strpos() static public method

See also:
static public strpos ( $haystack, $needle, $offset ) : integer
$haystack string Input haystack to search
$needle string Input needle to search for
$offset int Offset at which to begin searching
return integer Position of needle within haystack
  * Generate a filename for a library file.
  * @param $type int LIBRARY_FILE_TYPE_...
  * @param $originalFileName string
  * @return string
 function generateFileName($type, $originalFileName)
     $libraryFileDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('LibraryFileDAO');
     $suffix = $this->getFileSuffixFromType($type);
     $ext = $this->getExtension($originalFileName);
     $truncated = $this->truncateFileName($originalFileName, 127 - PKPString::strlen($suffix) - 1);
     $baseName = PKPString::substr($truncated, 0, PKPString::strpos($originalFileName, $ext) - 1);
     // Try a simple syntax first
     $fileName = $baseName . '-' . $suffix . '.' . $ext;
     if (!$libraryFileDao->filenameExists($this->contextId, $fileName)) {
         return $fileName;
     for ($i = 1;; $i++) {
         $fullSuffix = $suffix . '-' . $i;
         //truncate more if necessary
         $truncated = $this->truncateFileName($originalFileName, 127 - PKPString::strlen($fullSuffix) - 1);
         // get the base name and append the suffix
         $baseName = PKPString::substr($truncated, 0, PKPString::strpos($originalFileName, $ext) - 1);
         //try the following
         $fileName = $baseName . '-' . $fullSuffix . '.' . $ext;
         if (!$libraryFileDao->filenameExists($this->contextId, $fileName)) {
             return $fileName;
  * Get a set of GalleryPlugin objects describing the available
  * compatible plugins in their newest versions.
  * @param $application PKPApplication
  * @param $category string Optional category name to use as filter
  * @param $search string Optional text to use as filter
  * @return array GalleryPlugin objects
 function getNewestCompatible($application, $category = null, $search = null)
     $doc = $this->_getDocument();
     $plugins = array();
     foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('plugin') as $element) {
         $plugin = $this->_compatibleFromElement($element, $application);
         // May be null if no compatible version exists; also
         // apply search filters if any supplied.
         if ($plugin && ($category == '' || $plugin->getCategory() == $category) && ($search == '' || PKPString::strpos(PKPString::strtolower(serialize($plugin)), PKPString::strtolower($search)) !== false)) {
             $plugins[] = $plugin;
     return $plugins;
  * Fills the given citation object with
  * meta-data retrieved from PubMed.
  * @param $pmid string
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &_lookup($pmid)
     $nullVar = null;
     // Use eFetch to get XML metadata for the given PMID
     $lookupParams = array('db' => 'pubmed', 'mode' => 'xml', 'tool' => 'pkp-wal', 'id' => $pmid);
     if (!is_null($this->getEmail())) {
         $lookupParams['email'] = $this->getEmail();
     // Call the eFetch URL and get an XML result
     if (is_null($resultDOM = $this->callWebService(PUBMED_WEBSERVICE_EFETCH, $lookupParams))) {
         return $nullVar;
     $articleTitleNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('ArticleTitle');
     $articleTitleFirstNode = $articleTitleNodes->item(0);
     $medlineTaNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('MedlineTA');
     $medlineTaFirstNode = $medlineTaNodes->item(0);
     $metadata = array('pub-id[@pub-id-type="pmid"]' => $pmid, 'article-title' => $articleTitleFirstNode->textContent, 'source' => $medlineTaFirstNode->textContent);
     $volumeNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('Volume');
     $issueNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('Issue');
     if ($volumeNodes->length > 0) {
         $volumeFirstNode = $volumeNodes->item(0);
     $metadata['volume'] = $volumeFirstNode->textContent;
     if ($issueNodes->length > 0) {
         $issueFirstNode = $issueNodes->item(0);
     $metadata['issue'] = $issueFirstNode->textContent;
     // Get list of author full names
     foreach ($resultDOM->getElementsByTagName("Author") as $authorNode) {
         if (!isset($metadata['person-group[@person-group-type="author"]'])) {
             $metadata['person-group[@person-group-type="author"]'] = array();
         // Instantiate an NLM name description
         $authorDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30NameSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR);
         // Surname
         $lastNameNodes = $authorNode->getElementsByTagName('LastName');
         $lastNameFirstNode = $lastNameNodes->item(0);
         $authorDescription->addStatement('surname', $lastNameFirstNode->textContent);
         // Given names
         $givenNamesString = '';
         $firstNameNodes = $authorNode->getElementsByTagName('FirstName');
         if ($firstNameNodes->length > 0) {
             $firstNameFirstNode = $firstNameNodes->item(0);
             $givenNamesString = $firstNameFirstNode->textContent;
         } else {
             $foreNameNodes = $authorNode->getElementsByTagName('ForeName');
             if ($foreNameNodes->length > 0) {
                 $foreNameFirstNode = $foreNameNodes->item(0);
                 $givenNamesString = $foreNameFirstNode->textContent;
         if (!empty($givenNamesString)) {
             foreach (explode(' ', $givenNamesString) as $givenName) {
                 $authorDescription->addStatement('given-names', PKPString::trimPunctuation($givenName));
         // Suffix
         $suffixNodes = $authorNode->getElementsByTagName('Suffix');
         if ($suffixNodes->length > 0) {
             $suffixFirstNode = $suffixNodes->item(0);
             $authorDescription->addStatement('suffix', $suffixFirstNode->textContent);
         // Include collective names
         // FIXME: This corresponds to an NLM-citation <collab> tag and should be part of the Metadata implementation
         /*if ($resultDOM->getElementsByTagName("CollectiveName")->length > 0 && $authorNode->getElementsByTagName("CollectiveName")->item(0)->textContent != '') {
         $metadata['person-group[@person-group-type="author"]'][] =& $authorDescription;
     // Extract pagination
     $medlinePgnNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('MedlinePgn');
     $medlinePgnFirstNode = $medlinePgnNodes->item(0);
     if (PKPString::regexp_match_get("/^[:p\\.\\s]*(?P<fpage>[Ee]?\\d+)(-(?P<lpage>\\d+))?/", $medlinePgnFirstNode->textContent, $pages)) {
         $fPage = (int) $pages['fpage'];
         $metadata['fpage'] = $fPage;
         if (!empty($pages['lpage'])) {
             $lPage = (int) $pages['lpage'];
             // Deal with shortcuts like '382-7'
             if ($lPage < $fPage) {
                 $lPage = (int) (PKPString::substr($pages['fpage'], 0, -PKPString::strlen($pages['lpage'])) . $pages['lpage']);
             $metadata['lpage'] = $lPage;
     // Get publication date (can be in several places in PubMed).
     $dateNode = null;
     $articleDateNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('ArticleDate');
     if ($articleDateNodes->length > 0) {
         $dateNode = $articleDateNodes->item(0);
     } else {
         $pubDateNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('PubDate');
         if ($pubDateNodes->length > 0) {
             $dateNode = $pubDateNodes->item(0);
     // Retrieve the data parts and assemble date.
     if (!is_null($dateNode)) {
         $publicationDate = '';
         $requiresNormalization = false;
         foreach (array('Year' => 4, 'Month' => 2, 'Day' => 2) as $dateElement => $padding) {
             $dateElementNodes = $dateNode->getElementsByTagName($dateElement);
             if ($dateElementNodes->length > 0) {
                 if (!empty($publicationDate)) {
                     $publicationDate .= '-';
                 $dateElementFirstNode = $dateElementNodes->item(0);
                 $datePart = str_pad($dateElementFirstNode->textContent, $padding, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 if (!is_numeric($datePart)) {
                     $requiresNormalization = true;
                 $publicationDate .= $datePart;
             } else {
         // Normalize the date to NLM standard if necessary.
         if ($requiresNormalization) {
             $dateFilter = new DateStringNormalizerFilter();
             $publicationDate = $dateFilter->execute($publicationDate);
         if (!empty($publicationDate)) {
             $metadata['date'] = $publicationDate;
     // Get publication type
     $publicationTypeNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('PublicationType');
     if ($publicationTypeNodes->length > 0) {
         foreach ($publicationTypeNodes as $publicationType) {
             // The vast majority of items on PubMed are articles so catch these...
             if (PKPString::strpos(PKPString::strtolower($publicationType->textContent), 'article') !== false) {
                 $metadata['[@publication-type]'] = NLM30_PUBLICATION_TYPE_JOURNAL;
     // Get DOI if it exists
     $articleIdNodes = $resultDOM->getElementsByTagName('ArticleId');
     foreach ($articleIdNodes as $idNode) {
         if ($idNode->getAttribute('IdType') == 'doi') {
             $metadata['pub-id[@pub-id-type="doi"]'] = $idNode->textContent;
     // Use eLink utility to find fulltext links
     $lookupParams = array('dbfrom' => 'pubmed', 'cmd' => 'llinks', 'tool' => 'pkp-wal', 'id' => $pmid);
     if (!is_null($resultDOM = $this->callWebService(PUBMED_WEBSERVICE_ELINK, $lookupParams))) {
         // Get a list of possible links
         foreach ($resultDOM->getElementsByTagName("ObjUrl") as $linkOut) {
             $attributes = '';
             foreach ($linkOut->getElementsByTagName("Attribute") as $attribute) {
                 $attributes .= PKPString::strtolower($attribute->textContent) . ' / ';
             // Only add links to open access resources
             if (PKPString::strpos($attributes, "subscription") === false && PKPString::strpos($attributes, "membership") === false && PKPString::strpos($attributes, "fee") === false && $attributes != "") {
                 $urlNodes = $linkOut->getElementsByTagName('Url');
                 $urlFirstNode = $urlNodes->item(0);
                 $links[] = $urlFirstNode->textContent;
         // Take the first link if we have any left (presumably pubmed returns them in preferential order)
         if (isset($links[0])) {
             $metadata['uri'] = $links[0];
     return $this->getNlm30CitationDescriptionFromMetadataArray($metadata);
Esempio n. 4
  * @see PubIdPlugin::getResolvingURL()
 function getResolvingURL($journalId, $pubId)
     // See ANSI/NISO Z39.84-2005, Appendix E. (Bug #8190)
     $separatorIndex = PKPString::strpos($pubId, '/');
     assert($separatorIndex !== false);
     // Should contain a slash
     $prefix = PKPString::substr($pubId, 0, $separatorIndex);
     $suffix = PKPString::substr($pubId, $separatorIndex + 1);
     return '' . $prefix . '/' . urlencode($suffix);