/** * Creates players for a new team to represent types of extras conceded * @param int $team_id */ public function CreateExtrasPlayersForTeam($team_id) { $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->Team()->SetId($team_id); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::NO_BALLS); $this->SavePlayer($player); $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->Team()->SetId($team_id); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::WIDES); $this->SavePlayer($player); $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->Team()->SetId($team_id); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::BYES); $this->SavePlayer($player); $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->Team()->SetId($team_id); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::BONUS_RUNS); $this->SavePlayer($player); }
/** * Read when and how often a player has played */ public function ReadPlayerSummary() { $from = $this->FromFilteredPlayerStatistics() . " INNER JOIN nsa_team AS team ON nsa_player_match.team_id = team.team_id "; $where = ""; $where = $this->ApplyFilters($where); if ($where) { $where = "WHERE " . substr($where, 3, strlen($where) - 3); } $sql = "SELECT player_id, player_name, player_role, player_url,\r\n\t\tteam.team_id, team.team_name, team.short_url AS team_short_url,\r\n\t\tCOUNT(nsa_player_match.match_id) AS total_matches, MIN(nsa_player_match.match_time) AS first_played, MAX(nsa_player_match.match_time) AS last_played\r\n\t\t{$from}\r\n\t\t{$where}\r\n\t\tGROUP BY nsa_player_match.player_id\r\n\t\tORDER BY player_name ASC"; $data = array(); $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($sql); if (!$this->GetDataConnection()->isError()) { while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetId($row->player_id); $player->SetName($row->player_name); if (isset($row->total_matches)) { $player->SetTotalMatches($row->total_matches); } if (isset($row->first_played)) { $player->SetFirstPlayedDate($row->first_played); } if (isset($row->last_played)) { $player->SetLastPlayedDate($row->last_played); } if (isset($row->player_role)) { $player->SetPlayerRole($row->player_role); } if (isset($row->player_url)) { $player->SetShortUrl($row->player_url); } $player->Team()->SetId($row->team_id); $player->Team()->SetName($row->team_name); if (isset($row->team_short_url)) { $player->Team()->SetShortUrl($row->team_short_url); } $data[] = $player; } } $result->closeCursor(); unset($result); return $data; }
/** * Add full scorecard data to the currently selected matches */ public function ExpandMatchScorecards() { $a_ids = array(); foreach ($this->GetItems() as $match) { $a_ids[] = $match->GetId(); } # Select batting and bowling separately because when selecting it all together they create so many duplicate rows that # it would significantly increase the amount of data sent across the wire $s_sql = "SELECT mt.match_id, mt.team_role,\r\n\t\tbat.player_id, bat.how_out, bat.dismissed_by_id, bat.bowler_id, bat.runs, bat.balls_faced,\r\n\t\tbatter.player_name AS batter_name, batter.player_role AS batter_role, batter.short_url AS batter_url,\r\n\t\tdismissed_by.player_name AS dismissed_by_name, dismissed_by.player_role AS dismissed_by_role, dismissed_by.short_url AS dismissed_by_url,\r\n\t\tbowler.player_name AS bowler_name, bowler.player_role AS bowler_role, bowler.short_url AS bowler_url\r\n\t\tFROM nsa_match_team mt\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN nsa_batting bat ON mt.match_team_id = bat.match_team_id\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN nsa_player batter ON bat.player_id = batter.player_id\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN nsa_player dismissed_by ON bat.dismissed_by_id = dismissed_by.player_id\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN nsa_player bowler ON bat.bowler_id = bowler.player_id\r\n\t\tWHERE mt.team_role IN (" . TeamRole::Home() . "," . TeamRole::Away() . ") "; if (count($a_ids)) { $s_sql .= "AND mt.match_id IN (" . join(', ', $a_ids) . ') '; } $s_sql .= "ORDER BY mt.match_id, mt.match_team_id, bat.position"; $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $match = $this->GetItemByProperty('GetId', $row->match_id); if (!$match instanceof Match) { continue; } # shouldn't ever happen $batter = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $batter->SetId($row->player_id); $batter->SetName($row->batter_name); $batter->SetPlayerRole($row->batter_role); $batter->SetShortUrl($row->batter_url); if (!is_null($row->dismissed_by_id)) { $dismissed_by = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $dismissed_by->SetId($row->dismissed_by_id); $dismissed_by->SetName($row->dismissed_by_name); $dismissed_by->SetPlayerRole($row->dismissed_by_role); $dismissed_by->SetShortUrl($row->dismissed_by_url); } else { $dismissed_by = null; } if (!is_null($row->bowler_id)) { $bowler = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $bowler->SetId($row->bowler_id); $bowler->SetName($row->bowler_name); $bowler->SetPlayerRole($row->bowler_role); $bowler->SetShortUrl($row->bowler_url); } else { $bowler = null; } $batting = new Batting($batter, $row->how_out, $dismissed_by, $bowler, $row->runs, $row->balls_faced); if (intval($row->team_role) == TeamRole::Home()) { $match->Result()->HomeBatting()->Add($batting); } else { if (intval($row->team_role) == TeamRole::Away()) { $match->Result()->AwayBatting()->Add($batting); } } } $result->closeCursor(); # select over-by-over bowling figures $s_sql = "SELECT mt.match_id, mt.team_role,\r\n\t\tp.player_name, p.player_role, p.short_url,\r\n\t\tb.player_id, b.position, b.balls_bowled, b.no_balls, b.wides, b.runs_in_over\r\n\t\tFROM nsa_match_team mt\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN nsa_bowling b ON mt.match_team_id = b.match_team_id\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN nsa_player p ON p.player_id = b.player_id\r\n\t\tWHERE mt.team_role IN (" . TeamRole::Home() . "," . TeamRole::Away() . ") "; if (count($a_ids)) { $s_sql .= "AND mt.match_id IN (" . join(', ', $a_ids) . ') '; } $s_sql .= "ORDER BY mt.match_id, mt.match_team_id, ISNULL(b.position), b.position"; # null positions sorted last $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $match = $this->GetItemByProperty('GetId', $row->match_id); if (!$match instanceof Match) { continue; } # shouldn't ever happen $bowler = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $bowler->SetId($row->player_id); $bowler->SetName($row->player_name); $bowler->SetPlayerRole($row->player_role); $bowler->SetShortUrl($row->short_url); $bowling = new Over($bowler); if (!is_null($row->position)) { $bowling->SetOverNumber($row->position); } if (!is_null($row->balls_bowled)) { $bowling->SetBalls($row->balls_bowled); } if (!is_null($row->no_balls)) { $bowling->SetNoBalls($row->no_balls); } if (!is_null($row->wides)) { $bowling->SetWides($row->wides); } if (!is_null($row->runs_in_over)) { $bowling->SetRunsInOver($row->runs_in_over); } if (intval($row->team_role) == TeamRole::Home()) { $match->Result()->HomeOvers()->Add($bowling); } else { if (intval($row->team_role) == TeamRole::Away()) { $match->Result()->AwayOvers()->Add($bowling); } } } $result->closeCursor(); unset($result); # select overall bowling figures for each bowler $s_sql = "SELECT mt.match_id, mt.team_role,\r\n\t\tp.player_name, p.player_role, p.short_url,\r\n\t\tb.player_id, b.overs, b.maidens, b.runs_conceded, b.wickets\r\n\t\tFROM nsa_match_team mt\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN nsa_player_match b ON mt.match_team_id = b.match_team_id\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN nsa_player p ON p.player_id = b.player_id\r\n\t\tWHERE mt.team_role IN (" . TeamRole::Home() . "," . TeamRole::Away() . ")\r\n\t\tAND b.wickets IS NOT NULL "; if (count($a_ids)) { $s_sql .= "AND mt.match_id IN (" . join(', ', $a_ids) . ') '; } $s_sql .= "ORDER BY mt.match_id, mt.match_team_id, b.first_over"; $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $match = $this->GetItemByProperty('GetId', $row->match_id); if (!$match instanceof Match) { continue; } # shouldn't ever happen $bowler = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $bowler->SetId($row->player_id); $bowler->SetName($row->player_name); $bowler->SetPlayerRole($row->player_role); $bowler->SetShortUrl($row->short_url); $figures = new Bowling($bowler); if (!is_null($row->overs)) { $figures->SetOvers($row->overs); } if (!is_null($row->maidens)) { $figures->SetMaidens($row->maidens); } if (!is_null($row->runs_conceded)) { $figures->SetRunsConceded($row->runs_conceded); } if (!is_null($row->wickets)) { $figures->SetWickets($row->wickets); } if (intval($row->team_role) == TeamRole::Home()) { $match->Result()->HomeBowling()->Add($figures); } else { if (intval($row->team_role) == TeamRole::Away()) { $match->Result()->AwayBowling()->Add($figures); } } } $result->closeCursor(); unset($result); }
/** * Builds data posted on pages 2/3 back into a match object * @return Match */ private function BuildPostedScorecard() { $match = new Match($this->GetSettings()); $match->SetId($this->GetDataObjectId()); # Must have data on which team is which, otherwise none of the rest makes sense # Team ids are essential for saving data, while team names and match title are # purely so they can be redisplayed if the page is invalid $key = "teams"; if (!isset($_POST[$key]) or strpos($_POST[$key], ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR) === false) { return $match; } $teams = explode(ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR, $_POST[$key], 6); if (count($teams) != 6) { return $match; } switch ($teams[0]) { case "0": $match->Result()->SetHomeBattedFirst(false); $home_batting = $this->GetCurrentPage() == 3; break; case "1": $match->Result()->SetHomeBattedFirst(true); $home_batting = $this->GetCurrentPage() == 2; break; default: $home_batting = $this->GetCurrentPage() == 2; } $home_team = new Team($this->GetSettings()); $home_team->SetId($teams[1]); $home_team->SetName($teams[2]); $match->SetHomeTeam($home_team); $away_team = new Team($this->GetSettings()); $away_team->SetId($teams[3]); $away_team->SetName($teams[4]); $match->SetAwayTeam($away_team); $match->SetTitle($teams[5]); # Read posted batting data $key = "batRows"; if (isset($_POST[$key])) { # This controls not only which fields are read, but also which are redisplayed on an invalid postback or for the next innings. $match->SetMaximumPlayersPerTeam(intval($_POST[$key])); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $match->GetMaximumPlayersPerTeam(); $i++) { $key = "batName{$i}"; if (isset($_POST[$key])) { # The row exists - has it been filled in? if (trim($_POST[$key])) { # Read the batter data in this row $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetName($_POST[$key]); $player->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $home_team->GetId() : $away_team->GetId()); $key = "batHowOut{$i}"; $how_out = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; $key = "batOutBy{$i}"; $dismissed_by = null; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and trim($_POST[$key])) { $dismissed_by = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $dismissed_by->SetName($_POST[$key]); $dismissed_by->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $away_team->GetId() : $home_team->GetId()); } $key = "batBowledBy{$i}"; $bowler = null; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and trim($_POST[$key])) { $bowler = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $bowler->SetName($_POST[$key]); $bowler->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $away_team->GetId() : $home_team->GetId()); } # Correct caught and bowled if marked as caught if ($how_out == Batting::CAUGHT and !is_null($dismissed_by) and !is_null($bowler) and trim($dismissed_by->GetName()) == trim($bowler->GetName())) { $how_out = Batting::CAUGHT_AND_BOWLED; $dismissed_by = null; } $key = "batRuns{$i}"; $runs = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; $key = "batBalls{$i}"; $balls = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; # Add that batting performance to the match result $batting = new Batting($player, $how_out, $dismissed_by, $bowler, $runs, $balls); if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->HomeBatting()->Add($batting); } else { $match->Result()->AwayBatting()->Add($batting); } } } } $key = "batByes"; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) { $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::BYES); $player->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $home_team->GetId() : $away_team->GetId()); $batting = new Batting($player, null, null, null, (int) $_POST[$key]); if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->HomeBatting()->Add($batting); } else { $match->Result()->AwayBatting()->Add($batting); } } $key = "batWides"; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) { $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::WIDES); $player->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $home_team->GetId() : $away_team->GetId()); $batting = new Batting($player, null, null, null, (int) $_POST[$key]); if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->HomeBatting()->Add($batting); } else { $match->Result()->AwayBatting()->Add($batting); } } $key = "batNoBalls"; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) { $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::NO_BALLS); $player->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $home_team->GetId() : $away_team->GetId()); $batting = new Batting($player, null, null, null, (int) $_POST[$key]); if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->HomeBatting()->Add($batting); } else { $match->Result()->AwayBatting()->Add($batting); } } $key = "batBonus"; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) { $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetPlayerRole(Player::BONUS_RUNS); $player->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $home_team->GetId() : $away_team->GetId()); $batting = new Batting($player, null, null, null, (int) $_POST[$key]); if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->HomeBatting()->Add($batting); } else { $match->Result()->AwayBatting()->Add($batting); } } $key = "batTotal"; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) { if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->SetHomeRuns($_POST[$key]); } else { $match->Result()->SetAwayRuns($_POST[$key]); } } $key = "batWickets"; if (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key])) { if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->SetHomeWickets($_POST[$key]); } else { $match->Result()->SetAwayWickets($_POST[$key]); } } # Read posted bowling data $key = "bowlerRows"; if (isset($_POST[$key])) { # This controls not only which fields are read, but also which are redisplayed on an invalid postback or for the next innings. $match->SetOvers(intval($_POST[$key])); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $match->GetOvers(); $i++) { $key = "bowlerName{$i}"; if (isset($_POST[$key])) { # The row exists - has it been filled in? if (trim($_POST[$key])) { # Read the bowler data in this row # strlen test allows 0 but not empty string, because is_numeric allows empty string $player = new Player($this->GetSettings()); $player->SetName($_POST[$key]); $player->Team()->SetId($home_batting ? $away_team->GetId() : $home_team->GetId()); $key = "bowlerBalls{$i}"; $balls = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key]) and strlen(trim($_POST[$key]))) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; $key = "bowlerNoBalls{$i}"; $no_balls = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key]) and strlen(trim($_POST[$key]))) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; $key = "bowlerWides{$i}"; $wides = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key]) and strlen(trim($_POST[$key]))) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; $key = "bowlerRuns{$i}"; $runs = (isset($_POST[$key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$key]) and strlen(trim($_POST[$key]))) ? (int) $_POST[$key] : null; # Add that over to the match result $bowling = new Over($player); $bowling->SetBalls($balls); $bowling->SetNoBalls($no_balls); $bowling->SetWides($wides); $bowling->SetRunsInOver($runs); if ($home_batting) { $match->Result()->AwayOvers()->Add($bowling); } else { $match->Result()->HomeOvers()->Add($bowling); } } } } return $match; }