($sender, $param) { $x = Prado::createComponent("Application.pages.LTemplate"); $x->Size = $sender->NamingContainer->findControl("MySize")->SelectedValue; $this->placeholder->getControls()->add($x); $this->Page->CallbackClient->insertContentAfter($this->AjaxInsertPoint, $x); }
public function displayHardwareList() { $path = './protected/pages/hardware/device/'; $files = scandir($path); $types = array(); foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '..' && $f != '.' && $f != '.svn' && is_dir($path . $f)) { $t = explode("_", $f); $type = $t; unset($type[0]); $types[$t[0]][] = implode("_", $type); } } $html = '<ul id="menu-item" class="jtree">'; foreach ($types as $k => $v) { $html .= '<li id="internal-node">'; $html .= '<div class="node-open"><span></span>'; $html .= Prado::localize("{type} technology", array('type' => $k)); $html .= '</div><ul>'; foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { $html .= '<li>'; $html .= '<div class="leaf"><span></span>'; $html .= '<a href="' . $this->Service->constructUrl('hardware.device.' . $k . '_' . $v2 . '.add') . '">' . $v2 . '</a>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; return $html; }
public function onLoad($param) { $this->Page->Title = Prado::localize('Confirm'); $id = 0; $code = ""; if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $id = $_GET["id"]; } if (isset($_GET["code"])) { $code = $_GET["code"]; } if ($id != 0 && $code != "") { $user = TblUsers::finder()->findBy_id($id); if ($user != null) { if ($user->active == 1) { $this->result->Text = Prado::localize('USER_ALREADY_ACTIVE') . " <a href='mailto:" . $this->Application->Parameters['EMAIL_ASSISTENZE'] . "'>" . Prado::localize('ASSISTENZE') . "</a>"; } else { if ($user->confirm_code != $code) { $this->result->Text = Prado::localize('USER_WRONG_CODE') . " <a href='mailto:" . $this->Application->Parameters['EMAIL_ASSISTENZE'] . "'>" . Prado::localize('ASSISTENZE') . "</a>"; } else { $user->active = 1; $user->save(); $this->result->Text = Prado::localize('ACTIVATION_OK'); } } } else { $this->result->Text = Prado::localize('USER_NOT_EXIST') . " <a href='mailto:" . $this->Application->Parameters['EMAIL_ASSISTENZE'] . "'>" . Prado::localize('ASSISTENZE') . "</a>"; } } else { } }
protected function getThumbnailGenerator() { if (is_null($this->_thumbnailGen)) { $this->_thumbnailGen = Prado::createComponent($this->getThumbnailGeneratorClass()); } return $this->_thumbnailGen; }
public function editRow($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $finder = SliderRecord::finder(); $finder->DbConnection->Active = true; $transaction = $finder->DbConnection->beginTransaction(); try { $rows = $finder->findByID($this->getRequest()->itemAt("id")); $rows->Name = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Name->getSafeText()); $rows->Description = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Description->getText()); $rows->save(); $baseMethod = new BaseFunction(); $d = dir($baseMethod->UploadFilePath); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if (strlen($entry) > 2 && is_file($d->path . '/' . $entry) && $entry != '.htaccess') { $namePhoto = strtolower($entry); $rowPhoto = SliderRecord::finder()->findByID($this->getRequest()->itemAt("id")); $rowPhoto->Photo = $namePhoto; $rowPhoto->save(); copy($baseMethod->UploadFilePath . $entry, Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Slider/' . $namePhoto) or die("Błąd przy kopiowaniu"); } } $d->close(); $transaction->commit(); $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Slider.Index", array("id" => $this->getRequest()->itemAt("id")))); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); die; } } }
/** * Creates a new instance of a particular class (for PHP primative types, * their corresponding default value for given type is used). * @param string PHP type name * @return mixed default type value, if no type is specified null is returned. * @throws TSqlMapException if class name is not found. */ public function createInstanceOf($type = '') { if (strlen($type) > 0) { switch (strtolower($type)) { case 'string': return ''; case 'array': return array(); case 'float': case 'double': case 'decimal': return 0.0; case 'integer': case 'int': return 0; case 'bool': case 'boolean': return false; } if (class_exists('Prado', false)) { return Prado::createComponent($type); } else { if (class_exists($type, false)) { //NO auto loading return new $type(); } else { throw new TSqlMapException('sqlmap_unable_to_find_class', $type); } } } }
protected function getData($offset, $limit) { $session = Prado::getApplication()->getSession(); $langID = $session->itemAt('jezyk'); $this->DataGrid->DataSource = PagesRecord::finder()->findAll('LanguageID = ? AND PageID = 19 ORDER BY Position', $langID); return $this->DataGrid->dataBind(); }
public function onDefault($sender, $param) { $cbs = $this->findControlsByType("TActiveCheckBox"); $nDelete = 0; $koMsg = ''; $cbChecked = 0; foreach ($cbs as $cb) { if ((bool) $cb->getChecked() && $cb->Value != "0") { $cbChecked++; } } if ($cbChecked == 0) { $koMsg = Prado::localize('Select one item'); } elseif ($cbChecked == 1) { foreach ($cbs as $cb) { if ((bool) $cb->getChecked() && $cb->Value != "0") { $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("UPDATE hr_install SET `default`='0' WHERE type='template'"); $cmd->execute(); $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("UPDATE hr_install SET `default`='1' WHERE id=:id"); $cmd->bindValue(":id", $cb->Value); $cmd->execute(); } } } else { $koMsg = Prado::localize('Select only one item'); } if ($koMsg !== '') { $pBack = array('koMsg' => $koMsg); } else { $pBack = array('okMsg' => Prado::localize('New default template updated')); } $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl('installation.template', $pBack)); }
/** * Rolls back a transaction. * @throws TDbException if the transaction or the DB connection is not active. */ public function rollback() { if ($this->_compatible) { $this->getConnection()->setForceMaster(TMasterSlaveDbConnectionForceMaster::OFF_AUTOMATIC); } Prado::log('rollback, ForceMaster: OFF_AUTOMATIC', TLogger::DEBUG, 'System.Testing.Data.Distributed.MasterSlave.TMasterSlaveDbTransaction'); parent::rollback(); }
public function fileDelete($sender, $param) { if ($this->pathName[1] == 'Index') { FilesRecord::finder()->deleteByID($param->CommandName); unlink(Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/' . $this->pathName[0] . '/' . $this->getRequest()->itemAt("id") . '/' . $param->CommandParameter); } $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl($this->pathName[0] . ".Index", array("id" => $this->getRequest()->itemAt("id")))); }
public function getShortLang() { $source = Prado::getApplication()->getGlobalization(); if (Prado::getApplication()->getRequest()->contains('culture')) { $source->setCulture(Prado::getApplication()->getRequest()->itemAt('culture')); } return $source->getCulture(); }
function setup() { parent::setup(); $app = Prado::getApplication(); $this->categoryDao = $app->getModule('daos')->getDao('CategoryDao'); $this->projectDao = $app->getModule('daos')->getDao('ProjectDao'); $this->flushDatabase(); }
function button2_onclick($sender, $param) { $this->label1->Text = "Button 1 was clicked "; $this->label1->Text .= $this->foo->Text; $x = Prado::createComponent('Application.pages.CustomTemplateComponent'); $this->placeholder->getControls()->add($x); $this->placeholder->dataBind(); }
/** * Creates a new instance of TimeTrackerUser * @param array result data * @return TimeTrackerUser new user instance */ public function createNewInstance($row = null) { $manager = Prado::getApplication()->getModule('users'); if (is_null($manager)) { $manager = new UserManager(); } return new TimeTrackerUser($manager); }
function Footer() { //Positionnement � 1,5 cm du bas $this->SetY(-15); //Police Arial italique 8 $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); //Num�ro de page $this->Cell(0, 10, Prado::localize('Page', array(), "messages") . ' ' . $this->PageNo(), 'T', 0, 'C'); }
/** * Handles external error caused by end-users. * This method overrides the parent implementation. * It is invoked by PRADO when an external exception is thrown. */ protected function handleExternalError($statusCode, $exception) { // log the error (only for BlogException) if ($exception instanceof BlogException) { Prado::log($exception->getErrorMessage(), TLogger::ERROR, 'BlogApplication'); } // call parent implementation to display the error parent::handleExternalError($statusCode, $exception); }
private function _startThemeManager() { $themeManager = new TThemeManager(); $themeManager->BasePath = "System.Wsat.themes"; $url = Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager()->publishFilePath(Prado::getPathOfNamespace('System.Wsat')); $themeManager->BaseUrl = "{$url}/themes"; $themeManager->init(null); $this->setThemeManager($themeManager); }
function onLoad($param) { new TActiveButton(); for ($i = 0; $i < 1500; $i++) { $ctl = Prado::createComponent("TLabel"); $ctl->Text = "Label " . $i; $this->Controls[] = $ctl; } }
/** * @return string path to the error message file */ protected function getErrorMessageFile() { $lang = Prado::getPreferredLanguage(); $msgFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . '/Exceptions/messages/messages-' . $lang . '.txt'; if (!is_file($msgFile)) { $msgFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . '/Exceptions/messages/messages.txt'; } return $msgFile; }
protected function getZendSearch() { if (is_null($this->_search)) { $this->importZendNamespace(); Prado::using('Zend.Search.Lucene'); $this->_search = new Zend_Search_Lucene($this->_data); } return $this->_search; }
public function editRow($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $short = strtolower($this->ShortName->getSafeText()); $rows = new CatalogueRecord(); $rows->name = 'messages.' . $short; $rows->MasterName = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Name->getSafeText()); $rows->ShortName = TPropertyValue::ensureString($short); $rows->save(); if (!is_dir(Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Language/' . $rows->cat_id)) { $dirun = dir(Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles')); mkdir($dirun->path . '/Language/' . $rows->cat_id, 0775); $dirun->close(); } $baseMethod = new BaseFunction(); $d = dir($baseMethod->UploadFilePath); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if (strlen($entry) > 2 && is_file($d->path . '/' . $entry) && $entry != '.htaccess') { copy($baseMethod->UploadFilePath . $entry, Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Language/' . $rows->cat_id . '/' . $entry) or die("Błąd przy kopiowaniu"); $row = CatalogueRecord::finder()->findBycat_id($rows->cat_id); $row->Photo = $entry; $row->save(); } } $statyczne = PagesRecord::finder()->findAll('PageID IS NULL AND LanguageID = 1'); foreach ($statyczne as $page) { $new = new PagesRecord(); $new->Name = $rows->ShortName . ' : ' . $page->Name; $new->LanguageID = $rows->cat_id; $new->LangCode = $short; $new->PageID = $page->PageID; $new->Protected = $page->Protected; $new->Position = $page->Position; $new->ShowMenu = $page->ShowMenu; $new->save(); } $translation = TransUnitRecord::finder()->findAll('cat_id = 1'); foreach ($translation as $page) { $new = new TransUnitRecord(); $new->id = $page->id; $new->cat_id = $rows->cat_id; $new->source = $page->source; $new->save(); } $settings = SettingsRecord::finder()->findAll('LanguageID = 1'); foreach ($settings as $set) { $newS = new SettingsRecord(); $newS->Key = $set->Key; $newS->Value = $rows->ShortName . ' : ' . $set->Value; $newS->LanguageID = $rows->cat_id; $newS->LangCode = $short; $newS->save(); } $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Language.Index", array('id' => $rows->cat_id))); } }
/** * Sets the location of image file of the THyperLink. * @param string the image file location */ public function setImageUrl($value) { parent::setImageUrl($value); if ($this->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide() && $value !== '') { $textWriter = new TTextWriter(); $renderer = Prado::createComponent($this->GetResponse()->getHtmlWriterType(), $textWriter); $this->createImage($value)->renderControl($renderer); $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient()->update($this, $textWriter->flush()); } }
function flushMySQLDatabase() { $conn = $this->sqlmap->getDbConnection(); $file = Prado::getPathOfNamespace('Application.App_Data.MySQL4.mysql-reset', '.sql'); if (is_file($file)) { $this->runScript($conn, $file); } else { throw new Exception('unable to find script file ' . $file); } }
/** * @return string path to the error message file */ protected function getErrorMessageFile() { $lang = Prado::getPreferredLanguage(); $path = dirname(__FILE__); $msgFile = $path . '/messages-' . $lang . '.txt'; if (!is_file($msgFile)) { $msgFile = $path . '/messages.txt'; } return $msgFile; }