Esempio n. 1
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	<font size="2">
		- <a href="" target="_top">futaba</a> + 
		<a href="<?= Link::user(143) ?>" target="_top">futallaby</a> + 
		<a href="<?= Link::user(151) ?>" target="_top">yotsuba</a> -
		All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. 
		Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
Esempio n. 2
						$index = me()->getPref("index");

				if($upload->next_filtered()) {
					$style = ($upload->next_filtered()->is_nsfw() || $upload->next_filtered()->is_tmbo() ? 'class="warning_link"' : "") ?>
					<a id="next" <?= $style ?> href="<?= Link::upload($upload->next_filtered()) ?>" title="<?= str_replace('"', '\\"', $upload->next_filtered()->filename()) ?>">newer</a>
				<? } else { ?>
					<a href="<?= Link::content($index) ?>" id="next" style="visibility:hidden">newer</a>
				<? } ?>
				. <a id="index" href="<?= Link::content($index) ?>">index</a> .
				<? if($upload->prev_filtered()) {
					$style = ($upload->prev_filtered()->is_nsfw() || $upload->prev_filtered()->is_tmbo() ? 'class="warning_link"' : "") ?>
					<a id="previous" <?= $style ?> href="<?= Link::upload($upload->prev_filtered()) ?>" title="<?= str_replace('"', '\\"', $upload->prev_filtered()->filename()) ?>">older</a>
				<? } else { ?>
					<a id="previous" href="<?= Link::content($index) ?>" style="visibility:hidden">older</a>
				<? } ?>

					comment block
				<span id="voting_stats">
					<a style="margin-left:48px;"
					   href="<?= Link::thread($upload) ?>">comments</a>
					(<span id="count_comment"><?= $upload->comments() ?></span>c
					+<span id="count_good"><?= $upload->goods() ?></span>
					-<span id="count_bad"><?= $upload->bads() ?></span><?
					if($upload->tmbos() > 0) { ?>
						x<span id="count_tmbo"><?= $upload->tmbos() ?></span>
Esempio n. 3
	function whosOn() {
		global $userlimit, $timelimit;

		// XXX: is it any faster to combine this and the next query?
		// get the total number of users online
		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE timestamp > DATE_SUB( now( ) , INTERVAL $timelimit MINUTE)";
		$result = tmbo_query($sql);
		list($nonline) = mysql_fetch_array($result);

		// start us off. ?>
	<div class="contentbox">
		<div class="blackbar"></div>
		<div class="heading">who's on:</div>
		<div class="bluebox">
			<table style="width:100%"><?
				$uid = me() ? me()->id() : 0;
				// list out the latest people to do something
				$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE timestamp > DATE_SUB( now( ) , INTERVAL $timelimit MINUTE) && userid != $uid ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $userlimit";
				$result = tmbo_query($sql);
				while(false !== ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
					$css = (!isset($css) || $css == "odd") ? "even" : "odd"; ?>
					<tr class="<?= $css ?>_row"><td class="<?= $css ?>file"><?= id(new User($row))->htmlUsername() ?></td></tr>
				<? }

				$css = (!isset($css) || $css == "odd") ? "even" : "odd";
				// obviously, we're online.
				if($nonline < $userlimit) {
					?><tr class="<?= $css ?>_row"><td class="<?= $css ?>file">you.</td></tr><?
				} else if($nonline > $userlimit) {
					?><tr><td><a href="<?= Link::content("online") ?>">and <?= ($nonline - $userlimit) ?> more</a></td></tr><?
				} ?>
		<div class="blackbar"></div>
	<? }
if($referer) {
	if($referer->location()) {
		$refer = $user->username()." was invited by <a href='javascript:maxxerMap.posseClick(".$referer->id().");'>"
	} else {
		$refer = $user->username()." was invited by ".$referer->username();

$possearr = $user->posse();
if(count($possearr) == 0) {
	$posse = "";
	$overflow = "";
} else {
	$posse = "<p style='line-height: 10px; margin: 4px 0px 3px 0px;'><a style='text-decoration: none;' href='".Link::content("posse")."&userid=".$user->id()."'>".$user->username()." has a posse</a>";
	$posse_markers = 0;
	$posse_list = "";
	foreach($possearr as $posser) {
		if($posser->location()) {
			$posse_list .= "<li><a href='javascript:maxxerMap.posseClick(".$posser->id().");'>".$posser->username()."</a></li>";
	if(count($possearr) != $posse_markers && $posse_markers != 0)
		$posse .= " (".count($possearr).", $posse_markers shown)";
	$posse .= "</p>";
Esempio n. 5
    } ?>
                            <td class="b">
    $newargs['p'] = $args['p'] + 2;
                                <a href="./?<?= http_build_query($newargs) ?>"><span class="csb ch" style="background-position:-76px 0;margin-right:34px;width:66px"></span>Next</a>
            <div style="height:1px;line-height:0">
            <div style="text-align:center;margin-top:1.4em" class="clr">
                <div id="bsf" style="padding:1.8em 0;margin-top:0">
                    <form method="GET" action="<?= Link::content("search") ?>">
				            <input type="hidden" name="c" value="findfile">
                            <input class="lst" type="text" name="findfile" size="41" maxlength="2048" value="" title="Search">
                            <input type="submit" name="btnG" class="lsb" style="margin:0 2px 0 5px" value="Search">
            <textarea style="display:none" id="hcache">
            <div id="xjsd">
            <div id="xjsi">